D&D General Index of Guides / Builds / Etc...?


In the old days the forums were a place one could turn to find a nice consolidated list of Guides / Builds / etc... It used to refer specifically to the guides on the forums, but them expanded to include some wikis, etc... These days we have guides and builds appearing in a wife variety of formats across a huge array of social media options. I've not seen a list that is being maintained of all of these sources. Has anyone seen one?

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Is this what you are looking for?



Is this what you are looking for?

That is what I referenced as the old approach - but there are dozens of people making Youtube video guides, dozens of people doing things on Reddit, etc... that are not in the linked thread. Is there anything more comprehensive? And that list was last update in 2020.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
That is what I referenced as the old approach - but there are dozens of people making Youtube video guides, dozens of people doing things on Reddit, etc... that are not in the linked thread. Is there anything more comprehensive? And that list was last update in 2020.
It's a wiki - it's up to us to maintain it.

For example, I'm barely on YouTube for any RPG content - but you seem knowledgable about RPG guides there. Add them in. Seeing it maintained will inspire others. It's a community process - help it and that'll encourage others to work on it as well like a well flourishing community garden.

Otherwise, just google.

Voidrunner's Codex

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