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(IRR) The Rokugan Industrial Revolution (OOC) (Turn 1)

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First Post
Knight Otu said:
Well, for obvious reasons I cannot join into nostalgic strategy posts, but I'd like to know which players are really active at the moment, be it posting or behind the scenes...

We have/had:

Venus - Gone?

Is this analysis more or less correct?

I've mailed almost at the start of the IRR that I didn't have the time to play. That has also been the reason why I hadn't posted in the YB/YBA battles for quite some time. I had expected the whole IRR to go faster, but it hasn't I've noticed.
I do have more time now, and I guess if I can read up all what has happened (not that much) and learn the rules again (that might take some time ;] ) I'd be willing to take up the Crab clan again. That, of course, if it is ok with Cream.
Maybe someone can give me a little overview of what's most important stuff going on atm? I read something about the Emerald Contest?


First Post
Venus said:

Maybe someone can give me a little overview of what's most important stuff going on atm? I read something about the Emerald Contest?


The Scorpion Clan has invaded one of the minor clans ruled by Tokiwong (the hare iirc), claiming to have been grievously insulted by them. Other clans expressed concern at what they considered unnessecary levels of violence. The Unicorn and the Phoenix have both been very active diplomatically in this issue, the Unicorn even intervened militarily as a noncombattant.

The Fox Clan (Kalanyr) attempted to provoke a war between the Lion Clan and the Burning Sands by sending an army disguised as BS:ers on a rampage through Lion territory from a base in Otusan Uchi. The Daimyo of the Lion Clan has attempted to resolve the matter by an honourable duel with his Fox counterpart but has so far been ignored. Many other clans have expressed consern at what they consider a serious Fox offence.

The test for Emerald champion has produced it's first sets of winners. Soon (I hope) the contest will enter its final stage and an Emerald Champion will be decided.

Far to the south a mysterious army has invaded the powerful Dwarven nation in that region. The results are unpredictable.

Meanwhile Serpenteye welcomes Venus back into the IRR ;)


First Post
The NW

36) Visgoreth. 300PL. AL: LE, NE. Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears.

300 years ago the Goblinoid tribes of the Ilaver forest were driven south into the decaying Blessed Empire by a powerful orcish horde from the north. The orcish horde and the great Empire it established soon fell apart while the Goblinoids prospered in their new and fertile homelands, feasting on a rich diet of Human flesh. Their numbers swiftly grew and inspired by the Human civilization they had encountered they gradually reorganized themselves. The Kingdom they had created soon divided itself because of cultural and religious differences but they are now, once again, growing closer, united by race and mutual enemies.
The Visgoreth nation is by far the most civilized of the two Kingdoms, millions of Goblinoids live off the wealth of the heavily farmed land and in the large cities tens of thousands of laborers and craftsmen create the hardware for their supremely organized armies. Even though they are at war with both their northern and southern neigbours their economy is flourishing. Their main weakness is a lack of spellcasters, their secularized culture produce few clerics and they lack a tradition of arcane magics, though they have partly compensated for this by hiring mercenary wizards from Krislant.



37) The Archbishopric of Gath-Eremel. 260PL. LG, NG, Humans, Elves, Half-Elves (European 14th century)

Beautiful, wealthy and happy, the inhabitants of this pleasant country consider themselves richly blessed by their God and their saintly ruler. Large and plentiful convent-estates produce food enough to feed the (few) poor who exist in this society and provide enough surplus to support a considerable army of Paladins and Clerics and finance secular and religious schooling for the populace. The low taxes generate enough funds to pay for the other needs of the government. Quaint, lovely little castles and villages dot the picturesque countryside and even the perfectly-planned cities stink much less than they should, considering their size.
The population of this country is generally the happiest in the world, their loving loyalty to their rulers is beyond compare. Only the truely evil suffer here, and they are few indeed. In this lies the greatest danger to the country. Happiness is not generally considered the mother of invention and contentment has made the people, and their leaders, unyieldingly conservative. Even the religion, the single most imporant part in the people's existance, adamantly preaches resistance to change. Already Gath-Eremel is falling behind its continental neigbours in military technology and strategy and they may soon learn first hand that not all nations are as benevolent, or merciful, as their own.

2*(30pl:6ir), 20*(10pl:2ir)


38) Greyheart Mountains. 300PL. AL: LE. Illithid and their Duergar and Swirfneblin servitors.

Deep beneath this towering wall dwells a secretive nation of Mind Flayers. Few outsiders know of their existance and most of them are enthralled to their service as agents, gathering information and fermenting discord throughout the western and central parts of the continent. The sinsiter manipulations of the Illithid have been the primary cause for many of the conflicts and rebellions that have shaken the continent for the last four centuries.
Lately there has been a puzzling change in Illithid society. One of the most prominent seers have had fragmented visions of a distant realm, beyond the borders of our reality. In this tale of madness, crumbling suns and world-devouring darknesss, one name, one being has impressed the Illithid above all others; Anabstercorian. Religious fervor has whipped the normally cold and calculating Illithid into a frenzy and they seem to be preparing to abandon their covert manipulations in favour of open warfare. Vast thrall armies are gathering under the banners of Ilsensine and the Illithid are organising into powerful and mobile squadrons in imitation of the tactics of the Great One. For a while yet they may continue their cunning manipulations, but they have been given a thirst for bloodshed and an unquenchable hunger for the Experience of killing.



39) Osgoreth. 220 PL. AL: LE, NE. Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears.

300 years ago the Goblinoid tribes of the Ilaver forest were driven south into the decaying Blessed Empire by a powerful orcish horde from the north. The orcish horde and the great Empire it established soon fell apart while the Goblinoids prospered in their new and fertile homelands, feasting on a rich diet of Human flesh. Their numbers swiftly grew and inspired by the Human civilization they had encountered they gradually reorganized themselves. The Kingdom they had created soon divided itself because of cultural and religious differences but they are now, once again, growing closer, united by race and mutual enemies.
The Osgoreth tribes regard their western allies with envy, they consider them soft, weak and Godless. Nevertheless, they have long since realised thay their fates are the same, their survival dependent on the strength of their more populous neigbour. It is with some reluctance that they have taken steps to bring themselves closer to the Visgoreth. Though their army is smaller than the Western Goblins it is generally better trained and has better clerical support.



40) Gorakaak. 200 PL. AL: N, NE, CE. Orcs, Half-orcs, Humans, Hags.

The latest incarnation in a long line of orcish attempted Empires, Gorakaak is no more successful than its predecessors. With the aid of their Hag allies from the Coven in the Ilaver Forest they are barely managing to hold their own against their goblinoid enemies to the south, but only the Goblin's enmity with the Blessed Empire to their south has saved it from being overrun. In exchange for their aid the Hags have recieved great priviliges in Gorakaak and are well on their way of establishing a solid control over the country.

10*(10pl:3ir), 30*(3pl:1ir), 10*(1pl:1ir)


41) Weganart. 700 PL. AL: NG. Ice-Elves, Cold-Elementals, Ghosts and spirits.

By mastering the magics of elemental cold the Elves of Weganart created the strongest elven civilization on the planet and have preserved it for 3500 years. In the temperate forests and hills of their country they have erected massive, unmelting, fortifications of ice and snow, as beautiful as they are strong. The capital, Ja'i Tinell, is the largest city on the continent (even though its population barely exeeds 250'000), with crystalline towers reaching for miles into the sky and its great walls dwarfing anything built by human hands.
Fleets of Icebergs, equipped with large numbers of enormous trebuchets with far greater range than anything that could be mounted on a ship, are a potential threat to human shipping all the way south into tropical waters and west halfway to Rokugan. Their armies on land are even more formidable, bolstered by thousands of natural and unnatural entities. Both on land and sea they are masters of weather controll and are often able to defeat an enemy by turning the fury of the elements against them. Then their fleets and armies move in for the kill, immune to the effects of the cold they have created.
Fortunately this civilization is reletively benign. Because of the low rate of population growth of elves it's near-impossible for them to replace the inevitable casualties that a major war would cause. As long as they are not provoked they are unlikely to go to war against their neigbours.

2*(100pl:10ir), 5*(20pl:10ir), 40(*10pl:1ir)

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Urge to destroy world rising...

Unite the clans, form 1 big army, tech like hell, mass our armies and conquer to lesser species and above all... the tree hugging hippies! Death to the pointy eary things!


WB Venuz, I never recieved an email from you -but I assume it was sent. Glad to have you back. Things move slowly, as many of the players are not really there... and some that are -are not. Like Sollir and Darkwolf whom are around -but never ever post to the IRR.

So anyway, glad to have you. I'll end this round after the Emerald Contest... and I'm still pawing over judging myself and Serpenteyes. I just don't want to do it, because I honestly don't want either of us to lose. Any player can volunteer to do the job, or any two players if you want.

Knight Otu

First Post
Good to see you back, Venus! :)

Apparently, all fights for the first round of the contest are over now, except for Utaku Xieng Chi vs Uda Hiyone. Should we assume that Utaku Xieng Chi has advanced in this fight?


First Post
The Forsaken One said:
Urge to destroy world rising...

Unite the clans, form 1 big army, tech like hell, mass our armies and conquer to lesser species and above all... the tree hugging hippies! Death to the pointy eary things!

For a moment there I mistook you for Forrester :D Do you think I've included too many elven nations? Or is it the idea of enormous iceberg dreadnaughts that is troubling you? Worry not, there are only five countries remaining and all of them are predominantly Human (and quite dull so far *sigh*).

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