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Ionian Dreams (Bront Judging)


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Lot said:
Carrion enters the room, accidentally smacking the table Highbrow moved with his tail and sliding it several inches.

"Oh, sorry."

Moving awkwardly, he stands near Gremlin, seeing no seat appropriate for his size. He nods at the man at the front of the room but says nothing else, awaiting his instructions.

Gremlin, wide grin on his face, gives Carrion a broad wink after he bumps the table. Afterwards he settles back down to business, still smarting from his last trip into a breifing room.

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If the movement of the table bothered Highbrow (and surely it did!) he did not let it crack his stone-faced demeanour.
Highbrow rested his elbows on the table before him and set his fingertips together to form a triangle. A mannerism usually reserved for Diabolical Evil Masterminds, but somehow fitting for the Brainy, Stoic Hero. "So Lieutenant Steele...I am certain our teammate CPU will be along shortly. Though the one called Griff may not have the intellectual capacity to find the Meeting Room. How many others do you require for Operation: Thanksgiving?" Highbrow asked without making eye contact.
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Rystil Arden

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"Thank you, Mr. Rowe, but as much as the presence some of the other less...disciplined members in the Resolutes unnerve me, we must hope that they are able to serve as necessary, for America, and the world," Steele replies in the same slight accent that called them down to the briefing room, "At least he's an American, so we can trust where his sense of duty lies--with this force, he could've been French like the pop music floozy."

"Anyway, that's not important. I would guess that a team of five would be more than sufficient for operation Thanksgiving. I only wish the group was more balanced, but it seems that three techno-people, a man with monstrous strength...and Griff...are all we have on call at the moment. If that Miss Perseis were a little less flighty, she might have been useful, but she's gone now, so we'll take what we have."

"Are you all ready for a mission, then? Because the mission has come to us whether we're ready or not. In their war against the civilised world, terrorists will stop at nothing to kill people, end innocent lives, and spread their brand of psychological warfare. With a new threat detected by the Department of Homeland Security, it's going to be up to the Resolutes to show that at least this UN taskforce is not a lapdog for the terror states that sits around ineffectually--we don't need American men sent off to deal with the world's problems when there is an alternative. Iraq has shown us that in spades. Are you ready to show the world that the Resolutes can deal with the war on terror?"


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Lt. Steele said:
but it seems that three techno-people, a man with monstrous strength...and Griff...
Three techno-people, hope he's not talking about me, I can barely work my IPOD. Griff is going to take some babysitting, and egghead over there is already on my nerves. Hope he doesn't kill team chemistry. This should be very interesting if nothing else., George thinks to himself, impatiently waiting. Where's Griff and CPU? It's time to roll.


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The door open and Cedric appear. He salute the man with a military salute. "Sorry sir. I am late, but I had some reports to finish for my last mission before I could leave. Now, I am totally free and ready for a new mission." As he expose his reason, he see by his demeanor, the person responsible of this mission is a military, and thus, Cedric instinctively stay standing, awaiting for the man to aknowledge him before sitting, in respect of the military tradition.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"At ease, Purkiss," Steele offers Cedric, inviting him to sit, "You can't be faulted for all the reports they make you fill out anyway."

"Good, now that's everybody. Time to explain the mission."

"A short while ago, the Department of Homeland Security managed to intercept some information about a terrorist threat. Although they found out it wasn't actually against America, and they can't pin it to any specific terrorist group. Still, the attack is going to take place somewhere in Turkey. And Turkey is a strong ally of democracy, an example of a free, democratic Muslim nation in the Middle East. As such, it would only make sense that it would be hated by all sorts of the terrorist crazies as being a 'traitor'. Anyway, with not enough information to go on as to the exact location and specifications of the threat, it was very difficult to get agreement on any course of action. The United States wanted to send in some military aid to Turkey in the form of missiles and planes, but Iran says that's just a likely excuse to get said weapons in the right position to attack those scum later."

"I don't agree with them, but I do think we can show the world that this can be solved without an application of military force. A crack team of Resolutes has been assembled to...well, okay. Maybe not a crack team. The remaining Resolutes have been assembled and tasked to form a small undercover investigation to take care of the terrorist threat in Turkey. No lunatics with earthquake powers, just some good old fashion terrorists and intel-gathering. Shouldn't be too hard for you guys, hopefully. Plus Turkey is a beautiful vacation spot, so for those of you who were unfortunately forced into back-to-back missions due to the circumstances, we are issuing you a week's vacation there after you take care of the terrorists. I figure the only thing that might be able to stop you is the language. Anybody speak Turkish? Start learning now. I seem to remember Teshekuredereem means 'Thank You', for starters."

"Any questions?"


First Post
Griff's hand shoots into the air. "Oooh me! Oooh me!" He waits to be chosen.

"Now it might surprise you dudes, but I have been to Turkey before and let me just say that they have some primo waves there, some really hot babes, but no turkeys, so get that thought out of your heads. They look really funny at you when you try to order a Thanksgiving dinner. Don't make that mistake, like I did. It was like a really long flight there before I got my powers. How are we going to get there? I haven't quite got that direction power down yet."


Rystil Arden

First Post
"Well, we'd like to keep this somewhat quiet, if we can, so we're booking you a commercial flight to Turkey, as super-flight would probably be too obvious. Your first objective is to stop the terrorists' attack if possible, and save any victims if you can. The mission will only be a complete success in my eyes, however, if you manage to root out those responsible, which probably shouldn't be beyond your abilities, I suspect. That'll show the world that at least this UN task force can actually find the terrorists and weapons."

Voidrunner's Codex

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