D&D 5E @is3rith's Adventure Scenarios


Magic Wordsmith
Thanks to the amazing and unsolicited help of @LianetheWayfarer, a lot of my adventure scenario content has been brought over from the Wizards of the Coast forums to Enworld.

Here is an index of these short-form scenarios and adventures. I hope they're fun to read and are useful to your home or store games. Bookmark this page, as I will update it periodically as I create new challenges. If you use them, please drop me a line and tell me how it went. I'm always open to constructive feedback.


Re-Imagining "Goblin Arrows," "Goblin Trail," & "Goblin Hideout"

A spaghetti-Western reworking of several scenes and adventure locations in Lost Mine of Phandelver to demonstrate several DM techniques like non-lethal monster goals, telegraphing, and abstract, dynamic locations.

Three Pillars of Immersion
Three humorous scenes taken from a larger dungeon with a lot of references to broken gamer culture. The situations stress countdowns and open-ended solutions. It's meant for 1st-level adventurers.

Seahorse Run
An underwater scenario for 2nd-level adventurers involving a monster that does no damage, but can still challenge the adventurers!

Four-and-Twenty Black Things Baked in a Pie
Take down the orc chef and his squirming pie before the rest of the kitchen staff turns up! A 2nd-level situation that demonstrates a clever way to escalate difficulty in an encounter. A twist on the classic "Orc and Pie."

Quiet Please
Find the magical tome in the haunted library of the Archmage Dewey before the place burns down. But don't make too much noise or else you'll invite the wrath of The Librarian! A 2nd-level scene to set up a wizard for his or her subclass.

Rope Tricked! **NEW**
Escape the roper Tendricles with the help of the wizard Phineas Lanyard - but is he and his magic rope all that he seems? A 2nd-level scenario that can be inserted into any dungeon.

The Barrow of the Evensong
A complete adventure location for 3rd-level adventurers involving Planescape elements and shows how to present many hooks to future adventure within the context of a single scenario.

The Snow Job
A complete adventure heist scenario for 3rd-level adventurers set in Eberron. Includes pre-generated characters. Perfect for a one-shot game!

Dust in the Wind
A Dark Sun scenario for four thirsty 3rd-level adventurers. The siltstorm approaches - can you get water before it swallows up you and everything around you?

Shroom to Grow
Find the gas spores and get them back to the myconid sovereign - but don't run afoul of the zombie beholder! This 3rd-level scenario highlights all three pillars used in one challenging scene.

Vow of the Silent Knight
Help a paladin of the ancients restore a forest to its former glory in this holiday-themed adventure for 3rd-level adventurers.

How to Defeat the Forum Troll
Win the debate at all costs. A 4th-level scenario that includes a social interaction and combat challenge at the same time - while poking fun of internet forum culture.

Ride your flying ostrich to victory in this scenario based on a classic 80s arcade game! This one's for 4th-level adventurers and highlights aerial combat, counted combat, multiple objectives, and enemies attacking in waves.

Monkey Business
Deep in the jungle primeval, the characters must rescue a useful NPC while avoiding destruction as two huge monsters battle each other to the death! A short-form scenario for 4th-level player characters.

The Temple of Bazim-Gorag
A small adventure location for 5th-level adventurers with a bit of an Alien vibe that you can drop into any remote spot in your campaign world.

The Corrosion of Gedren's Point
A city of iron that is under assault from a mad mage and his herd of rust monsters! A tense scenario for 5th-level adventurers.

Frigga's Lament
A Viking-themed, 5th-level wintry scenario where the characters seek to claim a flame tongue sword and free a deva from a goddess' frozen tear.

The Laboratory-Tomb of Dr. Viktor Vampenstein
A full scenario based on half-remembered movies for 5th-level characters in which the PCs are tasked with storming the lair of a vampire. The design shows opportunities for all pillars of the game in each scene.

I Am the Lizard King!
Lizardfolk and a black dragon in an oozing swamp. Tough terrain and a countdown make this a challenge for 8th-level adventurers.

Mario Does D&D
A 10th-level one-shot scenario that mashes up Super Mario and Dungeons & Dragons! This one shows how to make a dangerous boss fight that can be overcome through a variety of strategies.
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Tanaka Chris

First Post
Didn't you have one between a Myconid Sovereign Muscaria and another Myconid who is seeking to overthrow him?
I was thinking of using that as an introduction to Muscaria giving out the Shroom to Grow quest, but I can't find it.

Appreciate any help on that front :)


Magic Wordsmith
Didn't you have one between a Myconid Sovereign Muscaria and another Myconid who is seeking to overthrow him?
I was thinking of using that as an introduction to Muscaria giving out the Shroom to Grow quest, but I can't find it.

Appreciate any help on that front :)

Good memory! It was just a little blurb I wrote up as a suggestion to another poster. Here it is.

If you run the adventure, please tell me how it went!

Tanaka Chris

First Post
Thanks! My group has been suggesting we cycle thru and take turns to DM, so I'm thinking of a few fun ones to string together.

I'll see when my turn comes up to try and run this. I haven't run an encounter before so I'm a little nervous/excited.


First Post
Hi Iserith, I am new to these forums, so I am not able to PM you about this, so I'll give it a shot here! I'm a brand new D&D player, and am about to DM for the first time in a couple days. All of the players are brand new as well. I found your adventure "The Snow Job" and have decided to make that my first run. However, I have a few questions. Please bear with me, I'm finding it a bit difficult to articulate my questions =P

So my questions mainly have to do with "The Big Problems".

Getting to Korunda Gate - When I first set the scene, where should I say the characters are? Are they just at the foot of the Ironroot Mountains, just... In the snow? How far from the Korunda Gate should I say they are? I know these are probably all things that I should figure out on my own, but I'm a little lost. Do you have any suggestions?

Is there a town beyond Korunda Gate? I know they must get the second key before they can enter the vault, but I'm not sure how they can get the key if they're just out in the snowy wilderness. Again, any suggestions would be great.

The Escape Plan - How do I let the characters know they must have an escape plan in place before entering the vault? I don't want to just say, "Okay, make an escape plan."

I totally understand the rest of the adventure, and I'm very excited to run it. I am so sorry if these are ridiculously dumb and/or confusing questions, but hopefully you catch my meaning. Thank you for any help you can provide!


Magic Wordsmith
Hi Iserith, I am new to these forums, so I am not able to PM you about this, so I'll give it a shot here! I'm a brand new D&D player, and am about to DM for the first time in a couple days. All of the players are brand new as well. I found your adventure "The Snow Job" and have decided to make that my first run. However, I have a few questions. Please bear with me, I'm finding it a bit difficult to articulate my questions =P

So my questions mainly have to do with "The Big Problems".

Thanks for the interest and questions!

Getting to Korunda Gate - When I first set the scene, where should I say the characters are? Are they just at the foot of the Ironroot Mountains, just... In the snow? How far from the Korunda Gate should I say they are? I know these are probably all things that I should figure out on my own, but I'm a little lost. Do you have any suggestions?

Choose anywhere you think might be fun. I tend to prefer starting in action, so describing them as feet in the snow with wind in their faces sounds good to me.

Is there a town beyond Korunda Gate? I know they must get the second key before they can enter the vault, but I'm not sure how they can get the key if they're just out in the snowy wilderness. Again, any suggestions would be great.

Korunda Gate is a city in the Mror Holds where the vault is located. So presumably, the players get the second key from someone in Korunda Gate before they attempt the heist.

The Escape Plan - How do I let the characters know they must have an escape plan in place before entering the vault? I don't want to just say, "Okay, make an escape plan."

The players should be made aware of all the Big Problems in the lead up to the heist. It shouldn't be a secret. Straight up tell the players, "Once the theft of goods in the care of House Kundarak becomes known (and that'll happen quickly for sure), there will be precious little time to get out of the vaults and Korunda Gate. What's your escape plan?" It is their role to come up with an Outlandish Solution. In a sense, the players are both playing their characters and acting as the writers of a heist movie. Whatever they give as an answer definitely works, but perhaps at a cost. Except if that Outlandish Solution goes awry because of The Twist!

I totally understand the rest of the adventure, and I'm very excited to run it. I am so sorry if these are ridiculously dumb and/or confusing questions, but hopefully you catch my meaning. Thank you for any help you can provide!

Please let me know if you have any other questions and I'd be interested in hearing how it goes!


A very OK person
When I ran this, I ended up telling my players it was a heist and to plan for an escape. Sometimes outright telling them what's up is the best way to get them all on the same page.


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