I will be running Turn 7 by the Day, announcing each new day as it comes.
If you wish to use 11th level magic to accomplish things normally possible only to the deities, this is your List.
Although it looks silly and ridiculous - it IS silly and ridiculous - people have earned 11th level magic, and I MUST arbitrate what thousands of mages with 11th level magic could do ... and based on what I read in the Netheril supplement, the sky is the limit.
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What can you do with 11th level magic quickly?
You can create a great geyser of Oerthblood, which continues to spew upward indefinitely.
You can give yourself all the abilities of a Tarrasque, assuming it's shape - or, you may remain in your own form, and have all the abilities except the claw and bite attacks. This lasts for 24 hours, the effect can be cast repeatedly, and it cannot be made permanent. Your PC's PL increases by 20 percent or 5, whichever is greater.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 5.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 3.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 1,000 chance.)
You can create one pocket dimension, size LL.
You can create a Flying City, if a city is at hand already. This City can spelljam as if it had a Greater Helm of titanic proportions.
You can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
You can begin Avangion Metamorphosis.
You can project visions of other realities to a subject creature (such as showing a slave what freedom means), and that subject creature will instantly understand your point of view, with possible changes of alignment and personality.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Bissel.
You can begin the creation of a new race of beings. This race can have any powers short of those of the demipowers, singular dragon types, demon lords, tarrasque, etc.
You can undo the environmental damage of technological inventions, over an area the size of Furyondy.
You can immediately begin growing a forest.
You can summon the Avatar of any God (although it may not choose to stay, and it might be very unhappy with you.)
You can begin freeing your undead of Acererak's control.
You can withstand Acererak's attacks.
You can grant yourself and your mages psionic abilities (you gain all the psionic classes), and your Power increases in PL by 50.
You can begin casting psionic enchantments.
You can give yourself the ability to Shapechange, gaining all the powers of the creature whose form is assumed.
You can dig a tunnel down to any depth in the earth.
You can see into the future - but once seen, that future must come to pass. You cannot change it.
You can begin resurrecting the dead (1 PL worth.)
You can break an 11th level enchantment upon one creature (1 in 2 chance.)
You can begin creating a Mythal. It can have any powers of 1st through 9th level, up to several dozen of them, and they are permanent within a 4000 square mile area.
You can begin functioning as a Deepspawn (gain 5 PL of monsters.)
You can immediately start creating permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 10 PL in help from those places.
You can attempt to undo the Dream Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 100 chance.)
You can sense a major change in reality, but cannot do anything about it.
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 10 chance of success, and a 1 in 10 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You can attempt to grant yourself Spellfire (1 in 3 chance.)
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What can you do with 11th level magic in a few minutes?
You can create a lake of Oerthblood.
You can give hundreds of your people the powers of a Tarrasque (see above.) Your Power's PL increases by 100. Your NPCs' PL increases by 20 percent or 5, whichever is greater.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 10.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 5.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 100 chance.)
You can create 10 pocket dimensions, size LL.
You can create a Flying City, if one is already at hand. This city can spelljam, as per above.
You and many others can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
You and many others can begin Avangion Metamorphosis.
You and your people can project to several dozen beings, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Furyondy.
You can begin the creation of a new race of beings.
You can undo the environment damage caused by technological inventions over an area the size of the Union of Oerth.
You can begin growing a forest.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, and force it to stay for a length of time set by you (it doesn't have to like it, though.)
You can free 10 PL of your undead from Acererak's control.
You can withstand Acererak's attacks, and employ those attacks yourself against several dozen enemies.
You can protect your mages from Acererak's attacks.
You can grant yourself and your mages all the special insights of the dragons, and your Power increases in PL by 100.
Thousands of your people can begin using psionic enchantments.
Thousands of your people can shapechange, gaining all of the powers of the creature assumed.
You can begin alteration of the geography over a small area.
You can resurrect 10 PL of the dead.
You can break 11th level enchantments upon several thousand creatures (1 in 2 chance per person.)
Your mages can all begin acting as Deepspawn (gain 50 PL of monsters.) You can create any monsters, including the Tarrasque.
You and your mages can immediately start creating thousands of permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 100 PL in help from those places.
You can attempt to overthrow one of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 10 chance.)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 10 chance of success, and a 1 in 10 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You and all your mages can attempt to grant themselves Spellfire (1 in 3 chance each). Your Power gains 100 PL.
- - -
What can you do with 11th level magic in an hour?
You can create hundreds of lakes of Oerthblood.
You can give several thousand of your people the powers of a Tarrasque (see above.) Your Power's PL increases by 1,000.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 20.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 10.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 10 chance.)
You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL.
You can create a full Flying City, ala Netheril. This city can spelljam as per above.
Thousands of your mages can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
Hundreds of your people and you may begin Avangion Metamorphosis.
You and your people can project to several thousand beings, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of the continent of Oerik.
You can begin and continue the creation of an entire race of beings.
You can undo the environmental damage caused by technological inventions over the entire continent of Oerik.
You can permanently alter your Power's technology so that it causes no environmental damage.
You can grow a forest over an area the size of Bissel. If the soil is dead, you can cleanse the soil in this span of time, and begin growing a forest.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, force it to stay, and attempt to force it to do your bidding (1 in 3 chance). It will NOT appreciate this.
You can free 100 PL of your undead from Acererak's control.
You can throw an attack Acererak-style upon an entire enemy army of 100 PL, destroying it, unless it is defending by 11th level magic.
You can protect your entire Power from Acererak's attacks.
You can grant yourself and all your mages all the special insights and abilities of the Phaerimm, and your Power increases in PL by 500.
All your people capable of 10th level magic can begin throwing psionic enchantments.
Tens of thousands of your people can be permanently given the ability to Shapechange, gaining all of the abilities of the creature assumed. Your Power gains 1000 PL.
You can begin the creation of a new mountain range, new rivers, new lakes, new hills, rearranging the geography over an area the size of Bissel.
You can resurrect 100 PL of the dead.
You can break 11th level enchantments on several thousand beings with total success.
You can complete a Mythal over a 4,000 square mile area. Within that area, you can place several dozen enchantments of 1st through 9th level, and they are permanent.
You can begin the creation of a Mythal the size of Bissel.
You and your mages can continue to act as Deepspawn (gain 100 PL of monsters.)
You can immunize yourself to the attacks of the Lady of Pain (but you do not gain any power over her or to attack her.)
You and your mages can create tens of thousands of permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 1,000 PL in help from those places.
You may attempt to overthrow all of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 5 chance each)
You can sense a major change in reality, and try to do something about it (1 in 10 chance)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 5 chance of success, and a 1 in 5 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You and all your mages can attempt repeatedly to succeed in obtaining Spellfire, until they do. 1/2 of them will die trying. Your Power gains 1,000 PL, but loses it from dead mages.
- - -
What can you do with 11th level magic in a day?
You can create thousands of lakes of Oerthblood.
You can give several tens of thousands of your people the powers of a Tarrasque (see above.) Your Power's PL increases by 10,000.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 100.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 20.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 3 chance.)
You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL, and completely detail out the geography, flora, fauna, and climate of these little realities.
You can create several full Flying Cities, ala Netheril, or, you can create a Flying City that floats on air alone, or on the clouds, or on light, or on any substance or type of energy, or any imaginary conception you can think of. The City may have any shape you desire, including impossible shapes. These cities can spelljam at trans-light speed, and can teleport without error.
Thousands of your mages can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
Thousands of your people can begin Avangion Metamorphosis, and your Power permanently gains 100 PL.
You and your people can project to an entire Power in the IR, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Oerth.
You can begin and continue the creation of an entire race of beings.
You can undo the environmental damage caused by technological inventions over an entire world.
You can alter the nature of all technological inventions worldwide so that they cause no environmental damage.
You can grow a forest over an area the size of Furyondy. If the soil was dead, you can cleanse it over this area, and begin growing a forest.
You can create a small, city sized area that becomes specially enchanted ... the area is good aligned, radiates good, and all good beings in that area have their PL doubled, and evil creatures have their PL halved.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, force it to stay, and attempt to charm it into willingly serving you (1 in 2 chance). If that fails, you can force it to do your bidding. It will NOT appreciate this.
You can free all your undead from Acererak's control.
You can throw an attack, Acererak-style, against an entire enemy nation, destroying it, unless it is protected by 11th level magic.
You can protect your entire Power, and all allied Powers, from Acererak's attack.
Hundreds of thousands of your people can be permanently given the ability to shapechange, gaining all of the abilities of the creature whose shape is assumed. Your Power gains 5,000 PL.
You can complete rearranging the geography over an area the size of Bissel exactly to your specifications, and begin changing the geography over an area the size of Furyondy.
You can resurrect 1,000 PL of the dead (and your Power gains that PL.)
You can break an 11th level enchantment cast over your entire Power.
You can finish the Mythal the size of Bissel (see above.)
You can create a powerful Mythal over a 4,000 square mile area that has several permanent 10th level powers in addition to it's several dozen permanent 1st through 9th level powers.
You and your mages can continue to act as Deepspawn (gain 1,000 PL of monsters.)
You can immunize thousands of your people to the attacks of the Lady of Pain.
You and your mages can create endless numbers of permanent Gates to other realities, other parts of the Prime, and other Planes. You can summon 10,000 PL in help from those places.
You can attempt to overthrow all of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 3 chance of each)
You can sense a major change in reality, and try to do something about it (1 in 5 chance)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 3 chance of success, and a 1 in 3 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You and your mages can make a careful, sustained effort to obtain Spellfire. 1 in 2 chance of success. If you succeed, your Power gains 1,000 PL. If you fail, you can try again tomorrow.
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What can you do with 11th level magic in a week?
You can cover an area the size of Bissel with Oerthblood.
You can give several tens of thousands of your people the abilities of a Tarrasque, and maintain this indefinitely. For as long as you do, your Power's PL is increased by 10,000.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 200.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 50.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (1 in 2 chance.)
You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL, and completely detail out the geography, flora, fauna, and climate of these little realities.
You can create hundreds of Flying Cities, and they can be lofted upon air, clouds, light, or any known or imaginary substance. They can be of any shape, including impossible ones. These cities can spelljam at trans-light speeds, teleport without error, and worldwalk.
Thousands of your mages can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
Tens of thousands of your people can begin Avangion Metamorphosis, and your Power permanently gains 1,000 PL.
You and your people can project to an entire Crystal Sphere, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an entire Crystal Sphere.
You can create a new race of beings. Project finished.
You can teach another Power how to use 10th level magic.
You can undo the environmental damage caused by technological inventions over an entire Crystal Sphere.
You can alter the nature of technological inventions so that they cannot harm the environment, over an entire Crystal Sphere.
You can grow a forest over an area the size of the continent of Oerik.
If the soil is dead, you can cleanse an area the size of Furyondy, and grow a forest in that area.
You can create an area of 1,000 square miles (and 20 miles deep) that is specially enchanted ... it is good aligned. See above.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, force it to stay, and charm it into willingly serving you. It will never know what is being done to it, unless the charm is broken.
You can free all the undead in a Crystal Sphere, from Acererak's control, permanently.
You can throw an attack, Acererak-style, against an entire Power, destroying it, unless it is protected by 11th level magic.
You can protect an entire continent from Acererak's attack.
You can grant yourself and all your mages the special insights of elves, and begin casting High Magic, and your Power increases in PL by 5,000.
Your entire population can be given the permanent ability to shapechange, gaining all the powers of the creatures whose forms are assumed. Your Power gains 10,000 PL.
You can rearrange the geography of an area the size of Furyondy, and begin rearranging the geography of the entire continent of Oerik.
You can resurrect 10,000 PL of the dead (and your PL gains that PL.)
You can break an 11th level enchantment cast over the entire world.
You can create a Mythal over an area the size of Furyondy (see above.)
You can create a powerful Mythal over an area the size of Bissel (see above.)
You and your mages can continue to act as Deepspawn (gain 10,000 PL of monsters.)
You can immunize tens of thousands of your people to the attack of the Lady of Pain.
You can attempt to force the Lady of Pain into her own Cage (1 in 100 chance)
You and your mages can create endless permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 50,000 PL in help from those places.
You can attempt to overthrow all of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (1 in 2 chance each)
You can sense a major change in reality, and try to do something about it (1 in 3 chance)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 3 chance of success, and a 1 in 5 chance that diety succeeds in killing you.
You and all the mages in your Power gain Spellfire. Your PL increases by 1,000.
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What can you do with 11th level magic using all of Turn 7 to do it?
You can cover an area the size of Furyondy with Oerthblood.
You can give several tens of thousands of your people the abilities of a Tarrasque, and maintain this indefinitely. For as long as you do, your Power's PL is increased by 10,000.
You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 300.
You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 100.
You can attempt to locate a known artifact (3 in 4 chance of success.)
You may attempt divine ascension for your PC (1 in 10 chance, not including other modifiers.)
You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL, and completely detail out the geography, flora, fauna, and climate of these little realities.
You can create over a thousand Flying Cities, and they can be lofted upon air, clouds, light, or any known or imaginary substance. They can be of any shape, including impossible ones. These cities can spelljam at trans-light speeds, teleport without error, worldwalk, or employ 10th level magic to travel around.
Thousands of your mages can travel forward or backward in time, but you cannot affect or change history or the future.
You, and tens of thousands of your people, can complete Avangion Metamorphosis, and your Power gains 10,000 PL.
You and your people can project to dozens of Crystal Spheres, as per above.
You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over dozens of Crystal Spheres.
You can create 3 new races of beings.
You can teach all the Powers in the IR how to use 10th level magic, and teach one Power how to use 11th level magic.
You can grow a forest that covers all the land masses of the world. If the soil is dead, you can cleanse it over a continental area the size of Oerik, and grow a forest of that size.
You can create an area that is specially enchanted ... it is inherently good. See above. This area can be the size of Bissel.
You can summon the Avatar of a God, and dominate it. It is permanently under your control, unless an enemy breaks the domination.
You can free all the undead in dozens of Crystal Spheres from Acererak's control, permanently.
You can throw an attack, Acererak-style, against the entire world of Oerth, and this attack will succeed against all things, living or undead, that are not protected by 11th level magic.
You can protect an entire world from Acererak's attack.
You can grant yourself and your mages all the insight of the Faerie, concerning magic, and your Power gains 20,000 PL.
You can rearrange the geography of the entire continent of Oerik to your exact specifications, and begin altering the geography of the entire world.
You can resurrect 50,000 PL of the dead (and your Power gains that PL.)
You can break an 11th level enchantment cast over an entire Crystal Sphere.
You can create a Mythal over your entire Power.
You can create a powerful Mythal over an area the size of Furyondy.
You and your mages can continue to act as Deepspawn (gain 50,000 PL of monsters.)
You can immunize your entire Power to the Lady of Pain's attacks.
You can attempt to force the Lady of Pain into her own Cage (1 in 10 chance.)
You and your mages can create endless permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 100,000 PL in help from those places.
You can make an attempt to gain 12th level magic for your Power. (1 in 10 chance, but every Turn your chance increases, to 2 in 10, then 3 in 10, then 4 in 10, etc.) (I get to make this roll.)
You can attempt to overthrow all of the Dreams Forsaken One throws on you (3 in 4 chance each.)
You can sense a major change in reality, and try to do something about it (1 in 2 chance)
If you are a demipower or greater, you can attempt to seize one another dietie's portfolios. There is a 1 in 2 chance of success, and a 1 in 10 chance that diety succeeds in killing you. You can only attempt this once per turn, so you choose how long you will spend in the effort to seize the portfolio, and the chances of success and death depend on your decision.
You can give the gift of Spellfire to all the beings in your Power. Your PL increases by 10,000.