D&D 5E Is it time for a Printed copy of the playtest?

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Due to the volatile way in which playtest packets change during developpement stage, i don't deem necessary to spend on it. I print the bare minimum required and recycle immediatly once obselete.


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When I look up "layflat binding" I get results like this and this. Do you mean like a normal paperback? Something like this? Or this?


I think that one is the best example.

I'd consider a print on demand copy of the playtest rules. Heck, if the price is right I might buy a few iterations.

Is it to early? The playtest doesn't seem to be at a beta stage yet, but I'd still consider buying a printed copy.

I'm fairly certain that Paizo's Beta was a success, and I think that the new Star Wars rpg printed beta did OK.

I think it's a fantastic idea. On the first iterations of the playtest packets I was making notes on 3x5 cards and, if needed, attaching those cards to the required character sheet (spells for spell casters, maneuver for... maneuverers...) and any monsters I had in any encounters I was running. I've toyed with the idea of getting the pdf's printed and bound at a university print shop, a sort of collection of all the pdf's (I have more money that sense by far), but I doubt I'd do this until the final play test was release, so it's more a polished rule set in rough presentation.

A print on demand edition, before they released, would be a great collectors piece and I can see myself snatching at that easily.

As has already been mentioned, Lulu is fantastic for this type of project. Far better than printing at 10p a page in a University. There's a selection of pdf programs that allow you to cut and edit the page layout, so it would be reasonable to create a psedo-DMG, PHB & MM from the playtest package pdf's. I still think waiting for the final playtest to do your own 'collectors edition play test packet' is the best idea, but for printing the rules out for ease of access at the table, specific selection of pages or entries is your best bet.

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