Into Khybers Gate


First Post
Into Khybers Gate

OOC: DM Comments
Here are some guidelines I'd like players to follow if they are joining. Most of it is standard stuff I grew to like from playing in LEW.
Choose a color for your speech text, put your internal thoughts in Italics, and any OOC chatter should be SBLOCK'd.
Use invisible castle for your dice rolling and post a link in your OOC comments. For combat, if you are gone for too long I'll NPC your character to try and keep things moving.

I hope you have fun and enjoy this adventure. If you have any comments or suggestions to improve gameplay please feel free to share them.


The Players
Knight Otu - Sedar - Rogue
byronhicks - Johanel - Wizard
The Deal
Sitting at the end of a short table is the man you saw earlier in the bar. The clothes that appeared simple from a distance are revealed to be finely woven and embroided with dark patterns barely visible against the blue cloth. He appears well groomed and smells of fragrent oils that he has rubbed into his hair and beard. The table in front of him is already set with food and drink. He watches as each of you enter the cubicle and you can sense you are being evaluated. He gestures for you to sit and rises himself to close off the curtain. He remains standing at his chair as he begins to speak.

"I am pleased that you accepted the offer to join me for a drink. The best deals always arise from conversations that start with a fine drink in your hand. As with any deal, it starts with a need. There is something I need and I think some skilled, and discrete, individuals can take care of this need. Shall I continue?"
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A small, pale gnome with brown dishelved hair, wire frame spectacles, and travel worn robes steps back into the back of the bar.

I am Johanel d'Sivis, of Korranberg. I was sent out by my University to get some "real world experience." I am trying to raise some money so that I can stay here in Sharn and study at Morgrave University. I am practiced in the arcane arts and I can be very discrete. May I share with you in your meal?

He bows slightly and waits for the man's response before sitting down.

Anvuss aproaches the cubicle, examining the area. He checks every detail carefully, as if unclear as to what things might be important.

After his carefull examination he walks in.

"Do I understand properly that it is social convention to hold a beverage during negotiation? Are some sorts better than other sorts to hold? Is actual drinking required? I can simulate drinking but the residue is undesirable. I am not sure I understand the nature of the employment you offer. Will you explain? Oh, yes, I've forgotten the beverage custom. Which one should I hold?"
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Sedar enters the cubicle, and unconciously pulls his scarf a bit higher and more fast.
"Sedar Spirewalker, Investigative and otherwise talented. I think we'll get along just fine."

As Anvuss awaits a reply, you can hear a slight whirring sound, no loader than a heartbeat, emenating from his body. Should a particular cup be indicated, he will pick it up and raise it above his head, attempting to demonstrate his compliance with custom. If required, he will drink.

Aidan steps into the room, props his shield against a chair, takes a seat and listens to the man's introduction. He accepts the drink with a smile and a nod of thanks before looking at the man over the rim of his cup and replying, "I am Aidan, and I am one who appreciates a good drink and pleasant conversation. I am quite capable of being discreet, but I must inform you that I am a servant of the Silver Flame. As such, I will have to refuse your offer of work if it involves any ... shady dealings. It is my duty to root out not only the unspeakable supernatural horrors that plague this world, but to also heal the hearts of the corrupt, and do what I can to keep them from harming others. So..." Aidan pauses to take a sip of his drink and eyeing the man, "Do I fit your needs?"

At Aidan's wordy introduction, Sedar considers making the quip 'Flamers can be discreet?', but thinks better of it. Instead, he checks that his scarf is still covering his neck.

"Please sit and enjoy the meal. Hear my offer and if you choose not to accept it at least you've received a fine dinner out of the deal." Turning to Anvuss, "Though if you have no need to eat and drink you can enjoy our company. A drink in hand is nearly required at some functions! Why, if a host opened a bottle of Cyranian Wine it would be considered a crime to waste it! But I digress, Drink or do not Drink. As a free being now you must decide for yourself." Seeing the man bearing the symbols of the Church of the Silver Flame, your host breaks off his conversation to listen to his introduction. A brief look of disappointment crosses his face before it is replaced by a more impassive look. "I'm afraid I have little use for religious zealots. While your heart may be in the right place to do good, deliver justice, and so forth, I hold little love for those who take it upon themselves to judge what is in another mans heart. The candle you hold to illuminate anothers soul can be tained by your own prejudices and indoctrination. I am seeking people who are willing to complete a job without questioning me at every turn. You will have to be willing to trust me." He raises an eyebrow at Aidan. "So are you capable of that kind of blind trust?"

Thanks Bront!

The adventure may involve some underhanded dealings. There will be opportunities to do good, but a paladin might have trouble depending on how interpret your personal code of conduct.

Anvuss quickly inserts some additional questions.

"I do not understand. Isn't judgment the hallmark of intellect? Must not every intelligent creature make judgments regarding those they encounter? Are you not making a judgment yourself when you suggest that this man is a religous zealot? Or do you have some evidence of zealotry I am unaware of? I believe that zealotry suggests more than simple conviction, but goes on to suggest some form of refusal to accept others who do not posess the same beliefs, is that not so? Aidan, are you unwilling to accept those that do not behave as you do, or are you merely stating concerns that you will not intentionally bring harm to the innocent? Does this mission seek to harm the innocent? I do not understand how harming the innocent would be of value, and certainly obtaining or protecting something of value is likely to be your aim, is that not so?"

"Pardon my many questions, I wish to be sure of understanding."

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