Inspired by Lords of Madness (Updated with 65% more ideas, and 74% more confusion)!

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First....NICE pic of the sea star thingy. That's some scary stuff.

In response to Rechan:
Sure it would be killable in theory....but not necessarily practically. Each aboleth and elder brain are effectively it's you'd have to kill them all to lobotomize it (both here and in the far realm).

There's also possibly looking into other abberations and their functions. maybe you don't have to destroy its' mind if you can kill its heart or lungs or something. What those might be would require more abberation investigation....and those things might only exist within the far realm itself.

But a virus or retrovirus model would likely be the best option to kill it. Maybe systematically putting something into the pools of or psionically manipulating the elder brains? Dominate enough of them and you begin to dominate the far realm itself. (Why kill it when you can conquer it?)

As far as the idea of the prime budding off of the far realm, that sounds like a tumor to me. It might be somewhat of a benign tumor, or it might be malignant, but a tumor either way. If that's the case, then the pc's (or anyone) killing the far realm means that our reality is also doomed.

Here's a really interesting twist: the pc's are fighting the aboleth and illithids and realize that the entire multiverse is destabilizing...because of their actions. Even more interesting might be that the campaign is set 1 year from the death of the far ream through natural causes (old age). The pc's have to help send a bunch of aboleth or mind flayers back in time or everything is gone. When they send them back to the beginning of time, they're partly succssful...and they extend the life of the far realm, but at what cost?

The pc's instantly find themselves in an entirely different world, one in which there are more aboleth and illithid. They remember the PCs of course and so give the a wide berth, but most of humanity is enslaved....the cost of keeping existence going....and the treatment of the "tumor" of reality.

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