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Into the Icy Darkness: The Great Demon War

Isida Kep'Tukari

If I may make a minor correction EV, Orion skittered across the ceiling to get above the throne, then jumped down (using his slow fall ability) to put the staff right in the throne, then used his abundant step monk ability to dimeonsion door right to the top of the roof again. I rather impressive show of movement, if I do say so myself.

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Corrected the error... and without further ado...

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As the swirling mists of teleportation spun the party about, for the first time, there was no comment, no demand on Pyrion that his machine work properly. Instead, all voices were silent, as all minds were focused on the simple fact that they had survived.

They had gone through the Noisesome Vale, and taken on a powerful demon and a purple worm. They had stepped into the realm of the undead itself, and confronted Shaun’s vengeful brother. Then, they had survived being stuck between two enormous demonic armies bent on destroying each other (and consequently, the poor, unaffiliated party). Finally, they had managed to escape before Graz’zt, restored to his full power, could grab them.

True, Tess’ ‘issues’ with the infernal forces of the Nine Hells had yet to be resolved... the bard had realized that for most of her life she would likely be pursued by devils bent on vengeance. But none cared. They’d survived a close, entirely too personal encounter with a demon lord... and survived where likely millions before had not.

As the mists swirled into oblivion, the party, unsurprisingly, found themselves not in the hallowed halls of the Iskeldrun Palace... but in the midst of rolling fields, a dirt road stretching off in the distance. Above, there was a yellow sun... a hopeful sign that they were on the right world... possibly.

“Dammit!” Orion growled, “Not again!”

Siabrey gave an annoyed sigh. It seemed everything conspired that her reunion with Luke would be postponed... which annoyed her now especially. Her headache had already returned. “Where are we... anyone?”

“I got us out of Graz’zt’s grasp! Ok!” Pyrion snapped annoyed, “And I didn’t get a single demon head for my collection! Gah!” The gnome waved his arms around wildly in anger.

“Well, we should at least expect some accuracy!” Orion snapped in annoyance.

“How about we follow this road? We’ll run into someone eventually... and then we’ll find out where we are... or at least if we’re in the right world,” Shaun sighed. Yet more time away from Elenya... and the babies...

“Fine... though Pyrion, spend some time checking your machine over... please?” Siabrey asked as the party walked to the road. The fighter’s eyes were almost shut, and she stumbled slightly. Instinctively, she started counting days... and her pained mind came to a realization.

“Siabrey, you alright?” Tess asked, coming beside her friend worriedly. “Do you need any of the headache stuff I have? Its not much, but it’ll help some.”

“I... I’m fine,” the fighter gave a strange grin through the pounding of the headache, “though I will take you up on the medicine offer.”

Tess waited till they were a little further along, and hung back with the fighter, slightly away from the others, before hissing a question to her.

“Siabrey? Are you?”

“Umhm,” the fighter, feeling a little better now, gave a nod. “Keep it quiet though... I sorta want to surprise people...”

The bard nodded.

A rainstorm came overhead, and the party found themselves quickly slogging through a mud pit rather than a dirt road. After several hours, through the deepening gloom, they spotted an arrow, written in Common.

Vindercary it read, with the arrow pointing ahead.

“Well... someone here speaks Common at least,” Tess observed, with something of relief. “Let’s head there... at the very least, we can get a room for the night.”

The place called Vindecary turned out to be little more than a hamlet... ten houses, a granary, and a small tavern/inn. As the party trudged through the muddy streets, they noticed stares... many directed at Siabrey. A few men, dressed as farmer’s looked at them hard from the side. The party could hear them muttering words to each other as they saw Siabrey, before an audible, “nah!” came from their mouths.

When they walked into the tavern, the innkeeper, behind the bar, immediately stopped what he was doing, his eyes very wide.

“Ah...good man,” Tess motioned for him to come over, “how many spare rooms do you have this night?”

“I... ah... well... have... t...two,” he stammered, staring at Siabrey. “P...pardon me, miss... but are you the Sipner girl?” he said nervously.

“Yes...” Siabrey said slowly. This is good... means we’re in our home world. Its bad too... he’s going to blurt out in two seconds that the Empress is here, and all hell is going to break out... five... four... three... two... Siabrey winced.

“I KNEW it was you, m’lady!” the man shouted. At Siabrey’s wincing, he gave a smile. “I rode with your mother, to the Valley! That’s where I got this, from an orc!” he yanked his tunic to free one of his shoulders, were a large gash stared at them angrily. “They said you fought many things up there, m’lady, and I’d consider it an honor if a warrior of your renown would eat here! On the house! Ladies and gentlemen!” he called, pulling everyone’s attention to the front, “I present to you one of the finest warriors ever seen! Countess Sipner!” he bellowed. At the last part, it was Tess and Shaun that winced, while Siabrey gave a sigh of relief.

“Um.. no actually, her real title and rank-“ Shaun started before a sharp elbow from Siabrey caught him full in the belly.

“Thank you, friend innkeeper, you are too kind!” Siabrey forced a grin, even as Shaun gripped his stomach in pain. Thank Hieroneous... they don’t know yet! If he served in my mother’s ranks, we’re far from Iskeldrun... word likely hasn’t arrived yet, at least not to this tiny hamlet! But if he served in mom’s unit...

“We’re close to my home!” Siabrey suddenly jumped up in the air, and clasped the closest person – once again Shaun.

“What’d I do to get assaulted like this?” the rogue asked as she hugged him, jumping up and down.

“We’re close to home! I can take you there, and show you my old room, where I practice with swords!” Siabrey giddily announced. “And... and...” she raised a hand in added ecstasy, “mom has a very small but working teleporting chamber!”

“Don’t make her too happy... she suddenly becomes a fourteen year old,” Orion leaned towards the innkeeper with a grin. Just as he finished, the monk’s hand lashed out, and grabbed the scrambling Geoffrey. “Don’t let the halfling touch your stocks, he’ll drain them,” the monk added as Geoffrey began to whine.

The party discovered that night that the Sipner family manor was barely three days march to the south... one simply had to follow the road onward. At Siabrey’s insistence, the fact she was now Empress was kept quiet. “Otherwise I’ll be mobbed,” she groaned that night.

The next day, the party set out by foot, trudging through the now hardening roads. Despite knowing now where they were, their paranoid instincts remained, and they camped far off-road. The second night of their journey, Shaun spotted something on first watch.

“Hey... I think there are three wolves eyeing us,” the rogue elbowed Tess slightly as the bard went about waking people.

“Wolves? That’s odd. They normally don’t attack people,” Tess said matter of factly, as a downright hostile Geoffrey was awoken from his fitful sleep.

“Well, they’re coming towards the camp. They look very thin, Tess... I can see the bones on one almost,” the rogue said, arrows already fitted into his bow. With a grunt, Siabrey was now up, by their side.

“What is it?” the fighter slurred as her mind pushed the last webs of sleep away. When Tess and Shaun pointed out the two wolves, she looked confused as well till Shaun pointed to their boniness as they edged up, now only thirty feet away.

“They’re merely hungry, don’t kill them,” Siabrey said. “That’s the only reason they’re so close to us.” Just as she finished her analysis, the three leapt into the camp, charging directly for Tess, Shaun and Siabrey.

Without thinking, Tess sent sonic screeches towards the wolf headed towards her, and it exploded into pieces that drenched the party yet again. A single shot from Shaun dropped the wolf headed towards him, while Siabrey, with the flat of her blades, knocked the last wolf unconscious.

“You killed them!?” the fighter complained at seeing the two other wolfish corpses. “They didn’t need to die!” I spent the last 7 years of my life before this mess taking care of people’s wolf, sandhog, and other vermin problems! They were merely hungry, and smelled our food!

“Like you said, they were hungry... and if we let them go,” Tess walked over, and slashed the throat of the remaining wolf, “they would likely attack some other, less prepared travelers along this road.”

“Hey, Pyrion,” Shaun nudged the gnome, who was still looking in shock at the wolves dropped before he could even draw a pistol, “you could get a wolf head to get stuffed. I think I’m going to get a pelt and have a coat made out of it.”

“Eww,” Tess announced everyone else’s opinion.

At midday the next day, the party, covered in blood, dirt, grime and grit, walked up through the village of Fairhaven, towards the large stone structure beyond.

Their destination wasn’t a castle... or a keep even. A massive stone house... perhaps thirty rooms on two floors, was the dominating feature. A single, three story tower rose from one corner of the house. Merging with the house on two sides was a long wall, about eight feet high. The wall formed to the house’s front a large courtyard, which had stables, an armory, small chapel, and other noble amenities along its inside. The gate to get in itself was a small gatehouse, about two stories tall.

As they approached, Siabrey recognized the two men standing on either side of the gate, their grey hairs wisping in the wind over their crimson Sipner House armor. They were the same pair that had guarded the gate since Siabrey’s childhood.

“Elgar, Mystral!” she called as she approached, and immediately the two men were walking forward, squinting.

“Elgar, who is that?” one muttered, fumbling in his pouch. To the party’s mirth, he pulled out a pair of spectacles and fumbled around till they were perched precariously on his nose.

“I don’t know, but the whole lot of them look dirty,” the other man croaked in his elderly voice. “Halt, who goes there!” he called, trying to sound menacing, but failing miserably.

“Hey, that’s my line,” the other old man complained, and a low, muttering war of words erupted between the two.

“You mean you don’t recognize your own Siabrey?” the fighter stepped forward. Both men stopped muttering and cursing lowly at each other, and squinted again. The one with spectacles then let an enormous grin fill his face.

“By golly molly it is!” he grinned, showing only three teeth. “Mystral! Its young Lady Sipner!”

“Give me your spectacles, you old fool!” the other one snapped, and for several more minutes there was fumbling around. Once the spectacles were perched on Mystral’s head, he too grinned.

“By golly you’re right for once! Lady Sipner!” he shouted.

Siabrey immediately launched herself at the two, grabbing them in a joint bearhug. As a window from the upper floor of the manor opened, and a familiar head of multi-colored hair peeked out, the one named Elgar muttered quietly, “You are so dirty... your mother will be so mad! We told you to stop playing in mud pits, young lady!”

“These were no mud pits,” she smiled back at the senile old men.

“So... you fought all of this, and evaded Graz’zt HIMSELF?” Stodiana Sipner said, her eyes wide. As the party ravenously ate from the fresh fruit and cooked boar the noblelady had ordered set up for them, they all nodded eagerly.

“Yeth, mutha,” Siabrey spoke around a piece of boar... far better than the trail rations she’d been forced to subsist on for most of the previous six weeks. She wanted to say more, but her food conspired against her, and she held up her hand.

“I have to say, that’s quite... I can’t pick a word...” Stodiana said in a hushed awe.

“Now, mom? I have a question,” Siabrey said, her mouth now more clear of food, “Can I give everyone a tour of the place... show them where I grew up and stuff?” I wish Lucius was here... he can just get the tour later on, I suppose.

“Yes... but you all look like, and act like, you’ve been starving! Eat!” Stodiana commanded as she rose, “Drink! You all deserve it!”

Siabrey alone caught the momentary look of mischief in Stodiana’s eyes as Lady Sipner rose and started to leave the room. Her stomach was growling too much to let her get up and protest whatever her mother was going to do... so she grabbed a fistful of strawberries and cantelope.

Siabrey’s mother returned an hour later, as the party sat, happily full and now sleepy. Dully, Siabrey noted the look in her mother’s eyes, but when the elder woman’s face broke into a snickering grin, the fighter’s curiosity got the best of her.

“Mom,” Siabrey said the all knowing tone, “what did you do?” she crossed her arms.

“Oh, nothing,” Stodiana said in a tone of innocence, “save teleport really quick to Iskeldrun and let a few people know you’ve returned.”

“Oh,” Siabrey said, surprised that her mother was worked up over something so mundane. “Good. We’ll probably head there tomorrow. Luke is probably worried sick,” the Empress said, her voice drifting off.

“He was. He should be here in about five minutes,” Stodiana giggled.

“WHAT?!” Siabrey rocketed up out of her chair. I’m covered in mud, dirty, blood, grime! I’m not in any condition to see him! I need to wash! I need to get perfumed!

“He and one Elenya Dice are going to teleport here in... about four minutes now,” Stodiana laughed. Shaun was now out of his seat. Unlike the worry in Siabrey’s eyes, his were full of joy.

“Here!? Elenya’s coming here!?” he asked hopefully, before pumping his fist.

“Mom! I need to get washed! Four minutes! It’s not enough time!” Siabrey complained. Stodiana frowned for a second, and Tess suddenly jumped in.

“Here... let’s kick out the boys, and get you cleaned up. Madame Sipner, are there some sponges and a bucket? We can work together and get her a rough sponge-bath to clean her up some.” The bard then winked at Siabrey. “Wouldn’t want you too clean... after all, you need another trip to the bathhouse.”

“Quiet, Tess,” Siabrey blushed a shade of deep red and grinned.

“Aww!? I get denied again?” Shaun issued a loud, mock complaint as he found himself pushed out of the dining room and into the hallway beyond. With a whump the door closed...

...and the males could now here three sets of footfalls from the hall around the corner. Quick footfalls... hurried footfalls.

Before anything could really be said, Elenya, Luke and a Pell in elven form burst around the corner. Elenya, her belly now distinctly protruding, gave a shriek and ran up to Shaun, grabbing him in a massive hug, before delivering a deep kiss on his lips.

“Mmm... you smell wonderful,” the rogue smiled at his bride.

“Despite the fact you smell like a pig, I suppose you smell decent,” she grinned, running a hand along her face. “My nose is offended, but my eyes and my heart are overjoyed,” she smirked.

That’s my gal, witty as ever, Shaun grinned, kissing her again, before a hand grabbed his shoulder. He turned, slightly annoyed, to see Luke looking at him.

“Where’s Siabrey?” he asked, his voice worried. “She’s not hurt, is she?”

“Not unless you count being dirty, no,” Shaun grinned. “She’s on the other side of that door. The girls are getting-“ the rogue stopped when Luke began knocking hard on the door, demanding to be let in. Seeing that the distraction of the Emperor had been dealt with, Shaun returned his attention to holding Elenya close. Only a few minutes later, the two had snuck off to be alone. After all... Shaun had been on ‘rations’ the better part of two months, and with the story Elenya had heard of what had happened, Elenya thought he deserved a little more than her company...

“What was that?” Siabrey looked up nervously at the shriek of joy that came from the hallway.

“I think Elenya found Shaun,” Tess remarked dryly.

“If Elenya’s there...” Siabrey started, just as the door echoed from someone pounding on the other side. Luke’s voice came through, asking to be let in. “Quick! Trousers!” Siabrey shouted again, putting them on when they were handed to her. Another set of pounding echoed from the door, and Siabrey halted her grab for her tunic top.

“Nah... he’s seen this!” she said, leaping up from her chair and dashing to the door. As another set of pounding came through, she yanked it open.

And a shocked looking Luke stared back at her.

“Love!” she screeched, leaping forward and knocking him down. The water from her bath also made his clothes wet... which she considering momentarily as rather sad. The clothes looked like Imperial finery... he’d probably cut short a meeting of some kind. Oh well... just means he’ll have to change she wanted to grin as she started kissing him.

“Room! Get a room!” she heard Tess’ voice call, and Siabrey sat up.

“Sit up, Luke,” she said, and after he’d done so, she took the outermost layer of his shirts and finery, wrapping it in herself. Luke laughed... it was clearly far too large for her, the sleeves hung some six inches past her hands.

“It doesn’t fit,” he hugged her tight, “and it still looks good on you!” He started to kiss her again, and was surprised to find her quickly breaking it off.

“Luke, I want you to do something for me, love.”


“I want you to stand up... I have some news for you,” Siabrey grinned. She said it in the same teasing tone she’d told him many other things before... such as the need for heirs.

“Oh boy...” Luke stood up, “this should be interesting,” he rolled his eyes mockingly, before grinning at her.

“Fine! I won’t tell you the news!” Siabrey folded her arms in seeming anger, “Rations, Luke?” she brought up the old joke, and old threat. At the last statement, his face suddenly changed from mocking to very concerned. That alone was enough to make her start laughing... and Luke to grunt at her joke on him.

“What’s the news then, pranking one?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Well... there’s two pieces of news. The first,” she kissed him again, “has to do with us. I want you, later on, to take me upstairs, and I’ll give you a very personal tour of my bedroom.” She giggled when his smile became huge at the offer, and she pulled away from him slightly more.

“The other piece of news, love, is something I want you to take well,” she held his shoulder. “Okay?” Luke nodded, and with a sigh, Siabrey continued.

“Luke. I’m pregnant... about a month along,” she smiled.

Luke, for his part, rolled his eyes into the back of his head, and collapsed in a faint. Siabrey caught him halfway into his fall, and sat beside him, stroking his head until he awoke.


“You’re going to be a daddy, Luke,” she smiled at him gently, kissing him on the forehead. “For a boy, I think Valaron would be a good name. For a girl... something like... Vintressa...” Siabrey looked off in the distance. When she looked back down, Luke still had a look of confused shock on his face. Siabrey laughed.

Tess watched as Pell pushed by the happy Imperial couple, and started walking towards her. A warmth grew in the bard’s heart at seeing him, and an enormous smile broke through her lips... a smile the former paladin echoed.

The two ran forward, and hugged. There were no passionate kisses, no near groping.... simple, yet strong hugs were all they needed. They knew how they felt, and they held each other for several minutes. Both of their hearts were joyous... and even happier that both Shaun and Siabrey were too busy greeting their own loved ones to start the teasing again.

“I’m so glad you’re safe,” Pell said quietly. “I went to Iskeldrun and waited along with Luke and Elenya... and well all waited, nervously...”

“I’m glad I’m back,” the bard said quietly, “and I’m glad you were among those waiting for me,” she grinned. The ex-paladin laughed, nuzzling her face gently.

“Well of course. Everyone else had a greeting party, and I thought the pretty bard deserved one as much as anyone else!” he chuckled. “I recieved word I head out on assignment again in two days. Until then, we have plenty of time to talk,” the angel smiled.

“And we have much to talk about,” Tess smiled back, “and I know I’ll enjoy your company.” She leaned forward, and the two hugged again... a bond neither wanted to break for a long time.

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And that is where the regular campaign ended. The next weekend was the last session... we ran a small "10 years later" game... which I shall post next. Many things happened in the succeeding ten years...

Before we go into the ten year adventure, some of the intervening years need explanation. Each of the players gave me an idea of what their characters did over the intervening years… in return, I provided what happened to the Empire in that period… the background. Each player submitted something different. What follows are the four parts of what happened to the characters… I’ve modified in some ways what the players originally gave, to provide continuity between the three different stories (Orion’s player did not turn in one).

First, the background history of what happened in the Empire as a whole during this time.

The Empire After the Great Demon War

The reign of Emperor Lucius V started with tragedy, a tragedy that extended through the first five years of his reign. The great Princes of the south and east, the Grand Dukes of Erelion and the halfling princes of Comnitas, jealous that their own claims to the throne were ignored in favor of a mere boy from the frontiers, agitated and plotted in court for four years. Lucius, wary of plunging into another fight so soon after the Demon War, tolerated their presence.

Finally, the Duke of Erelion stepped over the line. From somewhere, the Duke managed to get a large quantity of the same gunpowder used by the gnome Pyrion (it wasn’t from the gnome... Pyrion was outraged by the events). Filled in barrels and stacked on a wagon, it was exploded just behind a carriage that carried Empress Siabrey and the twin heirs... Prince Valaron and Princess Vintressa. No one was injured in the attack, fortunately.

Lucius was normally a calm person, but supposedly the Emperor went into a deadly rage. The Imperial armies were called up, and for the first time in centuries, the heart of the Empire witnessed war. The worn, but battle-hardened Imperial armies that had been on the frontier, now under Lucius’ command, swept south and east along the Inerman Valley. Near Chalcedon, the Duke of Erelion’s army was met.

Legend had it that the strange battle was the result of the Empress. The fighter was not keen on seeing so many of her own subjects slain... as the majority of the Duke’s army was nothing more than peasant levies... peasants who likely didn’t know or understand what they were involved in.

The Empress had the Imperial troops don armor surmounted with draconic trophies... increasing their intimidation factor. As the two armies lined up, she rode up and down the Imperial lines, dressed in truly frightening armor that including sections of dragon horn on her head (remains from Klorphaxius and Stalatan). She called to the peasants... telling them to go home... or die.

As the Imperial army started to advance, the peasants listened to her, and eyes wide and fearful, they ran. In droves they fled, her plan working. Their flight left the tiny mercenary core of the Duke’s army outnumbered and quickly surrounded. They surrendered, en masse... and the Duke was summarily arrested.

Meanwhile, 50 dragons under the command of Xanadu slashed directly east, over the wide farmlands of the central Empire, before falling on the princes of Comnitas with a fury. Their armies had never fought anything like this before, and quickly their ranks were shattered as well... as the peasant levies once again showed more sense than their noble commanders, and fled. The three princely brothers that ruled that great city found themselves captured as well, and joined the Duke of Erelion in prison.

The destruction of two such powerful forces in the space of merely a year gave rise to the legend... the legend of the “Dragonriders.” Stories arose of how the Emperor rode into battle himself on the back of an enormous silver dragon that turned all it touched to ice; of the fiery eyed warrior at his side, flying on the back of a massive gold dragon (both legends were patently false... there were no mature adult gold dragons in the Imperial ranks, and despite the fact he came up with the idea of dragonriders, Lucius personally found riding dragons demeaning to the dragons... he thought of them as far more than mere mounts, and thus refused to ride them unless specifically asked). The Emperor, however, found these legends to be useful in keeping the other nobles in line… despite the claims on the throne many of them secretly pressed.

To further reinforce his position, the Emperor changed his family coat of arms, from a blue and gold eagle to a massive silver dragon, a milk white sword clutched in its right hand, and a katana wreathed in flames clutched in its left. As the Imperial armies marched, the common folk of both Erelion and Comnitas overthrew the other rebellious nobles, delivering the traitors to the Imperial armies out of fear.

For the next five years, peace once again was restored to the Empire... as all trembled under the Draconic Throne, fearful to arouse the ire of the Dragonrider Emperor. Luke and especially Siabrey did not like using fear to keep so many in line, but Luke realized it was sadly a political necessity. In the times since, the government has tried to cut itself down. Redundant offices and positions were eliminated. Corrupt officials were replaced. Taxes were reduced slightly Empire wide. By ten years after the Demon War, the majority of the Empire is prosperous again, and the name of the “Dragon Throne” is being treated now with love, in addition to the fear present for the past five years.

In Holstean itself, the new Count proved to be a mixed blessing. Count Keldare proved excellent at restoring the morale of the people... he was dashing, charismatic, and easily won over nobles and commoners alike. However, his building plans and budgetary skills were dearth. Count Keldare proved unable to maintain even the rather massive budget given to him by the Imperial government. While he was not corrupt himself, he found himself easily persuaded by others who were.

Eight years after the rebellion, the Emperor was forced to take him from control over Holstean, granting it to a weatherbeaten soldier named Santac Lawes. Quin retained the title of Count, and pensions, and was instead called to Iskeldrun to serve as an Imperial aide. He remains there to this day, a centerpiece of Iskeldrun social life, his charisma and happy-go-lucky nature earning him many friends and allies. Most recently, there has been talk of him being dispatched to the broken realms of Ak Konylu, to serve as Imperial ambassador (The Empress supposedly commented that it was high time Quin’s glib tongue was put to work. She dispatched several trusted friends of his, who were also accountants, to go with as well).

Count Lawes proved a much better fit for the work of rebuilding the shattered areas of the Valley. In addition to the title of Count, Lawes was also assigned, on a temporary basis, the Imperial governorship of the Valley. His rule so far has proven not nearly as charismatic as that of Count Keldare... indeed, some peasants and the like rumble and mutter about taxes. But his organization has been efficient, and now, ten years after the devastation, Holstean is well on the way to recovery.

The rebellion had also decimated the lower ranks of nobility in the Valley. For the first five years, the entire region was placed under direct control of the Count of Holstean, until replacements could be found for the larger vassalages. Eventually, the priest Hidalas was pried from the ranks of Tarantor, and given the hereditary lands of the Baron of Kulloden. Using the churches in the city extensively, few complaints have been recieved about his rule.

The areas around Irulas were granted temporarily to the Archdiocese of Irulas of the Church of Hieroneous, and their High Commander in the area, the paladin Harrapias. So far this arrangement has worked well enough that in other areas of the Valley, where no noble could be found, the churches of Tarantor, Pelor, and Hieroneous were given tracts of land to organize and run. The three churches, consequently, have become three of the most powerful backers of the new Imperial government…

Peace has returned to the Empire… at least for now.

Modifications have been made to what Tess' player originally gave me, to give me some options with future campaigns (and Isida I think you'll like the changes. :) )


The ten years after the Great Demon War were interesting ones for Baroness Tesseron Keldare. Before the war, her greatest ambition was one of playing at the grand auditorium in Iskeldrun, joining the Imperial Music Academy, and making a name for herself with her music. However, after criss-crossing the country and the planes, destroying evil, suffering heartbreak, and setting right old wrongs, she began to have a change of heart.

While she did hold forth at the Imperial Auditorium for a while, as well as teaching a few classes at the Academy for the Arts, eventually she went to the Emperor and Empress and asked them for something to do. She ended up crossing the country. Sometimes she would take other promising young bards that she had awakened the powerful musical magic in, other times she would go with young priests, eager mercenaries, or others that attracted the eye of either herself or Their Imperial Majesties.

In her travels, she was targeted by more than one powerful devil for death, but her tolerance for such evil had degenerated to the point of nonexistence by that point. The devils that tried to kill her ended up uniformly dead or fled, and the attempts on her life began to diminish.

Her travels, and the bards, priests, paladins, and everyday people she allied with in fighting evil for those years have since coalesced into a nascent organization... an underground group, which struggles within or without the law against forces of evil, tyranny, and misrule. For many months, the loose alliance held no name or hierarchy, until a personal event in Tess’ life gave them inspiration.

During her travels, Pelleron, an old friend now transcended into a solar, would find her and talk with her. While she was reluctant to throw herself headlong into romance as her friends had done, she would spend whatever time Pelleron could spare talking to him. She did like him a great deal, but was uncertain about entering into a relationship with a solar, a celestial, when her own background was tainted by rage and questionable acts. It took both of them several years of deep conversation and learning to understand and forgive each other, as well as to love, but six years ago Tess married Pelleron.

Cooincidentally, her lose organization developed a name... the Angels of Mercy, jokingly provided by the bard Simeon Mylis, one of the first partners Tess gained. While in many other places, it has many other names (Soledad in the Eastern Empire, Aashio in Ak Konylu, etc.), ‘Angels’ has been the name Tess has taken as her own to refer to it. Since that time, the Angels have developed connections with personages all over the Empire. Their sources of intelligence range from such well known personages as the Dice family, owners of the largest number of restaurants and magic shops in the Valley. While they cannot be official allies or sources of information (beside of the fact the Angels operate outside the law) it is privately acknowledged that the Emperor and Empress provide as much support as possible. On top of this, occasionally a real angel (or two, depending if Anias shows up or not) help the mortal members out.

While Pelleron cannot be around all the time, due to his responsibilities, Tess understands. When she became pregnant with her first child, she eventually went to one of the celestial planes to give birth, so that there would be no worries about devils attempting to kill her during such a vulnerable time. Besides, about the time she married a solar, the attempts on her life took an abrupt plunge. She now has three half-celestial children, Amarine, who is five and seems to have inherited her mother’s musical talent, Siabracius, who is three and sticks close by his father when he practices the arts of war, and Elaynaun, a delightful two year old girl who already is showing signs of magical power.

Sometimes she has even joined her husband in the fight against the evils of the multiverse, while his celestial friends have watched their children. She visits the Imperial Court as often as she can, helping Siabrey and Lucius in any way she can... trying to overthrow tyranny and enact justice through means the Emperor and Empress wish they could use, but sadly cannot.

Tess has refrained from becoming a static “leader” of the organization. She is still very much active in the “front lines.” Many of corrupt noble fears word that she has appeared in town, and devils now flee at her approach. Inwardly, she’s reluctantly realizing she can no longer do much of the ‘mere’ “frontline” activity for the Angels... more and more she finds herself in Iskeldrun or off-world getting aid, or arranging for rare and valuable supplies for the other operatives... or on high risk missions that the others do not have the know-how, ability, or resources to accomplish.

This day, however, she has found a note, delivered to her through channels in the Angels that the Emperor and Empress have invited her and Pellaron, if he is free, to meet in the desert near Obash. It was a personal meeting... and while it was a time for the Emperor and Empress to privately discuss matters of ‘the organization’ (as Siabrey referred to it), it was intended mostly as a BREAK for Tess. The note held the distinctly Siabrey commands, “You need a rest! Stop running around and rest for three days! Three! That’s it! Bring your children, too! I haven’t seen them!”

Grumki the Loud

After the Great Demon War, Grumki the Loud took over the temple at Irulas, becoming the Chief Chainbreaker for the Valley region. Every now and then, when the Empire needed some exceptional strength, the Emperor and Empress would cajole Grumki away from his temple to “demonstrate the Strength of Kord.” However, he never needed much cajoling. Shortly after the war, he met a fellow half-orc priestess of Kord named Karjana Ironfist. Declaring that “The Strength of Kord requires love, as that is strength as well,” the two were shortly married. The two celebrated their marriage by breaking adamantine chains… amongst the wrestling, arm-wrestling, rock lifting, weight-throwing, and other things.

Their ten year old child, Tark, has recently started joining them on their journeys to demonstrate the Strength of Kord. Grumki has been glad to present his family at court several times, and delights in scandalizing the nobles. He’s happy to help his Imperial friends in their quests to keep the Empire calm, and often spends a great deal of time breaking bandit heads. Tark has expressed extensive interest in working with the Angels of Mercy... and has already taken part in some local minor missions...

Shaun and Elenya Dice – summation by EV of document written by Shaun’s player.

The following ten years for Shaun and Elenya proved fruitful and eventful. After the dust had settled and our brave heroes accomplished their mission, Lord Shaun Dice and his pregnant wife Elenya decided it would be best to go back to Kulloden and create a stable life for themselves and their future children.

Having decided not to pursue any position in government, Shaun and Elenya agreed on their plan for him to work at her uncle’s taverna nd bar and for her to work at the magic shop with her father. With the mass amounts of funding they had to offer, the Dice family eventually claimed ownership over both business establishments and Elenya’s father and uncle were given a nice, cozy (and quite shiny when one stacked all the coins) retirement package. Both businesses expanded and flourished... the magic shop grew into shops in Illyant, Holstean, and even Irulas. The tavern and inn expanded into the largest hotel in Kulloden... and its tavern became the city’s favorite eatery after Shaun decided to offer breakfast 24 hours a day at the kitchen.

Two months after moving back, Elenya gave birth to two healthy girls, and one healthy boy. Tess had, just before Elenya and her husband left, used her last wish on the ring of wishes she’d found so long ago to heal Elenya’s baby of whatever defects it had. The two girls were named Rose and Raven. As for the boy, he came out with quite a head of hair on him already... causing Shaun’s prankster mind to come to head.

The rogue’s attempts to name the boy Fuzzy were thwarted by a quick slap from Elenya (who refused to have “Fuzzy Dice” as a family member). Once they thought about it more, they decided to name the little boy Sawn. Shaun set out to offer this child the king of love he never gave his twin brother, and swore that his child would never feel like an outcast as long has he had something to say about it.

As their lives progressed and the children grew, a certain surprise came in the form of a man Shaun thought he’d never see again. While tending to the bar in his “restaurant” (both he and Elenya had agreed the new term would increase the breadth of patrons attracted to the place) he noticed a familiar old man drowning his sorrows in leftover alcohol from the other patrons’ mugs. As Shaun approached the man, he realized it was none other than his estranged father, Abraham Dice.

After some hard reluctance, Shaun introduced himself to his father and the two had a war of words that ended in Abraham crying. Once they got to talking normally, Shaun found out that his vain mother had left Abraham after he had lost all his earnings on the heavy fine he had to pay for screwing over Elenya’s dad.

Having softened up a bit throughout the years, Shaun decided to do what his father never did: give a second chance. Old Abraham was put in charge of controlling the loud and frequently inebriated dwarves and humans that frequently made the place their weekend haunt, as well as running the kitchen. For a while, it seemed like the old man had realized his mistakes in life and wanted to redeem himself.

One year after being employed, however, he tried to steal gold coins from the bar and even swiped a few steins to sell on the side. As soon as Shaun found out, he used his friendship with the governor of Kulloden... on Sir Santac... to have Abraham Dice banished from the city permanently.

Who replaced him, you ask? Well, the same day Abraham was banished, a halfling from the past showed up at the bar wanted to speak to the owner about, “getting some stronger booze and bigger funbags on the ‘maids.” Yes... I... Geoffrey, was back. Lord Dice put me in something he called ‘alcohol rehab.’ Of course I didn’t like it much at first... but after a while, my cravings for wine went down. So did my ‘whining,’ I suppose!

After he was sure I was alright, Lord Dice stuck me as a bartender... and I’m quite glad to say that I have become somewhat of an attraction myself. Its not every day you can see a halfling twirl about a bottle of elven brandy, pour your mix into the mug, and slide the bottle down his shoulder to its position on the rack! Sure I need a stool to do some antics, but Shaun says that there’s a group of tavern keepers from Irulas coming in two weeks because of me. Evidently Lord Dice has said that if they give him part of their profits, he’ll let me teach their ‘tenders my twirling act. He calls it ‘franchising.’

Anyways... enough about me. Rose and Raven are adorable, if ornery little girls. Shawn is rather rambunctious as well... unfortunately, according to the missus, he’s inherited his father’s sense of puns... bad puns. When they were six, Shaun sent all three to the Ecklayer Academy... the most prestigious school in Kulloden.

Rose and Raven have, over the last four years, shown themselves to the top of their class... and from some rumors... I’m guessing the little missus’ are also filled with inherent magical abilities. Supposedly they do shows between classes... making things appear and disappear. I’m surprised Lord and Lady Dice don’t know yet, though I’ll let the little ones tell them. The two girls have sworn me, Uncle Geoffrey, to secrecy, you know!

Fortunately for the rest of us, puns wasn’t the only thing that young Shawn picked up. He also picked up his father’s musical abilities with the flute... he’s actually quite good. He’s only ten, and he’s been charming the adults like crazy. I joke with Shaun it’ll only be a few years before he starts charming the ladies with his good looks and that flute of his... Shaun refuses to even think about it.

A couple months ago, old man Barachis passed. He fell ill after a fishing trip with Shaun along the river... both came back with many many mosquito bites. Shaun was fine, save itchy, but the poor old man took a fever and died. They said his brain had swollen up, don’t know what that is though. I’m not a doctor. Its too bad really, the old man was kind and gentle... the grandbabies loved him.

Oh... yeah, I apologize, I’m rambling. Yeah... they’re not here. Why? Well, after the old man’s death, they got a letter from Iskeldrun. Yeah the capital! Oh, some friends of theirs sent it, inviting them to a housewarming. The two families are practically family, you know. And I daresay Elenya has been getting persistent letters from Valaron demanding she teach him- what? I... um... well. Okay. I’m not supposed to say, so don’t spread this around.

Yes, that Valaron. Yes, from that family.

Isn’t it exciting! My boss gets to rub shoulders with royalty for a few days, and I get to run the place! Yes, I have met them! Oh... the Empress is nice, as long as you don’t get on her bad side. She has a slight temper. Oh no... I’ve never been its target! You know me! Nice and calm... I never... ever cause trouble!

The wink meant I was joking. There, I had to explain it! The joke’s ruined! Augh!


First Post
EV, Players - Fantastic gaming. It's been great to read the story as it has developed. I hope that the next campaign you guys (and gals) start is half as fun to read as this one has.

Cheers to all, and never stop gaming.

See you around the boards!

{LURK mode ON} :cool:

Drag n Fly typed up a short story to sum up Siabrey's 10 years, and also give some light on the personalities of two potential future characters...


Happy Birthday Mother!”

Siabrey smiled. “Thank you children.”

Lucius chuckled. “You still look as beautiful as the day I met you, love.” And he was right. Although, technically, the half-fey fighter was now 35, she still didn’t look a day over 20. The fey blood in her had kept her young. Lucius couldn’t say the same for himself, however. Years of ruling the Empire had caused lines to crease his still handsome face, and even though he was only 27, he looked much closer to her age.

“Thank you honey.” Siabrey smiled and reached up to him for a kiss. Although her possible elf-length lifetime was an issue between them, they rarely brought it up, especially in front of the children.

The 10 year-old twins were much wilier than that however. Vintressa looked at her mother and frowned. Her long golden hair, exactly like Siabrey’s, framed a face of pale white skin that matched Lucius’. Valeron, her older brother by a minute and a half, was graced with his father’s stunning red hair and Siabrey’s copper skin, a striking combination that was already earning him looks from the local nobles’ daughters. Both twins had bright blue eyes with a touch of red centered around the iris, along with the Siabrie’s gift of magic sight. Thankfully, neither had any wings to worry about hiding, something Siabrey thanked Heironeous for daily.

Siabrey lay back on her pillow, examining her children thoughtfully, running back through the years in her mind.

After the civil wars had been settled, she and Lucius had settled in Iskeldrun with the purpose of running the Empire and raising their children. The twins were born on a stormy night, extracted from her womb by a were-raven friend and her husband. A pair of silver dragons stood by: the twins’ godparents, as did a beautiful bard, an aging rainbow-haired women and a dragonfly-winged fey.

Siabrey smiled at the thought of her parents. Stodiana had disappeared soon after that ancient battle with the Countess, only to be found a year later with her newly found love in the desert. The pair had reforged their love, and while they could not live together forever, they journeyed to each other’s lands at least once a month, and came to visit their daughter equally as often.

Ruling the Empire was everything Siabrey had thought it would be. Tedious, irksome, but with its advantages. Her children had grown up with the best of everything, and she worked hard to make sure they were loved for their abilities, rather than the positions their parents held.

Vintressa was quite and composed, a lot like her grandmother, Stodiana. She was also a chronic bookworm, very interested in warfare, and peppered any survivor of the decade old wars that she could find with questions. Valeron was more like Siabrey, wild and impulsive. He loved to horseback ride, often spending hours galloping on his black charger. He also spent a lot of time with Kelir, fascinated by the Siabrie’s magic and trying to learn as much as he could about his own inherent abilities. So far, nothing had surfaced yet. Although Siabrey herself had never shown any flare for spells, she suspected that it was because her upbringing had directed her to the katana, and any latent abilities had probably already died. The twins however, were still young, and her instincts told her that they both possessed spell-casting abilities.

“Mommy, what are you thinking?” Valeron spoke his sister’s unasked question.

Siabrey smiled again. “Just of how nice it was for you three to surprise me in bed with a wonderful breakfast like this.”

“Yeah right. You had that ‘Oh, I’m lost thinking about the past’ look.” Her son chided in a singsong and rolled his eyes.

Laying reverently on the bedside table, Kelir the sword chuckled. She’s got you there, Siabrey. The katana said in all of their heads.

“Oh hush you.” Siabrey reached out to ruffle her son’s hair. He ducked expertly out of the way. Lucius raised an eyebrow at his sons’ dexterity. “You’ve been spending too much time with Uncle Shaun.”

It was Vintressa’s turn to roll her eyes. “Uncle Shaun promised Val he’d take him to see Aunt Elenya sometime soon, so she could teach him some of her magic.”

Valeron tuned on his sister. “Tattletale!”

“Magic Suck-up!” Vintressa stuck her tongue out at her brother.

“Children!” Lucius clapped his hands together. “Is this any way to act in front of your mother on her birthday!”

“Sorry, Dad.” Both chorused in perfect harmony, looking at the floor.

Siabrey chuckled and patted the bed covers. Her children crawled obediently and sat next to her. She wrapped an arm around each of them and gave them a kiss on the head. They were at the age where they grimaced at the affection, but didn’t try to wiggle free yet.

“It’s ok. What more could I ask for than the two most wonderful children in the entire world.”

“And what am I, chopped dragon liver?” Lucius laughed to show that the statement was meant jokingly and crawled into the bed as well.

“Oh, of course! And what does the most wonderful husband in the world have for his wife on her birthday.” Siabrey leaned forward and began to smooch loudly with Lucius, intentionally keeping an eye on her kids. Predictably, they both went ‘eeeeeeewwwww’ and scrambled off the bed, only to dive back on a second later with two packages clutched in their arms.

“Open mine first, Mom, open mine first!” Valeron dumped his rather heavy package into Siabrey’s lap before she had a chance to protest.

“Meanie.” Vintressa was in the process of holding her square-shaped package out, a slight pout on her lips.

“I have an idea, why don’t I open them both at the same time. Val, Vin, would you like to help me?” The children eagerly agreed, and began to tear the packaging off of their gifts.

Val’s opened first, probably because he made no effort to save the brightly colored paper, and simply shredded it. A large carved wooden statue tumbled free, which he grabbed and held up.

“It’s you, Mommy, see?”

“I do see.” And Siabrey was impressed. The carving was of her standing on a heap of dead bodies and misshapen bones. Her wings were outspread; head lifted high, a broken Kelir clutched tightly in her hands.

“Where did you get this image, Val?” Lucius reached out and ran a finger down the carving gently. It was clear that it brought back strong memories for the Emperor.

“Kelir showed it to me.” Val said proudly, pointing at the sword. The flames wreathing the flames pulsed almost apologetically. He said that he was interested in your fighting history, so I showed him as many of the images that I could remember, and he picked this one to carve.

“I’m going to do one of you next, Daddy.” Valeron was blushing with pride.

Vintressa got tired of all of the attention being lavished on her brother, and pushed her carefully opened package into Siabrey’s hands. “Look at mine, Mommy.”

Siabrey looked down at the book in her hands. It was old, its cover worn and creased with age. It looked oddly familiar, and radiated with magic. She tucked her fingers under the cover and opened the book to the front page, and gasped. An image of Xannadu was etched into the pages, his half-elf brows crinkled slightly. Alisandra stood next to him, waving cheerfully. A caption underneath read:

“Dear Siabrey, Happy Birthday! After so many years, I know it grows hard to keep the celebration special. You have quite a creative daughter, she asked me to help make this book for you. I hope it suits you well.

P.S. The pictures were drawn by Alisandra. She wishes you a Happy Birthday too.”

Siabrey blinked at the page, then at her daughter, who motioned eagerly, an enthralled smile breaking out on her normally somber face. "Go on, Mommy. Turn the page!” Siabrey obeyed, and Lucius and Valeron crowded close to look over her shoulder as she flipped through the book.

Each page had a likeness of an old friend drawn upon it, along with a personal message, piece of advice, or just well wishing from them. Here was Vynystra, the slightly psychotic half-elf with her huge fox mount Ender. And Pyrion, cocking his pistols in what she guessed was supposed to be a heroic pose, although the caption underneath seemed more the gnome’s character. Happy Birthday! You know what would be a great birthday present! Going to the Abyss to hunt more demons. We did that once. We should go again. I need more heads!”

Siabrey just shook her head and kept flipping. Here were Shaun and Elenya, the latter elbowing the former in the classic gesture of the two. And Tess, strumming her harp and looking beautiful and happy, and Stodiana, her arm wrapped around a slightly embarrassed looking Kelir. In the far back, there was even a picture and short message from Pellaron.

On the very last page was a group picture of them all. It was very well-drawn, and showed them all in battle formation.

Vintressa beamed up at her mother. “Isn’t it wonderful? Xanny had the books, he said they were magic and let people talk to each other. It helped me get in touch with everyone!”

“I am very impressed. By both of your gifts.” Siabrey added, wrapping an arm around her son as well.

Lucius smiled. “My turn.” And pulled a small package from behind his back. It was just a plain box, not even wrapped. Siabrey looked quizzically at it, then up at her husband. “What is this, honey?”

“Well you’ll never know if you don’t open it, will you.” He teased. Siabrey stuck her tongue out at him and reached for the box.

Inside was a small golden key. Siabrey picked it up, then looked up at her love with a curious expression. “What is this.”

He grinned the grin of someone who was infinitely proud of themselves. “The key to our new summer home.” Siabrey’s jaw dropped, then she punched him none too lightly on the shoulder.

“Lucius! We can’t afford this!”

“Are you telling me that the Emperor cannot buy his wife anything that she wants!” Lucius put his hands on his hips in mock imitation of her.

“I know that we’ve wanted a summer home for a long time, but not now though! Honey, we’ve been through this; we don’t have enough money…” Lucius held up his hand.

“I have money enough in the treasury for this.” He smiled. “Besides, the kids want to live closer to Kelir, and I for one am not going to deny my children the pleasure of the company of a fey.” He winked at the twins, who turned to Siabrey with equal pleading looks.

“Please, Mommy, please? We’ll be real good!” Vintressa promised.

“Yeah, and I promise not to go riding off into the desert alone again!” Valeron added. Siabrey’s heart melted at the sight of their hopeful faces. “Oh, all right. We can have a summer home. It would be good to be with father again, anyway. He can continue my flying lessons.”

“Yay! We’re going to be living near Kelir!” the twins jumped up and began to bounce on the bed.

“When will the house be started?” Siabrey called over their ruckus.

“It’s already finished. We can move in next week for the rest of the summer.” Lucius ducked out of the way incase another punch was coming as Siabrey’s jaw dropped. Kelir laughed at her from the bedstand, and Lucius, deciding it was safe, ducked around the twins and delivered a deep kiss on Siabrey’s lips.

“Love you.” He said softly, staring deeply into the red red eyes that he had come to love more than life itself.

“I love you too.” She whispered back. They enjoyed a few more seconds of reading each other’s souls before the twins collapsed onto them, breathless and still grinning.

“Good birthday, Mommy?” Vintressa asked. Siabrey smiled, and gathered her family to her. “The best ever. What more could one women want.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = == = = ==

And so the Emperor and Empress, children in tow, set out to their new summer villa. Siabrey had letters dispatched to her old friends, asking them to come help her celebrate (she was still a bit stunned by Luke’s action, and supposedly muttered, “unless we invite everyone, how are we going to fill that place?!” ). Unwittingly though, after they arrived, the old party would stumble into adventure anew...
Last edited:

A New Home

“Should I tickle mommy?” Valaron leaned towards Luke and giggled quietly. The Emperor flashed a look of mischief of his own, and gave an entirely un-Imperial, immature snicker of his own.

“Yes,” Luke whispered to his son. The young boy’s blue eyes flashed with delight, highlighting the flecks of red within their irises. He crept closer and closer, until Siabrey’s hand suddenly clamped down on his head of red hair.

“No,” she gave a smile, “no tickling mommy while she is blindfolded.” Unerringly, the Empress’ head swiveled in Luke’s direction. “You father put you up to it, didn’t he?”

“No I didn’t!” Luke immediately cast his eyes outside the carriage window. If he’d known how to whistle, an innocent tune would have filled the air. Siabrey merely gave him a rather playful scowl. At least, a scowl in the direction she thought he was.

“Be thankful I’m blindfolded,” her head settled back into its resting position, “otherwise I’d teach you a lesson. Why am I blindfolded anyway? What’s so secret?” she started reaching upward, to a chorus of cries from Luke, Vintressa and Valaron as the carriage rocked.

“Ah! Ah ah ah!” Luke reached over and quickly brought down his wife’s hands, gently holding them. “Its a surprise! You’ve only got a few more minutes!” A rough grumble came from the rather simply clad Empress... her disdain for elaborate robes and finery continued to this day. Outside her simple tunic and overcoat, she stretched her wings. As Empress, thankfully, every piece of clothing could now accommodate her, ‘unique physiology.’

There were some points being Empress was horrid, she had to admit. The endless politicking, vying for alliances, placating nobles, looking on in abject horror at some of the abuses the nobility inflicted on the common people. She had Luke had put a stop to as much of it as possible, but sadly, some fools had to be tolerated due to other delicate politics. To Siabrey’s disdain, sometimes minor abusers had to be kept, even supported, to take down major offenders. Then again, Siabrey usually didn’t become involved unless Luke asked her... which usually meant several, “heads needed cracking,” as Luke would say using the common tongue Shaun had been teaching him.

Many times she feared for Luke’s safety. When the explosion had damaged the carriage she and Valaron had been riding in, Siabrey had no doubt the trap was intended for the carriage ahead of her carrying Luke. The job also kept him away from her more than she wanted... their moments together in private were preciously few. She was thankful that while he was strained and tired, the office of Emperor had not changed him. When he could be with her and the kids, he was still loving, cheerful... and an incorrigible prankster.

Sometimes she feared for her children as well. She’d seen the children of other nobles, and all too often, many of them were spoiled, arrogant, and cold. She’d desperately tried to keep her children from the limelight, and tried to raise them to be decent, loving, and kind, as well as commanding, noble, and wise. As she rocked in the carriage, she smiled slightly. Valaron’s teasing showed she’d succeeded... he was normal, instead of distantly arrogant like many ten year old scions of princes and dukes.

And that made her frown a little. She’d already received a formal letter from the Duke of Chalcedon, requesting Valaron be betrothed to his daughter... which she’d absolutely refused. She would not hold Val to any noblewoman... he would love who he loved, that was what Siabrey wanted... as did Luke. There would be no betrothal for him... unless he requested one. And Siabrey, as any parent, crossed her fingers that such an even would not happen for a long time...

And that brought up the few good points of being Empress. She and Luke, while they couldn’t right every wrong, could right many that otherwise wouldn’t have been dealt with. Her children grew up with the best education; Val had private tutors from the most learned academies, while Siabrey wanted to talk to Elenya about the possibility of Vintressa and Raven rooming together at the Imperial Mages’ School.

“IS THAT THE SUMMER HOUSE, DADDY!?” Siabrey heard Vintressa’s voice shriek. She guessed Luke must have nodded, as there was another shriek a few seconds later... the same high pitched noise from Vintressa. She also heard shushing... Valaron likely, and a few seconds later she heard the young princess mutter a soft, “sorry.”

The rocking of the carriage stopped a few minutes later, and Siabrey felt wind dance across her face as the doors were opened. She heard quick scrambling, and knew the children had already piled out. She felt the carriage rock again as Luke slid out.

“Anyone going to help me?” she asked. She heard Luke’s distinct deep chuckle, and felt hands gently cup her face.

“Promise me you won’t smack me when you see it, ‘k?” she heard his voice ask. That promptly made her brain begin questioning. Why would I smack him? A prank? Oh no... he must have pranked me... we’ll be headed to the real home shortly... I bet its a hovel... or a cave... Before she could think any more about it, light suddenly assaulted her eyes, and she had to blink.

She felt his hand slide around her, and shielding her eyes, she clambered out of the stately carriage. Straight ahead she saw flat steppe, and instinctively she turned around... and gasped.

To her front was a stately manor. It was surrounded by a moderate sized wall, some 15 feet high, made of local brown and gray granite. The gate to the place seemed to be made of steel, a gilt “S” and “C” intertwined on each door. Through the bars of the gate, she could see a massive palatial house, three stories and perhaps 40 rooms, also made from the local brownish granite. Inside, gardens and trees bloomed, in direct contrast with the parched steppe to the outside.

“LUKE!” Siabrey stammered out a few seconds later, leaping at him and giving him a massive bear hug. You really didn’t... “I... I don’t know whether to hug you or smack you! Why? It’s too big!” she protested as he guided her up towards the gate. She spun around worriedly, “Who will keep this place clean? Its so big...”

Luke gave a laugh at the final question, and pointed towards the front door to the palace, where twenty people, clad in the clothes of servants, had arranged themselves to greet their guests. “They’ll clean it,” he grinned, before leaning over and giving her a kiss, “You’re welcome.”

Siabrey flitted her eyes towards the children, and saw that their guards had already opened the gates so the prince and princess could dart inside. Seeing they were also, she kissed him back deeply, before looking deep into his eyes. “I think we need to try to make another heir tonight in this place,” she smiled. Her smile grew larger when the same look of shocked joy entered Luke’s face... despite ten years of marriage, she still had that effect on him.

“W...Well,” he stammered out, pushing thoughts out of his head, “that might have to wait a bit, since I postdated those letters you sent... everyone should be arriving today!” he grinned. As he ducked another playful swing from her, he shouted again, “You’re welcome!”

“Raven! Rose! Shawn! Slow up!” Shaun Dice called after his own three children. Fortunately, (unfortunately for Shaun) his three children had picked up on how to be excellent horsemen, and were busy racing each other across the steppes. Their whining had caused Shaun to yield, letting them ride the family thoroughbreds... something he now realized was a mistake.

“Shaun! Let them play!” Elenya grasped his arm quietly, her own eyes playful. “They’ll come back... see?” she laughed as the three spun their horses around and charged back. Shaun looked at his wife, and smiled... she was lucky, no wrinkles had even started to form on her face as her green eyes danced happily in front of him.

Shaun wasn’t so lucky, and some think wrinkles has formed near his mouth. Elenya said it was from him grinning so much after bad puns. She didn’t say anything about the ones she found funny however. Shaun also had a few individual gray hairs that he found annoying. Right now they numbered only 3... but he knew that they would soon call allies, something that touched his slight vanity, even though Elenya claimed they made him look ‘distinguished.’ She’d never answered his question that day whether ‘distinguished’ and ‘dashing’ were synonyms.

Then, to Shaun’s utter amazement and horror, his son then leaned over, almost horizontal off of his saddle, and snatched something from his sister’s travel bag, before rising back into his saddle... almost flipping back. Rose shrieked in anger, and the chase was on again, the two charging towards Shaun and Elenya...

Until Shaun caught a hold of his son’s reins.

“Shawn?! What was that?” the older Dice growled. The younger Shawn held in his hand triumphantly some trinket belonging to Rose that Shaun didn’t recognize.

“See dad? I told you I can...”

“That was reckless!” Shaun growled, before castigating his son fully on the dangers of “tom-foolery” while on horseback. The younger Shawn had already taken to showing off when riding, something Shaun wanted to put an end to. It wasn’t the first such lecture for any of the Dice children, and when they’re father wasn’t looking, Rose and Raven rolled their green eyes.

“Dad? Can we go? Its just over that hill?” Raven pointed ahead. Shaun looked up from his lecture to his son, and nearly snapped at her... before he sighed, reluctantly. All three of his children were ten; young enough that they still needed direct guidance, but just old enough that streaks of independence were starting to pump through their veins. With Shawn’s inheritance of his father’s looks, and Rose and Raven’s exactly looks like Elenya, the elder Dice feared for the rapidly approaching time when both young ‘gentlemen’ and young ‘ladies’ would begin hanging around the inn for more than food.

“Fine,” Shaun let his son go with a sharp look, and cantered his own horse up the hill.

Riding themselves brought back memories to Shaun and Elenya, and allowed the trip to become a family excusrsion. It had allowed them to camp in some of the old camp grounds, and retell to the little ones the story of the deeds of a decade prior.

As Shaun and Elenya crested the top ridge, Shaun held his breath. He’d seen both Luke and Siabrey, as well as Grumki, Tess and Pell, and their children in the ten years... but this would be the first time that all of them were together, under one roof.

Oh the stories we’ll tell! Shaun grinned as his kids galloped ahead again towards hte manor.

“This, is the formal dining room,” Luke grinned like a child as he showed his wife, children, and the Dices around the manor. “I helped draw the plans for this room myself,” he added imperiously.

“With crayons, or did you finger-paint?” Shaun quipped, causing everyone save Luke to laugh. When Luke’s face got slightly red from embarassment, Shaun laid a hand on the Imperial shoulder, “Oh, don’t worry Luke! You’ll get to redesign it after Siabrey breaks everything!”


“Anyways,” Luke reasserted control, “And this-“ he started, before a servant rushed in, and whispered something in his ear. A grin spread across Luke’s face. “Follow me! Tess and Pell have showed up!”

When the double doors at the main entrance to the palace were opened, they revealed a bard, slightly tapping her toe in waiting, a chuckling elf by her side.

“Excellent service to the door, Luke,” Tess said dryly. “Its been... five minutes?” She arched an eyebrow.

“Luke was showing us the home... he was trying to point out what parts of it this amateur architect designed,” Siabrey grinned.

“Ah... pride. Slows up even the quickest of us,” Pell quipped before gesturing outside. Rather quickly, three small children flew into the room... literally... on their feathered wings. “Children... say hello to Auntie Siabrey, Uncle Lucius...”

The little children, each seeming to glow with some kind of light from inside, bowed politely... even the two year old. While the older two said their names (To Tess’ and Pell’s pride), the youngest ran towards Elenya, yelling, “Aunnie Elenya, I wanna see magics!”

The shopkeep laughed, and guiding Elayanaun by the hand, led her, Rose, Raven and an incredibly interested Valaron to the ‘formal dining room’ for parlor tricks... as well as a few practical lessons. It was known that Tess’ youngest daughter, as well as Vintressa and Val, had magical talent. The wizard had a few suspicions about Rose and Raven, but she wasn’t sure just yet.

“How are you, Pell?” Siabrey greeted the solar, now in half elf form. He gave her a hug, and she felt energy spilling from his own body into her... celestial power almost.

“Good, and I don’t miss your constant teasing,” Pell grinned. “What say you now?”

“The same thing I said when Tess told me the news six years ago... about damn time!” Siabrey laughed. Her attention was momentarily distracted, when Tess walked up behind her.

“Siabrey,” Tess was quickly tapping her friend on the shoulder, “I think you have some trouble.”


“Look,” Tess spun her around, “Shaun’s got Luke alone again. He’s probably teaching him more of those words.”

“Oh no,” Siabrey shook her head. After everything had calmed down, Luke had taken to learning from Shaun by letters the art of ‘street talk.’ Despite his now respectable status, Shaun Dice still could converse in the underground as much as any common thief. Siabrey had warned Luke to not learn it, but Luke had reasoned that knowing how more of his subjects talked would relate him more to them and their daily lives. And perhaps alert him when he traveled in disguise about things happening in his realm. Siabrey suspected he did it merely to annoy her.

Quietly, the fighter slid up behind Luke, and listened, as Shaun continued.

“-No no no!” the rogue corrected Luke as she listened. “That wasn’t right at all. Now,” he slid up beside Luke... neither had noticed Siabrey listening, “if you really want to get Siabrey... riled up,” he winked, “all you’ve got to do is check out her assets and say, ‘Yowza!’”

“Yowza?” Luke repeated, his brow furrowed.

“No, with more emphasis. YOWZA!” Shaun added some massive gestures to his statement, eyes bulging wide. One of the gestures tended to indicate the size of said assets in question.

“AHEM!” Siabrey cleared her throat loudly, before walking up next to Luke. “Shaun, what poison are you putting in poor Luke’s head now?” She crossed her arms, and gave him a stare-down, the same many a small boy would receive for misbehaving.

“Oh nothing,” Shaun was unfazed by a look he was quite familiar with said look by now, “just some street-speak. Go ahead Luke! Show her!”

“Now? But if she gets... you know...” Luke stammered slightly, “I... um... would prefer to say it later when there’s time for-“

“Say what?” Siabrey pressed, her eyes now staring hard at Luke. Her husband gave a look of confusion towards Shaun, who motioned for him to go ahead. Luke shrugged, stared at the proper place, and said, rather guardedly:

“Yowza?” Luke weakly gestured at the appropriate part of his wife. By his voice and gestures, he was still confused, and his proper noble’s accent, only enhanced from long days in the throne room, ruined his attempt at sounding ‘urban.’

“No Luke, its YOWZA!” Shaun said loudly and with somatic effect again. Before Luke could reply, Siabrey already had turned him to face her.

“Luke... remember the rules on when and where to practice that? Not in-“

“-in front of the children, or in court, I know,” Luke rolled his eyes. In reality, he only practiced in front of her, and Siabrey had to work hard not to laugh every time he spoke that way. He was merely curious and trying to learn, and the combination of his soft, noble accent with the harsh words of the dialect was far more hilarious than threatening.

“Good. Now, as for the sentiments you expressed,” Siabrey gave him a gentle kiss, “they are very much appreciated.” She backed away, still smiling, before he could get any other plans in action with her. “Wait till later,” she whispered, “we’ve got guests now, remember?” she grinned.

“I know,” he grumbled, his disappointment soon followed by a sharp crack against the front door. Servants rushed to the foyer to check on the noise, and found a massive pair of half orcs, with a smaller, human sized half orc in front.

“Grumki has arrived!” the largest of the half orcs roared, his tusks bared in a grin, “and the Strength of Kord requires food!”

Dinner... and Disaster

Inquiries were made soon after by Luke, and within the hour, a large dinner was ready for everyone that had showed up. By this point, the half-elven form Xanadu and dwarf form Alisandra had arrived as well.

Grumki’s son, Tark, had grown over the years as well... Tess had warned everyone that he was nearly the size of a regular human, despite being only ten. And by the look in his eyes, Grumki’s eyes, and the half orc’s wife’s eyes, there would likely need to be a full banquet for them alone.

“What shall the strength of Kord consume today, thanks to your gracious hosting?” Grumki’s voice rumbled. Siabrey gave a laugh... consume truly was the correct word.

“I think theyre fixing a boar or two, and a sandhog,” Siabrey smiled at Luke. The Emperor gave her a look of hidden disgust at the idea, and Siabrey’s grin grew. “Sandhog ribs are the best, aren’t they, Luke?”

“Eeew,” he turned away, his nose wrinkled.

Elenya and Shaun, meanwhile, were trying to get the children set up at a smaller table in the dining room. The task was proving difficult; all the children tended towards being energetic, and their ‘activity’ was increased tenfold once they were around each other.

“Siabracius! No... no no honey!” Elenya said as she grabbed the fluttering three year old. Her eyes then flashed a look of disapproval at Shawn. “Young man!”

“I only dared him, I didn’t make him fly up there!” the young man protested. “He flew up there on his own!”

“C’mon!” Elenya grabbed the miscreant’s ear and pulled him towards the table, “Sit!” Her eyes flashed command, and he sat down quietly. The rest of the children were already sitting, and every minute Elenya turned away, flashes, tings and puffs of light shot between them. Valaron, Vintressa, Rose, Raven, Elaynaun all were making minor images behind Elenya’s back, and then snickering.

“There,” Elenya came back to the main table, “I think they’re sat... as long as food appears soon!” she gave a tired smile. She then flashed a look at Shaun, who had been talking to Luke for the past few minutes, “Next time, Shaun can sit them down!” she gave a slight scowl.

“What?” Shaun raised his arms in martyrdom, before turning back to Luke. “Alright. Luke, its ‘I ain’t likin’ this,’ not ‘I do not like this.’” The Emperor tried to repeat the phrase, but like most of the time, his tone and demeanor ruined it, and Shaun began his lesson again.

“Dinner is served!” Siabrey shouted to get everyone’s attention as the servants brought in the roasts, along with bowls of fruits, vegetables, and for the half-orcs seated at the end of the table, a boar specifically for them. Tark, at the children’s table, recieved a whole flank.

“So, Pell? Have any of Shaun’s lessons rubbed off on you?” Tess asked with a smile as everyone began to eat the fruit served as an appetizer.

“No!” Pell said abruptly, as if his pride had been hurt by the suggestion. Tess giggled.

“Good, you have more sense than an Emperor then,” she gave a grin and Luke.

“What?” Luke complained at the snickering looks at him. “Its not like I cause trouble with my bluntness,” he winked towards Siabrey.

“Rations?” she looked back, her face serious until she gave him a wink. “I don’t cause trouble, I solve hard issues,” she smiled towards everyone else, before looking at Suan again. “Luke, no more learning speech from Shaun! He’s corrupting your mind!”

“But...” Luke started to protest till she raised an eyebrow. Sensing the unspoken threat, he lowered his head. “Yes dear,” he barely said above his breath.

“Mighty impressive!” Tess laughed, as Siabrey gave Luke a disarming grin, a hand on his shoulder letting him know she was merely kidding... again. “You raised an eyebrow, and it broke your husband’s will to resist!”

“I could sure use that sometimes,” Elenya looked at Shaun. The rogue hadn’t caught on it was a joke, and even then she could hear him leaning over to Luke, whispering that Shaun could continue to teach him in secret. “She was joking, silly!” Elenya reached across the table and gently batted the rogue’s head.

“Tess, I’m sure every now and then you need to break down Pell some,” Siabrey looked at her friend jokingly.

“Actually, no,” Tess reached over and took the elf’s hand as he munched on a piece of watermelon. “Pell is a celestial after all,” she leaned over and rubbed noses with him, “he’s extremely well-behaved, unlike both of your husbands!”

“I am well behaved!” Shaun complained.

“No you’re not!” Elenya corrected.

“Luke, don’t even claim that,” Siabrey laughed as she put a finger in Luke’s face. Once again his mouth opened to protest, before clamping shut.

“Yes dear.”

After appetizers, first courses, and main courses, the adults made a cursory glance at the children, and saw the sight they didn’t expect... Rose and Raven both had their hands extended, and in the air between, a beautiful carousel with blue, pink, and yellow horses spun ‘round and ‘round. The other children giggled with delight... and Elenynaun extended her hands, adding a few riders to the little prestidigitation. Valaron looked on sourly, and a red dragon suddenly squashed the carousel... causing Vintressa to give her brother a healthy slug in the shoulder.

“Wait,” Shaun asked quietly, his voice in awe, “did Rose and Raven just...”

“I think they’re... playing with magic?” Elenya said shocked, as the muffled complaints among the children finally arose into a groans and gripes about Val’s interference, Vin’s slugging, and other disagreements. A few minutes later, Val, seeing he was outnumbered, got up from the table and wandered over to the adult side.

“Mom,” she said in his ‘half-asking, half-complaining’ voice, “can I go riding?”

“I wanna ride too!” Shawn shouted from the table, a chorus that all of the other children joined in quickly. Siabrey looked around at the other parents, who after a few seconds nodded their assent to try and get the complaining children out the door.

“Fine. You can ride.. IF,” Siabrey grabbed his shoulder, and held a finger at him, “you promise me a few things.”

“Yes, mom,” he sighed. She had a distinct feeling if he didn’t need her permission, he would have rolled his eyes.

“One. You will take some guardsmen with you, and you WILL NOT ride off away from them this time.” The young man started to protest, but then he nodded slightly sullenly. “Two, you are in charge of the others... there are young children with you. I expect you to act like a good little lord, and be a STEWARD to the others. You’ve been around here alot, they haven’t.”

“Yeah, mom, I will...” Valaron shifted uneasily.

“Three, I want you back here in three hours. It’ll be a few hours before sunset, and I want...”

“Two hours,” Tess interjected. “Elenyanaun needs to be back before her bedtime, otherwise,” Tess leaned towards Val, “she’ll get cranky, and you know how cranky babies can get?”

“Yes, Aunt Tess,” Val asked, before shifting again. “Mom, can we go now?”

“Yes. Go have fun!” Siabrey gave his head a rub. In a flash, the nine children were out the front two, two armed retainers puffing, struggling to keep up. Their joyful yelps and screeches echoed in the air, as a debate arose among them over what to play. Soon a simple game of tag was going. As they disappeared out the gate, Vintressa’s voice could be heard loudly complaining, “No fair! Siabracius can fly!”

“Honest,” Siabrey turned back to the others, “Valaron normally isn’t this stubborn or grouchy! I don’t know what got into him.”

“He’s ten... he’s showing the rumblings of the fights to come,” Tess said thoughtfully.

“Don’t remind me,” Luke chimed in with a groan. “Arguments, free-spiritedness, ladies of all sorts wanting in the palace...”

“Oh god... there are going to be boys soon fighting over Rose and Raven...” Shaun looked off in the distance. The 27 year old Emperor and 31 year old businessman shared the same looks of abject horror.

“Anyone so much as touches my Vintressa, I’m going to...” Luke’s eyes went wide, and it almost seemed like he was breathing faster already. Fatherly nervousness.

“Now now, Luke,” Siabrey gave a grin, “We’ve got a few years yet,” she cooed, rubbing his arm.

“Yeah... eight, nine... hopefully ten,” Luke said absentmindedly.

“Luke?” Siabrey laughed again, “remember what happened when you were sixteen?”

“No, wha... oh. OH!” His eyes flashed wide again, and he and Shaun shared yet another look of fatherly horror, to the mirth of their wives.

“I love tormenting him with that thought,” Siabrey grinned rather viciously, as Shaun and Luke immediately began making battleplans on how to defeat the young men that would seeking their daughters in five or six years time. “He’s so cute when he gets upset over something so trivial, and far off!”

Some two hours later, the conversation continued, having waffled through everything from the state of Tess’ organization, to Imperial politics, to Elenya’s strange traits, to Shaun’s bad sense of humor, to the past and weather outside. Finally, as the rays of the setting sun began to slowly peter through the windows of the palace, Tess’ face grew concerned.

“Hmm... the kids should have been back by now...” she looked off into the distance. “I’m going to have to lecture those three.”

“Val’s behind it,” Luke chimed in. “The boy is persuasive... he probably talked the others into staying out. Though Vin can be just as bad. I think they got that streak from their mother.”

“A naughtiness streak? From me?” Siabrey raised an eyebrow at her double joke... one intended for the wider audience, one intended only for Luke. Unfortunately, Tess caught the second one as well.

“Pillow talk should stay on the pillow!” the bard announced, making Luke’s face turn red. Siabrey, ever shameless, just grinned.

“I’d give them another fifteen minutes or so,” Shaun said, also looking out the windows of the palace. “Little Shawn was probably showing off on horseback again...” he growled.

“I sense all of your children will be receiving lectures when this night is done,” Xanadu said thoughtfully. “Perhaps it is for the best... after all, we can’t have them acting as wild and crazy as you all once did... excluding Pellaron, of course,” the dragon added.

“Wild? Crazy? Us?” Shaun pointed at himself increduously, “Nah! Never was that way!”

Fifteen minutes passed by, and the conversations went from idle jokes about their children’s misbehavior to sincere worry. Finally, Pell changed into his natural form (which did not prompt the usual jokes from a now pacing Siabrey), and took alight, to try and find the children.

The solar soared above the steppes for several minutes, before he suddenly caught a glimpse of a green streak, small and fast, streaking towards the manor. With a graceful flutter of his massive wings, he angled downwards, squinting at the fast moving object... before gasping as he recognized what it was.

Elenyanaun... her distinctive short blonde hair flapping in the breeze, as her wings flapped rapidly, as she streaked towards the house as fast as she could go.

“Elenyanaun! Slow down, honey!” Pell called as he swooped down in front of her, gathering the squirming creature into his arms. She was crying, unable to speak from her tears. “Its ok! Its ok... where is everyone else?” he asked, his heart sinking like a stone.

“Bad... thing... in cave!” Elenyanaun sputtered out, “Bright light! Flashing! Roar! I ran! I’m scared, daddy! I’m scared!”

As Pell rushed the little girl back towards the manor, the true nature of what horror had happened was only starting to grip his soul...


First Post
{LURK mode OFF}

Huh. Well, I'm glad I checked back.

Interesting way to 'sum things up'... :) So are you going to take a break and then pick up gaming or are you going to just dive right back in?

... or perhaps have you already dove back in to the next gaming season?
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