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Into the Icy Darkness: The Great Demon War

The next adventure is getting split into three parts...

Part One of Three:

A Missing Party Member, and Questions Arising

The party awoke in the morning to discover a note left by Lucius for them, stating basically that he needed some time alone to sort through issues in his mind. He promises to return to the city by midday… sundown at the latest. The party, in particular Tess and Siabrey, find this disturbing, and Siabrey in particular wants to immediately go find him. Tess talked down her excitable friend.; knowing a little about those with magical abilities, she reasoned that Lucius’ new friend, the eagle, would fly back should his master run into trouble. Hidalas just says the boy needs some space.

Tess and Siabrey decide they will try to find some things to do in the meantime to keep busy until Lucius returns and the party can set out to find this reported, “ice demon.” Siabrey decides to ask the talking cat; considering he knew much of the background, she thought he might know the relation between the demon and the idols they had found… unfortunately, Xanadu didn’t have any idea how such idols would be created.

Tess meanwhile decides she will use some of her magical abilities to learn more from the idols themselves. She casts on the largest idol, hoping it will reveal the location of its creator, and the powers it has.

Within Tess’ head, images immediately appear. Flying across the skies, over forests, until there is a long, low mountain, unusually snow capped, ridges running along its back. Her mind then dived through a hole into the mountain, twisting turning, rising falling, before finally emerging in a brightly lit room. No torches were about, as the walls, slick with ice, reflected an unearthly blue glow. The view spun around slowly, until she was faced with a creature… tall, gaunt and thin, a spitting image of the idol. Enormous blue sapphires stood in place of its eyes, and long strands of thin diamonds were in place of its hair. From within its very being, a brilliant blue light showed, growing brighter and brighter until the image was pure white… and then faded away.

Siabrey asked what happened, and Tess, who had been sitting motionless for several seconds as the sequence occurred, stated that she had an idea of what the mountain the creature was in looked like. She then announced she was going to find some maps, so try and pinpoint its location. Siabrey is about to say she is going to go with when Rogar wanders into the room (he had been gone since the party woke up, doubtlessly up to some mischief), puts on some nice jewelry, a little perfume, says he’s off to conclude some business, and then leaves. Tess and Siabrey merely shake their heads, Tess remarking that Rogar was, “a mystery, wrapped in an enigma.”

As the two walk towards the manor, where Tess expects such maps to exist, they walk by the major street that runs towards the West Gate of the village. There, the spot Rogar talking rather intently with a young woman with long, blonde hair who would be rather pretty save for the fact she wears and eye patch and has a rather nasty scar running underneath the piece of cloth. Along her side Siabrey can see she has a battleaxe that looks rather well used. As they watch, the woman hands Rogar a patch, and Siabrey’s eyes spot the top part of what looks to be a large emerald peeking out of the pouch. Siabrey decides that Rogar with a woman bear closer examination. Tess decides to keep on towards the manor, allowing Siabrey to satisfy some of her curiosity.

Siabrey tries to slip among the people going towards the taverns right by the gate entrance, but the clanking of her armor gives her away… but not before she sees something that really catches her attention… namely Rogar and the young woman sharing a rather passionate kiss. The break it off once Siabrey’s clanks are heard (about sixty feet out), and Rogar merely shakes his head at her over her poor attempt at sneaking around. The woman scowls at Siabrey as she walks up.

Siabrey has a tendency to stick right to the point, and at this moment she doesn’t disappoint, asking Rogar immediately what he is up to. He gives her a look of annoyance, and says that he is finishing a business deal for a new horse, among other things. Siabrey then quizzes him about the emerald, and while the woman with Rogar stiffens visibly, Rogar merely grins and says the money from the emerald will go towards his pocket, as well as the horse. Siabrey asks how she got the emerald, and Rogar rather mockingly tells her to just leave things be.

She nods, and then asks in a tart tone, “How long will your…’business’ be?” Rogar muses, looks at the woman, and states he’ll be done by the time Lucius gets back. The woman looks Siabrey up and down, with a clear look of disdain. Siabrey snorts, and blurts out that she doesn’t think he can conduct business that long. Thoroughly annoyed, Rogar leans towards her and quietly says that his business will take far longer than she can handle, before taking the young lady in arm, and walking down the street to one of the inns. A little miffed, Siabrey wanders back to the main avenue.

Tess, meanwhile, makes her way up towards the manor, and notes just outside the doors an impromptu table has been set up, where Sir Santac and several warriors (from their armor, presumably officers) of the Baron’s troops sit about discussing strategy. Santac spots her, grins, and tells all the troops to look at one of the 6 heroes that held off two tribes of hobgoblins almost single-handedly. The officers parted as a ship’s prow slices the sea as Tess moved forward to where Santac was standing. She asks him where his maps are, and describes the mountain in question she is looking for. Santac ruffles through the maps on the table before setting on one showing Mephys and the surrounding forest.

“There,” he points, towards a lone peak some 3-4 days ride northwest of Mephys marked “Ice Spine Mountain.” Santac says that’s the closest peak that fits that description… surrounded by forest, long and low, covered in snow. Its ridges make its top seem to be the spine of some enormous prone monster, but Santac is confused as to how the demon could have taken residence there; until recently, the mountain had been heavily mined for electrum, until better veins were found further away along the Inerman River. Tess puts two and two together, and rapidly deduces that the creature likely didn’t have to hollow out its own holes… the cavernous mining shafts left behind were likely more than suitable. Tess thanks Santac, and heads down to find Siabrey.

When Tess finds Siabrey back at their quarters, she tells her their destination, and Siabrey becomes all the more convinced the group should go out to find Lucius, at the very least so they can get a head start ride towards the mountain. Neither Rogar nor Hidalas are anywhere in site, and so the two decide to keep themselves busy; Siabrey goes to the western wall to lend a hand in fixing the sections broken down in the recent attack (a move that was much appreciated by many of the commoners, who were amazed to see a petite, 5’3” woman lifting beams and the like), while Tess went about to help with the continued struggle to heal the wounded and care for the sick. When she wasn’t healing, she walked about along the walls, trying to encourage the downtrodden or hurt with her music.

Nightfall arrives, and both Tess and Siabrey return to find that there is no Lucius in sight. Rogar has returned, a little happier than normal, and Hidalas has resurfaced again. Siabrey becomes very anxious, and starts urging the party to ride out immediately to search for Lucius. Rogar remarks that night has fallen, and the chances of them finding him in the darkness are practically nil. Very worried, Siabrey presses that if not then, the party should head out to find him in the morning. IN her opinion, young men of his age shouldn’t, “be allowed to wander about the woods at night. Its unsafe!” Tess agrees with Siabrey, though the two are surprisingly interrupted by Hidalas.

The tutor, who they expected would side with them (and/or possibly be neurotic when it came to protecting his charge) says they should not go out. Siabrey is dumbfounded, and shouts “But he’s your charge!” in frustration and confusion. Hidalas raises his hand, and says that the boy likely needed more time to think things over. Siabrey snorts, Tess growls slightly, and Hidalas becomes slightly grumpy that they aren’t listening.

“IF you saw,” he begins, voice deadpan, though his body actions displayed more animation than they had in the previous couple days, “that boy, crying last night, scared, you would understand me!” The party falls quiet, as Hidalas continued, “Here he was… his magical abilities had burst forth, without his control or knowledge, he’d found out his mother was either evil or in danger, and his ancestors that he admired so much were evil as well. Most importantly,” Hidalas lectured, “he discovered that the magic in his veins has turned evil before, and he is afraid for himself, for his family, and for all of you, if it should turn such a way in him. That is why he wanted to be alone! He needed to measure his life!”

Siabrey and Tess are quiet for a moment, and then Siabrey presses again for morning. Hidalas sighs loudly, and sits down before looking off into space at something that wasn’t in the room.

“There are things going on here that… just aren’t right,” he says quietly. “Things are happening that…”

“What if he doesn’t come back?!” Siabrey presses harder, hoping he sees her point. Hidalas looks at her rather sadly.

“Perhaps that might be the… there’s… there’s too many unanswered questions here. I… I need to talk to the priests in Kulloden.”

“Do you know of a prophecy?” Tess asked, concerned herself. Hidalas shook his head.

“I know parts of past events, but not enough to know what I need to. The Churches of Honoria the Healer and Hieroneous the Brave in that city both have information I need… information that might, in the end, save us all.” He sighed again, before saying, “I likely will not be able to accompany you on your quest to attack the ice demon.” Both Siabrey and Tess started to protest, till Hidalas held up his hand. “If I don’t go to Kulloden and my instincts prove true, it could be the end.”

“Who will mend us when battle leaves us wounded?” Siabrey and Tess both asked. Hidalas smiled, and said he had faith in them, but in either case, he would be speaking with the local healer of Honoria in the morning, and would ask her about some assistance there. Hidalas proposes that the party wait till midday tomorrow, and that if Lucius still hasn’t arrived, they shall begin a search for him. The party heads off to sleep.

At sunup the next day, Lucius hasn’t arrived, and the party, especially Siabrey and Tess, seem to be on a bed of nails in terms of nervousness. Several hours shakily pass by, till Hidalas returns from his talks with the priestess around an hour before noon. Seeing their nervous states, he proposes that the party wait by the west gate until noon, just in case Lucius arrives in the last hour. The anxious Tess and Siabrey agree, and Rogar, for once, doesn’t wander off to do his own thing and instead comes with, his own face drawn.

Once they arrive at the west gate, Tess and Siabrey hurriedly take up positions on the ramparts to watch for Lucius’ arrival. Around forty-five minutes till noon, Tess spots three horses with riders in the distance. She calls out to Siabrey, who runs over and looks as well. The fighter’s sharp eyes spot a man dressed in excellent clothes on a white horse holding the bridle of the horse following him. Siabrey then closes her eyes in disbelief.

The second horse easily was Lucius’ white charger. Sprawled on the animals back is a prone form, bouncing and shaking as the animal gallops. Blood streaks run along the animal’s neck onto its shoulders, and its painfully obvious the figure isn’t moving in any way on his own.

Within seconds, Siabrey is off of the ramparts and on her own bay, thundering through the city gates, her sword raised and poised to strike. Tess follows, chased by Rogar and Hidalas…

As the riders drew near, our hero from the previous adventure, Shaun Dice, reigns up his horse and stop’s Lucius’. From even this far, he can spot Siabrey’s distinctive red eyes, which Lucius had described. Seeing her rapidly approaching, her face curled into a mix of anger and anguish, he reaches over and begins shaking the boy, hoping to rouse him to prevent a misunderstanding that in all likelihood would result in his unfortunate demise.

“Lucius… Lucius… can you hear me?”

The boy had fought alongside him only half-hour before, and until five minutes ago had been bloody, mangled, but alert, even cracking jokes through the visible pain. Since then, however, he had begun lapsing in and out of consciousness, rarely saying more than one or two words, and unable to even hold up his head.

“Hm… Shau…” he heard the boy mumble, his eyes opening barely.

“Lucius, c’mon! Wake up! C’mon!” Shaun continued to shake him, as the thundering Siabrey drew closer, a snarl on her lips and malice in her eyes.

Siabrey, for her part, only saw the stranger that had been holding Lucius’ bridle apparently grabbing him.

If that man has hurt poor Lucius in any way… there is no death that suitable for him, her mind roared. She did not even realize it, but her katana was already high above her head, flashing in the light, and she could sense fear in the man. She reigned up her horse alongside him, her bay rearing into the air with a loud neigh, and she snarled at the man, “What have you done to Lucius!?”

Shaun, seeing her growing far more furious as she approached, had raised his hands, hoping it would be seen as a friendly gesture. The woman shoved her horse between Shaun and Lucius, and with one hand began shaking the boy, and with the other, quickly and dangerously put her blade at Shaun’s throat.

“IF you have hurt this boy, it will be your death,” her voice said in a dangerous deadpan, devoid of any emotion, even as the next second she turned and with vigor and fear shook Lucius again, calling his name. The boy opened his eyes slightly, and in a quiet, almost whisper, asked, “Siabrey?”

“Yes, yes Luke, its me! Who did this to you?”

“Ice mon…” and then his voice trailed off as he left the conscious world yet again. Siabrey shook him, hoping to rouse him, as Shaun finally regained his voice.

“I had nothing to do with injuring your friend! I saved his life! Twice!” Shaun said, starting to grow slightly indignant instead of fearful. Siabrey turned her gaze to him, and was about to say something when Hidalas arrives, and shoves the two of them aside, shouting for them to “Get him into the village, NOW!”

Tess, meanwhile, had noticed something in the commotion that the others had missed; a third horse, no larger than a small pony, following up the others. On its back were two children, and its bridle was held by a halfling, who was running as fast as he could. She trotted up to them, and was greeted by the young boy on the horses’ back asking, “Is this Mephys?”

“Yes, it is my child,” Tess said, trying to put her worries about Lucius away from where they would scare the two children. The halfling, gasping, stops beside her horse, and raspily says, “you must get the boy inside the walls to some help! I fear he has been gravely hurt… Mr. Dice fought valiantly, and managed to keep him alive, but nothing could have prevented the boy from not being mauled… Can I please, for the love of Honoria, have a sup of water?”

Tess handed the halfling her canteen, and he took a long draught, before continuing, “the boy said it was some kind of ghouls… we were lucky Mr. Dice was able to put them to sleep, otherwise I fear all of us, even the children would have been lost.”

Tess’ mind picked up something wrong there. While she was no regular fighter of ghouls, bards overheard many who were discussing such matters… and she was sure all the experienced ghoul fighters she’d even heard always said that spells such as sleep/ never, ever worked on them.

“Whose children are these?” she asked. The boy’s face looked vaguely familiar, as did the girl’s.

“Mr. Dice and I found them in Ephisia… the town had been burnt, and they said they’re parents were likely here in Mephys. Mr. Dice took them under his protection on his way here for… business.” Tess nodded, and noticing Hidalas charging back towards the city with Lucius’ lifeless form in tow, she led the group towards the city.

Siabrey, meanwhile, continued to hold her sword at Shaun’s throat, confusion, anger, and fear racing through her mind. Shaun loudly protested, “I helped your friend, and your other friend yelled at us to go into the city… by definition, I could be considered a guest. It would make me feel a lot better if you removed your blade from my throat.”

Reluctantly, Siabrey pulled her sword away from his neck, though it remained out. Shaun made a disparaging remark about how large blades are often overcompensation… a remark he did not intend her to hear. Hear nonetheless, she did, and she scowled at him, flashed her blade and snarled, “My sword is plenty large, unlike yours!” She then grabbed his bridle and tugged his horse at a gallop into the village.

Hidalas, upon clattering through the west gate, was almost immediately off horseback, and he charged into one of the taverns… as it was the closest building, and Lucius needed help immediately. His sword came out, and Tess and Siabrey heard from within a voice they never knew Hidalas possessed thunder out, “This place has ten seconds to clear! One… two…. Ten!”

Patrons in various states of slovenliness fell out of the doors in a panicked run, as Hidalas turned completely into a war cleric, barking more orders at people. Tess and Siabrey were to help carry the boy in. The barkeep was ordered to clean off one of the longer tables immediately.. the man did it somehow without soiling himself. Others were sent to find the priests at the local temples of Pelor and Honoria, and still others were forcibly conscripted to shuffle the drunks to the tavern across the way.

Chaos abounds for the next several minutes, as the party gets Lucius inside, and laid out on one of the largest tables. His upper armor was evidently pulled off, and the creature had bitten his shoulder and side some four times, while Hidalas nervously counted upwards of 13 rakes against his chest and belly. Tendrils of flesh lang from his torso, and bone shows in some places. The priests of Pelor and Honoria, a robed man and a wizened old woman respectively, arrive in the tavern, and Hidalas pulls the party aside, telling them quietly but forcefully they will have to leave, so the priests can get full concentration. He then turns, and as the party closes the door, they hear him bark at the priest of Pelor, “did you bring your censor!? This man is of high noble blood!”

Siabrey’s worries now turned themselves again on Shaun, and she immediately asks him in a very hostile tone what he had to do with Lucius getting injured. A calmer Tess interjects that Siabrey is, “insulting the man who rescued our friend!”

Siabrey laughs the nervous laugh of someone that is really angry, and growls that she said much harsher things to him earlier, causing Tess to shake her head and ask if she had really insulted him. As Shaun nodded yes, Siabrey merely said, “I didn’t insult him, I merely gave credit where credit was due!”

“Why aren’t you doing that now?” Tess asked.

“I’m being cautious!” Siabrey rejoined, growing frustrated that her expected ally was not backing her position.

“You’re being obnoxious,” Tess said quietly, but the words carried the full force of a hammer blow. Shaun said quietly that he agreed with the other bard, and a sullen and corrected Siabrey quietly walked alongside them… for about a minute. Long enough for Tess, concerned about the children, to announce that the party should try and find their mother. The party agrees, and not two seconds later, Siabrey launched into Shaun again.

“Why didn’t you do anything to help the boy?” she asked, her voice quieter but still having an air of malice.

“I did!” Shaun stopped and protested, waving his arms in annoyance. “I gave him some dwarven ale, I thought it might have helped!” Siabrey’s eyes flashed in anger, and Shaun’s finally completely responded in the same. “What would you have given him?” Shaun asked, hoping for vindication.

“Not ale,” she growled.

“Will you stop it!” Tess hissed at them both, and then pointed at the children. Suitably beaten down, the two glared at each other as the party made its way back towards the manor. The children were likely hungry, and the manor was the best place in the besieged town for food. The cooks remembered the party from its hunting trip, and had saved some of the black swan for them in case they returned. The children downed the food quickly, and their tummies filled, were happy to follow the party to, “where we can find your parents.”

It was about this time that Tess realized where she had seen the boy’s face before… his face looked almost like that of a commoner that had served down the wall from them… perhaps 50 feet off from the group’s position. The reason his face had been burned into Tess’ mind was the fact he was the first one shot down by the goblin archers, three arrows filling his chest, his body falling, landing on a barrel of pickled herring, breaking it.

“We aren’t going to find his father,” Tess says quietly to Siabrey. “He fell two days ago.” Siabrey nodded her head quietly, before putting up a false look of happiness for the children saying, “lets go see if we can find your mommy!”

The young girl looks quite a bit like one of the adepts that had been near the party along the wall that night, holding back the roiling fogbank sent forward by the ice hordes. The party begins asking around, and figures out that the adept has taken residence in a small cottage in the southern end of the city. They begin to move that way.

As the party passes the street that leads to the west gate, Shaun tells Geoffrey aloud to run to the now lone, overcrowded tavern, and ask around to see if anyone had seen a woman with an eye patch, a scar on her face, long blonde hair, who carried a battleaxe. Geoffrey nodded, adding after what he’d seen, he’d appreciate some wine. Before Shaun can respond, a quite livid Rogar is in his face.

“Why are you asking questions about Rosalyn?” Rogar growled angrily. Shaun looked confused, as Rogar continued, “you gave an exact description of her, boy.” His hand floated dangerously close to his rapier. “If you want trouble,” Rogar growls, “then fully expect my sword point to be between you and my Rosalyn, child.”

Though angered, Shaun thinks quickly, responding that he was looking only for someone of that description… he had no clue if the lady’s name was Rosalyn or not. Rogar seems unsatisfied, though he merely hisses at Shaun, “I’ll be watching your kind,” and stalks off towards the west gate. Siabrey turns and chastises them both for arguing in front of the children. Shaun sighs and apologizes just before he spots the top of a large emerald peeking out of one of the pouches that Rogar’s hand carefully guards…

The party continues onwards, arriving at the said cottage shortly thereafter. The adept in question, a young woman in her mid twenties, is found in a back room. Her face, formerly streaked with tears, breaks into a relieved cry as she is overjoyed to see her two children. After hugging them for several minutes, she runs up and hugs Siabrey, who quietly says that the woman shouldn’t thank anyone present except Shaun, who brought the children from the ruins of Ephisia to the city. She gives Shaun an enormous bearhug, as the boy proudly announces that he, too, wants to fight monsters when he grows up.

After spending some time with the family, the party then heads back to their own sleeping quarters, as Siabrey has a question she needs answered… and it would be a good use of time instead of worrying over Lucius. They set up the idol that Xanadu’s intelligence is trapped in, and attempt to see how far away the cat can be from it before Xanadu loses contact with his brains. The find its about thirty feet, and a very confused Xanadu is somewhat relieved to find that their random movements of him about the room had a logical explanation. The party, their patience exhausted now, decides to return to outside the tavern and wait for the healing to hopefully be successfully completed.

Its dusk when they arrive outside the tavern, and even as bawdy music and singing drifts from across the street, the party hears more chilling sounds coming from inside. The chants of prayers echo across the air, punctuated every few seconds by a blood curdling cry, a scream from within the building…
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The Long Last Night in Mephys

The party naturally begins to panic as Lucius’ screams reach their ears. In Tess and Siabrey’s mind, the first person to ask is Xanadu (as he is supposedly a wizard, right?). Tess announces, “I’ll go get the idol, you get the cat!” and the two dash off.

Tess, while rifling through her stuff, noticing something very odd… the ivory idol is now wilting. Knowing full well that ivory does not melt, she becomes very curious… especially when she sees all the other idols they’d collected off of their foes doing the same. She rushes back to outside the tavern, where she explains the situation to Siabrey and Shaun, showing them the changing statues. She wonders aloud if maybe the idol could help Lucius… until Xanadu blurts out that its unlikely an item carried by an evil paladin would help in ridding someone of poison.

Unfortunately, that bit of information is one of the few concrete things Xanadu can provide. He, too is perplexed by the “wilting” idols, and can offer no logical or magical explanation… and his only piece of knowledge on what was happening inside the tavern was that it sounded like the boy was in much pain. Clearly there were things about that he couldn’t wrap his mind around, and the cat was very vexed by it.

During this business, the shouts and cries from within the tavern died down, and a few minutes later the very tired looking priest of Pelor and healer of Honoria walk out of the building. The party asks them what’s going on, but its quite evident they are entirely too worn out to even talk. They were closely followed by a very worn out Hidalas, who stopped in front of the group and sighed as the flurry of questions shot his way.

“What I can tell you, is sadly very little… much less than I’d like to know,” he began cautiously. “He’ll be fine by tomorrow, but he needs rest right now.”

“Why was he screaming like that,” a clearly worried Shaun asked.

“Well… needless to say he was poisoned,” Hidalas said quietly, “with a venom that is unknown to me. We did find out the hard way its properties… namely that it was a blood-thinner… hence why he was still bleeding some even a half hour after the battle; it was also… how shall I describe this?” he thought hard over the proper words. A second or two later, his eyes give away his mental shrug as he says, “sticky… as in it was resistant to efforts to get rid of it, and hampered other efforts to heal him. It took all of our divine powers combined to pull the venom out of his body… and from his wails at the time, it was doubtless very painful for him. He called out your names a couple times,” he points to Siabrey and Tess, “as well as his mother’s… if I hadn’t been busy trying to save his life it probably would have broken my heart.”

“How is he doing now?” Siabrey asked, pushing her way to the front.

“He’s awake, but he needs to stay immobile for a bit. He should be fine in the morning, so you can leave on your journey should you wish. After seeing this, I myself cannot go with,” he looks off in the distance wistfully. After a few moments, he snaps back to the present, saying, “I have to go to Kulloden and find brother Harrapias at the Church of Hieroneous… there’s too much at stake now.”

Words of protest were rising on the party’s lips when Hidalas interjected, “I know you are about to ask what if you need healing… well, Lucius found this.”

Hidalas produces a staff, made of white ash wood, with carved runes with silver placed in them along its shaft. At the top of its five-foot length is a carved statue of a woman, her arms across her chest, and her head bowed. Tess in particular recognizes this as the symbol of Honoria, the goddess of healing.

“It’s a staff with the blessings of Honoria on it, but I don’t know what spells are within it. I’m off to try and find out…”

“As well as get some rest, I hope?” Siabrey asks, and Hidalas nods.

“I shall bring the staff by tomorrow morning before I ride out… Lucius should have the ability to control it… its likely command word driven, so he merely needs to touch you with it and say the word to activate its power, likely,” Hidalas’ voice trails off again, and his bleary eyes close for an unusually long blink.

“Do you need someone to watch over the boy, at least to make sure that those fellows across the street don’t barge their way in?” Tess asks, and Hidalas gives a tired nod, before walking off to find rest, and discover the purpose of the staff.

The party meanwhile walks into the tavern, and finds Lucius laid out, bare from the waist up. Numerous large, angry welts covering his upper body, where formerly the flesh was laid open. All was quiet in the room, but the party was nonetheless relieved to see his chest rising and falling with a regular breath.

“Lucius?” Siabrey asks, her own voice very quiet.

“Hi…” his whisper responds as he turns his head to see them. They see he tries to sit up, but his body defeats him. Some near tears rise to the surface at this. Lucius himself seems to be in better spirits, however.

Lucius explains to everyone the events since his leaving… his decision to follow the “path of his bloodline,” using his magic, and his fight with five orcs. Throughout his retelling, his voice goes in and out, and he frequently has to stop at times because of it.

“I was right near death, when Mr. Dice,” he explains later one, “…came through in quite a spectacular manner… melted up several of those orcs.”

“Melted?” Siabrey asks rather incredulously.

“He has a longbow that shoots flaming arrows,” Lucius confirmed. “He then saved my life again as that ghoulish monster tried to slash me to death… if he hadn’t have been there, I likely would have been food for the undead. On top of it all, he saved two little kids whose parents were here...did you ever find their parents?” he turns to Shaun. Shaun’s face drops, while Tess explains that one parent was found… the other would never see his children again.

Shaun snaps out a curse before realizing it, and apologizing. Siabrey, still curious as to what Shaun’s intentions were, asks Lucius.

“Oh, Mr. Dice… he was on his way here to…”

“Settle some business, ma’am,” Shaun says quickly. He isn’t sure if he wants Tess, and more importantly, the rather hostile Siabrey to know what his true business is. Lucius, however, blurts out that he is seeking the return of stolen money. Several “ahs” go around as people put things together with the earlier episode with Rogar.

“So… this ‘Ilia,’ robbed you?” Tess asks.

“Yes… she not only robbed me blind, but hit me over the head, and nearly paralyzed me!” Shaun exclaims. HE then further describes how she has basically used people in the past, and quickly adds on the spot that he is concerned that their friend might be in danger. Tess and Siabrey agree (Siabrey rather curtly… she still doesn’t like this fellow), and Shaun mentions he merely wants to regain his valuables, and, “teach her a lesson.”
Tess proposes that the group look for Ilia tonight, to safeguard Rogar from any trouble.

As if on cue, Geoffrey wanders into the empty tavern, a bit slovenly.

“That man is plastered,” Lucius says quietly, provoking Siabrey to state in a motherly tone, “the possible future Emperor shouldn’t know words like that!”

“Mr. Dice and I talked quite a bit.. he taught me quite a few words that commoners use to describe things… such as stacked.”

Siabrey’s face drops, and Tess starts to giggle.

“You should not be teaching the boy things like that! Lucius, if Hidalas heard you saying that…”

“Oh, Siabrey,” Tess says cheerfully, “you’re just upset that I’m more, ‘stacked’ than you, to use Mr. Dice’s crude phrase.” A sharp, quick exchange broke between the two after Siabrey claimed it was she that was more stacked. It ended when the fighter looked at Shaun again… this time with a look of death. The potential killing was interrupted by Geoffrey’s rather… happy voice.

“I decided,” he begins sluggishly, “that considering I’ve been attacked by the undead for the first time in my life, and nearly saw a boy get slashed to death, I deserved a drink… Mr. Dice I spent your money wisely… I got three wines!” he shouts as he proudly holds up two bottles. Tess rolls her eyes.

“That is our source of information on this woman?” Siabrey asks curtly.

“Yes..” Geoffrey blurts out, “but I remember more when I have something inside my belly… such as this dee-lightful wine. The boy can even have a bottle, considering the mess he went through!”

“He speaks the truth,” Shaun says, taking the halflings defense. “He does remember more once he’s had a few under his belt… have you seen the one they call Rogar anywhere, Geoffrey?”

“Wait… ah… yes! He’s in the tavern across the way… rather sullen, he’s taken a table for himself and has scared all the other patrons into not trying to sit next to him. And as for Ilia,” the halfling now smiled and swayed, “She left town today on a brown pony… riding west towards Kulloden , it would seem!” Shaun raises an eyebrow, but Tess and Siabrey are more concerned about their friend and comrade.

Tess sighs, and says, “It sounds like we need to talk to him. I’ll go, Siabrey, are you coming?” The fighter nods, and Shaun volunteers to come with, despite some concerns voiced over the incidents earlier in the day. Tess, in addition, makes Siabrey promise to not be blunt.

“Are you insinuating that I’m blunt?” Siabrey asks as if affronted.

“No, I’m telling you,” Tess replies rather handily. Siabrey rolls her eyes and agrees, though Tess plans immediately to get in front of the small fighter to keep her from speaking first and possibly destroying the situation.

Tess’ plans are foiled, however, once the group reaches the other tavern, which is in the process of being destroyed by the overcrowding of patrons still reveling in the recent victory over the ice hordes. The group takes a few seconds to find where Rogar is, and Siabrey lunges through the crowd, and pushes Tess aside to slip into the booth seat across from the man.

“How are you doing?” she asks as Tess huffs with a little indignation at being pushed aside like that. Rogar lets out a thin chuckle, and remarks that, “It's been a long time since two young ladies like yourselves fought over me.” He begins toying with a toothpick at the table.

Before Siabrey can destroy the slight lessening of tensions, Tess cuts in, “We have some reason to be concerned about you and your friend, Rosalyn.” Rogar immediately seems to stiffen, and the toothpick breaks in his hand. To add to Tess’ woes, Shaun pushes his way through and begins blurting out items in a rather blunt manner.

“A woman, named Ilia…” he began, only to have Rogar interrupt.

“That’s Rosalyn’s middle name…” the rogue says rather quietly.

“Ilia robbed me blind in Kulloden only three days ago… and nearly left me paralyzed! I mean to recover my items… and I’m not saying that your Rosalyn is the woman I’m after, but the evidence is growing more substantial…”

Rogar’s gaze stops Shaun’s speech… a mounting fury builds in his eyes till something else replaces it suddenly… sadness floods away the anger, as a raging river strips the land bare.

“She left today… rather suddenly, without telling me,” Rogar says, his voice very low and quiet. His eyes well up, and both Tess and Siabrey are more than a little shocked.. their roguish, conniving friend seems to have a tender place in his heart for someone other than himself. “She had met her in Kulloden four years ago… she’s saved my life so many times since… she had a letter dropped off in Holstean two weeks ago that she’d be in this area around this time… and it was luck that we met again.” Rogar started to sniffle.

“So… its serious between you two?” Siabrey said with a great deal of gravity. Rogar held up his hand, which was formerly bare. Now, on his fourth ringer was a bright golden ring, with a large diamond cut perfecting sitting on top.

Never missing a beat, Shaun launched forward. “See, she’s betrayed you too! I don’t want this woman to hurt anyone else, which is why I want to teach her a lesson! Heck, you’d rather I reached her than the Thieves Guild in Kull…”

“Don’t presume to lecture me on the Thieves Guild, boy,” Rogar said quietly, his voice steadier now. “Even if Rosalyn is this woman you are looking for, they do not know what she’s capable of… I have seen her take down four bugbears by herself… something I doubt you or any of the Guild people could ever do. You’ll never find her in the dark.. she has too much of a lead. As if she could ever do anything to someone claiming to be innocent as yourself… As for ‘looking’ for her, I am not going to have any part of it! Doesn’t someone need to look after the boy over there? I shall do that while you run about with your useless hunting.” He then stands up and walks out.

The three party members sigh, and can merely hope Rogar isn’t too upset, and plans to search for Ilia are scrapped. Siabrey decides instead that since it is the party’s last night in civilization for a while (if they even return at all from demon hunting), that she is going to have a few drinks. Tess agrees with this logic, though she decides to pull out her harp and play some nice drinking songs as things go on.

Not to be outdone by a petite woman (Siabrey is only 5’3”, perhaps 120 pounds), Shaun strides up to the bar, and starts to order his drink. Siabrey gets an evil smile, and challenges Shaun to have dwarven ale with her. Shaun obliges, and the two down their drinks, with no effect. And the game is on.

Shaun then orders two dwarven ales for himself, and not to be stopped by an upstart, Siabrey does the same. They chug down both drinks, once again with no effect. Siabrey then orders another two dwarven ales, looking Shaun up and down, knowing he wasn’t foolish enough to match.

He was.

He was not only foolish enough to match, but he ordered a large stein… three ales in one mug. Siabrey changes her order to the same, and they down them… only showing slight tipsiness (DM’s Notation: Their fortitude rolls were insanely lucky at this point). Siabrey then orders a large stein of her own, Shaun follows suit, and quickly their drinking contest collapses into a drunken contest.

The ales, it seems, had a delayed effect, as both grow dizzy and have to hold onto the bar for support. They glare at each other for a bit, before Shaun begins to grin… and then to laugh, almost insanely. Siabrey’s clouded mind couldn’t figure out what was so funny… yet she started chuckling too until Shaun blurted it out to her.

“That Lucius is great.. he can pick out really good ones! You are really stacked!”

Her laughter was instantly replaced with furious anger, and she loudly and slovenly yelled, “stacked! YOU WANT TO SEE STACKED!” Despite her inhibitions, her mind realized rather quickly that was not the best thing to say in an overcrowded bar filled with intoxicated men. Shaun’s mind isn’t working particularly fast now, but its working fast enough for him to say something regrettable.

Lucius, when describing Siabrey to Shaun, had mentioned that she had wings she kept hidden under her cloak. He didn’t know if she could use them or not, but it seemed, in his inebriated mind, the right thing to use in an insult.

“What are you going to do now? Fly?” he shouted.

Siabrey’s muddled mind instantly froze. Images of her mothers’ admonitions flooded into her mind, her drunken state propelling them to the forefront.

If they find out about you, and how you’re not like them, they attack you and hurt you, child! her mother’s voice rang louder and louder in her head.

Deciding she’s had enough, she draws back and delivers a haymaker swing…

…which merely brushes Shaun’s chin, and sends her sprawling to the floor, much to Shaun’s delight and the delight of those gathered around. She struggles to stand, and after a few moments, is using the bar to steady herself when she swings again, and connects hard… sending both of them sprawling to the ground. Tess sees their predicament, and the crowd drawing in, and fortunately covers for them with another rousing ballad of drinking, which attracts the crowd’s attention from the increasingly hostile pair by the bar.

Several more blows were traded, before Siabrey’s fright grew to the point she had enough. She panicked, and stumbled out of the tavern before Tess could get to the front. Shaun shouted more drunken taunts, only to fall and be caught by Tess.

Siabrey stumbled outside, panicking. Obviously the noise from the fight was loud, as Rogar had now stuck his head outside the opposite building’s door.

“Was it you making all of that noise?” he calls, and Siabrey ignores him. Noticing her quiet drunken gait, Rogar comes out and tries to grab her to take her back to the building where Lucius is being held… at the very least so she can sober up. Siabrey, however, puts up the fight of her life, swing, trying to bite, all in a desperate effort to get away… to run away from the horror that had happened in the bar behind her. She had no way of knowing all the patrons, save Tess, had merely assumed it was drunk talk and paid no attention to it. Finally, she struggles to the point where Rogar merely hefts her over his shoulder, and carries her into the empty tavern.

Tess arrives shortly afterwards, a quite drunk and lively Shaun in tow. Rogar had placed Siabrey in a seat, but when she saw Shaun she promptly tried to stand and draw her sword… instead she drew air, and waved her hand about as if a katana was there, telling him to back off. Shaun’s brain didn’t realize how much he’d hurt her, and he merely called for her to calm down. Rogar takes a more proactive approach, and grabs her and shoves her into her seat.

Lucius sits up with pain, and asks what’s going on… and Tess replies that, “This is what drunk people look like after the fun of drinking.” The young man immediately forswears any alcohol after seeing the states of two of his friends.

Siabrey, meanwhile, twists, turns, and struggles against Rogar’s unfailing grip. Shaun falls over in mid laugh, out like a light as Siabrey gives one last burst of fury… which Rogar’s sober arms easily contain. Finally, the fight broken out of her, Siabrey breaks down and starts to cry.

Tess runs over, and starts to comfort her, asking her why she’s crying, and narrowly avoids being befouled as Siabrey’s drunkenness, fear, and tears cause her to lose her breakfast, lunch and dinner. Very worried, Lucius manages to struggle to his feet, a shuffle over and give her a tight hug, rocking her back and forth as her tears finally stop, and an unconscious sleep takes over her.

The next morning dawns late but extremely bright for Siabrey and Shaun. Tess has already run out and found some medicines to fight the massive hangovers she knows the two will be having, and forces the bitter herbs down their throats. Hidalas also came by, leaving the staff with Lucius, along with directions on its use (it’s a Minor Staff of Healing from the Church of Honoria… the orcs likely killed a priest and stole it because it looked pretty).

Siabrey, however, is still very very worried over the events of the last night, and looks the haggard part for it as well. Lucius asks her what’s wrong, and she replies that some information was told last night that might endanger her.

”Oh, you mean about your wings?” Lucius asks, and Siabrey does a painful double take.

“How… do you know about them? When?” she asks in her quiet, headache-ridden voice.

“I’ve known for three days, Siabrey,” he says, urging her to eat some more of the breakfast that Tess found. “You have to take your armor off when you go to sleep… no, I didn’t see anything underneath any of the underclothes, but it was plainly obvious then that there was something on your back… your cloak moved, and I caught sight of part of one wing.”

“And you’re not scared of me?” she asks even more quietly, fearful of the result.

“No,” Lucius responds in a normal voice, “its rather neat actually. I think they look nice,” he gives her a hug, which prompts somewhere in her brain something to start to raise some questions… before she realizes he just said this in front of the others. Her fear returns a little, till Tess says that she knows as well… it was easy to figure out after Siabrey requested special holes in her armor.

“So you don’t think I’m a succubus or anything horrible like that?” she asks, a lot more relieved.

“No… you’re just fine the way you are,” Lucius says. The questions start coming back into her brain, louder this time…

Of Harpies, Confusion, and Nymphs

The party was still recovering from the events of the previous night when Tess noticed that the idols in the party’s possession had somehow “wilted” further. The heads of the creatures they depicted now hung low over its chest, its arms were now crossed in front of it. Tess reasoned that this could mean the creature was weakening in some way, and she urged the party to finish their morning preparations so the group could head out.

Somewhat surprisingly to Siabrey et al, Shaun said he was, indeed coming with. Lucius stated that he had told Shaun of the groups quest, and had asked him to come with. Siabrey was more than a little concerned, but didn’t say much. Tess nodded with approval, asking him if his bow skills were adequate. Shaun laughed.

Geoffrey, awake now, balked. He had been paid 150 gold by Shaun, true, but to find Ilia, not to run after some ice demon. He states that he is going back to Kulloden, and that should Shaun wish to resume the hunt, he can find him there. He then stumbles off to find his horse, complaining of a blazing headache.

Siabrey herself has a budding problem in her own head… Lucius. For a while, she had been growing fond of the young man… then attached to him. Her worried, sometimes despondent antics when he couldn’t be found were evidence of this. Despite her growing… liking was the word her in denial mind kept stressing, of him, her moral will spoke there was something not right about allowing such feelings for someone younger than her like that. She’d further struggled with it once she found out Lucius’ family was negotiating to betroth him to the Emperor’s granddaughter, who was even older than Siabrey by perhaps ten years.

She’d managed to put her feelings aside, trying to convert them into being his watcher, keeping an eye on him, making sure he was safe. But now, that seemed like it was slowly turning on its head. He’d been close to her for the past week and a half, but he seemed to be closer now.. singling her out from Tess and the rest of the group. Part of her was excited by the prospects, while part of her dreaded the thought… She put them aside with the slight murmur of Its in your head… he saw you were feeling down, and he wanted to cheer you up, that’s all… nothing untoward there… and finished her now headache-free preparations to head out with the rest of the party.

Around noon the party cantered out of the west gate of Mephys, leaving behind a village that would remember each of them for a long time to come. They reined their horses to the northwest, where a very large section of trees through the forest had been obviously knocked down, and vegetation trampled. Shaun called out the obvious, stating it was the path the ice armies must have taken to reach Mephys. Siabrey resisted the urge to smack him.

The party rides within sight of the path, through the forest, with Lucius’ hawk flying high above and ahead to keep a lookout. Lucius has said he couldn’t fully talk to the animal, though he could get some sense of what the animal was thinking and what it was seeing… sort of like seeing a picture through several opaque glasses.

The party ran into little that first day other than normal woodland creatures, and they made camp away from the trail (if the giant destroyed area could be called that). Lucius took the first watch, while Siabrey took the second. When the time came for Siabrey to hand off her watch to Shaun, she was surprised to be woken by him only a few minutes later.

“Hmm?” she grumbled, rubbing her bleary eyes.

“Siabrey?” Shaun asked, his voice quiet and a little shaky. She immediately was able to tell that something wasn’t right. Instinctively, she reached for her katana.

“What? What is it?” she was rising to her feet when he touched her shoulder and shook his head.

“Its not a monster… its just… well…” his voice dropped to a bare whisper, “I have something I want to tell you… its very personal… and I know that I’ve been sort of a fool towards you in the past but… I need you. I need you to stay up with me… you see… I’m afraid of the dark.”

Part of Siabrey wanted to smile in triumph, but she managed to hold it in… barely.

“You do realize that considering what you did back in town, I could use this against you,” she said deadpan. Shaun nodded, and she noticed he looked a little more fearful. She then let the smile break through.

“Don’t worry, I won’t. I’ll stay up, so long as you let me sleep a little extra in the morning so I get my eight hours.”


The two spent the next several hours chatting things up, and by morning’s rise something of a truce had developed… at least for the time being.

The next morning, the party sets out once again, and can now plainly see White Spine Mountain. Tess estimates that it is perhaps three days ride away over the trees, and once again the party rides along in the woods beside the path. Unbeknownst to them, two eyes start watching them, and moving towards them.

Lucius was the first to get the alarm, a series of feelings cascading down from his familiar… danger, urgency, something big. He gave the party as clear a warning as he could, and the group split up, half in the woods on one side of the road, half on the other… all planning for to ambush their would be attackers.

Its Shaun that first hears a distinctively strange noise… whump… whump… whump echoing through the trees. He and the part look around desperately, but don’t see anything at first, even after Tess figures out the whump is likely the sound of wings flapping… rather large wings.

The harpy, her skin a mottled blue with the normal reddish pink of her kind, flapped closer to where she saw the humans, her voice primed and ready. Some 50 feet off the ground, she planned to stay out of range of their melee weapons, relying on her voice to call them to her. Finally, just as the party spots the wicked visage of the harpy in the sky, the creature opens its mouth.

Immediately, Siabrey and Shaun find themselves captivated by the creature’s song. They both know that they shouldn’t be walking towards it, yet their bodies continue moving anyway, as the creature’s song continues to hypnotically draw them to her.

Tess sees her friends blindly walking into danger, and draws her harpbow. She, Lucius, and Rogar let loose a ragged volley, with only Tess’ arrow striking the creature, piercing one of its leathery wings. Tess reloads as Siabrey and Shaun draw closer, and desperately aims at the creature’s neck.

As she lets loose, Rogar and Lucius fire again, and this time all three arrows find their target. Tess’ however, does the most important damage. While it doesn’t pierce into the creature’s throat as she hoped, it does knock the wind out of the harpy, and her delirious song ceases. Blood comes gurgling from her mouth from an arrow from Lucius in her lung.

Free of their bindings, Shaun and Siabrey now add their bows to the fire, and within seconds, the creature falls like some fiendish pincushion out of the sky, with Tess’ final arrow between its eyes. The party pokes and prods the creature for a bit to make sure it was dead, before confiscating from the creature a little idol (wilted), and 4 small sapphires. .

Far more alert, the party rides on through mid morning till midday. By this point is is becoming increasingly apparent that the horses are thirsty. Lucius spots a large pond/small lake to the party’s left, and slowly the group ventures there, only to find a very odd sight.

By the opposite side of the beautifully clean waters were a badly injured wolf and a deer, drinking side by side from the pool. Other animals, hunters and prey alike, milled around close to the pool as well. No one is sure of what to make of this… Tess has the best idea, guessing that it might be a dryad, or a nymph, or some other kind of fey that watches over these waters.

”Regardless,” she says, “we should find the owner of these waters, I believe, and gain their permission before we water our horses.” The party agrees and dismounts to find the owner, when something unexpected happens.

All around the party, vines suddenly explode out of the ground. The green tendrils rapidly ensnare Lucius and Rogar, while Tess, Siabrey and Shaun manage to jump free in time. Before they can have time to react, from behind one of the trees steps a tall, almost statuesque woman with a figure and features that would make most males cry. Her face, which would normally be heavenly, was twisted in a snarl of anger.

“You,” she snapped, pointing at the party, “you two leggers come tramping through my forest, destroying my animals, ruining my trees,a nd trying to destroy my lake with your ice magic!” Her green eyes burn with a flame that Tess sees is dangerous, as she points across the lake towards the wolf.

“You even went after poor wolfie!” she half snarled, half sobbed, “I should get rid of you all n…”

“Stop! Wait!” Tess shouts, thinking quickly. “We are not the creatures you speak of… we have no ice on us! We only seek to stop those who would use ice to harm you and your forest!”

The nymph angrily crosses her arms and looks at the upstart human. Tess continued.

“We merely came here to take care of our animals, our horses! They need fresh water, and we saw your pond! We only dismounted to look for you to ask your permission!”

The nymph sighed, looked down for a moment, and then stared Tess in the eye.

“Prove it!”

“Call over your injured wolf… I will heal him,” Tess asks. The nymph looks across the lake, and though no spoken words are uttered, the wolf trots over, gingerly holding up is front left paw, where a large chunk of meat has been removed by some creature’s bite. Tess gingerly places her hands on the wolf’s wound, which almost completely covers over and heals. The nymph sighs, and uncrosses her arms. (DM’s Note: She got a 27 on her diplomacy check… darn high :))

“I suppose then that I misjudged you all,” she says. “For that, please accept my apologies.” The vines around Lucius and Rogar quickly vanish, and the two shake their arms, happy to be free

“What creatures come and attack your lake?” Siabrey asks. The nymph sits on the ground, and begins her tale.

Even only a few weeks later, things were normal here… until a large group of ice creatures tramped by, headed southeast. They crushed the large path through the forest with their sheer numbers, destroying many trees several hundred years old. TO make matters worse, seven specific creatures broke off from the group and attacked her and her pond. She drove them off, but these same severan creatures keep returning, now not even when the ice army marches by.

She describes two of them as being tall… nearly 9 feet high, seemingly made entirely out of ice crystal. These are the ones that try to reach her lake and stick their legs into it, turning it into ice. They are followed by four smaller creatures, which by description resemble the “ghouls” that Lucius and Shaun faced outside of Mephys. Finally, she says that the two bigger ice creatures have a “pet,” they bring along, that hasn’t done much other than stay in the woods. She says he’s small, and he’s some kind of lizard, but in the heat of combat she hasn’t been able to tell what kind. She says that her powers are increasingly not able to hold them back, and she fears for the safety of the pond and the animals that rely on it.

Tess volunteers that the party could stay overnight to help the nymph in case the ice creatures arrive… aside from ready water, there was a small clearing by the lake that could serve as a ready campsite. The party agrees, and begins watering their horses.

. Shaun, true to himself, makes a rather lewd comment about the nymph’s physical beauty. Before she can turn to punish him, Siabrey’s hand connects with the back of his head and a loud SLAP echoes through the forest. The nymph grins, and comments that human males need to be corrected more often in that manner. Shaun, cowed, sits down to rub his sore skull.

The comment, along the nervous idle time before a possible battle, reignites Siabrey and Tess’ dispute over looks (DM’s Note: These are two female players going at it… quite funny to watch :)). The males in the group try to not act like they’re listening, but its readily apparent they are.

Lucius the noble re-emerges sometime later. Not having washed in well over a week… nearing two, he decides he smells horrid, and asks everyone to turn around while he cleans himself off in the clean waters. Everyone save Rogar and the Nymph decide it’s a good idea as well, and fortunately the lake is shaped in a rather large L… allowing both sides some privacy while remaining within earshot.

This proves to potentially be a burden, as the guys, particularly Shaun the prankster, overhear the loud exclamation of the “stacked” discussion re-emerging. Shaun then incites, (through dares, with teens are unfortunately vulnerable to at times) Lucius to attempt to swim underwater most of the distance, and confirm the “winner of the discussion.”

The girls realize something is wrong once they only spot Shaun in the water, and they see Rogar on the shore rolling around in laughter. They pile out of the water, and get themselves properly covered before a foiled Lucius comes to the surface. Tess remarks the boy is naughty while a shocked Siabrey doesn’t know how to react…

After the chaos settles, the party settles down by the campsite, and Lucius starts practicing some magical spells, trying to rein in his abilities. Siabrey continues to struggle with the issues in her mind, as its increasingly obvious that he’s devoting lots of his attention exclusively to her. She finds herself sitting beside him for a couple hours as he explains some of the spells in the book he is learning his control from, though he doesn’t demonstrate them.. he wants to hold his magical power for the night in case of battle.

“See that log over there?” he points to a rather large dead log. Siabrey leans in to see, bumping his shoulder, and feelings pop into her head, and she has trouble pushes them aside. The log in question was perhaps three feet wide and ten feet long.


“With this one,” he points in the book, “I can shatter the log with a blast of energy… I just need to work on my aiming.” Siabrey catches herself staring at him for a second, though she manages to look away just before he turns back around to talk to her. He gives her a rather large grin that makes her uncomfortable.

This can’t be happening her mind kicks her, Why are you dwelling on this?

That grin was not a normal grin, another part of her mind exclaimed, that grin was… was…

I’m delving too deep into this… it was not a normal grin… I’m getting too close… I need to get away… quickly…and she makes up a rather weak excuse to get away from the area, and avoids him for quite a while.

The party heads to sleep, with the first watch passing quietly. Late in Siabrey’s second watch, however, her eyes spot movement in the forest. Even though she can’t see figures yet, she begins rousing the party, so that when two tall and four short figures become visible, the party is ready with a follow of arrows, most with burning cloth attached.

To the party’s chagrin, however, the arrows that do hit seem to do less damage than they should. One of Siabrey’s slams the creature in the neck, and it hardly flinches. One from Shaun hits the creature full in the chest… it melts some, then pulls the arrow out. The creatures then break into the clearing, and the party for the first time, gets a clear look at the pet…

It was small.. perhaps only 3 feet long, but 2 feet wide, and looked much as a miniature dragon. As the monsters emerged from the forests’ edge, one of the ice trolls snarled a command and the dragon took to the air.

Disturbed, Shaun launches an arrow at the dragon, hitting it full in the stomach, yet it continues to rise till its about 10 feet in the air. The ghoulish comrades launch themselves at the party, and nearly poison Shaun for his trouble. The battle begins in earnest.

Lucius decides to unleash the newest spell he has learned… shatter, which would have been devastating against he ice trolls. Unfortunately for the party, Lucius hadn’t practiced the spell enough, and instead of shattering the trolls to bits, the spell shakes a local apple tree until its fruit rains onto the ground.

The nymph calls upon her magical powers, and the same vines that wrapped up Lucius and Rogar now wrap around the trolls, holding them immobile. The ghouls attempt at slashing and hacking, to little avail. One charges Siabrey, who holds her katana in the low guard position. AS the creature closes, she slashes upward, cutting it open from belly to throat, before snapping her body around full circle, cleanly lopping off its head.

Tess, dispatches one creature with a sonic dagger as it tried to rake her, and Lucius strikes another so hard with his bastard sword that it is cut open from head to chest. By this point, the ice trolls have broken free of their bonds and begin to lurch forward, as their pet finally acts.

The part first feels a chilly feeling run through them as they see the small creatures eyes go aglow. None of them break and run, and the small creature’s mouth starts to fill with blue, and a blue flash rockets across the battlefield, downing the last ghoul but also badly injuring several party members (DM’s note: Cone of Cold).

Siabrey then lets the warrior in her take over. She rushes forward towards the ice trolls, her sword upraised, striking hard at one… managing to fell it in one blow. Its compatriot, free and now angry, charges her, dealing a painful amount of damage, and nearly knocking her down. More arrows slice through the air, though the ice trolls seem to shrug off most of the damage.

The small icedrake meanwhile has his eyes glow green, and almost immediately Tess and Lucius fall to the ground, asleep. The nymph runs to Tess, the closest one, and starts trying to wake her up. An arrow from Shaun flashes through the air and knocks the icedrake out of the sky, though it rapidly begins to regain its footing.

Siabrey returns the favor onto the ice troll, slicing open its midsection. As the icedrake struggles to its feet, Tess, now awakened and infuriated, launches a sonic dart at the creature. Once again, her accuracy is dead on… in the literal sense. The creatures head contorts grostesquely and it falls, as Tess twirls the wrist the dart originated from and then sticks it in her pocket.

Lucius and the nymph then walk about the party, Lucius using the staff to heal party members, while the nymph healed Lucius. When everyone found themselves fixed up, the nymph points out that the two dead ice trolls were indeed the ones that had broken off and were bothering her, and asks how she can repay the party. Tess and Siabrey ask if she knows a safer route to White Spine Mountain, and if she can lead them there. The nymph says she can’t leave her lake for too long, but she would be more than happy to talk to one of her animals and have it lead them there.

Tired but happy, the party sits back around the campfire, and some humorous banter goes back and forth. Lucius notices that everyone is laughing except Siabrey, and he goes to sit beside her, asking her what’s wrong. She sighs, and mentions that she’s worried about what is to come.

Lucius’ response is to give her a tight hug, and the swirling emotions in Siabrey’s head rush to the forefront again.

I shouldn’t be thinking about this, she thinks as she is within his embrace, He’s so much younger… he’s a high nobleman!

But you have noble blood in your veins as well, another part of her mind called,
and this young man will possibly be marrying someone far older than you… and someone he doesn’t like…

You’re getting too close… why don’t you break this off?

But I can’t break this thing off! I don’t want to break this off!

It feels wrong, but it feels right!

I don’t know what to do!

Siabrey finds herself alternately trying to hug him tighter and releasing her grip. The emotions continue to swirl and rise in her mind, pushing other thoughts aside. This time, she can’t push them back, and she realizes that she can’t ignore them any longer, she must make a decision… soon…


First Post
Wow, that was long. You must have really had an itch.

Couple questions,

How'd you run the drinking contest Fort saves? I ran one earlier today and simply said high Fort wins. But that came off as much more fun.

Was the Icedrake out of 3.5 (I haven't read much in there) or did you homebrew him? He seems like a blast to run (no pun intended).

You've given me a couple ideas for some random encounters. A harpy or three might be fun to sew a little confusion, followed up by a couple lizard beasts.

Well, somewhere in the Arms and Equipment Guide there's a table for the strength of drinks with the requisite fort saves to not be drunk.

I was too lazy to pull it out.

So I guesstimated that dwarven ale probably had a DC of somewhere around 15, and I increased it by one for every drink they had. The PCs kept getting insane fort rolls (Most were 19+) for the first couple rounds... so they somehow managed to down 12 ales between them with no effect... the next time they rolled 11 and 7 respectively, and then the drunken mess began.

The Icedrake came out of the creature catalogue found on this site (on of my PCs, whose also my DM in another game, pointed it out to me a couple months ago), and there's a great deal of useful and fun monsters there... the Ice Trolls were listed there as well. The ghouls are homebrew.

And also, kudos goes out to Siabrey's character for helping me add what would ahve been going throguh her character's head regarding Lucius.

Our next session is tommorrow night, so the story should be posted mid to late next week.

In this session, we’ll introduce a new character. One of the players had a sibling who joined us for one session, and created quite a memorable character… one I’ve decided is going to be a recurring NPC at least…

Grumki the Loud 6th Level Cleric of Kord:

Grumki doesn’t know much about his background… Grumki really knows little about many things. But what he knows is basic to this world is that one needs Kord’s strength, and little else.

A massive hulking giant, (6’4”, 275 pounds), Grumki on the surface epitomizes why humans are at times so afraid of half-orcs. On initial appearances, he can seem gruff… even frightening. However, his simple soul desires more than all the strength of company, and a chance to show the strength of Kord and its blessings on him.

Girding for Battle – Part One of Three of the Adventure on 1-19-04

As the party ruffled through the bodies of the ice trolls, it was Tess who discovered, haphazardly thrown into the large pouch of one, a most exquisite dagger.

It was slightly longer than normal, silvery colored with an eagle, hawk, or some flying creature’s open mouth at the base of the blade, its wings forming the guards and hilt. Tess initially thought it was little more than a ceremonial weapon, until a high pitched voice echoed in the air.


Tess spun around, looking for where the voice came from.

“I’m here!” The voice echoed from further below. She looked at the dagger, and blinked hard.

“You’re, where?” she said slowly, her mind not believing the information it was receiving from her ears and eyes.

“Here!” the voice from the dagger announced happily. “You like more likely to be fun and prank people! We’ll make good friends! Those white monstesr weren’t happy, they left me inside a dark place! I thought they’d break me!”

“Who are you?” Tess asked, very puzzled, and more than a little disturbed as she pulled the dagger close to her.

“My name is Fa’rallan!” the weapon announced rather proudly.

“How… did you end up here.. in a dagger?” Tess pressed, still very disturbed. The voice seemed too happy, eager, and annoying to be something evil, but her tired mind didn’t trust it quite yet.

Fa’rallan went on to blurt out she used to be a brownie, that was good at pranks involving shocking people. She pranked the one person one day many years ago, and the angry wizard had destroyed her body and bound her soul inside her dagger. She’d had many owners over the years, and preferred those that let her, “prank,” others.

Tess (whose own close range weapon was a rather mundane dagger) realized there might be some potential use for this thing, despite her annoying voice. She tells Fa’rallan that she’ll have some fun tonight, and then walks back to the rest of the party, who were busy warming next to the campfire before heading off to bed.

“Hey, Shaun,” she called, and his dark haired head rose a little sleepily. “I found this on the ice demon,” Tess held out Fa’rallan, “it looks like it might be worth something… take a look at it.”

No sooner had Shaun fully grasped the blade when Tess saw the hairs on his arm stand on end, his eyes grow big, and a slight arc of electricity dance between his fingers. A loud call of “ZAP!” lept from Fa’rallan, followed by loud, immature giggling from the weapon, and Tess.

Siabrey leaned over, and grabbing the weapon with a simple commanding, “Let me see that!” Her hand dropped the weapon too, as a loud call of “ZAP!” flew out again, followed by more giggling from both the weapon and Tess. Shaun and Siabrey rubbed their hands, which were unhurt, and glowered at the giggling Tess.

“Someday Tess, I will surprise you with a massive prank. Someday… you’ll know the true meaning of. ‘you’ve been punked,’” Shaun said quietly, his own face grinning a little. Tess grinned, stuck her tongue out at him, and picked up Fa’rallan. Siabrey wasn’t amused period, gave a grunt of displeasure, and went off to sleep.

Grumki kept whistling the tune he had stuck in his head for the past ten years. He didn’t fear the fact he was walking around, singing a loud song in the middle of a dark forest in the deepest of the night. He cared not that his massive frame crashed through twigs, bumped over small trees, and made an enormous racket. The strength of Kord does not require quiet.

”Kord, thou shinest thy light on me,” he deep bass rumbled, so out of tune that its noise was horrific at times. Grumki didn’t care… the strength of Kord did not need tuning.

All Grumki needed was a campfire… and some companionship. He’d been out in these woods, displaying the strength of Kord to many monsters that dared challenge him. But there had been no witnesses, to spread forth the word that Kord was indeed strong. And while the strength of Kord guaranteed he didn’t need someone to talk to… it made Grumki feel a little better.

Off in the distance, he spotted a bright light… easily discernible as a campfire. His logic, while small compared to others, was large enough to quickly grasp that the campfire couldn’t be coming from one of the ice creatures… they hated fire. Confident, and now happy, Grumki’s song increased in strength as he confidently strode towards the fire, his massive warhammer slung over his shoulder.

“Kord, Kord, my arm is bound to thee!” his thundering voice echoed. Up ahead, he could see the people around the party scurrying about… some were waking up, others had weapons out apparently. HE decided this would be the best time to introduce himself.

“Heeellllooo!” his greeting shook the trees.

“W..who goes there?” a young man’s voice (more a boy’s voice) answered back. “Show yourself!”

“Are you friend?” another voice, this one of a woman, called.

“I am but a traveler! A priest! A priest of Kord!” Grumki stepped out of the woods, and revealed himself in all his massive size to the party.

Grumki had to restrain himself from laughing at their reactions. The boyish on, a tall, thin redhead had a bastard sword drawn, but it was visibly shaking. The boy was easily 4” shorter than Grumki, and easily 80-90 pounds lighter.

One girl, a blonde that rather strangely had a harp out, was the first to walk up to him. Maybe she had been playing when he appeared, his mind thought.

”Hello, great one,” she said slowly and cautiously. Grumki smiled, and remembered his manners.

“My name is Grumki!” he said with a beaming smile… which meant all his teeth and tusks were fully revealed. The boy began siddling away, as others stood rather pale, or big eyed.

“My name,” the woman began, her voice stronger now, “is Tesseron. Many know me as the Harper.” She gave a formal bow… and Grumki was a little sad. A handshake did well to show the strength of Kord, as well as greet.

”We too are travelers,” she continued. She began pointing out people to him, listing off Rogar, Shaun, and the pale boy as Lucius. “This is Siabrey,” the pointed to a small woman with blond hair… and red eyes.

“Madam,” Grumki began, confused and concerned, “do you know your eyes are red?” The woman’s face furrowed, and then broke into a small grin.

“Um, yes I do. They’ve always been that way.”

Grumki leaned close to her, looked at her eyes from side to side, and then gave a massive shrug of his shoulders.

“It is well. The strength of Kord does not require one to have good eyes!” He broke into a loud rumble of laughter, while Siabrey frowned a bit. Grumki then strode over to the boy they called Lucius. He’d seen how frightened he’d been, and he while he loved for the strength of Kord to impress, he also wanted people he could talk to. He grabbed him by the shoulder, and pulled him in. The boy winced, but put up a barely brave smile.

“So, they tell me your sword is mighty sharp! Well, the strength of Kord doesn’t require swords! Tell me a tale of your use of that sword!”

Lucius, in a shaky voice, described slashing a giant spider with it, and Grumki laughed, and slapped the boy on the back. Lucius’ head nearly popped off of his spine, though Grumki didn’t notice the boy’s obvious look of pain.

Grumki saw the other party members gathered in a corner, and he heard them mentioning “ice demons.” Grinning, he rose, strode boldly over, and announced that “Striking down ice creatures is an excellent way to show the revelations of the strength of Kord!”

The party members blinked, and looked at Grumki, and then his warhammer. Nods went around, and Tess took it upon herself to tell Grumki the party’s mission. Grumki grinned bigger and bigger as they described fighting many monsters, and that they were now hunting a demon.

“Truly, you do not realize it, but the strength of Kord goes with you! It is clear to me that Kord wishes me to add my strength to yours, so that we may overcome this evil, and show all that the strength of Kord fears no demon!”

The speech of very loud, and Shaun and Lucius were among those that had ringing ears after Grumki finished. As the others in the camp went to sleep, it became apparent to Grumki that the boy and the one they called Shaun were the ones on watch.

The one called Shaun came over, and whispered something to the boy. Grumki couldn’t hear it, but then again Grumki didn’t care. The strength of Kord does not require good hearing. The one called Shaun then mentioned something about, “this is how its done,” and reached his hand over to Grumki.

“I’m afraid I haven’t had the pleasure of introducing myself in person. I am Shaun, Shaun Dice,” he said, and Grumki’s grin grew as he saw the man’s hand extended out of him. He eagerly grabbed it, and shook with enthusiasm. HE didn’t realize that he almost shook Shaun’s arms out of socket… but then again the strength of Kord does not require carefulness.

“How strong is this cord?” Shaun asked. Grumki guessed he was trying to be clever, and saw he was still shaking his arm.

Poiting at the man’s still painful arm, Grumki said, “strong!”

Early the next morning, Siabrey watched the nymph walk out of the forest and go pale when she laid eyes on the newest and largest party member. Thankfully Tess’ quick mind and tongue told her that he was a friend, as the fey’s hands were already rising to call forth vines to bind the large brute.

She looked from the brute off to his left… where Shaun and Lucius were casually sprawled by a log, not quite sitting, not quite laying either. One she was falling in love with, the other… well, she didn’t hate him… more, just found herself easily annoyed by him.

The party saddled up, and rode out. Siabrey looked with some concern as Grumki took a position alongside Lucius, until she realized the big creature was merely trying to get to know the boy better. Grumki was talking quietly (which for the big brute was still very loud… just not defeaning anymore), and asking Lucius all sorts of questions about himself.

Siabrey herself took point for the party, following the small hawk that flew above; the guide promised to them by the nymph. It was another hour as she rode before she heard the first smack.

Looking back, she saw Grumki laughing, with Lucius having a strained, pained smile on his face. Grumki was laughing harder, and slapped Lucius on the back again as she watched. Her emotions initially bristled at seeing Lucius in pain, before her logical mind stepped in.

He’s just trying to be friendly… the creature just doesn’t know his own strength.

She tells Shaun to take point for a bit, and rides to the middle of the party, between Lucius and Grumki. She puts on a smile… a real one, now that she’s fully realized the situation and that Grumki was not trying to hurt Lucius, and starts talking. Lucius gives her a weak smile and rides a little ahead, his back apparently sore from his bent riding position.

“Your eyes,” Grumki said again, once again peering close to her face, “they’re still red! Are you sure you are not sick? I am a healer as well as a messenger for Kord, and I have many treatments that…”

“This is the way they are, dear cleric!” she smiled. “I got them from my father.”

“That is very strange,” she saw Grumki’s mind slowly trying to wrap around the idea, and failing. “Very strange indeed.”

Over the whispers of the wind, she caught a faint bit of a mutter from Lucius, a mutter that thankfully no one else heard.

“I myself think they’re gorgeous enough.”

Her copper skin went further beet red, and the conflict in her mind sprang up again. Her smile vanished, and she decided to what she thought was best in this situation…

She ran, and spurred her horse to the front again.

Shaun wasn’t completely sure why Siabrey suddenly galloped past him on horseback. He turned back to the party, and saw nothing unusual… save Lucius riding funny. She hadn’t looked happy as she went past, and his mind wondered.

It wondered more when he saw her stopped up ahead. She galloped up, and asked her what was up there. She pointed.

Beyond her, a good hundred feet up the road, was coming a loud series of screeches and growls, as five roughly human looking creatures, all chasing a small, yellowish looking rat creature. Siabrey tells Shaun to watch them, and spins around, riding back to the party.

Her voice came across in a strained, hurried whisper, and the complaint of “the strength of Kord does not need quiet,” echoed only slightly in his ear. As the rest of the party came up, it was easy to tell that Grumki was pouting a little after a short lecture on stealth.

“Strength of voice is part of the strength of Kord,” the familiar bass rumbled quietly.

As the party mulled what to do, Shaun noticed Siabrey ride forward, simply and commandingly, and demand of the creatures what they were doing. Grumki rode up to her side, and Shaun rode up on the other side of Grumki. One of the smaller “humans” had caught the yellowish rat thing and was hanging it over a pot of boiling liquid.

”We’re hungry, and we’re gonna eat! You have a problem with that?” the tallest of the five humans, a man with a large white streak in his otherwise black hair, strode forward.

“They’re gonna eat me!” the small, dangling rat cried, something that immediately attracted the attention of Shaun, as well as others.

”Meethinks it is not wise to eat a sentient creature,” Tess said from the back, her voice of reason even toned as normal in a stressful situation. “If you let the small one go, we’ll share out trail rations with you.”

“The strength of Kord does not require us to eat sentient creatures,” Grumki agreed. Shaun’s own hand was on his bow… it was out, but not fully drawn. His hands tensed as the lead man talking to the party grew even more hostile.

“We don’t want any rations… we want fresh meat! Why don’t you just leave us alone… or we’ll put you in the pot as well!”

Shaun winced… that was not a good threat to give… especially to little fire eyes in front. She had a mean mean temper when she got angry. It was then that he noticed that the man was changing. His face had already been protruding, but now it seems like he was gaining a rat face of some kind.

Before Shaun could do anything, his dire thoughts came true… as Siabrey placed an arrow in the man’s shoulder, and an arrow from Tess hit him in the chest. He fell, and then arose as the largest badger Shaun had ever seen. It charged, and bit Siabrey.

Shaun himself drew and quickly took aim at the small human holding the creature above the point. His shot hit the changing human in the stomach, and it somehow missed dropping the small creature intot he pot as it reeled, then charged forward… it and its four companions the largest squirrels he’d ever seen.

A desperate fight started, as Siabrey’s blade flashed and found one of the charging squirrels. Shaun was forced to take a momentary pause as her blade flashed through the air, and the leaping squirrel landed on the ground in four parts… almost neat quarters. Lucius found the badger, and with a snarl his sword slashed the creature out of its misery

Shaun couldn’t quite hear the song that Tess began to sing, but he did see the squirrel it targeted, the one he’d shot already, begin to shaking, its eyes pop out of its head, and then it exploded, covering the area in nasty bits (Crescendo).

Directly to his front, a squirrel leapt at him, and bit his ankle. It didn’t hurt to much, but his momentary non-action let Grumki bring his warhammer down on the creature’s back. A loud series of snaps were heard, yet somehow, the creature continued to claw forward, able to use only one paw. Shaun drew his rapier, and with a slashing pirouet for fit for a fencing salon than a battlefield, finished off the poor creature in style.

Tess had been slightly amazed by what her music had done to the squirrel… it was a little unexpected, however, it was not unwelcome. A brief search of the bodies revealed some gold and a few gems, but little more.

Tess busied herself with talking to this sentient rat… though as it ran up towards her, she saw it was more a mix between a rat and a rabbit. Its fur stood on end, and little sparks of electricity ran between them. It grabbed her leg, panting, and hung on tight, repeating again and again, “I’m scared, I’m scared.”

“Its ok,” her soothing voice reached down towards the creature, and she knelt to talk to it on its own level. “Its alright… they won’t hurt you anymore. What is your name? Where are you from?” Its fur had stopped bristling, and she began to soothingly pet its back, calming the creature down.

“I have no name. I was made in the mountain, but they cast me out.”

Tess tried hard to keep the look of surprise from exploding all over her face, and mildly succeeded from keeping it out of your voice.

“The mountain? The one near here, with snow on its back?” The creature nodded.

“Who made you?”

“The evil one… they said I was a mistake, that I was supposed to be evil… so they kicked me out, and I’m alone!” The creature clung to her a little bit, and she petted it more.

“What do you mean, you were a mistake?” Tess asked probing for answers, while hurriedly adding, “you’re so cute, you couldn’t be a mistake.”

“I was made by the master himself, but his magic is going bad. Its affecting the forest… those creatures that were going to eat me were part of his bad magic.”

Tess’ mind froze. Previously she had thought that Ananias was merely losing power… now it appeared he was losing his mind and/or control of his magical powers. A new sense of urgency filled her, and she told the creature that they were looking for Ananias to kill him, as he’d destroyed much.

“You’re nice to me. I lead you to the back way! The front way.. there’s many scary things… its not safe!” The creature hopped up and down, and Tess, happy to see it happier and also to have something leading them to the mountain that had no love for Ananias, agreed.

The creature grew scared as Tess tried to put him on her horse, and kept crying to be put on the ground. Tess relented, and he happily bounced ahead of the party’s horses, leading them onward.

As the party neared the mountain, the woods became thinner and thinner, and in plain sight came the more awe inspiring thing any of them had ever seen. Coming out of the mountain, in a long, thick line, was more than a horde, more than a troop.

It was an army.

Hobgoblins, Orcs, Giant Spiders, Stag Beetles, kobolds and goblins… all streaming out of a large cave near the base of the mountain.

Siabrey quietly pointed out that the group, especially the orcs and hobgoblins, had more than just warriors… there were women, and children, all with items backed on their backs. She whispered to Tess it looked more like a migration than an army. All of them were headed out not at a march, or a walk, but a slow trot, a steady jog…

It was with alarm at that point that Tess saw where the massive juggernaught was heading… not southeast, towards Mephys… but due south.

Holstean was the first town in that direction.

Tess quietly pulled Siabrey and Shaun aside and informed them of this, and the three agreed that it would likely be best to not tell Lucius… it would make the boy even more scared than he already was. As it was late in the day, the party walked a few hundred yards back into the woods to make camp, before venturing into Ice Spine Mountain on the morrow…

Grumki had seen the night before major fights before, and it was a given that people were nervous. IT was natural in humans, halfings, even half-orcs like himself. And Grumki knew the best way to resolve these fears was through friendly contests. Thus it came as no surprise to him when Tess invited him to a knife throwing contest.

The two picked a tree near the campsite, and marked the center of its side as the target. Tess threw first, and landed several inches to the right of the target. As Grumki is about to throw, Tess reaches into her belt, and hands him a rather ornate dagger. Grumki figures that this is quite an honor, and grabs the weapon, only to feel a pulse and shock go through his arm.

“ZAP!” a small voice shouted with glee, as Tess and most of the rest of the party collapsed in laughter. Grumki didn’t quite get the joke, shrugged, and pulled out his own dagger. The resulting throw landed almost opposite of Tess’.

Grumki then watched with some surprise as the red eyed woman came forward, with her own dagger. He’d seen her fight the creatures, and saw her skill with her large blade. It came as little surprise that her dagger throw hit the target dead on, and she grinned a sashayed off.

A little miffed, Grumki decided it was time to reveal the strength of Kord, and walked over to the tree with his warhammer. With two mighty swings, the tree shook, the daggers fell out of their nestings, and a rain of apples covered the area. Satisfied, Grumki then announced, “the strength of Kord does not require accuracy!”

Everyone had a laugh at the quip, and Grumki soon found himself involved in another test of strength.

Shaun, in an attempt to prove his own skills, casually picked up some apples and tossed one in the air. He then tried to draw his bow and shoot it before it hit the ground. Instead, his arrow clattered through the trees, scaring birds and squirrels, as the apple landed anticlimactically on the ground.

Siabrey, not to be outdone by her… foe (Grumki had figured out they didn’t like each other too much, but were willing to work together), tosses her own into the air, draws, and shoots the arrow not only into the fruit, but shoots the fruit into a nearby tree.

Grumki could not let this finesse challenge to Kord’s strength be left unmet. He picked up his own apple, and tossed it up. Unfortunately, he ironically tossed it too low, and it fell before he could swing his warhammer around. Instead of stopping, however, Grumki merely continued his horizontal swing, transferring it into a vertical blow, and crushed the apple into mush on the ground.

“The strength of Kord does not need a longbow!” he bellowed, and grinned at the other two.

While these antics occurred, a rather serious Tess decides to check out the morphing idols in their backpack. They had been changing for a while now, and she hoped to be able to figure out what it meant.

When she pulled the idol out, its wings were now gone… their ivory had instead morphed into the figure, making it taller… more shapely. Its head was still bowed, but it was becoming more and more apparent it was no longer a man. Its hair had changed as well… there were no more diamonds.

Instead, the idols long strands of precious stones now were rubies, which stretched down the “back” of the idol almost to where its feet would be. This created huge alarm bells in Tess’ head. She called Siabrey over.

“I… I think the idol might be turning into the Countess,” Tess said very quietly, her voice wracked with concern. Siabrey’s face fell.

“Do we know if she is intentionally taking on this power… or is she being duped into it?” Siabrey asked. Tess wished she knew the answer, but shrugged sadly.

“I wish I knew… this definitely needs to be kept away from the boy, for now at least.” She looked over, and watched quietly as Lucius chucked several apples at Shaun, undoubtedly working out a lot of nervousness about the morrow.

”Yes… I think it would almost break him if this were true,” Siabrey nodded sadly.

Siabrey’s own heart was heavy as she walked back to where her bedroll lay, as the antics of Lucius and Shaun died away. She gave a halfway glance to Lucius, who beamed at her.

He’s trying hard to hide it… I know he’s scared, part of her said. Her mind them caught something in the grin that was not right, and she didn’t have any time to dodge before an apple piece hit her shoulder.

She flashed a grin, and flung it back at him… and he merely caught it. The game of “catch,” (more a series of fastball throws and lucky catches) went on for a bit, before Siabrey decided to one up him for good. AS she reared back to throw the apple at her again, her katana flashed through the air, slicing the piece in two. She managed to catch both pieces, and handed one to the hungry little animal they’d rescued earlier. Looking back at Lucius, she saw him smile at her, and comment, “good swing.”

Her mind then jumped, as she saw the same smile that only a few days earlier disturbed her. This time, however, the nagging voices of nay seemed to fall behind, and she returned her own smile… a broad, full one. Before she realized it, she felt her face flush slightly. Her mind goes blank as to a reply, as thoughts race through her head…

You don’t know if either of you will live through the morrow, one voice in her head called, You’re fighting a demon Siabrey! It could kill him, and take him away from you forever!

But… but… the naysayers in her conscience cried, He’s s so much younger than you! And he’s gifted with arms! The boy will live… the decision shouldn’t be made now, in haste!

She paced for a bit, noticing Lucius occasionally glancing up at her as he ate one of the yet unspoiled apples. Finally, her mind came to a snap decision, and she walked to the edge of the forest on one side of the camp. She beckoned him to follow. He trotted over rather quietly, and was unnoticed by the rest of the group.

The conflict in her head raged even more, now that she was face to face with him, and she stumbled for words.

“Um…” she begins a little awkwardly, “How is your back?” Lucius smiles, and replies it’s a little sore, but thankfully Grumki is learning quickly he can’t slap Lucius on the back that hard. The two share a slight nervous laugh before she continues.

”What do you think about tomorrow?” she says quietly. He sighs, and looks her directly in the eyes.

“In all honesty… I’m scared… scared out of my mind. I’ve never seen a demon before… let alone fought one…” She sees him tighten up, as he reveals something he’d been trying to hide all day.

“I’m scared too,” she blurts out, and she can see the relief crossing his face. “We’re all scared.” Before her mind can shout anything to the contrary, she reaches out, and clasps him in the biggest bearhug her frame can muster, a hug he firmly returned. For a few moments, there’s nothing but silence between the two, as her mind raced, trying to think of something appropriate to say. Normally she didn’t have problem with picking words… but now, it just seemed right to keep the words to a minimum.

”Tommorrow, you be careful,” she says, tightening her grip as much as she can. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you… I want you to realize that/.

He rested his head on top of hers, and quietly said, “You too. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

Siabrey blinked… hard… and then hugged him even more tightly.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Excellent write-up Mr. DM! (I play Tess in this game)

Just as an amusing side, Valarian based the "rat-thing" off of Pikachu, though we refused to call it that. We started calling it The Cheat (from www.homestarrunner.com ), which was a good a name as any.

It was my sister who played Grumki, and she really got into it. She was talking about as loud as Grumki was supposed to, and I was afraid she was going to wake up the whole building... It was a damn funny time. :D

Into the Icy Darkness – part 2 of 3

Tess awoke early in the morning to the incessant nudgings of the small yellow creature they’d rescued the day before… she’d taken to calling him, “The Cheat” after a small creature she’d seen in a play back home. He’d taken to the name well, and was proving quite lovable in his thankfulness for their intervention.

”Rise… rise golden one!” he called, nudging her again.

“Rmph,” Tess mumbled, as the rising light of a yet unborn dawn began to course through the trees. “Its early,” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

“Yes… but early start means I get you to the mountain sooner! So you don’t have to sleep in the mountain with nasties!”

Tess nodded sleepily, and nodded to Lucius and Shaun, who had taken last watch, to start waking the others. Grumki grumbled loudly about being woken, grumbling that the “strength of Kord does require sleep!” With some coaxing the party was to its feet, and The Cheat happily led them forward, even as the distant rumble of hordes of creatures leaving the mountain from the main entrance continued.

As the sun barely climbed into the sky, the party dodged rocks and boulders, making their way up the side of the mountain till they neared a small black spot in its side… the entrance of what appeared to be either a small cave or abandoned mine shaft. The party stopped in confusion however when they spotted two roughly humanoid figures besides the hole, one on each side.

Shaun immediately ducked behind a rock, as did Rogar and Tess. Siabrey’s clanking did not help her hiding cause, while Grumki did not even try to hide, rumbling, “the strength of Kord does not require hiding!”

The two creatures spotted the party, and began scampering down the hill. The party quickly noticed that while they had many human features, there were large, insect-like mandibles on either side of their mouth, and two rather strange knobs arose from the sides of their heads.

Tess watched Shaun used his ventriloquism ability to make his voice sound behind the creatures. The creature to the left turned and began looking up the hill in confusion, while the right one glared down at the party. The party launched arrows at the distracted creature (both were araneas), hitting it hard.

The creature spun around at being hit, and launched a sticky web at the party, catching Grumki and Lucius, holding them in place. The second creature then charged down the hill at Grumki, biting his stuck form hard, attempting to pump poison into his body. Grumki’s body twisted in pain, but managed to avoid being poisoned.

As Lucius and Grumki struggled to get free, Tess opened her mouth, and the notes of her harp cascaded through the air. Her first note was a carefully placed song strike, its notes aimed at the wounded aranea up the hill. As belted off a high C in her soprano, the creature began to shake violently, the arrows in its body writhing through its flesh, cutting it to pieces.

She then spun towards the aranea directly in front of Grumki, as the creature reared back to try and bite him again. Her voice slunk for a split second back to low F, and then rose thunderously, her voice slowly crawling up the scale as the volume of her crescendo blasted through the air. The aranea shuddered, broke off his attack, and stumbled uphill. He only managed to get a few feet before his head, vibrating violently, exploded as her voice reached high C again. While the results were rather gruesome, she gave a little grin as the other party members stared at her in awe.

“Its all in the voice,” she said with a smile.

Searches of the aranea’s bodies for items or clues proved useless, and Siabrey saw Shaun growl a little in frustration. She cut open their bellies, to see if there was anything there… a move she’d repeated with all the monsters the group had killed. The response this time was the same as before… groans of distaste, and people staring away. Nothing.

”The Cheat,” as Tess was calling the little creature told them he was afraid of going inside unless it was absolutely necessary… but he would be more than willing to stand outside, and should something threaten to come in, warn them. Tess thanked the small creature, and Siabrey followed suit, commenting that he was very brave for helping them.

As the party gingerly stepped inside the cave, Siabrey took point, and her red eyes couldn’t see anything until Tess lit a sunrod and stuck its unlit end into her backpack. The light was there just long enough for Siabrey to get a momentary glimpse of a hail of icicles as they peppered her, hurting her upper arm and an exposed part of her leg (5 points damage). Lucius quickly came over with his staff and healed her.

Pushing onward, it was both she and Shaun that noticed a section of the ice covered floor that was discolored. It was small enough the party was able to walk around it, and continue onward. Little did Siabrey or any of the others know they had just avoided a cold trap, which would have dropped the temperature in the tunnel from the already cold 30 degrees to around –20 degrees.

The party pressed further, Grumki now accompanying Siabrey in the lead. The two rounded a corner and narrowly avoided a massive blast of cold from a trap at the end of the short hall. Siabrey voiced major concerns about taking point for a bit, yet the group pressed onward… till they noticed up ahead was a slope of some kind.

”Can you see anything?” she nervously asked as Rogar and Shaun crawled ahead to take a look.

“It’s a set of stairs… they’re mostly stone, very little ice or snow on them… should be fine,” Shaun called back. Siabrey and the rest of the party came up, and no sooner had she placed her foot on the first step of the 40 foot tall stairs, than a loud roaring echoed through the cavern.

Before their eyes, spigots burst from the sides of the walls, and water flooded onto the cold stairs… and within seconds, the stairs were coated with nearly 5 inches of ice. Siabrey slipped, landed on her back, and went sliding down the stairs quickly. She attempted to pull out her dagger to try and slow her descent, but by the time the weapon was drawn, her legs hit the flat bottom of the stairway with a thud. Two more thuds echoed from beside her, as Tess and the normally sure-footed Rogar landed beside her.

“Allo?” she heard Lucius’ worried voice call from above, and she quickly responded with an, “Ouch!” She twisted herself around, and saw him, Shaun, and Grumki scuttling down the stairs… half walking, half tiptoeing. IF her legs didn’t hurt as much, she probably would have burst out laughing. Once again, Lucius went to work with his staff, fixing up the injured.

Sufficiently mended, the party continues onward, as Siabrey hears Tess remarked they must have come, “at least half a mile,” into the mountain. So far the group had seen nothing, and Siabrey was starting to get annoyed.

“Where is anything in here?” she hissed quietly. Her wish for something to happen came true, as Shaun suddenly hissed for silence. The noise of growling and scurrying rose from slightly ahead of the party, echoing along the icy walls, and Siabrey began to make out a faint shape… a large, low shape. With teeth.

The shape quickly materialized into the shape of a giant lizard, perhaps 10-15 feet long, with blue, leathery skin and enormous, sharp teeth. Siabrey had never seen anything like this before, and she was shocked as an arrow from her bow went into the creature, and then came back out, as if the creature hadn’t been harmed. Shaun’s arrow, with its flame, seemed to have an effect, however.

More arrows clattered up the hall, none hitting the monster. Seeing her bow was ineffective, Siabrey flashed her katana out, a feeling of warmth coming from it to her hands. With a yell, she launched herself at the creature, weapon high in the air. Her ears barely caught the noise of Grumki’s voice rumbling, “The strength of Kord has a target!” and the heavy footfall’s of the half-orc close behind her.

As they charge, the creature lashes out at Grumki visciously, biting him hard, and slashing him with 3 of its four sets of claws. While the creature is distracted, Siabrey’s blade sings through the air in a lightning thrust from a down guard position, cutting into the creature’s neck, and up into its innards. Its left side seems to slump, as it dawns on Siabrey she must have partially paralyzed it (critical hit).

Grumki was not about to take a mauling sitting down, or standing up, and let out with a load roar of anger as he brought his warhammer onto the creature’s head. An enormous series of sickening snaps, cracks and pops reverberated through the air as the frost salamander’s head was crushed in, the blow so vicious that its body flew several feet to the side of the passageway.

Siabrey, heavily panting, gave Grumki a grin, and the half orc, bleeding as Lucius ran up to him, grinned back.

“You see how the strength of Kord does not require accuracy?” the creature beamed as his wounds were healed.

Shaun wondered what the heck he had gotten himself into an hour or so later, as the loud roaring nosie the group had been hearing for the past 15 minutes continued to grow as they ventured further and further into the cave. The party had gone through numerous twists and turns again… but there had been no traps, and no enemies… yet.

As Siabrey and Grumki push ahead, they reach another turn in the path, and Shaun hears Siabrey’s annoyed voice hiss, “I’m tired of going around corners blind,” as she readied her katana again. Shaun and Tess both shoved up towards the front, but Tess reached there first, handing Siabrey her mirror. The fighter leaned the mirror into the next hall, and drew it back very quickly, a pale (for her copper tone) rigid look on her face. Her katana came out again… enough signal to Shaun to ready his bow.

A scuscerating noise came echoing down the other corridor, and within seconds, to large, winged creatures, seemingly made entirely of ice, burst from around the corner. Shaun let loose immediately, as the noise of Tess’ song echoed through the air. Siabrey slashed at one of the creature’s legs, and a gentle rain of ice tinkled as bits of the monster fell away under her blow. Shaun’s arrow, meanwhile, burned a large gouge into the creature’s shoulder, and its noises grew louder in anger or pain.

The two creatures seemed to each have swords made of ice, and one of them slashed into Siabrey’s left shoulder with a vengeance after he katana nearly removed its leg. Siabrey visibly winced in pain, and staggered back slightly.

Shaun was taking aim at the creature when he was pushed hard from the side, and a man he didn’t recognize stormed by. Shaun had never seen Lucius’ face so dark and angry, and before Shaun could correct his aim, Lucius’ bastard sword struck the creature so hard in the side that its ice body shattered into a thousand pieces.

Shaun started to correct his aim to shoot at the other, just as Tess let out a sonic dart which shattered the other creature’s arms, and Grumki’s warhammer found more targets for Kord, sending the pieces of that ice demon skittering all through the hall.

Siabrey then suddenly winced in pain again, and let out a visible gasp. Lucius was immediately at her side, as she hissed between her breath, “The ice! Get the ice out of there!”

Shaun went over to try and help, only to see Lucius’ hands nervously fumble about. With a firm, but gentle arm, Grumki pulled Lucius aside, and with his big, bumbling fingers, pulled each ice shard out of her wound, and prevented them from burrowing further into her body (the monsters were ice demons, as seen in Dragon magazine). A clearly very worried Lucius spent some time healing her, as the rest of the party slinked around the corner, to see the hall ahead was empty.

Save for a blue light coming from another hall or room at the end.

“I know you are here, little ones,” a loud, firm voice echoed in Shaun’s head. By the confusion in the others, he guessed they had heard the same.

“You who would steal my power, and give it to that treacherous wench to the south!” the voice’s edge became sharp and bitter. “You have your change now, to join me, and share in the rebirth of my power… or die.” The light from the end of the hall grew far brighter, its bluish hue illuminating that the far end of the hall sloped upwards from about 30 feet high where the party stood to nearly 150 feet high at the far end.

Shaun was utterly frightened, but mustered up as much bravado as he could. “Your descendant, or were you too ill-equipped to have such?” he barked, and saw the faces of Tess and Siabrey wince at his insult. Lucius’ face is dead pale, and Shaun sees a worried Siabrey get close to him.

A roar came from the room at the end, into their view came an image from their nightmares.

A glowing blue figure, seeming around 10 feet tall, with 20 foot wide wings, flew into the hall. His body was that of a moderately muscled man in his prime, colored blue with ice. His face, however, was frighteningly devoid of a mouth or a nose… instead only two enormous, blue sapphires stood in place of eyes, and long, thin strands of diamonds stood in place of his hair. The figure flashed some arcane signals over himself as he flew out… and the party responded.

Shaun drew his bow, and despite the fact that his target was 100 feet away, despite the fact that it was dark, despite the fact that he was shaking to his very core at seeing this… thing, his conscious mind only saw one thing: The small depressing between the two humps in the creatures chest where the sternum would be on a human. The end of his arrow burned bright, as the world slowed to a crawl, and he let loose.

The arrow flew straight and true, along the way being joined by Siabrey’s first shot as well, and the two arrows slammed into the creature Ananias side by side, causing the massive demon to reel from the blow. Arrows from Lucius, Grumki’s crossbow, and even Rogar’s crossbow slashed into the creature as well. (DM’s note: Um… yeah… double criticals from Shaun and Siabrey. The party did extremely good… dealing 78 points damage in their first round with only normal weapons…)

Ananias roared, and it became all too apparent that Ananias had cast haste upon himself. He first extends an icy, bony finger towards the first person to anger him… Siabrey. A blinding ray of light slashes towards her, and within a second, she is encased in 5 inches of solid ice… able to breath, but nothing else until she broke her bonds. (Freeze Ray, described in Dragon magazine)

Next, Ananias opened his hands, and the frigid air around them quickly condensed into 6 large icicles, perhaps one inch thick and six inches long, than then lash out towards the party: two towards Siabrey, two towards Grumki, and the rest towards Shaun. Shaun is hit in the shoulder by one, and finds himself reeling. Grumki is hit by two, and the ice around Siabrey parts so that the icy missiles impale her as well. (DM’s Note: A little spell-like ability I made especially for this bad boy)

Finally, Ananias turns his right hand into a fist, and from below the first to a position nearly 9 feet above it, the air begins to congeal…

Tess rocked in her boots at the sight of the monstrosity in front of her, and what it had done in the space of a few seconds: immobilize the party’s best fighter, impale half the party with ice missiles, and now it was calling forth something unholy in its hand.

To make matters more annoying for Tess, the creature was far beyond the range of any of her musical magic… and thus she relied on her harp to reply, sending another arrow towards the giant creature, even as Grumki paced angrily, the creature out of range of his warhammer.

Ananias then opened his mouth, and a frigid cold blast thundered up the hallway, and Tess was forced to close her eyes as icicles tried to form on her eyelashes, and she felt her hair start to freeze. She managed to hold her ground, despite her body’s screaming pain at the bone-numbing cold. IN his left hand, she saw more icy missiles form, and then fly outward, several striking her, a few striking Shaun, and others striking Lucius. And then her heart stopped.

The writhing form of chilled air in his right hand finally formed… into the largest sword she had ever seen… larger than even the legendary fullblade. It was transparent, and a sickly icy blue… a pure icy blade of death.

She watched with some worry as Grumki decided to be useful and run over to the struggling Siabrey, in an effort to help free her. Lucius dashed over to do the same, as she looked with fury at Rogar slipping off towards a little rise in the ice along the wall. She watched him intently for a split second, as he lowered himself down, and pointed his crossbow outwards… towards Ananias, but curiously not at him.

She drew her harpbow again, and let loose another arrow, which again found its target.

Ananias then did the unthinkable, in her mind.

The massive creature, which looked to only be able to fly ponderously through the air, slashed forward at lightning speed, till it was only a mere ten feet from the party. Grumki rushed ahead of Tess and began trying to swing at the demon, only to be no avail (he was flying too high up). Tess gave a dark grin, and her high C soprano echoed through the hall as a crescendo came leaping towards Ananias. Comapred to her earlier results, these were disappointing.

The demon’s left wing shuddered a bit, but most of what happened was him turning exclusively to her, and filling her with 5 of the icy darts, almost knocking her to the ground. Others once again sliced through the magical ice holding Siabrey, cutting deep into her, the ice encasing her now growing red with blood. The massive sword then hung, for a moment like a terrible storm, before flashing down, barely missing Lucius as he hurriedly worked to free Siabrey.

To her left, Tess heard Shaun’s low voice singing a soft song of healing on himself, as he pulled several of the icy darts from his body. She heard Lucius’ shouts and cries to the trapped Siabrey, as well as the cracks as he continued to swing at the ice around her in vain. Rogar was still silently waiting on his perch, while Grumki continued to swing in vain. Tess’s ears then heard the roar of another frost salamander, and her tired and strained eyes spotted one coming out of the same room that Ananias emerged from. Her body ached from the icy missiles embedded in it, and from the frigid cold that still shook its core.

This is it, her mind thought blandly, quietly, I am going to die.

Her morose thoughts did not stop her from preparing another song… but her voice was interrupted by another one.

“I’ve got you!” she heard Rogar’s voice say softly, and she was momentarily pulled into seeing him load his crossbow, aim it at the oncoming frost salamander, and pulling the trigger. The shot ran amazingly true, and the salamander collapsed in the throes of death with only one bolt in him. Before her mind could wonder too loud about this welcome, yet disturbing development, another voice echoed through the hall.

“Get away from him!” she heard Lucius’ voice call loudly, and she glanced over to see that his face was bound in fury, his veins enormous, nearly exploding from his neck and his forehead…and that he was floating upwards in the air… maybe 20 feet off the ground. She started to back away, until Ananias moved for her.

Evidently, her song had hurt him more than he liked, as he shuttled back to nearly 100 feet away, far outside of her range. Her eyes were locked on Lucius though, as a small, little glow grew in his hands into a glowing bead, white as snow. He flashed his hands, and the bead flew out towards the demon. Time stood still, as the bead hit the creatures forehead, and with a very audible tink bounced to its shoulder, then rolled up along its wing.

They felt, rather than heard, the resulting explosion.

Ananias momentarily disappeared as a 20 foot wide ball of fire gave the entire hall a bathing in blood red light, and everyone in the party hurriedly dodged falling icicles from the ceiling. Through the roiling smoke caused by the blast, Tess could see Ananias crash to the ground, minus his entire right wing. His left wing still flapped crazily, and the mighty demon amazingly arose partially, enough that he opened his mouth yet again.

Another frigid blast shredded through the body of Tess and all others present, and was followed momentarily by 4 of the ice arrows assaulting Lucius so viciously that he fell from his perch, landing awkwardly and barely conscious. Tess shook as another crash went through the air… this time it was Grumki’s hammer breaking the ice around Siabrey. The fighter’s cry of fury rose in Tess’ ears, as arrows flew at the monster.

Tess’ body was barely standing; what parts of her were cut open by the ice assaults of the creature were frostbitten and had icicles hanging from them from its breath attacks.

If this is my end, I shall have an end worth remembering in song! her mind snarled, and with effort, she coaxed her tired, worn frame into a trot, and then a run, at the partially prone monster.

”Fa’rallan,” her tired voice said, barely audible, “you shall have another chance at making a good prank today, should I live!” Her blade flashed in the air… and while Fa’rallan was an annoying creature at times, she understood the gravity that her new master might die… and the dagger remained silent.

A roar echoed behind Tess, and she realized that the heavy footfalls behind her was Grumki, running at full tilt towards the prone demon as well. The distance rapidly fell, and when they were a mere 20 feet away Ananias raised a battered hand, sending two more of the ice daggers into Grumki, who fell to the ground, conscious, but bleeding and in deep pain.

Tess charged onward, her mind focused, and unthinking. No war cry rose to her lips, no memorable last phrase, just a simple, focused goal held her concern: Kill the Demon. Her voice carried high, not in song, but in a scream… as she plunged Fa’rallan into the neck of the massive abomination.

A loud, joyful shout of “ZAP!” echoed through the halls, mingling with her scream and the new dying gurgle of a demon, before all fell silent as Ananias moved for the last time; a nervous twitch as Tess twisted the knife deep into his throat.

Siabrey shivered as she knelt next to the slightly moving form of Lucius. Her heart had tumbled with him as he fell, and now all the naysaying in her mind had long been destroyed. He was very slow to rise, his form a shattered visage.

Ice missiles had shredded his upper left arm and shoulder, down across his bicep, and into his belly. Icicles hung from his eyebrows and hair, and were drapped about his arms as if they were other pieces of clothing. His eyes were momentarily unfocused, until they made contact with hers. A quiet rush of relief flashed through them, wide and deep, as the same reaction coursed through her veins.

I almost lost you! her mind screamed as she hugged him, her own wounds quite vicious and bloody. Above the pain of moving or looking around, all her mind continued to scream was, I almost lost you! Lucius, I almost lost you!

The rest of the party was not in much better shape. Shaun was filled with icy darts, and his clothing was encased in a light covering of ice from the monster’s breath; Grumki was only now just beginning to rise from his brush with death at the mosnter’s last blast; Tess’ clothes, even from this distance, could be seen to be covered with a mixture of blood and ice; while Rogar, unharmed by the ice shard assaults, had horribly discolored skin from frostbite, his face gaining an icy beard. (DM’s Note: Tess was down to 6 HP out of approx. 40, Lucius was down to 4 out of 47, and Grumki was down to 7 out of 52. The rest of the party had at least lost 50% of their HP).

Her hug with him was cut short, as he gently pushed her away, and with a grunt, picked up his staff. His voice said the command words quietly, and soon she felt warmth returning to her body, and the wounds in her side, chest, and belly begin to close up.

”Heal yourself,” she instructed quietly, but Lucius ignored her, moving on to help Tess, and then Grumki. It was then that Siabrey caught that his normally fire red hair was actually rather yellow and white in places, and that his skin was the deep red, as if infused with massive amounts of blood. She was about to chastise him again as he moved to Shaun when Tess caught her attention.

”Lucius… I think… used something… evil… in the battle… its called bloodleech,” Tess said quietly. “I don’t think it was intentional… but he looked like he released it when he released the fireball… when he was in a rage. It literally sucks life out of the opponent… he weakened Ananias for us… but the fact that he did this scares me…”

Siabrey nodded, concern deepening in her.

He went into that rage over you… over the monster hurting you. You owe him your life… and much more…

Shaun, Grumki, and Rogar meanwhile had piled ahead to the room Ananias had emerged from, to see if they could find the diamond they sought for so long. What they found was a treasure chest.

Gold, platinum, and copper coins were piled high in the room, along with numerous gems and artifacts beyond belief. A rich tapesty was found, depicted a battle. A portait of a woman, (not the Countess) was found as well. In addition, a javelin with runes, a quiver with 20 white arrows, and a black dagger were found. Rogar quickly pocketed the black dagger, as the rest of the party slowly came in.

The diamond in question was found rather quickly, and looked just as described… an enormous half sphere, the size of two men’s fists put together, and when Siabrey attempted to see if it was magic, she almost had to turn away the brilliance was so strong. Other massive gems were found in the room as well, though unfortunately these all burned the party’s hands. Grumki, the only cleric present, pronounced them evil, and set to work using Kord’s strength to crush them to a pulp.

After the party had looted the place as much as they could, and destroyed what items were evil that they couldn’t take with to be exorcised, they set out. Debate raged along the way out of the caverns of where to go…

AS the party exited the mountain, Tess and Siabrey both noticed… with some alarm, that the army of horrids that had been streaming from the mountainside had vanished… leaving an enormous path through the forest, easily some 100 yards wide.

Curious, Tess then pulled out the changing idol, and her face fell pale. She then showed Siabrey the idol, which looked even more like his mother from her guesses. The head of the idol was still down, so no clear look was visible of the face, thought he long hair and feminine figure was rapidly narrowing down the possibilities of who it might be.

”We need to tell Lucius… we can’t hold back any longer,” Tess said quietly. “He needs to know the apparent danger his mother is in.” Siabrey nodded, but her mind, filled with emotions already, was unsure of where to even begin.

“Um… Lucius?” she said quietly, with a little relief as she saw him finishing healing himself last, “I.. we… need to talk to you.” He nodded slowly, his eyes showing that he knew something was wrong.

”Lucius… the army we saw earlier today… they were.. they were…” Siabrey’s voice trailed off, she had no idea how to finish the sentence. Fortunately, Tess understood how, and did it for her.

”They were headed towards Holstean, Lucius.”

Siabrey clasped him close to her, and felt his shoulders go lax. He began to sink towards the ground, and she followed him down, holding him tight as they went.

”I don’t know if your mother is calling them to banish them away, if she is calling them to create an army, or if they are marching to war… I wish I knew Lucius,” Tess said quietly and full of the most gentle tones she could muster. Lucius began to shake, though he stood strong, and no tear fell from his sorrowed eye, and Tess reached out and pulled him close.

”I’m sorry,” she said quietly. She then let go, and looked at Siabrey. Her head gave a small jerk towards Lucius, a request Siabrey had no intentions of not obeying.

I’ll be by your side! Don’t worry Lucius… I’ll never leave you behind!

She grabbed Lucius, and held him close, rocking him back and forth as his world slowly began to crumble.

Tess and Siabrey initially favored riding hard towards Holstean. Shaun and Lucius, however, remembered that Hidalas was in Kulloden, at the Church of Hieroneous, and proposed going there to ask him what he had found. The party agreed, on condition that they ride ceaselessly.

A full day of constant riding in, Lucius had to be strapped to his saddle, and it wasn’t until nearly a full day later than the tired status of the horses forced the party to make camp. Tess insisted that camp be brief.. no more than six hours. Lucius asked if he and Rogar could take last watch, so he could get some sleep… and unofficially so Grumki could spend the night up with Shaun.

It was Siabrey who, deep into third and last watch, awoke to the noise of a horse’s whinny and the thunder of hooves. Her unfocused eyes looked around, and spotted Lucius, prone face down. On the back of his neck was a strange, sticky white substance that was starting to cake. She quickly scraped most of it off with her knife, and noticed with alarm that while he was breathing, Lucius did not move at all.

Poisoned her mind screamed, as her own echoed through the forest, waking up the others.

Shaun’s voice immediately exploded with “Ilia!” as he recognized the deed. There was general confusion for a few moments

It wasn’t for a few minutes till party members realized that Rogar’s horse was missing… as was Rogar himself…

As was the diamond they had fought so hard to recover…
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The Darkness within a Soul part 3 f 3

”My dear former compatriots,
I am deeply saddened that, unfortunately, our business relationship has come to an end. We worked quite well together; it’s just that my current job supercedes any business relations or friendships.

I was charged with killing you if the boy wouldn’t come, and taking the diamond by force, but I decided I just couldn’t do the former… job or none. If you know what’s good for you, you will ride north… far north, and never turn around.

If the boy knows what’s good for him, he’ll return to his mother in Holstean, where he belongs, to learn by her side.

Oh… and the boy isn’t dead… he’ll be up and fine in about six or eight hours. I couldn’t have him interrupting a heist, now could I?”

Tess crumpled up the letter with a fury, and almost hefted it with all her might. They’d found it laying on the empty bag where the diamond had been kept in Lucius’ possession, and now her fury was focused on one person. Her first instinct was to ride hard after him, and run him down… but then she looked at Lucius’ crumpled form, now laying on Siabrey’s lap…

Oh God no! Siabrey’s very soul kept crying out, as the party strapped Lucius’ unconscious form to the back of his horse. My Lucius… they hurt my poor Lucius! Oh God no! Please, no! It was her that grabbed the bridle of his white charger as the group thundered as fast as possible towards Kulloden… and it wasn’t until they had nearly reached the city that thoughts of anger and vengeance began to slowly push away the sea of fear and depression.

Shaun was full of anger as well… at Ilia (aka Rosalyn) as much as at Rogar. The poison, in his mind, had been clearly supplied by her, likely at Mephys… and now that wretch had enough vileness in him to use it against a mere boy! The only other emotion that weighed in over that of anger was fear… fear that Lucius might not last the night.

The party rode hard and fast, pushing their horses to the limit. Dawn was breaking as their mounts, bone tired, thundered through the gates of Kulloden, towards the Temple Mount, and the temple of Hieroneous of Valor.

Grumki volunteered to watch the party’s horses as they went into the temple… he had a feeling the priests might misunderstand if a half-orc strode in, and the Churches of Kord and Hieroneous were not on the best of terms.

Siabrey took all the strength in her small frame, and somehow through desperation and fear, hefted Lucius’ limp form onto her back and dragged him into the main temple foyer. A mix of emotions washed over her as she entered the temple of her own church…

Hieroneous the Protector will watch over him, a cool voice in her mind tried to soothe her tattered emotions. He has watched over you many a night.

But, I don’t know… I’ve almost lost him twice! I may yet lose him!

As soon as they saw the prone body of a man being dragged into the temple, acolytes immediately surrounded the group, asking if they could help. Siabrey set Lucius down gently, as a grim faced Tess told the priests that the boy was poisoned, and needs help. She also asked them if she could speak to either Brother Hidalas of the Church of Tarantor, or Brother Harrapias of this church. At the mention of Hidalas’ name, the acolytes paled, and one ran off quickly, asking the group to “stay put!”

As another checked Lucius over, Tess caught the hurried and frightened tone in the first priest’s voice as he left.

“What happened to Hidalas? Is he alright?” she pressed, and the priest looking over Lucius looked up at her, his eyes frightened.

He started to speak, before freezing momentarily, then saying, “Brother Harrapias will talk to you about that. He knows what happened, I don’t.” The priest then looked into Lucius’ unresponsive eyes, before pronouncing, “Its jubashi root poisoning… this young man needs time… nothing else… I’d give it another 3 or 4 hours before he’s conscious.”

“Give us the broad details then!” Siabrey snapped, her own voice quaking slightly... her emotions were in turmoil… a brief respite of relief that Lucius would be fine, fear and concern for Hidalas, rage at Rogar… the swirl grew increasingly violent. “If you don’t know, tell us who does!” Tess walked over and put an arm around her to comfort her, as footfalls began to echo in the massive temple foyer.

Coming from the left was a man dressed not in priest’s robes, but a paladin’s armor, shining and resplendent in the gilt and malachite halls of the temple. His face was stern, cold, and bore only a concerned look as he approached.

”Brother Harrapias!” the priest beside Lucius called, and pointed at the group, “these are the friends of Brother Hidalas!” The paladin nodded, dismissing the other priest, and in a voice, stentorian and without emotion:

“Follow me. The priests will take care of your friend Lucius.”

The man named Harrapias takes the party to one of the innermost chambers of the temple, far beyond prying eyes, before turning to them, and giving a loud sigh.

”Brother Hidalas was attacked last night… poisoned.” He raised a hand before words could be blurted out by anyone, and finished his thought, “he’ll be alright… he is going to need two or three days to recover, however. Do you have the diamond?”

Siabrey’s face went dark, as did Tess’. Shaun was the one to respond with a, “no.” Tess then managed to put aside her anger enough to relate the story of how Rogar had betrayed them, and ridden south with the diamond. Harrapias’ eyes grew wide at the mention of the man’s name.

“What? Do you know Rogar?” Harrapias nodded.

“You rode with Rogar Mithras… I don’t believe it,” he gave a smile that those who have sunk into deep depressions or disbelief exude.

“What about him, other than he’s a rat, cheating bastard!” Siabrey managed to spit out, before she remembered she was in a temple of her God, and promptly apologized for her colorful language. Harrapias waved off her apology.

“I would have used such terms myself, child… Rogar was probably one of the deadliest assassins this section of the Empire has ever known… not to mention he’s the countess’ bastard brother…”

“What?” came a collective exclamation. Harrapias nodded, sighed, and sat down.

“The Countess’ father, Count Illayion, was a rather... promiscuous man. A dalliance with a servant girl brought our dear friend Rogar into this world… and while he wasn’t eligible to be of royal blood, he was kept around the palace, and fell in with the… darker retainers a noble requires. He and the countess remain close still, as far as we know,” Harrapias finished.

That explains a lot,” Tess said with exasperation. The reasons why he betrayed them, and also why he was able to carry the stone that could only be carried by one of the bloodline were now apparent.

”Why… why was Hidalas here?” Siabrey asked, her voice more level now, though her eyes still had a very dangerous glint.

“Your friend was here,” Harrapias began, standing up, “looking for this.” He set down a massive, ancient book in front of them that easily numbered in the hundreds of pages. “It is the official Church of Tarantor’s history of Ananias’ Rebellion…”

“Well, there’s where the missing pages of Lucius’ history book are,” Tess mumbled.

“Only 12 copies of this book were made, as it details not only what Ananias did, but how the staff and magic was used and controlled by him…how to properly assemble it with the Great Diamond and the Great Fire stone, which is thankfully safe in the Imperial treasury at Iskeldrun…. Overall the book held information they didn’t want emulators to get their hands on.” The group nodded.

“When the staff was found and sent to Holstean, a copy was requested by the Church there… and we sent one. It was stolen a few days later.”

The group needed no obvious logic to lead them to who likely did it, as Tess pulled out the idol. Its form, head now raised, perfectly matched the countess, down to the large, green emeralds for eyes and long, fire ruby hair.

“Then its definite… she’s using the staff… not a retainer or someone controlling her?” Shaun asked.

“From the few loyal Tarantor priests that came up here to report, that is what we’ve been able to piece together. She is following the evil of her bloodline…”

“The evil of her bloodline?” Tess asked. The memory of what Lucius did against Ananias was still fresh in her mind. “How is such evil manifested?”

“The Caladron family line has been blessed with a unique connection to the planes of magic in their physical beings… unfortunately, this connection has led them to fall astray into the darker paths of magic in the past… it was his zealous pursuit of power that led Ananias to revolt, and is now leading the Countess to do the same.”

“Lucius, when we fought the demon Ananias, used an evil spell… bloodleech,” Tess continued, “...could he be turning evil?” She dreaded the possible answers, and Harrapias sighed.

“I don’t know… for now, no.” Tess and Shaun gave a collective sigh of relief; Siabrey gave an even bigger one.

“It seems being around you has prevented him from dabbling in the darker sides of his power too much… there’s literally too much good around him… good that he cares for. At this point, forget about the diamond, you three have a far more importantly job, at least for the next few days: keep Lucius away from Holstean… if he spends too much time around his mother now, chances are he will fall down the same path as her…Just watch over him. He’s obviously not going to take any of this news well, and he’ll need companionship, people he can trust since apparently his family has abandoned him.” Once again, the party nodded.

“What of the hordes marching from White Spine Mountain towards Holstean?” Shaun asked, and Harrapias’ face went puzzled.

“Hordes from Ice Spine? We haven’t heard of this from any of our paladins…” his voice trailed off rather ominously.

“Is there something wrong?” Tess asked, and winced, as she knew the question sounded stupid. Nonetheless, she wanted more information.

“Its just that… the Countess already is marshalling an army… orcs and hobgoblins, armed to the teeth and given the powers of ice… “ And for the first time, the party heard a paladin of Hieroneous curse. He went red at their blanching faces, and apologized.

“Hieroneous surely would understand knowing what I do now. We thought her forces were only slowly growing... if what you say is true... that the old ice demon’s forces are joining her... then… dear Hieroneous protect my blade!”

Harrapias then stood, and with a commanding gesture, began calling over acolytes, and barking orders to them in a language that none in the party could understand. Tess guessed the language was High Santoric, the language of priesthood in the Empire, but she couldn’t understand the gist of things even. After he was done, Harrapias sat down.

“Well. I’ve dispatched some riders. One will ride to the Imperial governor, requesting he move to Kulloden immediately with all available forces. Another was sent out to issue a recall to all of our paladins currently on assignment, while another has gone to the Churches of Pelor and Tarantor, with whom we have been working with Brother Hidalas on this issue, asking them to recall their paladins as well. We’ll need you to remain in Kulloden until the Governor arrives at least… as his mother is in revolt, your friend is currently the legitimate ruling Count of Holstean.”

Siabrey blinked at that, and both Tess and Shaun were taken aback a little as well.

“Our paladins that can will ride south, and search for Rogar, and any associated with his work… do you know of any others?”

Shaun immediately blurts out what happened with Ilia, and Harrapias nods, writing her name down on an order that is quickly dispatched out as well.

“You haven’t answered one question,” Tess said as Harrapias finished writing the orders. “What exactly happened to Hidalas?”

“Well,” the paladin began, “he was attacked, on the steps to the Temple of Pelor last night by a woman with long blonde hair… possibly,”

“Ilia?” Siabrey said, raising an eyebrow, and Shaun nodded in agreement.

“Yes,” Harrapias said. “Now that we have a name associated with her, perhaps it will help our search.”

Shaun comes very close to blurting out that the Thieves Guild of Kulloden is also hunting her down, but he remembered at the last moment that the Church of Hieroneous does not look kindly on thieves… or those who associate with them.

“Because of what happened to Brother Hidalas, this shows me that the enemy is watching the temples to see who is staying. I would advise you to find a good, trusted inn, and lay low there for a bit… at least till the governor comes. Give your friend Lucius a chance to rest…”

“This looks silly,” Siabrey said quietly to herself, pointing to the helmet the Church of Hieroneous had given her to cover her eyes. IT didn’t fit with her armor, and someone wearing a helmet everywhere was bound to get noticed.

”I agree,” Tess said quietly, as the group passed through an open-air market. The party stopped, and within a few minutes had a few wide brimmed hats and long, drab cloaks to cover themselves with as they continued to the Drunken Pony.

Shaun had evidently been in Kulloden before, and he commented that he had a great working relationship with the barkeep, as well as the barmaids there, who would help him in any way possible should he request it. The rest of the party (none of whom had ever been in Kulloden before) was relieved someone knew where they were going, and had agreed.

They planned that Grumki (as he was hard to hide) would stay elsewhere, though when they initially went into the bar, he would be a distraction so the well-known Shaun (and Siabrey with her distinctive eyes, and Lucius with his well known hair) could quickly get a room and get upstairs.

The plan starts off well, as Grumki strides in (much to the fear and amazement of the other patrons), and begins drinking the bar out of house and home. The distracted barkeep quickly deals with the group, getting them upstairs to their two rooms quickly. The only hitch come when Shaun notices a certain pretty barmaid come out of the kitchen, see him, stop dead in her tracks, and turn around.

He’s ready as the group starts to settle in, and as soon as he sees a small part of Elenya’s head peek around the corner, he grabs her and pulls her into the room, closing the door.

”It really is you!” she squeals, grabbing him and giving him a long kiss… before breaking it off and slapping him in the face.

“You didn’t write! I was so worried! Why didn’t you…”

Shaun hurriedly began apologizing, giving in the vaguest detail an idea of what the group had done… he tells her not to tell anyone that he’s here, otherwise, “I could die.”

This statement scares Elenya a great deal, and Shaun is forced to spend a good deal of time comforting her. Once she’s talking again, she asks if he wants breakfast… and she comments that she’ll talk to her uncle to get a special room to serve it in. The dalliance causes Siabrey and Tess to roll their eyes as Elenya sashays out of the room, a smile on her face. Shaun then announces that he’s going to the Thieves Guild, to see if they have any more information on Ilia/Rosalyn.

At this point, as if on cue, Lucius starts to stir. Siabrey is immediately by his side as he slowly comes to, at the very least so he’ll be greeted by a friendly face in this strange place.

”Hm… hi Siabrey,” his voice said weakly, and a small smile etched his lips. Siabrey almost started crying at that point, knowing what they had to tell the boy. She grabbed him and hugged him close.

“Lucius… your mother… she’s revolting against the Empire,” Siabrey said quietly, trying to keep her own voice soothing, “She’s raising an army… you are now the Count of Holstean.” Her mind didn’t like it, but she’d said what she had to simply, directly, and… she hoped, with enough humanity to ease the crashing of a world on the young man.

He looks at her in disbelief at first… and then breaks into honest, true tears, burying his head in her shoulders.

Poor kid, Tess thought as Siabrey held him close and rubbed his back. His world just collapsed all around him… he needs a little alcohol or something to calm his nerves. She then said she was going to try and find something nice for him to drink to calm him some… Lucius didn’t respond, while Siabrey flat said that she wasn’t leaving his side, period.

Tess heads downstairs, to find Grumki surrounded by empty steins of ale. The half-orc hadn’t been touched by the alcohol, and he grunted a greeting of, “The strength of Kord requires stronger drink!” Tess gave a nervous laugh, and Grumki asked quietly how Lucius was. Tess replied that he was pretty broken up, and that Siabrey was with him.

“Good. Red Eyes will keep him in better spirits.”

Tess smiles at that, and asks the barkeep for the strongest, yet sweetest liquor the establishment has. He offers dwarven ale as the strongest, but Tess declines, asking for more smoothness. The barkeep produces a bottle he bought off of some elves several months earlier, saying its very strong stuff, though it goes down easier than wine. Tess buys the bottle, and is about to head upstairs when Grumki stops her, and points to a loud man that just arrived in the corner of the bar.

”He’s a messenger,” Grumki points to his livery, “and while you talked, he spoke that Princess Zoe accepted offers to be betrothed to Lucius. She is coming down with a dowry from the Imperial treasury of items taken from his family many years ago…”
Tess’ mind immediately flashed to the comment about the Great Fire Stone.

“Has he blathered anything about what’s in the dowry?”

“No,” Grumki said sadly, “some already asked, he said he couldn’t say… he’s not drunk enough yet.”

Tess uttered an oath, and dashed upstairs… she’d hold this bit from him for a while… he was already broken up badly. Lucius didn’t need to know his mother had basically agreed to marry him off (especially since it was now obvious he and Siabrey had some very deep feelings for each other), or that part of the dowry might be the one stone his mother needed to finish her creation…

The words of the old man in Mephys plunged into her mind… “Once the rose contacts the snow at night, blood spills across the land…”

Siabrey was busy holding Lucius together when Tess dashed back into the room.

“Lucius… here’s some wine, I bought for you… please, drink some of it… to steady your nerves.” Lucius took a mug, filled it, and downed the entire thing in one gulp. He was about to reach for more when Siabrey pushed the bottle away from him.

”No… no… not all at once. We don’t want you to get drunk,” she said quietly, running her hands through his hair. He sniffled, and gave a very small smile.

“I never said I would get drunk,” his voice said quietly, “I wouldn’t want to act like you in Mephys.”

Normally such a barb would have provoked a reply in kind or an elbow from Siabrey, but this one sparked a genuine, big smile… his soul hadn’t completely collapsed into desolation and ruin.

Tess then said she had to run back to the Hieroneous temple, and quickly darted out, leaving the two of them alone. There was silence for a few minutes, before Lucius spoke.

“Why are you so kind to me… when my veins have evil in them?” he asked, his eyes wide with fear. Siabrey put on her bravest smile.

“You aren’t evil, Lucius,” she said soothingly, again running her hand through his hair. “Just because someone in your family is, doesn’t mean that you are.”

The words aren’t having much of an effect her mind alarmed.

“Besides,” she quickly added with a shy grin, “you’re too cute to be evil.”

That had the desired effect, as a genuine, if strained, smile came across his face. She thought the worst was over, till he leaned over and kissed her.

It was only a kiss on the cheek, but nonetheless her face went somehow from copper to deep red, a nervous laugh echoed from her lips, while her mind raced for a proper response…

He just kissed you! It’s a green light! Go! Go! part of her mind, held in suppression for so long until the last few days, screamed at her.

He’s in a delicate state… doing anything like that, her cooler, thinking mind pointed out, would be taking advantage of him… things will progress if fate deals it so… but not before then.

And then, as she looked deep into his eyes, she tossed the cooler, thinking mind out of her head.

Just one kiss…I’ll be gentle, then all thoughts were whipped from her mind as she leaned over and touched her lips to his.

Her lips quivered slightly as she tested his response. He didn’t move for several moments, instead staring wide-eyed up at her. Then his own eyes closed and he returned the kiss as a genuine smile played across his lips. He wrapped his arms around her small frame, and holding her tight, he ran his hands through her golden hair.

The kiss lasted seemingly hours, but couldn’t have been more than a few seconds when she pulled back gently and smiled down at him, again running her hands through his hair. Her heart bloomed when she saw him smiling back at her, and she looked deep into his eyes.

I love you. I am here to protect you. You are safe with me. I shall never hurt you or leave you alone… her mind echoed, loud enough that she was sure he could hear her thoughts. Her hope became trust, as she felt the same kind of assurance and love coming from him.

The two held each other closely for a long time, before finally falling asleep, side by side, their hands clasped together.

Tess’ hurried calls to see Brother Harrapias at the Church of Hieroneous were initially rebuffed, as acolytes reported he was in a “very important meeting.” Her continued demands finally got one to go find him… and an unhappy Harrapias met her, the whole time reading the acolyte that held her up the Hieroneous version of the Riot Act.

Tess explained to him that Princess Zoe was coming south… she was 2 weeks out of Irulas, would stay a week there before traveling to Kulloden, stay some here before finally going to Holstean. Apparently she didn’t know Holstean was in revolt. She also was bringing a dowry… which might or might not contain the Great Firestone…

Harrapias’ long face grew longer, and he frowned as more messengers were dispatched north, calling on the governor or his representative to hold up the Princess in Irulas as long as possible…

In the meantime, Shaun heads to the familiar hut that serves as the Thieves Guild. The same halfling is on the inside, and asks if Shaun’s there to find any new information.

“Of course… have you tracked Ilia down?” he asks, and the halfling furrows his brow.

”Yes, we have… but she’s been acting rather erratically lately… we found out this morning that she was in Kulloden last night… and she attempted to poison a priest of Tarantor!”

Shaun’s blood froze, and it took all of his strength to remain calm.

”Oh, really?” he struggled to say, though the halfling did not pick up on his distress.

“Yeah... she was working with some blonde boy-toy of hers… the boy acted hurt, and distracted the man while she stabbed him, on the steps of the Temple of Pelor, no less! I tell you, she may be crazy, she may have swindled us… but she has guts!”

“Do you know which way she was headed?” Shaun asked, knowing full well the likely words to come out of the halflings mouth.

“Oh yes… she was headed to Holstean… if we can get word to our guild there, she’ll have a greeting party…”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The next adventure session is tomorrow night… updates will come after that.

Once again, kudos to Siabrey’s player for helping flesh out her and Lucius’ interactions… other kudos to Shaun’s player for looking things over, and to Isida Kep'Tukari for her letting me borrow various books necessary for me to flesh out some of the nasties the party has faced… and will face in the future… hehehe :)

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