Release Introducing Entromancy: The Orichite Age and Module 1: Rise of the Redhats


Dear friends,

When we first published Entromancy: A Cyberpunk Fantasy RPG, we knew that there were tons of more stories to share about the Entromancy universe, its characters, and the mechanics that govern its magic and technology.

The Orichite Age is one such story, which puts heroes like you at the center of the action as the world turns its attention to its magic-rich past in an attempt to avoid a cybertech-dominated future.

Module 1: Rise of the Redhats is the first in a series of brand new expansions in The Orichite Age, updating the Entromancy world state with lore recaps from Technomancy: Book Two of the Nightpath Trilogy and Shadowmancy: Book Three of the Nightpath Trilogy. It also adds the new Troll player option and four new adversary types, including the Unaligned Firebrand, Firebrand Ringleader, Shadow Dragon, and Technodragon.

You can grab Module 1: Rise of the Redhats right now on DriveThruRPG for 99c.

Thanks for being part of the adventure. We hope you enjoy playing in our world as much as we do!


M. S. Farzan, Ph.D.

Creative Director and Lead Game Designer, Nightpath Publishing

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