(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 2)


First Post
New thread.

Everyone, PLEASE go back to page 5 of the last thread, and read (or at least skim) the posts I created there.
They will answer a lot of your questions, and might be of help otherwise.

Welcome back indeed, Reprisal. Cheers!

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Claims on the Open Powers

Alyx: Church of Toril (contested with Uvenelei)

Creamsteak: Church of Mercy

Dagger: Nations of the Chosen of Mystra (contested with GnomeWorks)

Festy Dog: Scro Star League

GnomeWorks: Nations of the Chosen of Mystra (contested with Dagger)

'o Skoteinos: Valky's Unseelie (contested with Sollir)

Reprisal: United Commonwealth of Toril (good and neutral) (this claim CANNOT be contested)

Sollir: Rajaat and his Champions - maybe, or Valky's Unseelie (contested with 'o Skoteinos)

Tokiwong: Eternal Empire of Toril

Uvenelei: Church of Toril (contested with Alyx)

Mina and the Knights of Neraka are not yet claimed by anyone.
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It all starts with the usual questions, but the answers ... ah, there is where the difference is!

What can you do with 11th level magic quickly?

Not Applicable - defaults to one hour
Not Applicable - defaults to one hour

What can you do with 11th level magic in a few minutes?

Not Applicable - defaults to one hour
Not Applicable - defaults to one hour

What can you do with 11th level magic in an hour?

You can launch a Category 3 Attack (see below)
You can launch a Category 3 Defense (see below)

What can you do with 11th level magic in a day?

You can launch a Category 4 Attack (see below)
You can launch a Category 4 Defense (see below)

What can you do with 11th level magic in a week?

You can launch a Category 16 Attack (see below)
You can launch a Category 16 Defense (see below)

What can you do with 11th level magic using all of Turn 7 to do it?

You can launch a Category 64 Attack (see below)
You can launch a Category 64 Defense (see below)


You all know the trouble is that each Power has several thousand mages who can cast 11th level magic, and several thousand clerics who can cast 11th level magic.


Get rid of those mages and clerics, and PRESTO: no more problems with 11th level magic from that Power.
That includes that Power's NPCs.

It does not include that Power's PC, but that PC cannot rebuild his army of lost mages and clerics - he is a lone 11th level caster against your thousands of 11th level casters.
Guess what happens to him next? (chuckle)

Now, all you need to do is to have your thousands of mages and clerics, launch a single attack - combining all their power - against the enemy mages and clerics, to get rid of them.
The longer you take to launch this attack, the more powerful it is - thus the Stages above.

Each Stage simply means the Attack is more powerful.


If your attack succeeds, you can dispose of the enemy mages and clerics in the garbage, as follows:

You can send them to Ravenloft. They won't be returning to bother anyone, ever again.
You can send them to the 9th Plane of Hell. Nothing can return (DM's ruling) from there.
You can send them to the Seventh Heaven. Nothing returns from there either.
You can teleport them all into one of those giant Spheres of Annihilation that is lying around. They won't be returning from that.
Or, you can declare it a simple, straight, 11th level kill.
The body will live (because of the Mists) but the soul is destroyed, so the enemy mages and clerics becoming babbling idiots, or mindless automatons, or go into permanent catatonia, incapable of ever casting magic again, or doing much of anything else either.

Anyway you put it, it comes up Enemy Neutralized. No more 11th level nonsense out of him!

(His Power retains 10th level magic, and still exists ... until you use your 11th level magic to blow his Power to smithereens, capture his PC, and subject his PC to all your built up displeasure at his doings.)

Now, as I said, the longer you build up the power, the greater the attack, as represented by the Categories given above.

If an ally helps you in the attack, his Categories stack with yours.

If you are being attacked - if someone and their allies are trying to put YOU in the garbage can - you can defend yourself.

The longer you build up your defense, the greater the defensive power - thus, the Category system once more.

Again, a higher Category simply means your defense is stronger.

If allies come and help you, their Categories stack with yours.


So, if Kalanyr waits an hour, building his power up, he would throw a Category 3 attack.
If Alzem, who had taken only a few minutes to build an attack, joined him, the combined Attack Category would increase to 5.
If Forrester, who built up for an entire Turn, then joined them, the combined Category would jump to 11.

Mr. Draco and Serpenteye, although they are playing one power, may combine their Categories - they are counted as two separate Powers for this purpose.
So, let us say both of them are the ones under attack by Kalanyr, above.
Both have spent a whole day preparing, so they each have a Category 4 defense.
The 2 Categories stack, so they have a Category 8 defense.

Thus, it becomes a Category 11 Attack versus a Category 8 Defense.

What will happen? See below! The charts show what might happen!


I will be running Turn 7 in terms of DAYS passed - I will announce day 1, then day 2, etc.

It is appreciated that the IR is a worldwide affair, and it takes people time to post.

Therefore, if someone posts they are making an attack, the defender has 24 hours IRL to post he is defending himself, and his allies also have 24 hours to post they are helping.
If someone posts they are making an attack, people have 24 hours to post they are helping the attack, also.
At the end of that 24 hour period, I will resolve the attack.


And just what is the resolution?
Well, it is summarized below:

(Mind you, I the DM always make the percentile rolls below!)

- - -

Attack Category / Defense Category
Effect on Defender

- - -

1 / 0

10% chance 100% destroyed
20% chance 50% destroyed
30% chance 25% destroyed
40% chance 12% destroyed
50% chance 6% destroyed
60% chance 3% destroyed
70% chance 1% destroyed

2 / 0

20% chance 100% destroyed
30% chance 50% destroyed
40% chance 25% destroyed
50% chance 12% destroyed
60% chance 6% destroyed
70% chance 3% destroyed
80% chance 1% destroyed

3 / 0

30% chance 100% destroyed
40% chance 50% destroyed
50% chance 25% destroyed
60% chance 12% destroyed
70% chance 6% destroyed
80% chance 3% destroyed
90% chance 1% destroyed

4 / 0

40% chance 100% destroyed
50% chance 50% destroyed
60% chance 25% destroyed
70% chance 12% destroyed
80% chance 6% destroyed
90% chance 3% destroyed
99% chance 1% destroyed

5 / 0

50% chance 100% destroyed
60% chance 50% destroyed
70% chance 25% destroyed
80% chance 12% destroyed
90% chance 6% destroyed
99% chance 3% destroyed

6 / 0

60% chance 100% destroyed
70% chance 50% destroyed
80% chance 25% destroyed
90% chance 12% destroyed
99% chance 6% destroyed

7 / 0

70% chance 100% destroyed
80% chance 50% destroyed
90% chance 25% destroyed
99% chance 12% destroyed

8 / 0

80% chance 100% destroyed
90% chance 50% destroyed
99% chance 25% destroyed

9 / 0

90% chance 100% destroyed
99% chance 50% destroyed

10 / 0

95% chance 100% destroyed
Otherwise, 50% destroyed

11 / 0

98% chance 100% destroyed
Otherwise, 50% destroyed

12 / 0

99% chance 100% destroyed
Otherwise, 50% destroyed

13 / 0 and above

99% chance 100% destroyed
Otherwise, 50% destroyed

Every Category of Defense reduces this by 1.

So, in the example above, Kalanyr has a total Attack Category of 11.
Mr. Draco and Serpenteye have a total Defense Category of 8.

That is the equivalent of a 3 / 0 on the above scale.

So, Mr. Draco and Serpenteye have a 30% chance of their entire army of 11th level casters, mage and cleric, being put in the garbage.
A 40% chance that half of them are put in the garbage.
A 50% chance that a quarter of them join the garbage heap.
And so on.

If the Defense Category is stronger than the Attack Category, the following chart applies:

0 / 0

5% chance 100% destroyed
10% chance 50% destroyed
15% chance 25% destroyed
20% chance 12% destroyed
25% chance 6% destroyed
30% chance 3% destroyed
35% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 1

2% chance 100% destroyed
5% chance 50% destroyed
7% chance 25% destroyed
10% chance 12% destroyed
12% chance 6% destroyed
15% chance 3% destroyed
17% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 2

1% chance 100% destroyed
2% chance 50% destroyed
3% chance 25% destroyed
5% chance 12% destroyed
6% chance 6% destroyed
7% chance 3% destroyed
8% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 3

0% chance 100% destroyed
1% chance 50% destroyed
1% chance 25% destroyed
2% chance 12% destroyed
3% chance 6% destroyed
3% chance 3% destroyed
4% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 4

0% chance 100% destroyed
0% chance 50% destroyed
0% chance 25% destroyed
1% chance 12% destroyed
1% chance 6% destroyed
1% chance 3% destroyed
2% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 5

0% chance 100% destroyed
0% chance 50% destroyed
0% chance 25% destroyed
0% chance 12% destroyed
0% chance 6% destroyed
0% chance 3% destroyed
1% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 6

0% chance 100% destroyed
0% chance 50% destroyed
0% chance 25% destroyed
0% chance 12% destroyed
0% chance 6% destroyed
0% chance 3% destroyed
0% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 7 and beyond

0% chance 100% destroyed
0% chance 50% destroyed
0% chance 25% destroyed
0% chance 12% destroyed
0% chance 6% destroyed
0% chance 3% destroyed
0% chance 1% destroyed

Therefore, it is up to each power to decide how long it will build up it's Attack and Defense, who will pump up the Attack, and who will bolster the Defense.


You only get ONE Attack and ONE Defense at a time. One Attack, and One Defense, simultaneously.

Thus, you can only attack ONE Power at a time.
You can never attack two or more Powers simultaneously.

You may Attack (your one allowed Attack), and you may Defend yourself (your one allowed Defense), at the same time.

However ...

If you state you are Defending another Power, you cannot Defend yourself!!!

Nor can you Defend more than one other Power from an attack.

(Mr. Draco and Serpenteye count as one Power, for the purpose of defending them.)
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I will be running Turn 7 by the Day, announcing each new day as it comes.

If you wish to use 11th level magic to accomplish things normally possible only to the deities, this is your List.
Although it looks silly and ridiculous - it IS silly and ridiculous - people have earned 11th level magic, and I MUST arbitrate what thousands of mages with 11th level magic could do ... and based on what I read in the Netheril supplement, the sky is the limit.





- - -

What can you do with 11th level magic quickly?

You can create a great geyser of Oerthblood, which continues to spew upward indefinitely.
You can give yourself all the abilities of a Tarrasque, assuming it's shape - or, you may remain in your own form, and have all the abilities except the claw and bite attacks. This lasts for 24 hours, the effect can be cast repeatedly, and it cannot be made permanent. Your PC's PL increases by 20 percent or 5, whichever is greater.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 5.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 3.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 1,000 chance.)
You can create one pocket dimension, size LL.
You can create a Flying City, if a city is at hand already. This City can spelljam as if it had a Greater Helm of titanic proportions.
You can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
You can begin Avangion Metamorphosis.
You can project visions of other realities to a subject creature (such as showing a slave what freedom means), and that subject creature will instantly understand your point of view, with possible changes of alignment and personality.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Bissel.
You can begin the creation of a new race of beings. This race can have any powers short of those of the demipowers, singular dragon types, demon lords, tarrasque, etc.
You can undo the environmental damage of technological inventions, over an area the size of Furyondy.
You can immediately begin growing a forest.
You can summon the Avatar of any God (although it may not choose to stay, and it might be very unhappy with you.)
You can begin freeing your undead of Acererak's control.
You can withstand Acererak's attacks.
You can grant yourself and your mages psionic abilities (you gain all the psionic classes), and your Power increases in PL by 50.
You can begin casting psionic enchantments.
You can give yourself the ability to Shapechange, gaining all the powers of the creature whose form is assumed.
You can dig a tunnel down to any depth in the earth.
You can see into the future - but once seen, that future must come to pass. You cannot change it.
You can begin resurrecting the dead (1 PL worth.)
You can break an 11th level enchantment upon one creature (1 in 2 chance.)
You can begin creating a Mythal. It can have any powers of 1st through 9th level, up to several dozen of them, and they are permanent within a 4000 square mile area.
You can begin functioning as a Deepspawn (gain 5 PL of monsters.)
You can immediately start creating permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 10 PL in help from those places.
You can attempt to undo the Dream Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 100 chance.)
You can sense a major change in reality, but cannot do anything about it.
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 10 chance of success, and a 1 in 10 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You can attempt to grant yourself Spellfire (1 in 3 chance.)

- - -

What can you do with 11th level magic in a few minutes?

You can create a lake of Oerthblood.
You can give hundreds of your people the powers of a Tarrasque (see above.) Your Power's PL increases by 100. Your NPCs' PL increases by 20 percent or 5, whichever is greater.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 10.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 5.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 100 chance.)
You can create 10 pocket dimensions, size LL.
You can create a Flying City, if one is already at hand. This city can spelljam, as per above.
You and many others can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
You and many others can begin Avangion Metamorphosis.
You and your people can project to several dozen beings, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Furyondy.
You can begin the creation of a new race of beings.
You can undo the environment damage caused by technological inventions over an area the size of the Union of Oerth.
You can begin growing a forest.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, and force it to stay for a length of time set by you (it doesn't have to like it, though.)
You can free 10 PL of your undead from Acererak's control.
You can withstand Acererak's attacks, and employ those attacks yourself against several dozen enemies.
You can protect your mages from Acererak's attacks.
You can grant yourself and your mages all the special insights of the dragons, and your Power increases in PL by 100.
Thousands of your people can begin using psionic enchantments.
Thousands of your people can shapechange, gaining all of the powers of the creature assumed.
You can begin alteration of the geography over a small area.
You can resurrect 10 PL of the dead.
You can break 11th level enchantments upon several thousand creatures (1 in 2 chance per person.)
Your mages can all begin acting as Deepspawn (gain 50 PL of monsters.) You can create any monsters, including the Tarrasque.
You and your mages can immediately start creating thousands of permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 100 PL in help from those places.
You can attempt to overthrow one of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 10 chance.)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 10 chance of success, and a 1 in 10 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You and all your mages can attempt to grant themselves Spellfire (1 in 3 chance each). Your Power gains 100 PL.

- - -

What can you do with 11th level magic in an hour?

You can create hundreds of lakes of Oerthblood.
You can give several thousand of your people the powers of a Tarrasque (see above.) Your Power's PL increases by 1,000.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 20.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 10.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 10 chance.)
You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL.
You can create a full Flying City, ala Netheril. This city can spelljam as per above.
Thousands of your mages can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
Hundreds of your people and you may begin Avangion Metamorphosis.
You and your people can project to several thousand beings, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of the continent of Oerik.
You can begin and continue the creation of an entire race of beings.
You can undo the environmental damage caused by technological inventions over the entire continent of Oerik.
You can permanently alter your Power's technology so that it causes no environmental damage.
You can grow a forest over an area the size of Bissel. If the soil is dead, you can cleanse the soil in this span of time, and begin growing a forest.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, force it to stay, and attempt to force it to do your bidding (1 in 3 chance). It will NOT appreciate this.
You can free 100 PL of your undead from Acererak's control.
You can throw an attack Acererak-style upon an entire enemy army of 100 PL, destroying it, unless it is defending by 11th level magic.
You can protect your entire Power from Acererak's attacks.
You can grant yourself and all your mages all the special insights and abilities of the Phaerimm, and your Power increases in PL by 500.
All your people capable of 10th level magic can begin throwing psionic enchantments.
Tens of thousands of your people can be permanently given the ability to Shapechange, gaining all of the abilities of the creature assumed. Your Power gains 1000 PL.
You can begin the creation of a new mountain range, new rivers, new lakes, new hills, rearranging the geography over an area the size of Bissel.
You can resurrect 100 PL of the dead.
You can break 11th level enchantments on several thousand beings with total success.
You can complete a Mythal over a 4,000 square mile area. Within that area, you can place several dozen enchantments of 1st through 9th level, and they are permanent.
You can begin the creation of a Mythal the size of Bissel.
You and your mages can continue to act as Deepspawn (gain 100 PL of monsters.)
You can immunize yourself to the attacks of the Lady of Pain (but you do not gain any power over her or to attack her.)
You and your mages can create tens of thousands of permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 1,000 PL in help from those places.
You may attempt to overthrow all of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 5 chance each)
You can sense a major change in reality, and try to do something about it (1 in 10 chance)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 5 chance of success, and a 1 in 5 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You and all your mages can attempt repeatedly to succeed in obtaining Spellfire, until they do. 1/2 of them will die trying. Your Power gains 1,000 PL, but loses it from dead mages.

- - -

What can you do with 11th level magic in a day?

You can create thousands of lakes of Oerthblood.
You can give several tens of thousands of your people the powers of a Tarrasque (see above.) Your Power's PL increases by 10,000.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 100.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 20.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 3 chance.)
You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL, and completely detail out the geography, flora, fauna, and climate of these little realities.
You can create several full Flying Cities, ala Netheril, or, you can create a Flying City that floats on air alone, or on the clouds, or on light, or on any substance or type of energy, or any imaginary conception you can think of. The City may have any shape you desire, including impossible shapes. These cities can spelljam at trans-light speed, and can teleport without error.
Thousands of your mages can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
Thousands of your people can begin Avangion Metamorphosis, and your Power permanently gains 100 PL.
You and your people can project to an entire Power in the IR, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Oerth.
You can begin and continue the creation of an entire race of beings.
You can undo the environmental damage caused by technological inventions over an entire world.
You can alter the nature of all technological inventions worldwide so that they cause no environmental damage.
You can grow a forest over an area the size of Furyondy. If the soil was dead, you can cleanse it over this area, and begin growing a forest.
You can create a small, city sized area that becomes specially enchanted ... the area is good aligned, radiates good, and all good beings in that area have their PL doubled, and evil creatures have their PL halved.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, force it to stay, and attempt to charm it into willingly serving you (1 in 2 chance). If that fails, you can force it to do your bidding. It will NOT appreciate this.
You can free all your undead from Acererak's control.
You can throw an attack, Acererak-style, against an entire enemy nation, destroying it, unless it is protected by 11th level magic.
You can protect your entire Power, and all allied Powers, from Acererak's attack.
Hundreds of thousands of your people can be permanently given the ability to shapechange, gaining all of the abilities of the creature whose shape is assumed. Your Power gains 5,000 PL.
You can complete rearranging the geography over an area the size of Bissel exactly to your specifications, and begin changing the geography over an area the size of Furyondy.
You can resurrect 1,000 PL of the dead (and your Power gains that PL.)
You can break an 11th level enchantment cast over your entire Power.
You can finish the Mythal the size of Bissel (see above.)
You can create a powerful Mythal over a 4,000 square mile area that has several permanent 10th level powers in addition to it's several dozen permanent 1st through 9th level powers.
You and your mages can continue to act as Deepspawn (gain 1,000 PL of monsters.)
You can immunize thousands of your people to the attacks of the Lady of Pain.
You and your mages can create endless numbers of permanent Gates to other realities, other parts of the Prime, and other Planes. You can summon 10,000 PL in help from those places.
You can attempt to overthrow all of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 3 chance of each)
You can sense a major change in reality, and try to do something about it (1 in 5 chance)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 3 chance of success, and a 1 in 3 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You and your mages can make a careful, sustained effort to obtain Spellfire. 1 in 2 chance of success. If you succeed, your Power gains 1,000 PL. If you fail, you can try again tomorrow.

- - -

What can you do with 11th level magic in a week?

You can cover an area the size of Bissel with Oerthblood.
You can give several tens of thousands of your people the abilities of a Tarrasque, and maintain this indefinitely. For as long as you do, your Power's PL is increased by 10,000.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 200.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 50.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 2 chance.)
You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL, and completely detail out the geography, flora, fauna, and climate of these little realities.
You can create hundreds of Flying Cities, and they can be lofted upon air, clouds, light, or any known or imaginary substance. They can be of any shape, including impossible ones. These cities can spelljam at trans-light speeds, teleport without error, and worldwalk.
Thousands of your mages can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
Tens of thousands of your people can begin Avangion Metamorphosis, and your Power permanently gains 1,000 PL.
You and your people can project to an entire Crystal Sphere, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an entire Crystal Sphere.
You can create a new race of beings. Project finished.
You can teach another Power how to use 10th level magic.
You can undo the environmental damage caused by technological inventions over an entire Crystal Sphere.
You can alter the nature of technological inventions so that they cannot harm the environment, over an entire Crystal Sphere.
You can grow a forest over an area the size of the continent of Oerik.
If the soil is dead, you can cleanse an area the size of Furyondy, and grow a forest in that area.
You can create an area of 1,000 square miles (and 20 miles deep) that is specially enchanted ... it is good aligned. See above.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, force it to stay, and charm it into willingly serving you. It will never know what is being done to it, unless the charm is broken.
You can free all the undead in a Crystal Sphere, from Acererak's control, permanently.
You can throw an attack, Acererak-style, against an entire Power, destroying it, unless it is protected by 11th level magic.
You can protect an entire continent from Acererak's attack.
You can grant yourself and all your mages the special insights of elves, and begin casting High Magic, and your Power increases in PL by 5,000.
Your entire population can be given the permanent ability to shapechange, gaining all the powers of the creatures whose forms are assumed. Your Power gains 10,000 PL.
You can rearrange the geography of an area the size of Furyondy, and begin rearranging the geography of the entire continent of Oerik.
You can resurrect 10,000 PL of the dead (and your PL gains that PL.)
You can break an 11th level enchantment cast over the entire world.
You can create a Mythal over an area the size of Furyondy (see above.)
You can create a powerful Mythal over an area the size of Bissel (see above.)
You and your mages can continue to act as Deepspawn (gain 10,000 PL of monsters.)
You can immunize tens of thousands of your people to the attack of the Lady of Pain.
You can attempt to force the Lady of Pain into her own Cage (1 in 100 chance)
You and your mages can create endless permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 50,000 PL in help from those places.
You can attempt to overthrow all of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 2 chance each)
You can sense a major change in reality, and try to do something about it (1 in 3 chance)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 3 chance of success, and a 1 in 5 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You and all the mages in your Power gain Spellfire. Your PL increases by 1,000.

- - -

What can you do with 11th level magic using all of Turn 7 to do it?

You can cover an area the size of Furyondy with Oerthblood.
You can give several tens of thousands of your people the abilities of a Tarrasque, and maintain this indefinitely. For as long as you do, your Power's PL is increased by 10,000.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 300.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 100.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (3 in 4 chance of success.)
You may attempt divine ascension for your PC (1 in 10 chance, not including other modifiers.)
You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL, and completely detail out the geography, flora, fauna, and climate of these little realities.
You can create over a thousand Flying Cities, and they can be lofted upon air, clouds, light, or any known or imaginary substance. They can be of any shape, including impossible ones. These cities can spelljam at trans-light speeds, teleport without error, worldwalk, or employ 10th level magic to travel around.
Thousands of your mages can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
You, and tens of thousands of your people, can complete Avangion Metamorphosis, and your Power gains 10,000 PL.
You and your people can project to dozens of Crystal Spheres, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over dozens of Crystal Spheres.
You can create 3 new races of beings.
You can teach all the Powers in the IR how to use 10th level magic, and teach one Power how to use 11th level magic.
You can grow a forest that covers all the land masses of the world. If the soil is dead, you can cleanse it over a continental area the size of Oerik, and grow a forest of that size.
You can create an area that is specially enchanted ... it is inherently good. See above. This area can be the size of Bissel.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, and dominate it. It is permanently under your control, unless an enemy breaks the domination.
You can free all the undead in dozens of Crystal Spheres from Acererak's control, permanently.
You can throw an attack, Acererak-style, against the entire world of Oerth, and this attack will succeed against all things, living or undead, that are not protected by 11th level magic.
You can protect an entire world from Acererak's attack.
You can grant yourself and your mages all the insight of the Faerie, concerning magic, and your Power gains 20,000 PL.
You can rearrange the geography of the entire continent of Oerik to your exact specifications, and begin altering the geography of the entire world.
You can resurrect 50,000 PL of the dead (and your Power gains that PL.)
You can break an 11th level enchantment cast over an entire Crystal Sphere.
You can create a Mythal over your entire Power.
You can create a powerful Mythal over an area the size of Furyondy.
You and your mages can continue to act as Deepspawn (gain 50,000 PL of monsters.)
You can immunize your entire Power to the Lady of Pain's attacks.
You can attempt to force the Lady of Pain into her own Cage (1 in 10 chance.)
You and your mages can create endless permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 100,000 PL in help from those places.
You can make an attempt to gain 12th level magic for your Power. (1 in 10 chance, but every Turn your chance increases, to 2 in 10, then 3 in 10, then 4 in 10, etc.) (I get to make this roll.)
You can attempt to overthrow all of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (3 in 4 chance each.)
You can sense a major change in reality, and try to do something about it (1 in 2 chance)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 2 chance of success, and a 1 in 10 chance that diety succeeds in killing you. You can only attempt this once per turn, so you choose how long you will spend in the effort to seize the portfolio, and the chances of success and death depend on your decision.
You can give the gift of Spellfire to all the beings in your Power. Your PL increases by 10,000.
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The whole concept behind the article above: Dealing with 11th level Troublemakers - the Fun and Easy Way, is based upon a simplistic concept:

My entire army of mages and clerics who are capable of casting 11th level magic gather together, pool their might, then throw a single titantic spell (or a series of titantic spells) at your entire army of mages and clerics who can throw 11th level magic.

Or ...

My entire army of mages and clerics who are capable of casting 11th level magic gather together, pool their might, and create a single mighty defense (or series of mighty defenses) against whatever your entire army of mages and clerics who can cast 11th level magic are going to throw.

Although it is appreciated that things don't work in this simplistic way, it is a way to handle something that I really don't think can be handled otherwise.
There are simply too many ways, realistically, to use 11th level magic imaginatively to destroy a foe, and I cannot arbitrate them all.

I'm not as smart as you people give me credit for (sighs.)

- - -


When you lose 1%, 3%, 6%, 12%, 25%, or 50% of your army of mages and clerics who can cast 11th level magic (as per the charts), they are gone for good.
There is no way to ever bring them back, period.

This permanently weakens your Power, so that:

If you lose 25% of your force of mages and clerics, your Attacks and Defenses are all at - 1.

If you lose 50% of your force of mages and clerics, your Attacks and Defenses are all at - 2.

If you lose 75% of your force of mages and clerics, your Attacks and Defenses are all at - 3.

So, if you lose 75% of your mages and clerics, and launching (by spending a whole day preparing) a Category 4 Attack and a Category 4 Defense, they only count as a Category 1 Attack and a Category 1 Defense.


The Attacking Power chooses where the enemy mages and clerics go, that are lost (as per the charts).
Generally, these places are Spheres of Annihilation, Ravenloft, or other places from which there is no return.

However, the Attacking Power may choose imprisonment for the enemy mages or clerics, instead of death or banishment.

The enemy mages and clerics are considered taken by the Attacking Power and imprisoned.
They are totally helpless while imprisoned.
They can never be rescued.
They can never be communicated with, except by their captors.
There are no circumstances - ever - under which they can be freed.
If the Power that imprisoned them is destroyed, they are considered permanently killed.

The Attacking Party may treat it's prisoners as it wishes - but it may never convert them to it's cause and thus gain 11th level strength as a result.


If two Powers have both taken prisoners, they may agree to a prisoner exchange.
This exchange may be any percentage the two Powers agree upon.
This exchange cannot be sabotaged, interfered with, faked, or in any other way be anything other than a straight prisoner exchange.

This is the only way that the imprisoned mages and clerics can ever again be a part of the IR.


If a Power with 11th level magic suffers a 100% loss of it's mages and clerics who can cast 11th level magic, it is in the following state:

It has lost all it's mages and clerics who could cast 11th level magic.
It has lost all it's NPCs.
It's PC remains alive and under the control of that Power's player, but he or she is stripped of 11th level magic permanently.

That Power's 11th level arsenal of magical items is considered destroyed.
That Power's 11th level spells left hanging, or otherwise persisting after the demise of their casters, are considered destroyed.

If that Power had 11th level Psionic capabilities, they are permanently lost.

The PC of that Power retains 10th level magic.
That Power still has a force of mages and clerics that can cast 10th level magic.
That Power still has it's technical knowhow.
That Power still has an intact infrastructure.
All the wonders built by that Power with 11th level magic remain unharmed.

- - -

The Power with 11th level magic may now make an attack, with it's massed army of mages and clerics with 11th level magic, against this weakened Power.

If they choose to do so, the 11th level Power must state it is making an Attack and a Defense, as usual.
The 10th level Power may also state it is making an Attack and a Defense (it is perfectly reasonable to go down fighting against an implacable enemy.)

However, the charts are now shifted horrifically in favor of the 11th level Power.

Here are the charts for such an attack.

Attack Category (11th level power) / Defense Category (10th level power)
Effect on Defender

1 / 0

50% chance 100% destroyed
75% chance 50% destroyed
90% chance 25% destroyed
99% chance 12% destroyed

2 / 0

75% chance 100% destroyed
90% chance 50% destroyed
99% chance 25% destroyed

3 / 0

90% chance 100% destroyed
99% chance 50% destroyed

4 / 0 and beyond

99% chance 100% destroyed

If the Defense is stronger than the Attack, the charts are less draconian, but still awful for the defender:

0 / 0

45% chance 100% destroyed
65% chance 50% destroyed
85% chance 25% destroyed
95% chance 12% destroyed
99% chance 6% destroyed

0 / 1

40% chance 100% destroyed
60% chance 50% destroyed
80% chance 25% destroyed
90% chance 12% destroyed
95% chance 6% destroyed
99% chance 3% destroyed

0 / 2

35% chance 100% destroyed
55% chance 50% destroyed
75% chance 25% destroyed
85% chance 12% destroyed
90% chance 6% destroyed
95% chance 3% destroyed
99% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 3

30% chance 100% destroyed
50% chance 50% destroyed
70% chance 25% destroyed
80% chance 12% destroyed
85% chance 6% destroyed
90% chance 3% destroyed
95% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 4

25% chance 100% destroyed
45% chance 50% destroyed
65% chance 25% destroyed
75% chance 12% destroyed
85% chance 6% destroyed
90% chance 3% destroyed
95% chance 1% destroyed

0 / 5

20% chance 100% destroyed
40% chance 50% destroyed
60% chance 25% destroyed
70% chance 12% destroyed
80% chance 6% destroyed
85% chance 3% destroyed
90% chance 1% destroyed

The progression continues.


This is it.
This is the elimination of the foe.

This may NOT be done by an Power with 11th level magic to a Power that still retains 11th level magic.

This MAY be done by a Power with 11th level magic to a Power that has been reduced to 10th level magic only by 11th level dueling.
This MAY be done by a Power with 11th level magic to a Power that only has 10th level magic period, or to a Power that only has 9th level magic period.

In other words, the 11th level duel of Attack / Defend is used to destroy the enemy's 11th level capacity.
Once that is done, THIS is what comes next.

The Attacker may choose the following:

Obliteration: The percentage lost by the defender is to his land's geography, flora, fauna, infrastructure, civilians, military, everything he or she has.
Total Destruction: The percentage lost by the defender is to all infrastructure, civilians, and military
Neutron Destruction: The percentage lost by the defender is to all civilians and military
Reprisal Destruction: The percentage lost by the defender is to all civilians
Standard Destruction: The percentage lost by the defender is to all military and military hardware and infrastructure
Mercy Destruction: The percentage lost by the defender is only to the leadership and to weapon stockpiles and weapons systems.

Weapons destroyed can be replaced, if there is time.
Infrastructure destroyed can be replaced, if there is time.
Civilians and military can never be replaced - the attacker chooses their fate - death, banishment (to Ravenloft or like places) or imprisonment (with no hope of escape.)

100% destruction indicates the defending Power is knocked out of play.
The PC of that power is caught by the Attacker, who may choose death, banishment, or imprisonment for said PC.

If the destruction is not 100%, the 10th level Power is considered devastated.

It can engage in a repeat of the Attack / Defense Routine, but with even further penalties, as follows:

25% loss equals a - 1 penalty to all Attack / Defense Categories
50% loss equals a - 2 penalty to all Attack / Defense Categories
75% loss equals a - 3 penalty to all Attack / Defense Categories

If the defending power which has lost it's 11th level magic wishes to avoid the swift fate detailed above, surrender is always a possible option.

This assumes the attacker will accept surrender.

The Attacker with 11th level magic cannot be harmed - his or her Power laughs off the 10th level Attack by the now weakened enemy Power.
The Defender can Attack, but that Attack is futile, or worse than futile - it may cause the Attacker to choose a more pitiless form of attack.
The Defender can Defend, and hope to survive, and that is all the Defender can do.


If a Power with 11th level magic attacks a Power that is only capable of fielding 10th level magic normally, the above rules apply automatically.
The horrifically unbalanced chart applies for Attack / Defense Routines between the Attacking 11th level Power, and the Defending 10th level Power.

Mind you, the Attacker with 11th level magic cannot be harmed - his or her Power laughs off the 10th level Attack.
The Defender can Attack, but that Attack is futile, or worse than futile - it may cause the Attacker to choose a more pitiless form of attack.
The Defender can Defend, and hope to survive, and that is all the defender can do.


If a Power with 11th level magic Attacks a Power with 9th level magic, the following charts are used:

1 / 0

75% chance 100% destroyed
90% chance 50% destroyed
99% chance 25% destroyed

2 / 0

90% chance 100% destroyed
99% chance 50% destroyed

3 / 0

99% chance 100% destroyed


0 / 0

70% chance 100% destroyed
85% chance 50% destroyed
95% chance 25% destroyed

0 / 1

65% chance 100% destroyed
80% chance 50% destroyed
90% chance 25% destroyed

0 / 2

60% chance 100% destroyed
75% chance 50% destroyed
85% chance 25% destroyed

This progression continues.

All the rules concerning an 11th level Power attacking a 10th level Power apply here.


This is simple enough.

The Attack / Defense Routine between the 11th level Attacker, and the interfering 11th level Defender, is resolved normally (as per the standard charts for 11th level dueling given in the first post above.)

The Power with 10th level magic is simply ignored.
It's Attack / Defense is not even factored into the equation.
It's fate depends entirely on how well the interfering Power protects it.

It most certainly cannot attack the 11th level Power that it is being protected from!

If the Attacker scores damage, it is to the Power that the interfering Power was trying to protect, NOT to the interfering Power.

For example, if Kalanyr tries to defend GnomeWorks from an attack by Melkor, any damage Melkor does is done to GnomeWorks, not to Kalanyr.

If the Power being protected only has 9th level magic, all of the above rules apply, even more forcefully than before.


This Turn is being run in days. 31 days, to be exact. I will state when each day begins and ends.

You may Attack / Defend one time each day. Never more than once. Ever.

You must state your target when you declare the Attack.
You may not switch your target once you have declared it.

You may abort your Attack. If you do, your Attack for that day is wasted, and you must wait until the next day to commence a new Attack.

You do not have to state who you are Defending from - you need only to state you are Defending. That is always enough.

Any number of people may state they are aiding you in an Attack.
Once they state this, they cannot change their minds.

Any number of people may state they are Defending you.
Once they state this, they cannot change their minds - take note, folks!
Remember, you can only Defend once per day, so if you Defend someone else, you cannot Defend yourself.


The MOMENT you state an Attack, a clock begins running down from the 24 hour mark.
If I am not online when you state an Attack, I will check the time of your post - if you modified the post, I will add 4 hours to it one time.

Others are free to state they are aiding you in your Attack, and this does not affect that clock.

The Defender has this 24 hours to state he or she is mounting a Defense (and an Attack back, if desired.)
Allies of the Defender may state they are aiding the Defense. This does not affect the clock.

At the end of the 24 hour period, I will resolve the Attack / Defense Routine, and assign damage accordingly.

If the Defender cannot come online for a legitimate reason, I will ask someone else to play the Defender.

If, for some reason, the Defender deliberately chooses not to Defend, in that 24 hour period of time, fate is thus decreed.


There is a long list of things you can do with 11th level magic, and that list will grow, as I make more rulings on the questions sent me.
It is an impressive list, a list of wondrous things, a list of endless possibilities.
This list is in the post directly above this post.

If you take an action, using 11th level magic, that can be done quickly, it has no effect on your ability to Attack / Defend.

If you take an action, using 11th level magic, that takes a few minutes, it has no effect on your ability to Attack / Defend.

If you take an action, using 11th level magic, that takes an hour, it has no effect on your ability to Attack / Defend.

If you take an action, using 11th level magic, that takes an entire day, it DOES affect your ability to Attack / Defend.

You may not launch an Attack of greater than Category 3 that day.
You may not prepare a Defense of greater than Category 3 that day.

If you take an action, using 11th level magic, that takes an entire week, it SEVERELY hampers your Attack / Defend capacity.

For that entire week, you may not launch an Attack of greater than Category 3.
For that entire week, you may not prepare a Defense of greater than Category 3.

If you take an action, using 11th level magic, that takes all of Turn 7, your Attack / Defense capabilities are crippled for the entire Turn.

For the entirety of Turn 7, you may not launch an Attack of greater than Category 3.
For the entirety of Turn 7, you may not mount a Defense of greater than Category 3.


You may halt projects involving 11th level magic, so that you can mount Category 4 or greater Attacks and Defenses.
But you MUST POST that you are doing so, and these Posts must occur before the day begins (posting during this Interlude is fine.)

If you do not post that you are ceasing projects, you do not cease working on them (Anabstercorian's city around the sun is a good example of this.)
You remain restricted to Category 3 or less Attacks and Defenses until you specifically state you are halting all other 11th level activity that requires more than an hour to complete.


You may hold an Attack, and a Defense.

If you do this, you automatically by defaunt CANNOT use 11th level magic for any purpose that would use up more than an hour, for so long as you hold your Attack and your Defense.

Instead of your attack going off IRL 24 hours after you state the attack, your Attack and Defense go off at a later time of your choosing - Attacks and Defenses can be held for up to one Turn.

At the beginning of Day 2, your Attack Category increases to 6.
At the beginning of Day 2, your Defense Category increases to 6.

At the beginning of Day 3, your Attack Category increases to 8.
At the beginning of Day 3, your Defense Category increases to 8.

This progression continues through Day 31, unless it is interrupted.

The progression is interrupted, concerning the Attack, when you go ahead and make your Attack.
Your Attack goes off at the Category Level appropriate for however long you held it.

However, your Defense is another matter.

The progression of your Defense is considered automatically disrupted if another Power launches an Attack against you.
You Defend at whatever Category you have managed to attain, through waiting.
Then, your Defense is expended, and you must begin building your Defense all over again.

Allies wishing to aid you in an Attack may choose to hold their Attack, with you.

Defenders aiding you may choose to hold their Defense, along with yours.

Those who hold Attacks and Defenses MAY NOT change targets or who they are defending, for the entire time they are holding the Attack and Defense.


Zelda states an Attack and a Defense.
Zelda states she will Attack Melkor, who she has had enough of.

Melkor states an Attack and a Defense.
Melkor states he will Attack Zelda, returning the favor.

Neither chooses to Defend another Power.
Therefore, their Defense automatically defaults to their own Power, and they do not need to state this.

Both withhold from employing 11th level magic in any project that would take longer than an hour.

Kalanyr states he is joining Zelda's Attack on Melkor, and that he is Defending Zelda.

Serpenteye states he is joining Melkor's Attack on Zelda, and that he is Defending Melkor.

The 24 Hour Clock begins winding down.

During the 24 Hour Period, nobody else makes any statements concerning this particular 11th level duel.

At the end of the 24 hour period, the Attack / Defense Routine goes off.

Zelda has an Attack of 4, and a Defense of 4.
Kalanyr's help increases her Attack to 8, and her Defense to 8.

Melkor has an Attack of 4, and a Defense of 4.
Serpenteye decided to continue a magical project that took longer than one hour, so he can only add 3 to Melkor.
So Melkor has an Attack of 7, and a Defense of 7.

Zelda then secretly informs me she is holding her Attack. (this should be a secret statement, obviously.)

Melkor does not secretly inform me he is holding his Attack.
Nobody else informs me they are secretly holding their Attack - Kalanyr and Zelda discussed a joint holding of their attacks, but never came to a decision on the matter.

Zelda's Attack of 4 (from Kalanyr) goes off.
Melkor's Defense of 7 goes off.

Melkor's Attack of 7 goes off.
Zelda's Defense of 8 goes off.

Damage is resolved: Zelda and Melkor both suffer losses, and both are now at - 1 to Attack and Defense Categories.

All Attacks and Defenses that went off are revealed - they always become public knowledge immediately after they go off.

The fact Zelda held her Attack cannot be kept secret - it becomes public knowledge.


The day ends.
The next day, begins.


All players once more state their Attacks.

Zelda once more states an Attack on Melkor.
Melkor once more states an Attack on Zelda.

Zelda states this Attack will be immediate, occuring at the start of the 2nd Day.

Kalanyr once more states he will support the Attack on Melkor.
Serpenteye once more states he will support the Attack on Zelda.

All sides are allowed, by default, an Attack and Defense Category of 3 (that is, they had an hour to prepare.)

Zelda has an Attack Category of 6 (4 for the 1st day plus 2 for the new day) plus Kalanyr's Attack Category of 3, for a total Attack of 9.
Minus 1 for damage done by Melkor's previous Attack, for a Final Attack of 8.

Zelda has a Defense of 3, plus Kalanyr's Defense of 3, for a total Defense of 6, minus 1 for damage done by Melkor's previous Attack, for a Final Defense of 5.

Melkor has an Attack Category of 3, plus the 3 from Serpenteye, for a total Attack of 6, minus one for damage done to him by Kalanyr's (NOT Zelda's) Attack, for a Final Attack of 5.

Melkor has a Defense Category of 3, plus the 3 from Serpeneteye, for a total Defense of 6, minus one for damage done to him by Kalanyr's Attack, for a Final Defense of 5.

Zelda's Attack of 8 goes off.
Melkor's Defense of 5 goes off.

Melkor's Attack of 6 goes off.
Zelda's Defense of 5 goes off.

It is likely that Melkor sustains damage and Zelda does not.

These Attacks and Defenses, even though the day is yet young, immediately become public knowledge - all Attacks and Defenses become public knowledge immediately after they go off.

For the rest of this 2nd day, Zelda, Kalanyr, Melkor, and Serpenteye can neither Attack nor Defend.

Please note that for this 2nd day, everyone else already stated their Attacks and Defenses back on day one (if they didn't state Attacks and Defenses then, they cannot do it now!!), so they cannot take sudden advantage of the weakness of these four Powers.


YOU MAY NEVER STATE ATTACK / DEFENSE INTENTIONS FOR THE CURRENT DAY (you get no Attack / Defense today IC if you sent me no e-mail yesterday IC) UNLESS YOU HAVE A HELD ATTACK (you may discharge it today IC by sending me an e-mail today IC.)



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Edena: Talking with Anabstercorian is dangerous. He might just reach out with that Dictum, and seize the speaker as his slave forever.
But then I'd get Mordenkainen back! Yay!

Edena: So, you are aiding Melkor in the invasion of Athas. LOL. Why do you think the Dragon-Kings are so angry?
Well, it's entirely possible I misunderstood Forsaken. If Forsaken is helping Melkor invade Athas then..um..Hell no, we're not helping Melkor.:eek:

We -will- join Kal and others in helping oppose him though. I'll look back and get some clarification on just what Forsaken is up to.;)

Edena: I must be blunt in my answer on this. Those people who are out to win the IR, as if this were a chess or bridge tournament, can consider they have won, simply in getting 11th level magic.
Interesting way to look at it. As far as I'm concerned I won. I've been having fun and that's my goal.;) Truthfully, I expected to get squashed by now, so every bit longer I'm going is just a bonus. Toooo sweeeet!

Edena: It would seem, if what I am reading is true (look of disbelief) that Black Omega and William wish to help you with this project.
Nope, nope nope. Melkor is the enemy of all. The red plague destroying the lands of Oerth and stretching his evil hand far beyond. We're not helping Melkor and Siobhan's -quite-happy with Kal, thanks for the interest Melkor.

Edena: However, the ending of the IR will not be determined by me, but by you, the players.
Dear God, we're in trouble.:)

This means a major war, on Athas, between Forsaken One and Melkor, on Turn 7.
And everyone is free to take sides. This is what I meant by working with Forsaken.:)

-Melkor erupts in sinister laughter after hearing Siobhan`s words: -You want to hear what I want?! Well among other things, I want YOU! I desire you, and you will be mine, in body and soul, your resistance will make things only more funny, but finally you will totally submit to my will, and you will learn to find pleasure in pain, and suffering of others. Oh, and this loser Kalanyr won`t help you, I would squash him like a bug if he only had guts to face me, his power is no match for mine.
Siobhan's eyes flash with silver fire "And that's all there is to you, isn't there. Power and hunger. Like some sphere of annailation that developed a personality and a libido but still knows nothing more than how to devour and hunger. Well, don't worry about Kalanyr, he can take care of himself. And so can I. We will meet another time, Melkor. And you will find light can be just as powerful as your darkness.

ANSWER: Heh. If that was a compliment, a big thank you! And yes, Mordenkainen is under Anabstercorian's control (sorry, Black Omega!) and has been since Turn 3. One of the IR's secrets, revealed.
Darn you, Ana! Darn you to heck! Nice touch and good choice on the guy to grab. Once we work this out, we might have to do something about that little Dictum of yours...:)


My day for today is taken, I have Dm duty to do.

((Any ideas how I should pay back to player of paladin, who as dm in another game just last session made my almost CG nice rogue character slave for LE deity. Oh, and feel free to mail ideas to zelda@dlc.fi about IR or otherwise))

"Fiona, do you know what to say, when you see a comet?"
"Sure, my big-sister told me." Fiona said and recited a little poem like this:

"I wish I may, I wish, I might, I wish, I have my wish tonight...
and I wish it doesn't eat me alive."

Byebye for now. And Edena, take no pains to answer my mails.

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