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Into the Icy Darkness: The Great Demon War

Its actually not that long really... it works out to maybe two hours a day (though considering I'm involved in a stage production on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays, it works out to a little more than that). I usually write alot when I get frustrated... and running a stage production gets very frustrating at times :) They're also long because my players tend to get into the roleplaying really well, so every session seems to go long. :) (Not that I'm complaining ;) )

Our next session is tommorrow night, so more updates should follow in a couple days.

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Updates should be coming in a few days. In a change of plans, drag n fly (Siabrey's player) is going to be helping by writing a large chunk (maybe more than half) of this week's write up... so kudos goes to her! :)

This is the first post of the adventure from the 6th of February... this section was mostly written by drag n fly... so all praise goes to her :) (I'll take the criticisms... thank you!)

And I'm more than happy to listen to critiques of the adventure so far, ideas, writing style, general goofiness... so please, PLEASE feel free to respond! It can only help the adventures get better! :)

Of Research, and Preparations

Tess rose early, far ahead of the others yet again. Bored after a morning meal of some boiled oats and bread from the temple kitchen, she wandered into the library, hoping to find Xanadu.

He’s so focused... but I bet he didn’t even stay up all night. Wizards even need their sleep, she mused as she gently opened the library door, expecting to see Xanadu sprawled over his books.

Instead, she saw his head still up, albeit lolling to a side and rather low. Quietly she walked up behind him, and gently tapped him on the shoulder.

“Ah!” the wizard almost leapt out of his chair in surprise, before turning to see her. His face momentarily turns dark with annoyance before a grin breaks through.

“I... ah... guess I was asleep,” he said.

My God... he can smile! Tess wanted to laugh, but noticed instead the piles of books gathered around him. Curious, and with little to do until the others awoke, she sat down beside him.

“What are you reading here?” she gestured to the books. She knew better than grab one of them herself... there was no telling if he had a special page marked or was touchy with his research. Xanadu gave her a tired smile, apparently glad someone was interested in his boring research.

“Several things,” he said, yawning and stretching before continuing. “This pile here is research stuff for the Temple of Hextor. This pile is the various genealogies of Lucius’ family... and this...”

“Um... wait,” Tess gently grabbed Xanadu’s pointing hand to get his attention. “Why Lucius’ genealogy? Have you found anything out about the Countess?”

“Um... I’ve found clues, but not what I’m looking for,” Xanadu said with bleary eyes.

“What are you looking for?” Tess said, a little exasperated. This old man talks in circles sometimes! C’mon... get to the point! Xanadu turned to her, and for the first time that morning, his violet eyes glowed with a distant, but powerful fire.

“I shall not tell you yet!” His head then lowered back to the book he was reading. “Not until I know for sure... otherwise you will worry about Siabrey and her boy...”

“What...why do you say that?” Tess asked, raising an eyebrow in alarm.

Xanadu turned to fully face her. “Did Siabrey tell you how Lucius defended her last night?” Tess shook her head.

“He used magic vile enough that two of the assassins drowned in their own blood after hurting her,” Xanadu said dryly, delivering the news in the same deadpan a peasant would announce his fiftieth cousin thrice removed had died.

What!? He did WHAT!? Tess’ mind was gripped in a mix of horror and terror. Her mind was unfortunately possessive of a very vivid imagination, and it took only a slight part of that for her to shudder at how horrible a death that might have been.

“How... how did he do such things?!” Tess said, her voice quaking now. He is truly going evil... we must stop him...

“I’m... I’m not sure he even knows when he does those things,” Xanadu continued. “He is a young man with untamed magic in his blood... massive amounts of it. And while he can control some of it... like the fireball you described to Hidalas, I think... when he is under stress or afraid, other magic can explode forth with little or no control.”

“So... its... its not him... its his magic?”

“Yes. Now, Tess, I would ask you the favor to keep his lover in the dark about this. If Siabrey found out...”

“Did someone say my name?” a faint voice came from the other side of hte library, as Siabrey’s small form held open one of the doors. Xanadu immediately stiffened, and closed shut the book he was looking at.

“Yes, your name was mentioned in passing, but not on anything important.” He looked up, his face growing deeply annoyed as Siabrey got closer. “Go run along to your boy! Check up on him!” he said in his grouchiest voice, which finally got Siabrey to leave the room.

As the door closed with a slight slam as she stomped out, miffed at his grumpiness, Xanadu turned to Tess.

“That was a close one, fair one. I would advise you to go rise the others,” he turned back to his work, “there’s much fighting to do this morning. I shall stay here and...”

“Sleep?” Tess suggested hopefully. “For research this important, we need your mind to be fully working, Xanadu.” The half elve’s eyes had deep bags under them, and he looked like the walking dead.

“No... no sleep. This is too important. I’ve been awake for 52 hours straight before... I can do it again if neccessary. Now,” he looked back at her, his eyes kind but firm, “please, run along Tess. You have fun to do... don’t stay here with crusty bookworms like myself.”

Shaun, for his part, rose early in the morning and headed out to the Thieves Guild to try and find some more information on events in the region... notably the questions pertaining to Ilia and her movements.

The guild rep immediately recognized Shaun this time, and with a smile answered the questions he had....

Ilia had last been seen, only two days prior, riding back westward across the Inerman River. As to Shaun’s questions whether she was headed northwards, or towards Holstean, they could not answer...

After leaving the tired, and in her opinion, grouchy half-elf to his reading, Siabrey headed back down the hall to the room she still shared with Lucius. As she walked, she reflected on the turns her life had taken.

First I like the guy, then I love the guy, then I fear he’ll leave me for a nobler women, then I find out I may have to leave HIM because of my ancestry…

The course of events was mindboggling. Only a month ago she had been strolling into a bar full of dwarves and heard about the missing countesses son…

If I had known then that I would fall in love with him…She smiled, and paused outside of the door to their room. He is the most magnificent person I have ever known…

She opened the door, expecting to find Lucius still asleep, which meant perhaps a little cuddle time as she woke him up. Instead, she found a gray cat with bright green eyes staring back at her. She froze.

Oh my God…Lucius no, please tell me you haven’t been turned into a cat like Xanadu! A plethora of thoughts ran through her head, ranging from a prank by Xanadu and Shaun to a manifestation of the evil in his bloodline.

While she stood there frozen, the cat jumped off the bed and ran over to her, rubbed against her leg, ran back over to the bed, and with a small “popping” sound, changed back into a giggling Lucius. Siabrey stood frozen for a few more seconds before her mind realized he had been playing a trick on her. She strode the five quick steps to the bed and punched him on the shoulder, playfully, but still hard.

“Don’t DO that!” she exclaimed. My heart is still pounding…

Lucius looked a little sad at her reaction. “It’s a new spell I learned just this morning. I thought you would like it.”

“I do like it,” so softened at his expression and ran a hand gently through his hair. “You just scared me, ok.”

He gave her his best puppy-dog look, then, with another small “pop” changed into a cute brown dog. He changed back a second later laughing, she couldn’t help but grin along with him.

“Alright you silly, enough playing. We’ve got to get ready to go sac the Temple of Hextor.” And I for one am going to seriously enjoy hurting the temple of the evil twin of Heironeaous.

Lucius agreed, and they proceeded to help each other put on their armor.

A few minutes later, a captain of the Imperial Casalad Rangers arrived, and with a curt nod, began taking the party on a long, circuitous route to their destination. A walk that should have taken 15 minutes instead took 45, as the man clearly was taking the party the long way to avoid detection. Finally, they arrived to the back side of a blacksmithy/tavern, a small door sunk at basement level with a set of stairs greeted them.

“This is the back door to the suspected temple,” the guardsman whispered quietly. “We shall hit them from the front with 100 guardsman... the fodder will try to stream out here. Your job is to keep them from escaping.” Tess and the party nodded in understanding, and the guardsman saluted, before slipping around the building’s corner and into the main street.

It was only a few minutes later when the loud shout of, “Open this door in the name of the Emperor!” cascaded between the buildings, and the loud crashes of an impromptu battering ram of shoulders on wood thunderously followed afterwards...

This is part two of the 02-06 adventure. This section was mostly written by yours truly...

Crushing the Fist of Hextor

“They’re about a subtle as a dragon rampaging through a stained glass window,” Tess groaned at the shouts from the Imperial troops on the other side. Crashing noises issued forth, and shouts became apparent from down below.

“Grumki will do forward... the strength of Kord needs no quiet!” the half orcs deep bass rumbled, and he pushed his way to the front, trotting down the stares and to Tess’ horror swinging his axe with all the might his massive frame could must.

With an enormous crash of noise and exploding wood, the small back door to the temple shattered and broke off its hinges.

"There's the good way, the great way, and then there's the Grumki way!" Shaun grinned as the party rushed through the opening.

Inside, the party was greeted with the sight of 13 shocked faces; one was clearly clad in deep crimson and yellow robes... obviously the head cleric. He stood, his face confused, behind a large altar.

Next to him stood three large, burly men, clade in blood red scale mail... the blackguards of Hextor. Within the second, their swords, also colored deep red, were drawn, and they were rushing forwards.

Three others stood clustered protectively around the cleric and the blackguards. They were not nearly as well armed, with mundane looking short swords. Three men clad in robes not nearly as rich as the clerics also looked on in shock, as well as what appeared to be three commoners. Loud noises of fighting and battle eminated from a large doorway on the left side of the room.

Grumki undiplomatically growls, and charges into the chaotic room, the impetour Siabrey on his heels, her single golden braid dancing in the wind behind her. As they rush forward, Shaun’s form slides between them, rushing towards the closest blackguard of Hextor.

The party looked on in shock, as Shaun’s form slipped forward, seemingly unarmed, dashing forward at rapid speed. Before a cry of warning could come to any of their lips, there was a flash of movement. None of their eyes were fast enough to see exactly what Shaun did, but they easily saw the results, as the blackguard stumbled, and fell backwards, Shaun’s dagger having shattered its larynx and slashed through both of his jugulars. (ah... flick of the wrist)

With an infuriated snarl, the priest of Hextor pushed past his stunned charges, and reaches out towards Shaun. The rogue reacted quickly, slashing his knife forward, cutting the priest’s hand that was nearing his shoulder. The cleric was far too focused in hate to notice this minor annoyance, and Shaun’s shoulder began to burn furiously. The smell of smoke and charred flesh filled the room as the battle turned into an earnest brawl.

Shaun fell back from the cleric, his left shoulder badly burned, the charred outline of a hand emblazoned through his leather tunic and onto his skin. The stunned Hextorites now finally began to react, and within seconds Siabrey found herself surrounded as Pellaron charged into the room, his blade drawn dangerously, with Lucius following suit.

One of the blackguards swung and Siabrey almost immediately, and the loud ringing of clashing blades echoed about the shouts and din as her katana matched his move. After parrying his blow, she slid her sword down the length of his blade with lightning speed, and a quick flick of her wrist removed some of his fingers. As he dropped his blade to scream in pain, she spun her body around, her sword slashing with the full force of a massive whirlwind. Her sharpened blade easily and cleanly severed his head from his body with the ease that a surgeon hundreds of years in the future would wield a scalpel.

Elenya for her part stands in the doorway, and extends her hands. A small ray of blue lashes forth, and frost forms on the mustache of the warrior nearest to Siabrey. Frustrated, Elenya shouts her disappointment to Tess.

“I can’t do anything! I don’t know enough!”

“Elenya! Every bit helps, dear!” Tess called back in desperation as she hurriedly began to summon her voice. With new courage in her heart, Elenya began readying another shot of her main spell.

Pellaron’s blade did not remain quiet, and as Siabrey downed one of the blackguards, Pellaron’s wicked sword found one of the enemy warriors. His main blade gutted the man through the stomach, and as he reeled, Pellarons spun his blade around till the smaller blade behind the hilt removed the man’s throat cleanly.

As Pellaron did so, one of the blackguards then swung at the paladin from the side. His blade caught momentarily deep in his quarry’s jugular, Pellaron was unable to block the assault, and a longsword slashed into his shoulder and side, and Pellaron staggered away, grunting hard.

Shaun meanwhile dropped his dagger, and with his rapier slashed into the priest. His lunge went true, and with a thrust that would have made a salon master pround, Shaun’s blade went through the priest’ stomach. The priest, mounting in his fury and now his pain, began making arcane moves over his body.

We can’t have that, Tess thought, seeing full well how badly the priest had hurt Shaun. Her voice rose high and clear in the air, as mountain water falls from the purest spring... its sheer purity and clarity held the cleric momentarily in place. His head then began to shake, his eyes vibrating till they fell out, momentarily before his head exploded, which covered all the party members in the room as well as all of the bad guys in bits of goo and brains.

Siabrey’s tenous positions became even worse, as she found herself under attack from three sources. One of the lesser clerics, an adept, formed a small ball of fire in his hands, which he shot at Siabrey. The fighter notices a whump as something hit her from behind, but her tough skin shrugged off the hit as if nothing happened (heat resistance 5). To make matters worse, the commoner to her front, far from running or mildly surrendering as expected, drew a dagger, and stabbed her in the shoulder.

The blade was small, and her armor was thick, so little real damage was done... save distacting her while the warrior behind her stabbed her in the back with a short sword. Once again, Heraclius’ armor took most of the blow for Siabrey, but nonetheless, she felt the blow and shooting pain run up her left lower back as the blade was pulled out.

Lucius meanwhile had already extended his hand towards one of the commoners, a white ball of energy forming within his grasp. With a shout, it flies forth, striking the commoner full in the chest and burning through his now descicated corpse. Almost before Lucius can do anything, the blackguard that struck Pellaron stabs Lucius deep in the back, and to the party’s alarm they see his armor lurch forward as the blade pierces through the entirety of the young man’s body, coming out just above his navel. Lucius staggered forward, gasping for air. Oh god no! was all that ran through Siabrey’s mind, despite the pain of being stabbed twice.

Furious, Grumki surged forward, his warhammer crushing the skull of one warrior before he launched a charge at the blackguard menacing behind Lucius. “You have angered me, Hextor devil!” Grumki’s bass rung out.

Tess, still far behind the party but well within range, brings her voice to a rising C note, focusing her next two notes on one of the adepts and the warrior that just backstabbed Siabrey. AS her note rises to a high soprano, the censer the adept had been holding to release incense began to vibrate. Unnoticed by most of the party, it started whirling in the air, before wrapping around the adepts neck; a sick cracking noise marked when the vile fellow’s neck was broken as the censer’s chain crushed his windpipe. The warrior’s sword, simultaneously, shook itself violently in his hand... shaking closer and closer to his face, before sawing it in half. Once again, Siabrey, Pellaron, Shaun, Elenya and Lucius found themselves covered in nasties.

Furiously trying to make her way towards Lucius, Siabrye slashes left and right, downing the commoner to her front, and begins making a mad dash across the room, somehow dodging the blades of all of her opponents. “Hold on, Lucius! I”m coming! Hold on!” she called in panicked desperation.

Shaun had now recovered from the horrible burning the cleric had given him, and even as Tess began to call out for the party to take prisoners, Shaun’s rapier removed an adepts jaw before removing his liver and kidneys as well. Grumki’s warhammer, in the meantime, had found its target in the last of the blackguard’s skulls. The man’s skull was driven several inches down into his body; his spine shattered beyond belief, his broken form sank to the floor.

Lucius meanwhile had recovered enough to hear Tess’ call, and swing with the flat of his sword against the last adept near him. The blow was easily strong enough to knock the man unconscious, and sent him sprawling.

The two remaining commoners fought on, despite the odds. One managed to connect with his dagger, stabbing the already very bloody Siabrey in the upper arm, causing her to yelp in pain. Lucius, his mind filled with fury, then lunged forward, his bastard sword above his head. The blade cam crashing down just in front of Siabrey, and the offending commoner’s body was now split in twain from his liver to the top of his skull, the two partial halves landing at unnerving angles as his body fell. Before Lucius could swing at the other commoner that had attacked Siabrey, she knocked him unconscious with the flat of her katana.

Surveying the thoroughly gruesome carnage, the party gasped for air, the distant and quieting noise of battle slowly fading from the doorway.

Oh no! The Imperial troops! Do they need help? Tess panicked, before running out to find out.

Siabrey groaned loudly meanwhile. My armor... my face, my hands... my HAIR for crying out loud is covered in blood and bits of brains! I need a bath.... bad... As she looked about the party, she saw everyone needed one, and her heart filled with relief as Grumki started taking care of Lucius’ grievous wound; one that was bad enough that the half orc had to remove his armor for a bit.

He’s covered as well, Siabrey noted, He should probably wash off as...
Her mind stopped for a second, and more with relief at seeing him ok than any morbid thoughts, her mind thought of a suitable location for the two of them... far away from blood, from carnage... long removed from Hextor... and clothes...

Part 3 from 02-06... written by drag n fly!

Of Treasure, Cleaning Up and a Rivalry Becoming Friendly

Her drifting thoughts were interupted by Tess coming back from the other room.

“Well, they’ve taken care of everything in there. And they’ve captured some prisoners too. Which reminds me, we should probably tie this filth up.” She indicated the two knocked out men. Shaun pulled some rope out of his pack and began to tie them up as the rest of the party glanced around the room. Amid the shambles and many splatters of blood and other parts too nasty to be named, they spotted a silver goblet ceremonial knife, both spotted with a crusty brown substance that looked suspiciously like dried blood laying atop an alter that almost hurt to look at.

“I think that will need to be smited.” Tess groaned. Grumki lifted his war axe and started marching purposefull towards the evil alter, before Siabrey stopped him with a prudent “Maybe we should let the priests of Heironeaous take care of that, sometimes smashing evil alters is a bad thing.” The half-orc agreed, and helped the party continue shifting bodies and digging through the rubble. Piled in a corner they found a small golden bracelet with a first carved into it along with two small lapis lazuli statues of a warrior. In another corner, looking as if it had been haphazardly tossed there after a ceremoney, was a partially melted gilt Heironeaous. Siabrey bristled when as she picked up the item gently, and voiced outloud her promise to return it to the priests of Heironeaous to be reforged.

At the back of the room, behind the alter, lay two small chests, one partially open. Tess, being a little paranoid about traps, took a long broken piece of wood and gently lifted the lid of the open one. When nothing happened the rest of the party gathered around to check its contents. Inside they found a handful of gems, including a huge star ruby that Tess estimated was worth a ton, as well as two potions and 700 platinum.

After a short discussion that maybe the rogue should attempt to open the other one, just incase it was trapped, Shaun pulled out his lock-picking tools and began to work on the chest’s key-shaped lock. To his surprise, it opened almost immediately, having not been locked in the first place. Opening it, the party found another 700 platinum, a silver pearl and a small citrine, as well as a huge blood red pearl that Siabrey snatched up with a gasp and placed on the floor next to the alter, proclaiming it bad as she did so.

Inside the chest was also a scroll that Tess attempted to read, but couldn’t understand much more than the words “dead”, “life”, and “revive”, a wand with white lines across it that Lucius picked up and smoothed his fingers across, and a strange pair of slippers. After regarding them carefully, Tess proclaimed with a small smile that they were spider-climb slippers. Shaun grabbed them with a happy cry, slipped them on, and promptly ran up the nearest wall and onto the ceiling. Elayna laughed at him, before receiving an upside-down kiss.

Ignoring this, Lucius took the platinum greatfully, saying that with it, he could feed and clothe his army for a year’s time. Before he could stop Shaun however, the rouge snatched up a handful of the platinum, scampered up the wall, and started showering it down on the others, proclaiming “It’s raining money!” Tess quickly snatched up 10 of the coins, while Lucius grabbed the others and slipped them into Siabrey’s purse. When she went to protest he stopped her with a look and the tip of a finger pressed against her lips. This caused a thoughtful look to come across her face, and she nodded with a slightly devious grin on her face.

Now what is that girl thinking. Tess wondered. She didn’t have time to find out as outside voices could be heard, including one that was clearly a cleric of Heironeaous. As Tess headed out to talk with him, she heard Siabrey talking to Lucius in a somewhat sultry voice.

“Hey hon, how about we go get a bath.”

“Great idea, Siabrey. I think we need one too.” Shaun was looking over Elenya with an appraising look that Tess knew was more than just examining the amount of blood on her clothes.

Man, do those four ever get enough? she wondered as she headed out. Siabrey, Lucius, Shaun and Eleyna passed her, walking rather quickly, as Siabrey tossed bavk over her shoulder. “Hey Tess, we’re going to the bathhouse, we’ll be back later…”

“Yeah, yeah.” Tess waved her off dismissively, looking for a cleric who wasn’t busy healing the Imperial troops. Siabrey nevertheless noticed the slightly hurt expression on the bard’s face.

Poor Tess, I feel bad that she has no one to love…hm, maybe I can help her find someone. After all, she’s been like a sister to me…

The thought was filed away for future notice as Lucius ran a finger down the side of Siabrey’s neck and motioned his head in the direction of the bathhouse. Grinning mischievously, Siabrey took Lucius’ hand tenderly and began to lead him down the street.

I bet these ten platinum will go a long way toward getting us a private bath…

Almost the same thought was going through Shaun’s head as he also took Elenya’s hand and followed the other couple.

Tess watched the couples go with a mix of happiness for them, and a feeling of hurt. Shaking it off, she ran up to a cleric who had just finished healing a particularly nasty sword wound on a soldiers arm and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Excuse me.” She smiled, turning on all her charm. It really wasn’t needed, as the cleric turned, and upon seeing who it was gave a little bow as his face flushed.

“Te…Tesseron the Harper. It’s a pleasure to finally meet one of Lord Lucius’ friends. Do you require healing?”

It really is nice being associated with a high-ranking noble. she thought with a wry grin before settling down to business.

“No, actually, I was wondering if you might have any news for me about the Countesses’ army.”

The cleric’s face fell slightly at the mention of the Countess.

Oh no, can’t be good news… she thought unhappily. She was surprised however to hear the cleric tell her that, although Kulloden had indeed been raided several days past, the force that hit it was no where near large enough to destroy the city, and so it still stood. However, he did confirm the sad news that Mephys had been sacked and burned... though to her relief he said most of the inhabitants had managed to flee, including Sir Santac, who was leading them northwards to Irulas.

Well, that’s some good news at least. she thought, before telling the cleric about the evil items that Siabrey had found and placed next to the alter. The clerics face grew grave and he commented that they had done the right thing, as the entire alter and all the sacraficial implements were to be burned in holy fire.

After thanking the cleric, Tess watched the people milling around her with another strange mix of emotions. She felt exhilerated after their victory over the temple, yet sad because she had no one to share it with. Pellaron must have seen her face, because the paladin came over and lay a gentle hand on Tess’s shoulder, asking if she was alright. Remarking rather angrily that she was annoyed with Siabrey and the others for their vulgar bathhouse plans, Pellaron gave a short laugh.

“I understand your feelings Tess, but don’t be too hard on them. Remember, in this time of war and heartache, you can never know whether the ones you love today will be alive tomorrow. Grant them some patience.”

Tess sighed and nodded. Pellaron gave her shoulder a small squeeze and headed off into the crowd of people surrounding the now broken Temple of Hextor. His words had reminded her of something though; her brother Quinn, and his company and how they still needed to be paid. She remembered that Siabrey had told her earlier that 2000 platinum for their former bodyguards lay in a small chest in her’s and Lucius’s room, and that she could take it to her brother any time that she wanted. Squaring her shoulders and shelving her feelings, Tess headed back to the Temple of Pelor with the intention of paying the remnants of the Dragon Wing Company, and the families of those that had died so that she and her friends could live.

The young women who manned the counter at the entrance to the bathhouse looked up in surprise at the four grinning people who bounded up to the counter. Although the looks on their faces was equivicable to any teenage, the four were obviously adults, and what was worse, they appeared to be covered in what was quickly drying blood and little bits of….brain? Eeew!

“Can I help you?” She asked rather cynically.

“Yes,” the golden-haired women dressed in impressive armor giggled. “We need some baths.”

“Obviously.” The desk woman rolled her eyes and began to dig under the counter for a set of keys.

“Ok, a set of four bathing rooms will cost…”

“Actually.” The blonde woman fingered something in her pocket and smiled mischievously at the tall red-haired man beside her. “Could we have two rooms instead?”

The woman raised her eyebrows. Although it wasn’t unheard of for couples to ask for shared baths, it was unusual.

The golden-haired warrior must have sensed her hesitation, because she pulled three platinum coins out of her pouch and slid them across the counter.

“Will this be enough?” She raised an eyebrow and gave the women an innocent smile.

The desk clerk shook her head. “But private rooms are only seven gold apiece….”

“That’s alright. Keep the rest for yourself. Go get a nice massage at the temple of Sune.” The warrior smiled broadly, obviously trying to charm her, although the splatters of blood all over her face didn’t help much. Still a massage would be nice…

“Very well.” The desk woman swept the coins into her hand and placed two silver keys on the counter. “Room’s nine and ten are ready, and come complete with a free clothing wash.” She paused and then indicated the bits of gore that clung to the four people in front of her. “Although you may want to head over to the free rinse stations for a quick washdown if you don’t want your bathwater turning red.

“Well said.” The other female member of the party in front of her said, and began to drag her male compatriot off.

“Thanks for paying, Siabrey.” Eleyna added in an aside to the golden-haired warrior as they headed around the corner to the rinse stations. Shaun began to dig in his pockets, obviously looking for some gold to give to Siabrey, but she stopped him with a raised hand and a warm smile on her face.

“It’s my treat, Shaun. Save your money to buy something special for Eleyna.”

Wow, I DEFINATLY have to make sure she gets laid more often…

Lucius looked down on his love and smiled with pride.

After a quick rinse, the party felt a lot better, and headed down to their rooms. Outside the doors, Eleyna and Lucius entered their respective rooms, while Shaun and Siabrey paused for a moment. The two eyed each other for a moment outside of the doors, similar thoughts going through their heads. When they had first met, the pair had been a little…at odds with each other. Over time, that annoyance had grown into something a little deeper, and now, although they would never admit it to each other’s face, they had grown quite fond of each other. Not to mention the fact that Siabrey adored Eleyna, and felt that her fiery spirit was exactly what Shaun needed. Still though, a little friendly competition never hurt anyone…

Siabrey held out her hand to the rogue, who grasped it firmly. The unspoken competition to happen in the baths was silently voiced between them, as devilish smiles crossed both of their faces.

Without a word, the two broke the headclasp and headed into their respective rooms. As Siabrey entered hers where a waiting Lucius already lounged in the steaming water, she heard Shaun call over his shoulder to her.

“I’m gonna use the spider slippers!”

Of Information Gained, Knowledge Gathered, and the Problem with Our Young Noble

Tess was still slightly miffed at the couples for leaving her alone...

Well, not alone, she corrected herself, glancing at Pellaron escorting her back to the temple, more... out of the fun. They were making their way back to the Temple of Pelor, as Tess wanted to check up on Xanadu’s progress. His unfinished statement about Lucius, coupled with what she had heard he did the previous night to the assassins frightened her.

Something is wrong with him, her mind kept thinking. Despite Xanadu’s reassurances that Lucius was not consciously doing these things, the dark thoughts of such a grisly death still frightened her memory and clouded her vision.

It was with no small amount of haste that she rushed to the library when she returned, to find Xanadu, in the same seat, his posture barely shifted.

“Xany!” she shouted, without thinking. To her surprise, there was no reproach from him... he nary turned around.

“What have you found?!” she blurted again as she drew alongside him. The wizard slowly turned towards her, his bags under his eyes enormous, his eyes themselves seemingly sunken in.

“Well... I have traced his bloodline... and I found out the worst. I think... I think we should wait till Siabrey is here to tell her as well. I... I don’t want her to do anything foolish.” He said quietly. Tess nodded nervously. God... don’t say he’s going to die, or he’s going to kill us all or something...

”Siabrey... and... um...” she sputtered nervously, “should be along in a bit... they went to the bathhouses to get cleaned up.” Her little bit of fury and little bit of mirth at them running off like that was now completely washed away by worry.

To her surprise, Xanadu chuckled... a chuckle that grew into a snicker.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, annoyed now. A close friend, lover of my very good friend, is casting evil spells about, and you know why, and you won’t tell me... INSTEAD YOU CHUCKLE?!

”That... might be exactly what the boy needs... someone to be close to,” Xanadu said smiling. “Love can be a weapon against even the deepest, most vile evil.”

Well, he speaks the truth there, Tess mused, and for a second, the title of a new song came into her head long enough to be mentally recorded. Once that was filed away for later creativity, she focused back on the present.

“Lucius has... demonic blood in his veins,” Xanadu began slowly. “Don’t look so shocked,” he cautioned with a thin, gentle grin as Tess rocked back in horror. “All sorcerers get their magical powers from some source... very few get it themselves through a freak accident. Most have some kind of non-human blood in their ancestry. In Lucius’ case, some 400 years before Ananias even, there was a union with a powerful demon.... whose blood still courses in Lucius’ veins.”

“This is why he’s shooting off evil spells and the like?” Tess asked hopefully, and Xanadu nodded.

“Yes. When he’s scared, when he’s frightened, he runs off instinct, just as you or I would. In this case, his body’s first instinct for magic to defend itself happens to run into the darker side of magic...”

It makes so much sense now, Tess thought, part of her relieved at knowing what afflicted her friend, but part scared now that she knew its seriousness. “So is there any way to keep him from going evil... and turning like his mother did?” she asked, hoping for a positive answer.

“Yes,” she heard, and sighed with relief as Xanadu continued. “Normally, the boy would keep getting drawn closer to evil, and his mother, with every evil spell he used. The love and kindness you have surrounded him with, have counteracted this somewhat... he’s attached to you all, and he doesn’t want to hurt you. This is but temporary... there is a more permanent solution...”

What is it? Kill him? I hope to God that’s not the answer...

Xanadu sighed, his face looking as if he was looking off into a distant battle, from a distant life and time. “Once, many years ago, I fought in a battle against the followers of Hextor... they unleashed forces they did not understand or comprehend. Myself, my best friend Ik-Mataar and a group of elite forces swept into the desert temple the clerics and I told you about, and levelled it... oh... that was some 500 years ago....”

I keep forgetting he’s that old, Tess’ mind jumped. He looks as if he’s 35...maybe 40... A part of her mind suddenly jumped...

How long DO half-elves live? Um...

Her concentration was cut off as he softly continued. “The Temple, praise the Gods, was levelled and the evil driven back to its original planes... Ik-Mataar, however, perished in the battle.”

“Oh... Xanadu, I’m so sorry,” Tess said without thinking, in genuine sympathy, before her brain reminded her that he had already had 500 years to get over the loss. To her surprise, he grew misty eyed, and nodded his head.

“Thank you, Tess,” he said quietly, before drawing in a big breath of air and letting out a sigh that released some kind of deep memory. “He... he was dear to me. And he may still be able to help.”

“Help? How?” Tess asked gently. She was attuned enough to people’s emotions to be ready to accept more of his past pain if he offered it up, but she also gently wanted her questions answered.

“Well... Ik-Mataar was a noted demon fighter in his day,” Xanadu started quietly. He coughed, “And his dying wish was to have his soul put into his blade, which he had fought so many with. I granted him that, his dying wish. His blade originally went back to the Empire... then floated out of existence as I grew distracted and others that knew of its importance died off. When I finally went to visit him some 100 years before Ananias’ rebellion, the blade was nowhere to be found.” Xanadu’s face, so far sad and full of grief, gave a chuckle, “and now I think I’ve found him.”

“Where? How can he help?” Tess repeated her question as Xanadu dragged open one of the older books, its pages covered in arcane scrawl she couldn’t read.

“Well, Ik-Mataar was a very insistent and persistent man... and he retains those traits while in his sword. If we found him, and told him of the urgency, his strength of will and personality, as well as magical connection to his ‘owner’ could tip the scales in our favor in the war for Lucius’ mind. There’s three problems.”

“What?” Tess said, once again started to get a little exasperated. Get to the point, Xany! Please!

“First... Ik-Mataar, has, through various travellers, found his way back to near the temple where he fell. The blade is there, in the desert.” Tess nodded. A problem to be sure, but one we can overcome.

“Second,” Xanadu continued, “the army of orcs and gnolls that razed Mephys is marching hard north, with corrupted Tarantor clerics at its head. Their course takes them directly towards the temple.”

Tess was immediately on her feet, her mind with lightning speed putting things together. They mean to take the sword, to take away Lucius’ last chance!

“We ride tonight,” she announced with determination as she began to whirl about to leave the library and begin packing.

“Hold, dear Tess, hold,” Xanadu called, and she reluctantly stopped. “There is a third problem,” he motioned her back. Slowly, reluctantly, she walked back.

“What is that?” she asked. Xanadu’s reponse was to hand her a scroll, sealed shut with the Imperial Seal, an image of Princess Zoe imprinted in blood red wax...

Tess was surprised to see Quin sitting up in his bed. After her long, sobering talk with Xanadu, she had decided to dash to Siabrey’s quarters to find the 2,000 platinum Lucius had agreed to pay Quin and his two surviving employees.

”They went far and above the call of duty,” Lucius had said the night before, “they deserve these extra funds... may the Gods rest their souls in peace.”

“Hallo, Tess!” Quin rose at her entry, and Tess quickly hid the box of coins behind her before he could notice. It was heavy, and she wouldn’t be able to keep it like that for long.

“Quin,” Tess said, a smile growing on her face, “I brought a present for you... and your men!” She smiled brightly, though sadly, as she brought out the box of money. Quin looked at her, and then opened it. His eyes went wide.

“How... much... i...is in here. Thats... p...platinum! There’s... m...more than 1,500 Tess! Your friend over counted!”

Quin... you are too honest for your own good! Tess smiled sadly. “No Quin... Lucius wants to give you the 500 extra... you and your band went above and beyond the call of duty. He only wishes he could do more.”

Quin’s eyes fell downward at her words, and he stared into the box for several minutes, before looking up. His eyes were now wet with tears.

“Oh Tess,” he grabbed her and hugged her tight, “thank you... on behalf of my men... and their families! Thank you... Pelor bless you and your noble friend!”

It was several minutes before his emotional state calmed to where she could invite him to come with her to deliver the coins to his remaining employees, still trapped at the Wine Glass Inn. The two tramped over, and before they even walked through the door, loud shouts came from within the inn’s tavern.

“Ah, so the old bugger lives! How fare’s ye, Quin!” one of the men shouted across the tavern. Quin bounded over, and the two exchanged a firm gripped handshake.

“I think we should take our business upstairs,” Quin said quietly. No one wanted to be counting this much platinum out in the open in such a crowded bar. After they reached the rooms of the two, Quin closed the door, and opened the box.

“Bugger me ears!” one of the men, the one that had greeted Quin, said in wonder. “Thats... thats platinum there!”

“Two thousand, dear boy,” Quin gripped his shoulder. “Two thousand! He gave us extra for our sacrifice... by bloody light he’s the first honest noble I’ve met!”

“Two thousand bloody platinum?” the so far quiet one announced increduously, “how in the...”

“Do not question fate’s fortunes upon you,” Tess cautioned. “Accept this windfall, with the compliments of Lord Lucius.” The three then sat down as Tess watched, and began counting out the money... and her heart began to break.

They’re counting out fifteen piles she thought pensively, sadly. twelve of which will never see their owners... only their families...

“Quin, is there anything I can do to try and help track down the families of these men?” Tess asked, managing to keep her tears in reserve. Quin looked up at her, with a smile that nearly broke her heart.

“No, Tess,” he said, “You’ve helped us... and their families, enough this day. Go... enjoy your friends... you don’t need to hang around here being dour as we conduct dead men’s business. My two friends here are trustworthy enough to track down their families... you have a noble to tend to!”
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This next section was typed up mostly by drag n fly... who had tons of fun reenacting the next meeting between the Princess and Siabrey...

Of Princesses, Shouting Matches, and Old Friends
A few hours later, the four rather happy lovers returned from their cleaning, smelling fresh and light. Lucius and Siabrey were clinging to each other, as for only the second time she could remember, Tess caught the scent of roses and lavender from Siabrey.

Shaun and Elenya giggled into the room as well, obviously in a good mood, also smelling to high heaven.

I hate to be the spoil-sport in this, Tess thought sadly as she drew up alongside Lucius, and handed him the scroll. Sorry, Luke... the Princess wants to bother you again.

Lucius took the scroll from Tess’ hands, his frustration and a hint of anger playing on his face, as he saw the large red wax seal, the face of Princess Zoe staring out at him..

“What is it, Luke,” Siabrey asked, sliding next to him. She peered around his shoulder, and her face went deep red with fury.

That… utter…wenching…her mind snarled.

“That jackass of a tart!” she snapped as she scanned the contents of the summons.

My Dear Lord Lucius,

You and your “consort,” are hereby summoned to appear before Her Majesty, Princess Zoe Paleologus, at 8 PM on this day, the 15th day of the month, to give answer to questions and information Her Majesty doth wish to pose to you.

Hereby signed,

And the bottom was filled with a flashy, arrogant signature, that Siabrey could only make a “Z” out of.

“That complete and utter…” she began to snarl again, before Lucius began to shush her down. It didn’t work, as Siabrey’s red eyed fury then turned to Tess.

“Tess,” she asked, her voice harsh with anger at the unseen royal foe, “would you like to go in my place? I fear I shall say something… untowards? Vicious? Blunt?” she asked around for words before raising her arms in exasperation.

“And deal with that sad sack of crap for a woman? No, that’s your battle, dear,” Tess said quietly. The summons demanded you, silly, I can’t go anyways!

“Siabrey, love… it’s an imperial summons… you must go,” Lucius said quietly. He then crumpled up the letter, and with his own fury, hefted the mass across the halls before storming off to his room. For the briefest moment, Siabrey caught a hint of magic fly between his fingers, before it vanished as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

I should go after him, she thought quickly, before a strong arm on her shoulder caught her planned forward movement.

“Let him go for a bit, Siabrey,” Tess said quietly. “I have something important I must tell you… rather… Xanadu does. Please… it is about Lucius.” Siabrey stopped pulling forward, and spun around.

“Lucius?” her suddenly quavering voice asked. What is wrong with him? What has his mother done to him now? Tess nodded sadly, and slowly led Siabrey into the library.

“Xanadu?” Tess asked quietly, “I have Siabrey here… she… she should know.”

The wizard turned around, by now his eyes barely slits as lack of sleep had drawn them closed so close. He blinked hard, and then motioned for her to come closer. Siabrey came closer, and he patted a seat, in which she sat down.

“What is wrong with my Lucius?” she asked quietly. Siabrey… assume the worst. Steel yourself. Is he dying? Is he hurting? Is he going evil…

Will he hurt us?

“Siabrey,” Xanadu said very quietly, “Lucius is a very kind, very gentle boy. But… there are things I have discovered about him…things that are dark. And you have the right to know them, as his closest confidant,” the half elf’s voice said. His eyes were more open now, though it seemed he was focusing himself to try and keep them that way.

“I will be brief… Lucius has demonic blood in him.”

What does that mean? Siabrey’s mind asked. Will he at some point try to kill us?

Does he still love me? Can he still love me?
Her mind began to enter a panic, as Tess gently laid a hand on top of hers.

“Do not panic yet, Siabrey… please… hear the wizard out.” Siabrey’s shaking heart slowed just a little, and she steeled herself to try and make her face one of blank understanding… an attempt that failed.

“Siabrey, do not be disturbed… all is not lost,” Xanadu said, looking deep into her eyes with a smile of hope. As Siabrey’s heart relaxed a little more, Xanadu continued on in a gentle voice, “while his blood means his instinctual calling is towards evil, you and your friends have helped hold him to the side of good; keeping him balanced while he learns to properly harness and control his sorcerer’s powers.”

“Controlling his powers?” Siabrey asked. I don’t understand…

“Young sorcerers don’t have full control of their powers… they release them on instinct… when they are frightened, when they are hurt or scared. And as he leans towards the darker magic by nature…”

“He tends to release dark magic when he becomes scared or frightened,” Tess finished. “Especially when he is scared for you, Siabrey. He doesn’t do this intentionally… its his instinct.”

So… he’s going evil because of me now? I’m confused…. Siabrey’s mind wanted to cry.

“And that, dear lady, is what we need to harness and control,” Xanadu finished. “And fortunately,” he smiled, “there is a way to do that!”

“How!?” Tell me how I can help Luke… I’ll do it! Tell me!

“To sum things up, we need a sword,” Xanadu began.

“A sword that has the soul of his friend imbedded in it,” Tess interrupted. Xanadu scowled at her, and she shrank back with a slightly embarrassed smile. Satisfied, the wizard continued.

“The sword has the soul of my old friend Ik-Mataar imbedded inside of it… he was a noted demon fighter. He’s very… um… opinionated? And controlling, and…well…” his voice trailed off for a second, before returning, “if we can get him… I mean him inside the sword, to Lucius, not only would your lord have a powerful weapon, but one that could guide him sharply towards the paths of righteousness.”

“Paths of Righteousness?” Siabrey asked.

“Staying on the good side of the street,” Tess offered, and Siabrey nodded. The fighter’s mind was now swimming with concepts she barely understood or didn’t know, and she sat confusedly for a couple seconds.

“Can I… should I tell Lucius?” she asked quietly.

“No… not yet,” Xanadu said, “though we should take him with us when we ride out tommorrow… or the next day, my dear. Likely the next, considering you have a princess to argue with…”

Right her mind growled. “Well, I guess I better go get Lucius and get ready. Although it’ll take more time than we have to be dressed up enough for Her Highness.” The last two words were sneered as Siabrey turned and marched out of the room.

Tess and Xanadu exchanged a look. Man, she REALLY doesn’t like the Princess.

After several hours of primping, grooming, and shining armor, the couple was ready to go. As they waved goodbye Siabrey’s sarcastic comment of “If we don’t come back by midnight, we’re probably in jail” echoed in the parties ears.

I wonder if the Princess will even be grateful that we saved her life Siabrey sighed.

“Hey Lucius? Should I be blunt?” She ventured as they clanked down the street, both being clad in full battle armor.

He gave a wry grin. “Yeah, more gets accomplished when you’re less diplomatic. Remember the ball?”

She gave a short barking laugh. “Yeah, but somehow I doubt Zoe’s going to give you 500 archers if I mention peacocks.”

It was only a few minutes later when the two arrived outside the massive edifice of the Governor’s palace… its marble, bronze, and gilt spires and statures glinting in the moonlight.

“If she were a man,” Siabrey quietly commented, “I’d say she was overcompensating.” Lucius giggled quietly, and nodded. “You know what? She is a woman, and I still think she’s overcompensating,” he added. Siabrey gave him a playful shove before they came close enough to be seen. After their identities were announced, trumpets blared, and Siabrey’s mind grumbled:

Here comes stupid pomp and circumstance…

It was after several minutes of passing through receiving lines, overdressed guards, and lines upon lines of stern faced, Casalad Rangers that they arrived outside a set of large, bronze doors, the moniker of a massive dragon, its mouth agape, faced out from the center of each door.

“Her Imperial Majesty will see you now,” a robed chamberlain said in a stiff, formal accent, his bow full towards Lucius, and stunted towards Siabrey’s less than regal combat armor.

Stupid pompous… her mind started, before being interrupted as the doors opened, and the true target of her annoyance and fury came into view.

Princess Zoe was sitting alone upon The Golden Dragon Throne, the gilt beasts head arching over her head, her hands drumming lightly upon one of its paws. Her dress was shimmering, iridescent, the very peak of Imperial flash and power.

Too bad that dragon can’t come alive and eat her. Then all our trouble would be over… Siabrey hid her smile at the thought of Zoe being gobbled up by the gilt dragon.

She followed one pace behind Lucius, and bowed when he did. The Princess glared at that, as if she resented the fact that she had to converse with an obviously lower being such as Siabrey. The Princess leaned towards the left side of her throne, and continued drumming her fingers in an obviously annoyed gesture.

“I suppose I should say thank you.” Her voice echoed in the empty hall. “Keep in mind, however, that we are but temporary allies….after this affair with the Countess’s Rebellion is over, my memory is long and my vengence is swift.” She turned sharp brown eyes onto Lucius. “Are you still sure of your choice, My Lord.”

“Quite.” He extended an arm across Siabrey’s shoulders. She for her part continued glaring at the Princess.

“I have to admit, eventually I was going to force your Lordship to command the army, and after you had lost, I would take command and glory for myself. However, instead I will send you with a full force for your ‘desert’ mission on the morrow…”

Siabrey bristled. For some reason, the normal restraint she held for Lucius’ sake was very weak today. It probably had something to do with Lucius’ permission for her to be blunt.

“I have to admit, Your Majesty, that you are not nearly as much of a bitch as I first thought.”

The Princess turned steely brown eyes to the blonde-haired warrior. “And I must admit that you have skills other than those of a harlot. Although I still believe that you are a worthless tramp, and nothing less.”

“A worthless tramp that has stolen your political marriage from under your nose,” Siabrey took a step forward. The battle of wits was on.

The Princess’s eyes narrowed. “Let me remind you, my dear, that the only reason that I am not marrying Lord Lucius is because the betrothal papers were voided due to his mother’s rebellion.”

“And because he loves me.” Siabrey cocked her head with a nasty smile. “Something that perhaps you have never experienced, Princess?”

If looks could kill, Siabrey would have been drawn, quartered, and buried in the deepest foulest smelling pit in existence. “Love has no place in the Emperor’s Palace!” Zoe yelled.

“Oh really.” Siabrey appraised the Princess carefully. “Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I disagree. I believe that this Empire could be run much better if the heads of it were bound by love, rather than just a marriage for the sake of a pretty ‘mantlepiece’.”

“You seemed to have plenty fun with your ‘mantlepiece’ in the bathhouse this morning.” The Princess screeched, her face livid.

Siabrey blinked at that, but recovered quickly. “I see you must have spies everywhere. Tell me, after you read your report this morning, Your Majesty, I am guessing you wished you were in my place?”

During this entire exchange, Lucius had been looking rather like a turtle trying to draw into a shell. My love having a verbal contest with the future ruler of the Empire…over me? His head swam, and he was glad that they had forgotten him for the moment.

The Princess’s mouth hung open, but nothing but a few gasps escaped from her flapping lips. Siabrey watched for a few minutes, then smiled, satisfied that she had won the battle, and winked contemptuously.

“In the meanwhile, Your Majesty, I am guessing you had another reason for calling my lord and I here this evening?”

Zoe’s mouth hung open for a few more seconds, before she managed to swallow and find her voice.

“Ye..Yes. I have found advisors for you as a thank you for the other night.” She made a motions over he right shoulder, and a door at the far end of the hall opened, revealing two familiar figures.

“Hidalas! And is that…Dingalas!”

“Ah! Yes! It’s the pretty lady from Holstean!” the old man shuffled over, shaking slightly as he came. He held his hands out, and clasped hers within his.

“You are still as pretty as when I saw you in Holstean, when we… um… went out to see… the goblin?” He cocked his head to the side in confusion, “We saw a goblin, didn’t we?”

He is going to be our advisor? part of Siabrey’s mind asked as she smiled quietly. “No Dingalas,” she smiled sweetly, “we fought some goblins.”

“Ah… yes,” the old man muttered with a smile. “Yes we did… I had to leave from my farm… orcs came in and tried to harass me. They found out the hard way that gardening hoes have sharp ends!”

Hidalas in the meantime had made a quick move towards his former student, and the two were clasped in an embrace. Hidalas then pushed away from Lucius slightly.

“So boy! I hear you fought demons and assassins, and monsters of all kinds! And you have maintained yourself in a regal manner!” he pulled Lucius close again. “I’m proud of you!”

The smile Lucius had one his face was a mixture of happiness and relief as he finally earned a large chunk of praise from his normally stern tutor. “Thank you, Hidalas,” he said quietly. Regal? What? Lucius’ mind thought quickly. I hope he doesn’t find out about me and Siabrey…

Hidalas’ then turned his attention towards Siabrey, and then shook her hand warmly. “Siabrey, great fighter of Mephys… it is good to see you are safe and sound!” he smiled genuinely.

“I am glad to see that you survived the fight at Kulloden, Hidalas,” Siabrey said in return, her smile nervous as she looked at Lucius. I hope that he doesn’t find out about me and Lucius…

Hidalas saw the look between the two, and his brow furrowed for a minute, just as Dingalas shuffled over to Lucius. The war cleric’s mind evidently suspected something, but didn’t fully accept what his instincts were telling him. Siabrey saw the momentary look of confusion.

Oh no! her mind panicked, and she quickly drew Hidalas aside as Dingalas began to harass Lucius in an absent-minded, well meaning manner.

“Hidalas?” she asked hurriedly, hoping to distact the cleric from his suspicions, “is Dingalas really an advisor to Lucius?” She was rewarded as the cleric’s brow unfurrowed momentarily.

“No… he’s more of a… moral support,” Hidalas said after a few moments of thought. Siabrey breathed two sighs of relief… one that Dingalas would not be rendering any military advice, the other that Hidalas had been distracted. The cleric then turned from the greeting towards Her Majesty, and Siabrey’s second sigh of relief was stolen as by a gust of wind.

Zoe’s face was still pale, and anger still held within her eyes… anger pointed directly at Siabrey.

Hidalas looked at Zoe, looked at Siabrey, and finally put two and two together. “Are you and Lucius…”

“um… well…” Siabrey began to stutter. How do I explain to his TUTOR that I… “I… um… well…”

“Have you two?” Hidalas began, his voice trailing off ominously. Lucius heard the growing concern mixed with anger in Hidalas’ voice, and he slinked away from the old man towards Siabrey. Dingalas meanwhile wandered towards the throne, and the Princess found herself the target of his absent minded “friendliness.”

“Um… Hidalas?” Lucius said quietly. “I need to tell you something…” Lucius began, and Hidalas went white.

“Does she know?” he hissed to Lucius, his voice quiet and sharp. Lucius nodded, and Hidalas’ face became more pale than a full moon.

“How could you!?” he hissed in Lucius’ ear. “The Imperial throne?! For one time, on a whim! How…”

“It wasn’t one time,” Siabrey said, not as quiet as Lucius on purpose. I want the old witch up on that throne to know HOW MUCH she has been missing! “There was the time in the Temple… then the other Temple… then…”

Hidalas covered his ears, muttering, “we will discuss this after we get outside!”

AS the party made hurried bows, Lucius pulling back Dingalas from the Imperial throne. The Princess gave a curt nod, the closest that anyone would ever get her to being grateful, as Hidalas practically dragged Siabrey out into the hallway.

“You did what with Lord Lucius!” he snapped at her. “How could you, you little… ah! I don’t know what to say! You know you cost him an Empire! An EMPIRE! Do you realize this!? I don’t understand! I don’t know why… or how!? How old are you?! He’s so much younger than you!? How… AUGH!” Hidalas shook and threw his hands up in the air in exasperation, his mind not able to wrap around the concept.

“Siabrey,” Lucius said quietly to Siabrey, “I think he’s going to keep reminding me about this for years and years…….”

“You aren’t even a noble!” Hidalas cried again as the party was almost leaving the Palace. At this remark, Siabrey had enough, and spun around to face the older man.

“I will inform you… sir,” she said curtly, “I have noble blood in my veins… from the Sipner family in the Eastern parts of the Empire!”

Hidalas shook his head viciously, and held his breath for an ungodly long amount of time before he finally blurted out, “I won’t talk about it anymore. I won’t,” he declared. “I won’t talk about you and Lucius sleeping together or making children or anything of the sort!” he said in annoyed resignation.

“What about beeping weather and Mildred?” Dingalas said quietly, looking as confused as everyone else.

The group then went back to the temple, where Dingalas and Hidalas found themselves surrounded and introduced to many they had not yet met. As the greetins died away, Hidalas cleared his throat.

“I wish I could come greeting old friends with happy news... but sadly I cannot...”
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Part six of the adventure, typed by myself and drag n fly jointly, can be called:

Of Visions, Terror, and Drinking

Oh great, Shaun thought, what worse news could we have? He hadn’t been told yet, but Elenya had overheard that Lucius had demon blood in him. Shaun was unsure what this meant exactly, but it didn’t sound like anything good.

“What disaster befalls us now?” he said quietly, just loud enough that Elenya elbowed him hard in the side. Fortunately, no one else heard, or saw her quick jab.

“Our scouts to the south confirm the Countess has indeed moved forces to the north. Nothing more than a large raiding party tempted Kulloden, but a much larger force is slicing north between Kulloden and the mountains... perhaps twenty thousands spears altogether.”

Twenty thousand?! Shaun, Tess, and Siabrey shared the same thought. The force that we fought at Mephys was what... one... two thousand?

“So...” Siabrey said after a stunned pause, “there’s 20,000 orcs...”

“Orcs... gnolls... hobgoblins.. nothing too unusual as far as we’ve been able to tell, save they’re led by some of my former comrade clerics,” Hidalas interrupted. Siabrey sighed, and then started again.

“So there’s 20,000 orcs, gnolls and hobgoblins marching north, under the command of experienced war clerics,” she recited in a worried tone. “We are but eight, nine if we drag Tess’ brother along. Nine against twenty thousand?” she looked around the room, as everyone’s eyes went big.

Hidalas held up his hands. “Of course not even Her Majesty would send you, Siabrey, into such odds,” his voice said with only a trace of his former anger left.” On the morrow, we’ll be marshalling 15,000 of the Imperial Guard to march with you... with myself and Dingalas as junior commanders to Lord Lucius...”

“So... lemme get this straight,” Shaun said, trying to figure things out in his mind as he sat party on a marble statue in the room. “We’re going to drag 15,000 guys, in armor, out into the desert? I get hot in my leather armor, I’d hate to be wearing scale mail or plate...”

“No... no no no...” Hidalas laughed. “Fair rogue, we may be daft at times, but we certainly aren’t that daft,” he said with a smile. “The plan at present is for you to break off from the main army somewhere in the vicinity of Obash to head off to wherever you need to go in the desert. Your wizard friend wasn’t very specific when he informed us of where you need to go,” Hidalas gestured towards Xanadu.

You bastard! Siabrey felt like shouting, You know Hidalas and Dingalas were here and you didn’t tell us! It would have a been a friendly chide, one she decided to save till later.

“The army will stay between you and most of the Countess’ forces, hopefully. Some will undoubtedly slip through our net, but we’ll greatly reduce your problems.”

“They’re marching north?” Siabrey asked worriedly. They might be headed for Lucius’ saving weapon! she and Tess thought simultaneously. Hidalas nodded, though he pointed out again, “Our troops are far better trained, and we shall keep most of them from harassing you on the way to your destination.”

Shaun’s face remained dour. “I thought you said there was bad news?” He hated to be a party pooper, but he saw everyone else’s faces were relaxing far too early. “There’s got to be another kicker in here somewhere...”

Hidalas sighed. “Well, Shaun, there is a ‘kicker,’ if you wish to call it by that term. For the past week or so we’ve had a loyal Tarantor priest on the ground in Holstean, and we used him as the focus for our temple’s scrying spell. This morning, he was discovered... and we have his last message.”

How gruesome is this going to be? Tess had to mentally ask, seeing how Hidalas’ face curled slightly at mentioning the final two words of his sentence.

“In a few minutes probably it will be an hour till midnight, and several priests of Tarantor will arrive with the scrying ball we used to keep track of the priest. We have left his final message on here for you to review... so you know what you might be up against in the future...”

Oh great, Shaun thought, his mind thinking of all the horrid, dangerous things he’d seen in recent weeks... flaming demons, lion headed creatures, shapeshifters, ice demons, frost salamanders...

A few minutes later, and as Hidalas predicted, four priests of Tarantor arrived, carrying on a platter between them something covered in a purple velvet sheet. As the priests entered one of the private chambers of the Pelor Temple. The velvet was removed, revealing a clear, smooth crystal ball, large enough it had to be held in two hands.

“Look into the scrying ball, and you will see what we fear,” Hidalas said, as the priests began their divine chants.

The ball seemed to lurch larger in size, till it was seemingly the size of Shaun’s chest, and its clearness became opaque... and then black. The blackness suddenly parted, revealing a horrifying figure whose blazing light burned through the darkness.

Her eyes were like emeralds shining in the sun, her skin milk white, almost transluscent. About her hung black robes, with blood red runes all over their dark form. In her hand was a long, black staff, a massive diamond at its head. Around her fair featured face finally hung a mantle of flame, burning brilliant crimson. The Countess’ eyes flamed brightly, as if looking directly out of the scrying ball at Lucius.

“Foolish mortals,” a voice, a terrifying mix of the tenderness of a mother and the thousands of screams of undead, rumbled through the chamber. “You think you shall deny me what is mine? My son’s soul? Show this fool that acts as their eyes what they shall face should they resist me!”

The ball then spun rapidly, and the party seemed to now be looking out a tall window... evidently from one of the highest towers in the palace. Outside, another view greeted their eyes that filled them with horror.

Just beyond the city wall, the party could easily see all manners of beasts... orcs, gnolls, hobgoblins and goblins, ranging in colors from blue, to red, to normal, to horned even. Among them hung many of the bright blue spiders the party knew intimately, as well as massive, dark black spiders the party did not recognize, with enormous pincers coming from their fronts. Skeletons marched as if on parade on the battlements, and above the teeming hordes of countless thousands flew a sea of dragonflies, and the same purple, flaming flying demons the party had seen before...

It seemed as if all the armies of the Abyss were rising at her beck and call.

The view then spun back around, centering on the whitened, thin visage of the countess. “You anger me with your insolence. Return to me my son, and surrender your arms, and you shall join the new power on this earth. Refuse...” her many voices trailed off ominously, and she held out her hand, seemingly towards the viewers. It glowed bright blue, and the party heard, seemingly coming from the ball itself almost, an unearthly, ungodly scream, as if someone’s very soul was being flayed alive and shredded before their very eyes. For several seconds the undying scream echoed in the air, a smile spreading on the Countess’ lips, before the ball went blank.

After the horrifying visions that they saw in the scrying ball, the party decided almost unanimously that before heading out with the army to possible death and doom that a little bit of drinking was in order.

“Siabrey, I want to go to a tavern... now,” Lucius said rather emptily.

You saw your mother... and you want to forget, Shaun’s mind thought. He took Lucius by the shoulder, and led him outside to a small establishment. The party, even Xanadu, followed. Lucius ordered four ales, and all the rest had at least one, save Siabrey and Xanadu.

Rather quickly Lucius downed his ales, and within seconds, he began feeling the effects. His head started to loll, and quickly everything became funny.

“I think,” Lucius slurred, “Xanadu needs a drink... and so does Siabrey, my love!” He almost slid out of his seat, and a stone sober Siabrey caught him.

No ale for me... I’m worried about you Lucius, Siabrey thought, her face reflecting concern as the boy continued to down more ales...

“Um... I have a stein of dwarven ale left,” Shaun said quietly... and then looked at Xanadu. “You should honor your Lord’s request, and drink,” he said with a grin. Xanadu scowled at Shaun, before reaching over, and downing the gigantic stein in one swill.

“That was a fine stein... be a good fellow and refill it, Shaun,” Xanadu smiled thinly, as Shaun gaped in shock.

Siabrey meanwhile felt even fainter... it was Lucius’ first time drinking and she could tell. As she sat with her arms crossed, watching Shaun pull out his last stein of dwarven ale and Xanadu swill the strong liquor, she couldn’t help but focus her eyes on her love.

Lucius hardly reacted when seeing his mother through that scrying ball, even though she killed a man practically in front of his eyes. Has he really completely buried all his feelings for her? Her eyes narrowed as Shaun slapped the young man on the back as Lucius choked down another mouthful of the foul-tasting substance. Somehow, I doubt it.

He’s probably just blocking the pain, Siabrey. You would be too if you found out your mother had gone bad.

Still, the other side of her mind argued as Lucius stumbled over to her and gave her a giggling kiss on the cheek. part of her showing us that was to get to him. I can only hope that she hasn’t…

Relenting to Lucius’ attempts to drag her out onto the small open space jokingly referred to as a ‘dance floor’ as Tess and Shaun started up a musical duet, she nevertheless held a part of herself back from the festivities. There were going to be many tests in the days ahead, and she wanted to keep her mind and body sharp.

My dear Lucius, she thought as her whirled her around, loopily and somewhat dangerously at times, please be safe.

After many hours of drunken galavanting that even Xanadu reluctantly joined in when Shaun trotted up to him holding out the stein, Siabrey grew a little tired of having to catch Lucius as he lost his balance and fell every three steps, and finally convinced him to go to bed with the comment that “Horseback riding with a hangover is not much fun, honey. Trust me.”

As Siabrey led Lucius back towards the Temple nearby, Shaun looked after them and sighed. . As he watched Eleyna dancing to Tess’s music, he made a decision.

“Eleyna, can I talk to you for a minute.” She turned to him, her face flushed, hair all disheveled, and looking even more beautiful for it if that were possible.

She giggled and reached out for his hands. “What is it Shauny? Do you want to dance with me some more?” He shook his head and pulled his head out of her grasp.

“No, please. Can we go back to our room for a minute?” Eleyna saw how serious he was and stopped her antics. “Alright.” She turned to Tess. “Will you play that for me another time, Tess?”

“Of course my dear.” The bard answered, and was about to add a comment about sunburns when she saw the look on Shaun’s face. For the first time in a long while, he looked deadly serious.

Uh oh… she thought, as they walked down the hallway toward their room. What does he have planned…

Upon reaching the small room that they shared together, Shaun closed the door behind him and drew a shaky breath.

“I feel like tomorrow is going to be the first time in my life that I’m not going to have a swagger.” He murmured half to himself.

“Oh, and why is that dear?” Elenya, astute as ever, swirled up to him with dancing eyes. “Do you want another sunburn?”

Shaun reached out and grabbed his love’s shoulders gently and stared into her eyes. Sweet Heironeaus, I’m scared. I’m scared that this wonderful women will become hurt, or worse, because of me…. “Go back to your father’s, Elenya.” He said firmly, giving her a slight shake. “Go back to your father’s and wait there.”

“Wh….what?” Elenya was shocked, and her happy smiled faded to one of hurt alarm. “Do…do you not want me with you anymore?”

Shaun shook his head vehemently. “No, it’s not that! Elenya…please, go back to stay with your dad. Or stay here, in the Temple! I’m sure they’d love to have you, and you could keep learning about magic…” Unfallen tears glistened in Elenya’s eyes, and her next words almost broke his heart.

“Don’t you love me anymore…” her barely audible whisper clung to the corners of the room.

Shaun gave a broken sob and pulled the woman he had come to love into his arms. “No, Elenya. I love you more than you can imagine.” Her body shook with relieved sobs as her lifted lips sought out his, but he held back.

“It’s just…I don’t know if I’ll survive this battle to come…I don’t know if you’ll survive…”

“We’ll survive together.” Elenya’s firm assurance surprised him. She has so much spirit, I can’t believe how amazing this woman is…

“Shaun,” Elenya’s voice was soothing yet firm. “I let you go once when you went to work with that Ilia woman, and you almost died. I left everything I had in Kulloden, for you…because I love you, Shaun.” Her voice quavered and she bit her lip. “I can’t stand the thought of anything bad happening to you, and me not being there. Don’t you see, I need to be with you. Just like Siabrey needs to be with Lucius.”

Shaun held her in his arms, gazing down at her beautiful face, and sighed. She would probably follow me anyway if I left without her.. his mind resigned.

Acting on impulse, Shaun dropped to one knee.

“If you will go with me then, and be by my side.” He reached up to unhook his gold coin necklace, his most prized position. “I want you to wear this.”

Elenya took the proffered gift gently, gazing at the images engraved into the surfaces of the coins as their reflective surface threw light-sparkles up onto her face.

It is the symbol of my giving up my own thieving life…for you… Shaun thought silently. Elenya seemed to understand his unspoken explanation of what the token meant, for she smiled in that way he had come to love, and placed the necklace gently around her own much slimmer neck. Reaching down, she pulled Shaun to his feet and planted the biggest kiss he had yet to receive on his face.

After several minutes they pulled apart, flushed and breathless, while Shaun was mentally chastising the God of Pelor for being so picky about the antics that went on in his temple.

Sheesh, if I was a God, I’d like it if people did stuff like this in front of me, It’d be like my own private peep show…

Once again, Elenya demonstrated her ability to read his mind as she punched him playfully on the shoulder. “It’s too late anyway, let’s just cuddle. Tonight’s the last time we’ll be spending in a bed for a while, so let’s enjoy it.”

As they snuggled under the warm blankets, Shaun again felt like the most blessed man in the world.

I will always love you, Elenya. I promise…

The morning air was blended with nervousness and excitement, as about an hour before dawn, the party rose and began preparing for the long journey to come. Travel rations were purchases, water skins, refilled, and their horses groomed and loaded up with supplies.

Siabrey sat for an hour on the steps of the temple, polishing her katana and watching for the colums of troops that she knew would be ariving soon. Xanadu came out to visit her close to the end of the hour, fastening his cloak securely.

“No sign yet.” The warrier voiced, standing and stretching till the vertebrate in her back popped. Lucius had been tossing and turning all night, and she had gotten very little restful sleep.

“They’ll be here soon.” The wizard also stretched. “There’s just something about the air on the day of a march that’s invigorating, isn’t there.”

Siabrey nodded. Although I’ve never marched with a company this large though…

Their silent thoughts were split as a loud trumpeting came from up the road, and the steady beat of thousands of feet and hooves hitting the dirt made their way through the dappled morning air.

“Right on time.” Xanadu smiled.

“I’ll go get the others.” Siabrey sheathed her blade and trotted swiftly into the Temple. Grumki had arrived earlier and was busying talking to Lucius about his own first experience getting drunk

“I had downed about 15 steins before I felt anything,” The big half-orc was laughing, “But I tell you something, I felt it all that night, and the next morning, and the next night. Sick as a dog I was! I can only begin to describe the things that my stomach decided to get rid of...”

Lucius was looking rather green at this point, and smiled gratefully at Siabrey as she rescued him from Grumki’s much too detailed description of “I didn’t remember eating those turnips, but boy did they smell bad…”

“Come on, everyone. The troops will be here soon, so let’s mount up!”

As the massive war party was still several minutes away, the party had plenty of time to securely seat themselves in their saddles and arranged themselves prettily in front of the Temple.

Lucius looks magnificent Siabrey’s mind cooed. She had spent part of the night polishing her love’s armor, as she doubted he would be well enough in the morning to do so. The elbow grease had been worth it, as the as massive eagle-patterned armor possitively glowed under the sunlight.

Tess, for her part, had noticed Shaun’s necklace dangling from Elenya’s neck, but didn’t say anything. It seemed that the two wildest members of her party were settling down.

And I’ll continue being the old maid. she signed resignedly.

They had barely waited five minutes when around the corner of the street, the first lines of the column came into view. It was even longer until the entire mass of troops stood arranged in front of them.

Lucius’s stomach gave a heave as he looked over what were his troops, before Xanadu leaned over and whispered in the boys ear. “Perhaps Your Lordship should make use of his bards to inspire the troops? I am sure some are just as nervous as you are.” And the wizard smiled and winked softly.

Lucius grinned back and spurred his horse over to where Tess and Shaun sat upon their steeds, also gazing in admiration over the column.

“Say, would my two favorite music-makers mind singing up a ballad to help us get underway?”

Both immediately agreed, and after a short conference, raised their voices into the morning air in a traditional battlemarch tune. Even Xanadu found himself drumming his fingers on the saddle’s pommel as the troops raised their own voices. Grumki’s voice echoed over everyone else’s in an offbeat version of the marching song, but everyone only smiled and clapped the half-orc on the back, immediately wishing they hadn’t when he returned the favor.

As they rode out of the city that morning, Siabrey glanced back at the city where so much had happened over the past week, and with a feeling of dread, she couldn’t help but wonder whether the walls would still be standing when and if they finally returned.
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