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Inspired Knight- An ongoing Paladin project [Game design] (Version 0.3 up)

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Draft 0.2
This version of the class is obsolete. See post 17 for the updated version.

Inspired Knight


Table 1-1: The Inspired Knight

Level	BAB	F/R/W	Inspirations	Special
1	+1	2/0/0	1		Inspirations (Least), Divine Smite 1d6, Aura
2	+2	3/0/0	2		Divine Sight
3	+3	3/1/1	3
4	+4	4/1/1	3
5	+5	4/1/1	4		Divine Smite 2d6
6	+6	5/2/2	5		Inspirations (Lesser)
7	+7	5/2/2	6
8	+8	6/2/2	6
9	+9	6/3/3	7
10	+10	7/3/3	8		Divine Smite 3d6
11	+11	7/3/3	9		Inspirations (Greater)
12	+12	8/4/4	9
13	+13	8/4/4	10
14	+14	9/4/4	11
15	+15	9/5/5	12		Divine Smite 4d6
16	+16	10/5/5	12		Inspirations (Transcendent)
17	+17	10/5/5	13
18	+18	11/6/6	14
19	+19	11/6/6	15
20	+20	12/6/6	15		Divine Smite 5d6, Transcend Mortality

Class Skills
The Inspired Knight’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Concentration(con), Craft(int), Diplomacy(cha), Handle Animal(cha), Heal(wis), Knowledge(religion)(int), Profession(wis), Ride(dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive(wis), and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st level: (2 + Intelligence modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier

Class features
All of the following are class features of the Inspired Knight.

Weapon and Armour proficiency: Inspired Knights are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, are proficient with all armour and shields, except for tower shields.

Divine Smite: As a swift action, you may expend your Inspired Focus to attempt to deal an extra damage with a normal attack. Divine smite can only deal extra damage to creatures that oppose the subtypes of your Aura. At 1st level this damage equals 1d6, and increases by 1d6 at 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, 20th, etc).

If the Inspired Knight accidentally smites a creature that is not applicable, the smite is wasted and it deals no extra damage.

Inspirations: An Inspired Knight possesses special abilities derived from his connection to his deity when enters the meditative trance known as Inspired Ecstasy. Inspired Knights learn to channel the divine energy they receive from the connection by methods known as Disciplines.

Some Disciplines are Passive in nature and their effects take place whenever the Inspired Knight enters the Inspired Ecstasy. Most passive abilities are always active, gaining additional effects when concentrated upon, while others require concentration to operate. Some Disciplines require the Knight to expend his Focus, ending the connection to his deity.

Disciplines are mostly drawn from particular paths of abilities, called Estates. They come in four grades, Least, Lesser, Greater, and Transcendent. There are also Disciplines that are not from any Estate, and are available to any Inspired Knight that qualifies for them.

Initially, an Inspired Knight has access only to Least Disciplines but as they advance in level, more powerful Disciplines become available, as summarised in Table 1-1 and described below.
At any level when an Inspired Knight gains a new Discipline, he may exchange any one Discipline he knows for any other Discipline he qualifies for of the same or lower level.

I haven't written in the limitation on how many Passive effects the Inspired KNight can have readied at once yet. I'm considering it to be a progression like this: 2 (4th), 3 (9th), 4 (14th), 5 (19th). At present, there is no limitation on the amount of Expendables readied.

Divine Sight: Placeholder

Transcend Mortality: At 20th level, you become a Outsider with the Native Subtype. You possess the subtypes that your Aura has.
I've also considered certain Estates may grant further designations. Estate of the Paladin may grant the Archon Subtype as well, for example. Its likely that you gain damage reduction, dependent on your Aura type.


Here's the first estate. Working on Estate of the Anarch, Apostate, Eternal Flame, Hospitaler, Nomad, Paladin, and Reaver.

Estate of the Inquisitor
Your Divine Smite may be used against Chaotic targets.
Your Aura has the [Lawful] subtype. You may not select inspirations that have the [Chaotic]subtype. If you cease to be Lawful, you may not use inspirations from this Estate.

Divine Perception
(Passive, Expendable) - While Inspired, you gain a +6 competence bonus on Search, Sense Motive and Spot checks. While Divine perception is active, you may make a search check as if you were actively looking if you pass within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door. You may expend your Inspired Focus as an immediate action to increase the bonus to +10 for a single round.

Divine Perception requires at least 3 ranks in Sense Motive, and 1 rank in Search and Spot.

Divine Perception is a Divination effect.

Aura of Truth
(Expendable) – As a standard action you may expend your Inspired Ecstasy to create an area that compels creatures to speak the truth. Creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Will Save (DC 12 + your Charisma modifier) or are affected by your aura. Creatures that enter the emanation after you invoke your Aura of truth must also make a saving throw against the effect.
Affected creatures are aware of this enchantment. Therefore they may avoid answering questions to which they would normally respond with a lie, or they may be evasive as long as they remain within the boundaries of the truth.
Your Aura of Truth persists as long as you concentrate, to a maximum of 1 minute per Inspired Knight level.

Aura of Truth is an Enchantment (Compulsion) effect.

Discern Lies
(Passive) - Each round, you may concentrate on one subject, who must be within a range of 30 feet, + 5 feet per 3 levels of Inspired Knight (Maximum of 60 feet at 18th level). You know if the subject is deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie by discerning disturbances in its aura caused by lying. The spell does not reveal the truth, uncover unintentional inaccuracies, or necessarily reveal evasions. You may change the focus each round.

Discern Lies is a Divination effect.

Estate Transcendence
True Seeing
(Passive, Expendable) – While Inspired, you see things as they truly are. You see through normal and magical darkness, notice secret doors hidden by magic, see the exact location of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, see invisible creatures or objects normally, see through illusions, and see the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. Furthermore, you may concentrate to see onto the Ethereal Plane (but not into extra-dimensional spaces). The range of your True Seeing while Inspired is 60 feet.

You cannot see through objects with true seeing, nor does it negate concealment, including that caused by fog and the like. The effect does not help against mundane disguises, spot creatures that are simply hiding, or notice secret doors hidden by mundane means.

Additionally, you may expend your Focus to dispel effects within your true seeing aura that your vision would see through without concentrating. You may not dispel a polymorph or other transmutation effect, however.

True Seeing is a Divination effect.

Inspired Transcendence
You become an outsider with the native and lawful subtypes. You gain damage reduction 10/ silver and chaotic.
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Estate of the Hospitaler (in progress)
You may use your Divine Smite on Undead.

Lay on Hands
(Expendable) – An Inspired Knight with Lay on Hands can heal wounds (his own, or those of others) by touch. Your touch cures a number of hit points per round equal to your Charisma modifier, although you cannot heal a target above 50% of their hit point total using Lay on Hands in this fashion. Using Lay on Hands is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Alternatively, you may expend your focus as a standard action to heal a number of hit points equal to ½ your Inspired Knight level x your Charisma modifier. Healing by expending your focus does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Divine Health
(Passive, Expendable) - The Inspired Knight becomes immune to one of the following: Disease, Poison, Stunning, or Paralysis.

Additionally, as a standard action the Inspired Knight may expend their focus to cure the condition they chose to become immune to. Their Divine Health becomes inactive until the Inspired Knight rests.
You may gain Divine Health multiple times. Each time you take it, it applies to a new condition. If you have taken Divine Health more than once, you may re-activate Divine Health after you have depleted it (by using the second function) as many times as you took Divine Health.



Estate Transcendence
Hands of a Healer:
Your lay on hands ability improves, allowing you to heal up to 75% of a creature's hit points. When you expend your Inspired Focus, you heal a number of hit points equal to your Inspired Knight level x your Charisma modifier.

Inspired Transcendence

Estate of the Nomad
You may use your Divine Smite as an immediate action when making an attack of opportunity against creatures that move through your threatened area. You may also make a Divine Smite when you have charged at least 20 feet toward your foe.

Aura= ??? Detection= ???
Perhaps you can decide each day what your aura/detection is (they must oppose).

Divine Movement
(Passive, Expendable) – While inspired, you gain a +6 competence bonus on Climb, Jump, and Swim checks. As a swift action, you may expend your focus to increase the bonus to +10 until your next action.

Divine Dance (Passive, Expendable) – While Inspired, you gain a +6 competence bonus on Balance, Perform (Dance), and Tumble checks. As a swift action, you may expend your focus to increase the bonus to +10 until your next action.

(Passive, Expendable) - While Inspired, you gain a +10 insight bonus to all movement rates, and are considered to possess the Run feat. You may expend your focus to increase the insight bonus to +30 for as long as you continue to move (maximum 1 minute).

Agile Charge: (Expendable) As a swift action you may expend your Inspired Focus to make one turn (of up to 90 degrees) during a charge.

Divine Avoidance:
(Expendable) You may expend your focus as an immediate action when you make a Reflex save against effects that allow you to save for half damage. If your saving throw succeeds, you take no damage from the effect. It does not matter what kind of armour the Inspired Knight wears when using Divine Avoidance (unlike evasion), but the Inspired Knight cannot use Divine Avoidance when carrying a heavy load. You do not need to be aware of the attack in order of use this ability.

Estate Transcendence
Freedom of Movement:
(Passive (see text)) You may move and attack normally, regardless of magic that would usually impede your movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web.

Against movement restricting spells or effects that target you specifically, this inspiration negates the effect of the spell as if you had unbeatable spell resistance. You lose your Inspired Focus after negating a spell.

Against spells or effects that hinder your movement indirectly, Freedom of Movement allows you to operate freely for a number of rounds equal to your Inspired Knight level. Your focus is expended after this duration ends. If you expend your focus before the duration would normally end, Freedom of Movement ends when you expend your focus.

This inspiration also allows an Inspired Knight to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords, or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. This use of Freedom of Movement is unlimited in duration.

Inspired Transcendence
You become an outsider with the native subtype. You gain damage reduction 10/ magic. Additionally, you gain the following special quality:
Avoid Planar Effects (Su): You may ignore the native conditions on any plane as if you had the Avoid Planar Effects spell active at all times (see the Planar Handbook).

Stand Alone Inspirations

Divine Grace:
While Inspired, you add your Charisma bonus (if any) as a bonus on all saving throws. If your Aura is Chaotic, this bonus is a Luck bonus. If your Aura is Evil, this bonus is a Profane bonus. If your Aura is Good, this bonus is a Sacred bonus. If your Aura is Lawful, this bonus is an Insight bonus.
If your Aura has more than one subtype, you may choose the type of bonus you receive from the available bonus types when you select this Inspiration.

Courtier’s Voice (Passive, Expendable) - While inspired, you gain a +6 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks. As a swift action, you may expend your focus to increase the bonus to +10 until your next action.

Gift of Language (Passive) – When you are Inspired, you can understand the spoken words of any being. You gain no ability to speak languages other than those you have learnt.
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Estate of the Paladin

Your Divine Smite may be used against Evil targets.

Your Aura has the [Good] subtype. You may not select inspirations that have the [Evil] subtype. If you cease to be Good, you may not use inspirations from this Estate.

Add Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) to your Inspired Knight class skill list.

Aura of Courage
(Passive, expendable) – While Inspired, the Inspired Knight is immune to fear and grants those within 10 feet of himself a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear.
Additionally, an Inspired Knight may expend his focus (as a standard action) to dispel fear effects (CL = his Inspired Knight level) within 5 feet per Inspired Knight level.

Aura of Loyalty (Passive, expendable) - While Inspired, the Inspired Knight is immune to compulsion effects and grants those within 10 feet of himself a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects.
Additionally, an Inspired Knight may expend his focus (as a standard action) to dispel fear effects (CL = his Inspired Knight level) within 5 feet per 2 Inspired Knight levels.

Blessed Strike
(Passive, Expendable) – While Inspired, your natural attacks, and any weapon you wield are considered Good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Against an evil target, you may expend your Inspired Focus as a swift action to confirm a critical hit automatically.

Righteous Aura
(Passive): While Inspired, an Inspired Knight radiates a menacing aura when he fights or gets angry. Any hostile creature within 20 feet of the knight must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the Inspired Knight’s class level + Charisma modifier) or take a -2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the Inspired Knight. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same Knight’s aura for 24 hours.

This is an Enchantment, mind-affecting, morale effect.

Estate Transcendence
Righteous Blow
(Expendable) When you successfully strike a foe twice in a round with the same weapon, you may (as a swift action) expend your focus to make the second strike to be a righteous blow. The strike deals normal damage, but the foe must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the Inspired Knight's class level + Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1d3 rounds.

A stunned creature drops everything held, can't take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).

Inspired Transcendence
Your become an outsider with the native and good subtypes. You gain damage reduction 10/cold iron and evil.

Estate of the Diplomat
Estate of the Diplomat has been scrapped. The inspirations that were part of it have been added to the general list of inspirations.

EDIT: Estate of the Paladin is complete. (13/02)
EDIT 2: Estate of the Diplomat scrapped. (18/02)
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
No comments? :\

Anyway, here's another estate.

Estate of the Reaver
Choose one creature type from the list of ranger favoured enemies (except undead). Your Divine Smite may affect creatures of that type, regardless of alignment.

Your Aura gains no subtype. However, creatures of your favoured type detect your Aura as a cleric of what ever type they are attempting to detect (evil for detect evil, for instance). Your divine sense detects creatures of your favoured type, no matter their alignment or subtype.

To take inspirations from this Estate, you must have some degree of Neutrality in your alignment (CN, LN, NE, NG, or TN). If your alignment changes to an alignment not on this list, you lose the ability to activate inspirations from this Estate.


Grave Sight
(Passive): While focused, you can determine the condition of those within 10 feet. You instantly know whether each creature within the area is dead, fragile (alive, and wounded, with 3 or fewer hp left), fighting off death (alive with 4 or more hp), undead, neither alive nor dead. This sight sees through any spell or ability that allows creatures to feign death.
You may concentrate as a standard action to improve the range of your Grave Sight to 30 feet.

Touch of the Grave (Expendable): You may expend your focus as a swift action to gain the ability to make a Touch of the Grave. If you succeed at a melee touch attack, roll 1d6 per 2 Inspired Knight levels. If the result exceeds the remaining hit points of the target, they die (no save).

Sickening Strike
(Expendable): As a swift action, you may expend your focus when making a melee attack to make a Sickening Strike. If the attack succeeds, the target takes normal damage from the attack and must also make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + ½ the Inspired Knight’s class level + Charisma modifier) or become sickened for 1 minute.
A sickened character is mildly ill, and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Reaving Blow (Expendable): As a swift action you may expend your focus to Coup de Grace an opponent you have dropped.

Nauseating Blow
(Expendable): As a swift action, you may expend your focus when making a melee attack to make a Nauseating Blow. If the attack succeeds, the target takes normal damage from the attack and must also make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + ½ the Inspired Knight’s class level + Charisma modifier) or become nauseated for 3 rounds.
A nauseated character is unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring concentration. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn, plus free, swift, and immediate actions (except for casting quickened spells and other effects requiring concentration).

Estate Transcendence
Slaying Strike (Expendable): As a swift action, you may expend your focus when making a melee attack to make a Slaying Strike. Your next attack deals an extra 2d6 damage. If the attack succeeds, must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + ½ the Inspired Knight’s class level + Charisma modifier) or die. If the opponent successfully saves against your Slaying Strike, they are immune to your Slaying Strike for 24 hours.

Inspired Transcendence
You become an outsider with the native subtype. You gain damage reduction 3/-. You are immune to death effects.

Next: Estate of the Apostate and Anarch. Stay tuned! ;)
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Estate of the Anarch

Here's the Estate of the Anarch. I'd like to give them another choice for a Least Inspiration, but I'm not sure what to have yet.

Estate of the Anarch
Your Divine Smite may be used against Lawful targets.

Your Aura has the [Chaotic] subtype. You may not select inspirations that have the [Lawful] subtype. If you cease to be chaotic, you may not use Disciplines from this Estate.


Aura of Autonomy
(Passive, Expendable): While Inspired, the Inspired Knight is immune to compulsion effects and grants those within 10 feet of him a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects.
Additionally, an Inspired Knight may expend his focus (as a standard action) to dispel compulsion effects (CL = his Inspired Knight level) within 5 feet per 2 Inspired Knight levels.

Aura of Chaos
(Passive, Expendable): While focused, you are surrounded by a field of probability giving you a 20% miss chance against ranged attacks. As a move action you may expend your focus to increase the miss chance to 50% until the beginning of your next action.

Wild-strike (Passive, Expendable): While focused, your natural weapons, and any weapon you wield are considered chaos-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

As a swift action, you may expend your focus when making a melee attack to make a Wild-strike. If the attack succeeds, the target takes normal damage from the attack and must also make a Will Save (DC 10 + ½ the Inspired Knight’s class level + Charisma modifier) or become confused for 1 round.
A confused character is unable to independently determine what they will do.
Roll on the following table when their next action comes up to see what they will do.
D% Behaviour
01-10 Attacks you with melee or ranged weapons
11-20 Act normally
21-50 Do nothing but babble incoherently
51-70 Flee away from you at top possible speed
71+ Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the target creature

If the target is unable to carry out the action, they babble incoherently. Attackers gain no special advantage attacking a confused creature. If the confused creature is attacked before their turn comes up, they automatically attack whoever attacked them.

Random deflector
(Expendable): As an immediate action, you may expend your focus and cause ranged attacks and spells that target you to strike a random creature within 20 feet of you. The Inspired Knight includes himself among the possible new targets. Any creature targeted by a deflected attack is attacked or affected normally, so an attack roll is made normally against the new target’s AC, the new target receives a saving throw if a spell or effect allows one and so on.

Estate Transcendence

Incoherent Aura
(Expendable): As a standard action, you may expend your focus and invoke a 10-foot radius emanation that causes all sounds in the area to turn into garbled, cacophonous, and unintelligible noise. Sounds that issue from, enter, or pass through the area are altered and made unrecognisable as a natural sound. Within this area, verbal communication is impossible. Even something as simple as a shout of surprise is turned into a warped, alien sound. Spells with verbal components cannot be cast. Scrolls and other magic items that require a verbal component to be activated do not function. Spells and items that rely on sound do not function. Sonic damage has no effect.
The Incoherent Aura lasts for as long as you continue to concentrate on it, plus 1d3 rounds. The emanation is centred on you, and moves with you.

Inspired Transcendence
You become an outsider with the native and chaotic subtype. You are immune to effects that would change your form, such as polymorph and petrification.

(random thoughts)

After some thinking, I think it might be best to divorce the class from the way that warlocks gain their invocations, but rather like the Crimson Sakura (in my sig).

You can pick Inspirations that you qualify for (the higher level ones require earlier Inspirations from that Estate). Eventually (at 10th and 20th level) you master the Estate and gain the Transcendent ability.

In this version, you would gain the granted ability of an Estate that you have at 1st level, and one additional one when your Divine Smite damage increases.
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First Post
Wow, awesome estates. Sorry, I haven't been on, my internet has been down. At any rate, it looks really good, and once I get some time, I would liek to do some number crunching, hwoo hah!

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Inspired Knight, take 2

Take 2! ;)

I'm trialling some codes of conduct. I'm debating having a different code for each estate, or whether to have codes based on combinations of Estates.

Another option is to have simple alignment based codes, and restricting the estates you may choose based on that.

The Estate Transition can represent Inspired Knights who change their ideals (this may require atonement, I haven't decided), while adjustments to the Inspirations you can have at any level you gain a new Inspiration.

Decided not to implement variable mediation DC for Inspired Ecstasy. All acquired Inspirations will be available when you enter the ecstasy.

Finally, am trialling the specific qualities each Estate grants when you transcend mortality with the Inspired Transcendence ability at 20th level.

Inspired Knight (v. 0.3)

HD: d10
Alignment: Any (but see text)

Level	BAB	F/R/W	Inspirations	Special
1	+1	2/0/0	1		Inspired Ecstasy, Estates, Aura, Divine Smite 1d6
2	+2	3/0/0	2		Divine Sight
3	+3	3/1/1	3		
4	+4	4/1/1	3		
5	+5	4/1/1	4		Divine Smite 2d6
6	+6	5/2/2	5		Estate Transition
7	+7	5/2/2	6		3rd Estate
8	+8	6/2/2	6		
9	+9	6/3/3	7		Transcendent Estate
10	+10	7/3/3	8		Divine Smite 3d6
11	+11	7/3/3	9		
12	+12	8/4/4	9		Estate Transition
13	+13	8/4/4	10
14	+14	9/4/4	11		4th Estate
15	+15	9/5/5	12		Divine Smite 4d6
16	+16	10/5/5	12		
17	+17	10/5/5	13
18	+18	11/6/6	14		Estate Transition
19	+19	11/6/6	15		Transcendent Estate
20	+20	12/6/6	15		Divine Smite 5d6, Inspired Transcendence

Class Skills
The Inspired Knight’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st level: (2 + Intelligence modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier

Class features
All of the following are class features of the Inspired Knight.

Weapon and Armour proficiency: Inspired Knights are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, are proficient with all armour and shields, except for tower shields.

Aura (Ex): An Inspired Knight has a particularly powerful aura that corresponds to the Estates he has chosen. See each Estate description to determine an Inspired Knight’s aura type.

Inspired Ecstasy (Su): An Inspired Knight can meditate, opening his heart to his deity as a special use of the Concentration skill, becoming Inspired.
The DC to become Inspired is 20. Meditating is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Once you become Inspired, you remain so until you expend your inspiration, become unconscious, or go to sleep (or enter a meditative trance, in the case of elves).

Divine Smite (Su): As a swift action, you may expend your Inspired Focus to attempt to deal an extra damage with a normal attack. Divine smite can only deal extra damage to creatures that oppose the subtypes of your Aura. At 1st level this damage equals 1d6, and increases by 1d6 at 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, 20th, etc).

If the Inspired Knight accidentally smites a creature that is not applicable, the smite is wasted and it deals no extra damage.

If the Inspire Knight misses with the Divine Smite, that use of the ability is still expended.

Estates: At 1st level, an Inspired Knight chooses two Estates from which he channels the divine energy he gains through Inspiration. At 7th level he gains a 3rd Estate, and at 14th level, he gains a 4th Estate. Estates determine what kinds of creatures an Inspired Knight may smite with his Divine Smite ability, detect with Divine Sight, and determines the abilities he gains when he Transcends.

Divine Sight (Su): While in the Inspired Ecstasy, an Inspired Knight can sense the presence of forces opposed to his Estates within a 30 foot cone-shaped emanation.

As a swift action, an Inspired Knight may expend his focus to change the shape of the emanation to a circle. The Inspired Knight may continue to use Divine Sight in this fashion for as long as he concentrates on the ability, though he loses all other benefits of the Inspired Ecstasy.

As a standard action, he can concentrate on this ability, extending the range of the cone to 60 feet in regard to one specific opposition. Concentrating for longer than one round yields more information.

1st round: presence or absence of the chosen opposition
2nd round: Number of auras corresponding to the Inspired Knight’s opposition in the area, and the power of the most powerful opposing aura present. If the strongest opposing aura is overwhelming (see below), and the HD or level of the opposing aura’s strength is at least twice the Inspired Knight’s class level, he is stunned for 1 round.
3rd Round: The power and location of each aura. If an aura is outside of the Inspired Knight’s line of sight, then he can discern its direction but not its location.

Aura Power: An aura’s power depends on the type of creature or object you’re detecting and its HD, caster level, or (in the case of a cleric) class level; see the accompanying table. If the aura falls into more than one strength category, the spell indicates the stronger of the two.
						Aura Power
Creature/Object		Faint		Moderate	Strong		Overwhelming
Creature (HD)		10 or lower	11-25		26-50		51 or higher
Undead* (HD)		2 or lower	3-8		9-20		21 or higher
Outsider** (HD)		1 or lower	2-4		5-10		11 or higher
Elemental*** (HD)	1 or lower	2-4		5-10		11 or higher
Class w/ Aura (Cl Lvl)	1		2-4		5-10		11 or higher
Magic Item ^ (cast Lvl)	2nd or lower	3rd-8th		9th-20th	21st or higher

*Paladin or Hospitaler Estate only
**Of opposing alignment (See estates for details)
***Elemental Estates only
^ Of opposing alignment or element

Lingering Aura: Auras linger after their original sources dissipate (in the case of a spell) or are destroyed (in the case of a creature or magic item). If Divine Sense is activated and directed at such a location, the ability indicates an aura strength of dim (even weaker than a faint aura). How long the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its original power:

Original Strength	Duration
Faint			1d6 rounds
Moderate		1d6 minutes
Strong			1d6x10 minutes
Overwhelming		1d6 days

Estate Transition: At 6th level, and every 6 levels thereafter, you may swap any one Estate you have access to for another Estate. All inspirations and special abilities you gain from the estate are lost. You immediately gain the new Estate ability and may choose new inspirations as normal from Estates you still possess and from your new Estate.

Estate Transcendence: At 10th level, and again a 19th level, an Inspired Knight can choose to gain mastery of one Estate he has gained 3 inspirations in. If the Inspired Knight has not completed any Estates, he may choose an additional discipline at this level.

Inspired Transcendence (Ex): You transcend your mortal form, and gain special abilities depending upon your Estates. You gain the Inspired Transcendence ability only from Estates that your have selected the Estate Transcendence ability from.
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Estate of the Eternal Flame

Estate of the Eternal Flame
Your Divine Smite affects creatures with the [cold] and [water] subtype, and characters with a [cold] or [water] Aura.

Your Divine Smite is half fire damage. If you confirm a critical hit when making a Divine Smite, your weapon deals an additional 1d10 points of fire damage. If your weapon has a critical multiplier of x3, you deal 2d10 extra points of fire damage. If your weapon has a critical multiplier of x4, you deal 3d10 extra points of fire damage.

Your Aura has the [Fire] subtype. You may not take Inspirations from a [Cold] or [Water] Estate.

(Concentration): While inspired, you may concentrate as a move action to generate light from your weapon. The light appears like ordinary torch-light, and sheds bright light in a 20 ft radius, and shadowy illumination in a 40ft radius.
The light appears like fire, but it is harmless and sheds no heat.

(Passive, Expendable) Melee weapons you wield while Inspired deal 1 point of fire damage. As a swift action, you may expend your focus to deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on your next strike. The flame does not harm you or your equipment. You can dismiss Flicker as a move action. If you are wielding a melee weapon when you are entering the Inspired Ecstasy, Flicker will automatically activate.

Requires Ember.

Pyre Strike
(Expendable): As a swift action while making a coup de grace, you can expend your focus to immolate an opponent’s body and reduce it to fine dust. Pyre Strike fails if the succeeds at its Fortitude save against the coup de grace.

Estate Transcendence
Inferno Strike
(Passive, Expendable): You can deal fire damage instead of extra physical damage when you confirm a critical hit.
You may expend your focus to deal an additional 1d10 points of fire damage if your weapon has a critical multiplier of x2. If your weapon has a critical multiplier of x3, you instead deal 2d10 extra points of fire damage. If your weapon has a critical multiplier of x4, you instead deal 3d10 extra points of fire damage.

Inspired Transcendence
You become an outsider with the native and fire subtypes. You gain damage reduction 10/ cold iron and magic.


Editing the earlier Estates to reflect changes.
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Estate of the Unyielding Earth

Estate of Unyielding Earth
Your Divine Smite affects creatures with the [air] subtype and characters with an [air] Aura.

Your Divine Smite Deals half sonic damage and half divine damage. If you score a critical hit with your Divine Smite, you deal additional +1d6 sonic damage. If your critical multiplier is x3, you instead deal +2d6 sonic damage. If your critical multiplier is x4, you instead deal +3d6.

Your Aura has the [Earth] subtype and your Divine Sight detects the presence of [Air] creatures. You may not select inspirations with the [Air] descriptor. You may not select inspirations from this Estate if you have the [Air] subtype or an [Air] Aura.

Stony skin:
(Passive, Expendable): When focused, you gain damage reduction 5/bludgeoning. You may expend your focus as an immediate action to change this damage reduction to DR 5/- against a single attack.

Requires Constitution 13

Earthen Stability (Passive): While focused and in contact with the ground, you gain a +4 bonus on Strength checks to resist bull rushes and trip attempts.

Weapons of the Earth
(Passive, Expendable): When you become Inspired, you may choose to make melee weapons you wield count as either silver or cold iron for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. You can change the designation as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Additionally, you can expend your focus as a move action to count your weapon as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction on your next melee attack. The attack must be made before the beginning of your next turn. If you miss with this attack, the expenditure is wasted.
Your weapon does not count as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming the hardness of objects when using weapons of the earth.

Turn the Blade
(Expendable): As an immediate action, you may expend your focus to convert damage you take from a slashing or piercing weapon into subdual damage. You are dazed for one round.

Requires Stony Skin and Constitution 15.

Eyes of the Earth (passive): While Inspired and in contact with the ground, you gain tremorsense with a range of 60 feet.

Requires Wisdom 13

Estate Transcendence
You gain an enhancement bonus to your natural armour equal to 1/2 your Charisma bonus (round down) while focused.
While focused and taking the Total Defence action, you gain an enhancement bonus to your natural armour equal to your Charisma bonus.

Inspired Transcendence
You become an outsider with the native and earth subtypes. You gain damage reduction 5/adamantine and magic. Your damage reduction changes to DR 5/- when you are in the Inspired Ecstasy.
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A big problem I see is the lack of skill points. He only gets 2 SPs per level. Give him 4, or drop him to d8 and a good Will save and 6 SPs

Voidrunner's Codex

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