D&D 5E Is there something akin to a "Ranger's Guide" for 5e WotC adventures?


Nearly 6 years ago when I was running the Northlands Saga adventure path for my gaming group, I made a collected list of how frequently certain monsters and terrain appeared in the module. It was written in a style common to Character Optimization guides, showing what choices had the most meaningful impact. Given how fiddly Rangers can be, I felt this would be very useful for adventure paths that tend to span entire campaigns.

As far as I can tell, there's nothing equivalent to this for the official 5th Edition adventures, and was considering making a series as part of a personal project. However if the work is already done elsewhere that would be redundant.

I did find a Reddit thread posting a spreadsheet of encounters in Curse of Strahd, but it didn't seem to organize by creature type.

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Given how easy most WotC adventures are, and how unspecialised 5e characters are, I see no point in optimising characters for them. Indeed, I would recommend players avoid optimised characters unless they want a cake-walk.


Given how easy most WotC adventures are, and how unspecialised 5e characters are, I see no point in optimising characters for them. Indeed, I would recommend players avoid optimised characters unless they want a cake-walk.

This isn't character optimization so much as making suggestions so that Ranger PCs feel like their choices are meaningful, as well as for DMs having a handy reference to tell players things like "oh, undead hardly show up in this module, you should pick something else as your favored enemy."

Voidrunner's Codex

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