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Insight's "The Isle of Dread" - Chapter One


First Post
"If that's so," Cassi said, "then we should be able to trace things back a bit farther. Perhaps I can find something in the records of The Swan King's Larder's patrons." She said, maintaining her 'disguise' as she researched.

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First Post
Though Astra is far from the glades and trees of her home, the city provides ample cover and shadows for one who knows how to use such things. People speak freely when they believe they are alone. That day Astra was barely seen or heard as she hoped to catch unwary mouths in the act of spilling important information. The Veiled Society was on the move, and surely that couldn't escape the wagging of tongues. And more, the tale of Barbarossa had been circulating again, and anyone who had ever wondered about the Isle as they stared out over the sea was talking about it.


Geirgrim follows Astra moving down the opposites sides of the streets and alleys in case she gets into trouble, but he is a lumbering hulk compared to her graceful form.


Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6

Questor headed down the streets of Specularum near Astra, but out in front of her a bit. When he spied a likely looking prospect, ie. a shady-looking sort, then Questor, emboldened by the knowledge that he had well-armed and fierce friends lurking out of sight nearby, approaches the ruffian and plies him/her for any information about the Veiled Society, the Isle of Dread, or the mysterious map.
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The picture starts to become a bit clearer... or maybe not!
"Don't worry, Vrashek," Nafije said pleasantly. "Experience is the best teacher."

When more of the group came together, Nafije relayed what she had learned, and emphasized a couple of things in particular. "The Swan King's Larder appeals to the sensibilities of older patrons. I think perhaps it was there that Mr. Barbarosa did his gambling, and where the Veiled Society has cast its net."

"This man Vas-Hathoth seems to be at the center of the Veiled Society's interest in the Isle of Dread. That note that Astra found in the tunnels, it was signed by a Vas. And the bookseller, Mr. Boloum, told me that he had sold a map of the Isle to someone. Though his discretion prevented him from saying whom, it wouldn't surprise me that Vas-Hathoth has it in his collection."

Nafije pulled thoughtfully at her lip, and Goldie nodded amiably along to the sound of her voice, as though they were in agreement.

The heroes, now gathered that the Swan King's Larger, a somewhat upscale bar and casino on Specularum's waterfront "Ruby Palisade" district, find the patrons and staff of the Swan King's Larder amicable and not too terribly suspicious. Staff welcomes the heroes to spend coin on games of chance and serve free drinks to those who play.

While this is all well and good, there is still work to be done!
"If that's so," Cassi said, "then we should be able to trace things back a bit farther. Perhaps I can find something in the records of The Swan King's Larder's patrons." She said, maintaining her 'disguise' as she researched.

Cassi has no trouble convincing some bean counters to take a break and finds said records. It appears that all of the business at the Swan King's Larder is handled in cash and coin. There are no records that Cassi can find to show exactly who has been here. And yet... Cassi knows from prior conversations that Rory Barbarossa owed someone a great deal of money from gambling debts. He must have owed it to a private individual. An owner of the Swan King perhaps... or a very wealthy regular...

OOC: Five successes, one failure!

Though Astra is far from the glades and trees of her home, the city provides ample cover and shadows for one who knows how to use such things. People speak freely when they believe they are alone. That day Astra was barely seen or heard as she hoped to catch unwary mouths in the act of spilling important information. The Veiled Society was on the move, and surely that couldn't escape the wagging of tongues. And more, the tale of Barbarossa had been circulating again, and anyone who had ever wondered about the Isle as they stared out over the sea was talking about it.

Geirgrim follows Astra moving down the opposites sides of the streets and alleys in case she gets into trouble, but he is a lumbering hulk compared to her graceful form.

OOC: Unfortunately, failing the aid another actually gives Astra's check a -2 penalty. Luckily, it doesn't make her check a failure.

Astra and Geirgrim wander the waterfront streets outside the Swan King's Larder, hoping to eavesdrop on something useful, catch someone doing something interesting, and mostly stay out of trouble. The pair are able to avoid some fairly obvious thugs walking in large groups, seemingly patrolling the streets around the casino, and are not caught where they shouldn't be.

Just as Astra and Geirgrim are about to head back inside the casino, Astra notices an old sailor, still dressed in his naval costume, playing with a red and green parrot. "Oh, yes, Mr. Feathers. We'll find a new home for you, all right!" The bird squawks loudly in response.

OOC: Six successes, one failure.

Questor headed down the streets of Specularum near Astra, but out in front of her a bit. When he spied a likely looking prospect, ie. a shady-looking sort, then Questor, emboldened by the knowledge that he had well-armed and fierce friends lurking out of sight nearby, approaches the ruffian and plies him/her for any information about the Veiled Society, the Isle of Dread, or the mysterious map.

OOC: Since Leif was really nonspecific about what Questor was doing, I'm going to make it fit the description above for Astra and Geirgrim.

Astra and Geirgrim give the old salt strange looks and are about to be on their way when a familiar halfling rushes forward. Questor, recognizing the name "Mr. Feathers" from the stories of Rory Barbarossa, throws several parrot-related inquiries towards the old sailor. It turns out that the old sailor, named Billy Bong, was once a member of Captain Roundbottom's crew and knew Rory Barbarossa once upon a time. It seems that old Barbarossa's debts caught up with him and he had to surrender to the Veiled Society. They took him somewhere, but Billy doesn't know exactly where. Barbarossa asked Billy to take care of Mr. Feathers, which he's been doing. Honestly, though, Billy doesn't much care for birds and he's been trying to find someone else to take the parrot.

OOC: Seven successes, one failure.
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Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6

"Well, Billy, uh, Mr. Bong, if you're sure you wouldn't miss him, I'd take ol' Mr. Feathers off your hands! I've been wishing for a friend my own size, in fact! And while you're telling me what he eats and how to best take care of him, if you could remember anything else Captain Barbarosa said about what tricks he knows, what he can say, or anything else, I'd sure like to hear it. In fact, to be safe, you'd better just tell me anything you can remember the good Captain Barbarosa saying at all!"
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"Well, Billy, uh, Mr. Bong, if you're sure you wouldn't miss him, I'd take ol' Mr. Feathers off your hands! I've been wishing for a friend my own size, in fact! And while you're telling me what he eats and how to best take care of him, if you could remember anything else Captain Barbarosa said about what tricks he knows, what he can say, or anything else, I'd sure like to hear it. In fact, to be safe, you'd better just tell me anything you can remember the good Captain Barbarosa saying at all!"

"Oi, I ain't much fer rememberin' stuff," Billy Bong replies. He scratches his mangy head and looks at Mr. Feathers. "Blikey! This bird 'ere 's gotta be pushin' 40 or 50 years old! I dinna think birds lasted that long!"

Mr. Feathers squawks loudly.

"Oh, yeah, your ole master, right, Barbarossa. Y'know, I never did figger him for the gamblin' type. I mean, we was one to play cards, sure. He almost always won, too. I wonder how 'e got inna so much debt. 'S beyond me! Anyway, him and this bird go way back, to before we traveled to the Isle of Dread!"

At that, Billy Bong looks around cautiously, darting his head to and fro. "I shouldna said nuthin!" he whispers. "Those Veiled Society folk are all over! Their boss is on and on about the Isle now. Dunno why."

Billy turns the corner. He looks this way and that. "They'll as soon put a knife in yer back as look at ya!" He takes a few more steps and then looks at Questor, Astra, and Geirgrim. "If ya really wants to know about this here bird and ole Rory, we'd better go somewhere safe. Follow me."
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Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6

Billy turns the corner. He looks this way and that. "They'll as soon put a knife in yer back as look at ya!" He takes a few more steps and then looks at Questor, Astra, and Geirgrim. "If ya really wants to know about this here bird and ole Rory, we'd better go somewhere safe. Follow me."
Questor follows along, close behind Billy. "Nice birdy, preeety birdy," he says trying to reach out and stroke the bird's plumage.
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