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jann, janni, djinn, djinni, aaaigh!

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Here's one of those curiosities I've never been able to get out of my brain. This is more a question about the root mythology than D&D.

In D&D, you have this elemental assignation of the Genies - Djinn for Air, Efreet for Fire, Marid for Water. The 'Earth Genie' is much less consistently defined - Pathfinder uses Shaitan, older editions use the Dao.

This obviously stems from the vague Elemental connections mythology gives to the Genies - Marids are associated with the open sea and ships. All Genies are made of 'Smokeless fire', so that explains the connection that the Djinn and Efreet have with Air/Fire. (as Fire tends to be associated with evil in Western thought).

The Earth Genies seem to have the least connection to Arabic mythology - Shaitan is a specific Ifrit analogous to the Christian devil, made out of air and fire like all other Djinn. I can't find any Arabic source for the word 'Dao.'

In the Quran, no race of Djinn is associated with the Earth, but Humans are made out of clay.

In Arabic Mythology, are Humans intended to be the "Earth Genies?" And why has this been universally ignored in D&D?


Probably for the same reason you can encounter multiple minotaurs, medusas, hydras, and other mythological creatures that were one-of-a-kind in the sources, and you can summon angels and djinnis to help your group -- made up of a warrior in late middle ages full plate, a pseudo-Celtic druid, a Norse-ish berserker, and cutpurse/conman/trapsmith out of some other era entirely -- fight said Greek critters as you raid ancient tombs for treasure.

D&D is just stealing bits and pieces from whatever it fancies, and using them as it suits itself.


I'm actually kind of annoyed with the use of the word Shaitan for earth genies, as that is the moniker of Iblis, the Islamic devil, and not coincidentally, is used as the name of the devil rulers in Talislanta.


Eternal Optimist
Funny, I didn't know there was a monster called "Aaaigh!". Just shows you what you can discover by reading the boards. ;)


Voidrunner's Codex

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