John play: Hero for hire


Aryth 27 996, EVENING

Bored and in need of entertainment, Play goes to the food car. Adrik and Vondal d’Kundarak are there having a drink. Adrik gives Play a large wave and smile (showing off his steel tooth). Vondal merely nods and hoists up his drink in a salute. Play could come to like these two at least. However, there are other occupied tables here with travelers. A merchant, possibly from Aundair based on his attire, broods in the corner. His dinner is becoming cold as it is left untouched. The merchant is obviously in deep thought. Standing at attention next to him is a Warforged. It looks more like a statue than a living and thinking construct. Another table has two elves sitting at it. Play is wary of them as they are dressed in dark clothes and watch every move and sound within the room. He hopes they do not belong to house Phiarlan or Thuranni. The final occupied table has the most potential. Adventurers. There is a warrior in light armor. He guesses him to be an archer type. A mage complete with a strange looking skull cap with a dragon shape etched on it. The final adventurer has his interest the most. The ½ elf female appears to be a cleric type. The symbol is one he is unfamiliar with. It resembles the letter ‘C’ with lines bursting from the center of it. He gets drink and walks over to them.

“Hello fellow travelers. Do you mind if I sit with you? Perhaps we can share stories and some laughter.”

The mage gestures to the extra chair. Play smiles and nods his thanks before sitting down. He sits in a way that he can see the two dwarves. Adrik seems curious to what he is up to. Vondal waves for another drink ignoring the scout.

“I am Play, John Play. I come from Sharn and travel north.”

The mage nods to the warrior then the ½ elf when returning the greeting. “This is Bruin, Sharrita and I am Gorn. We hail from Aundair and are returning home from a rather dull visit to Zilargo.”

Before long, the four of them are laughing and sharing tales of adventure. The dwarves and elves listen in. Adrik especially seems to be enjoying the tales. The merchant has only pushed his plate away from him and stares at the rings on his left hand, still in deep thought.

An hour later they are still talking and laughing. Play is retelling the tale of his trip to Droaam as a guard to an Orien caravan (slightly modified as he was using this as a cover to spy on the newly formed country). “I just have to ask- The symbol you wear- I am unfamiliar with it. It is a religious symbol?”

Sharrita looks down and fingers the amulet gently. “Yes. It is the symbol of my belief and goddess- Infiniti.”

“I mean no disrespect but I do not know this goddess. Is it Sarlonian?” Play asks flirting and honestly curious as such information has a way of being useful in the future.

“She is everything. She binds the multiverse together.”

“Multiverse?” He asks.

Gorn sighs. “Here we go.”

“You understand there are several planes of existence.” Play nods. “Another plane not addressed by the Host or the Dark Six is time and the multiverse. All worlds as we know them start out on one path. But what happens when someone travels through time and alters something? A new world is created. One we are not aware of. There are worlds where the war never happened. Others where it has yet to end. All are real and true.”

Play takes a moment to digest this. “So…. There are many planes of Eberron… each slightly different from each other?”


“So….. there might be one where I am part of your group?” He flashes a smile at her.

“Perhaps- in Infiniti’s grace it may be.”

The archer excuses himself and walk away for another drink. Gorn takes this opportunity to speak up. “There could be a world where you were killed by the Ogre temptress you spoke of. Or where you became her slave. Not all new worlds are better or worse. Just different.”

“So this means… there is more than one of …. Say me?”

“Yes. You could be a psionic in a desert world (Under a Darksun) or a masked rogue with fantastic powers and magic items (Strikeforce: Morituri). You may even be an undead creature (Siberys Seven) somewhere and sometimes. It is through Infiniti that these worlds operate without destroying each other.”

“My head hurts. I need more drinks.”

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Aryth 27 996, EVENING

Gorn is smiling a great deal as John Play asks him about magic.

“I study the planes. I believe there are more manifest zones on Eberron that previously believed. I- sorry- we wish to find and study these.”

“Manifest zones… like Sharn?” asks Play.

“Yes. Sharn is certainly the most famous manifest zone on Khorvaire. But there are others. Eldeen’s The Glooming is one and I suspect Cyre was laid to waste from one.”

“Really? Do these happen naturally or does one need to create it?”

“Both. But when they are created they tend to be very dangerous. The blending of two planes of existence can be extremely dangerous as each plane fights for control and dominance over the other plane.”

“You’re making my head hurt also. What is Bruin’s story? He seems a bit put off by me.” Play asks with sincere concern.

“What we found in Zilargo was hard on him. It is a private matter. Please don’t pry unless he wishes.” Says Sharrita.

“Zilargo? Did I hear someone speak of Zilargo?” comes a deep voice from another table. Everyone turns to see a dwarf smiling and getting up. The other dwarf tries to motion for his friend to not get up but at no avail. “I am Adrik d’Kundarak. I hail from the valley village of Frostmantle. I have been to the land of the gnomes before. Amazing things they do with elementals and the city of Trolanport is truly a marvel- even to a dwarf like myself.”

Introductions are done again as Play motions for Vondal to join them. He rolls his eyes but joins them. Adrik laughs at nearly everything that Play says as he tries to cover up the fact he travels with them. “You are just too HAPPY Adrik.”

“Worse things. Just wait until we meet Morrikane. He can squash a halfling’s birthday party.” They all laugh though Play wonders what or a Morrikane is.

“I heard you speak of your goddess. What does she say about the other gods of the Host? Aureon especially? Are there multiples of him also?”

“No. That is what makes the gods unique. They are but a single spark within the multiverse. “

Play watches while laughing the merchant finally get up and leave. He is very down and depressed it seems. The Warforged construct follows him as he leaves the room. The elves watch as a new group of people comes in. These people look to be a family and shortly after them arrive Veit. The dwarven artificer perks up as he spots the loud table and goes to join them.

“Alive and well” says Adrik. “You have been sleeping for hours now. Still concerned about where we are going?”

Yawning (complete with spittle than Play frowns at) Veit nods his head. “Yes. Undead are so… un-natural.” Vondal kicks his shin and glares at him. “ow!”

“Undead have a place within the multiverse also. Everything does. There is no such thing as unnatural.”

“The denizens of the Wastes….” Veit offers.

“The fiends are unpleasant but still have a place in the natural order.” Play frowns and loses himself in thought as he thinks about his recent travels to the region of Demons and Devils.

“Natural Order?!?” exclaims Vondal. “They are pure evil!”

“and thus off set the Angels.” The ½ elf counters. “One cannot describe or give purpose to the other without each other.”

Play thinks to himself that his head hurts again. So much deep thought and information that has far reaching consequences and meaning. He hasn’t had this much difficulty relating to a set of thoughts and theories since he dated a monk in his teenage years. “Harmony and Symmetry. That’s what you are talking about. Balance between two forces. Equal but opposite.” Play suddenly comes to understand it…. He thinks.

“So what happens if we destroy the foul things?” asks Vondal, a cleric of Dol Dorn.

“We dance!” yelps Adrik as he kicks back his chair and dances a bit.

Everyone laughs at the table. The cleric of Infiniti enjoys the show but then adds that either another force will rise to fill their universal void or the forces of good will lose meaning and disburse themselves creating a dark age. The mood becomes slightly heavier with such a comment. Play understands this completely. Several of his missions involved “removing” threats but new threats always rose to fill the space. It was a never ending battle.

They continue to talk and laugh into the night. Play continues to flirt with the cleric but either she sees what he is about or has no wish for a one-night stand. Not deterred, Play kisses her hand and says something about the endless possibilities and how- maybe- just maybe- in some world, she said yes.

The elves watch it all (they don’t sleep after all).


Aryth 28 996, EVENING

“I’ll take that.” Demands Balderk as he takes the bill and receipt from the employee of Orien. He carefully looks in over, frowns and then signs for it.

“Are you going to DOCument everything?” asks Play to the stuffy dwarf.

“Not your room. I leave that up to you.”

“And it was nice. Soft bed and no snoring people with ticks and lice next to me.”

“The common cart is not like that….” Says the war priest with failing confidence as he thinks back to the ½ orc traveler that slept next to him the prior night.

“Really?” Play looks around quickly and spots a human child eyeing some food. “Boy- com-ere” Play waves him over. “Would like a roll?” He picks up the roll from his dinner. The child’s eyes light up. “You can have it if you tell me about the car you slept in last night. You slept in the same car as these dwarves?”

The child is nervous but hunger overwhelms his fear. Taking the roll he nods rapidly as he bits off ½ of it in one shot. “Could you sleep?”

“Yes. But it was difficult.” Says the child with a nervous glance to Balderk and Veit.

“Why is that?”

“It sounded like thunder in the room. Everyone was snoring.” The child obviously means the two dwarves as he looks at them. Adrik breaks out laughing. “Aye- loud enough to wake a sleeping dragon I would say!” Balderk glares at him who reduces his laughter to a sparkle in his eyes and a wide smile which just reveals the steel tooth for all to see again.

“It was the Orc.” States the proper acting dwarf.

The ½ orc in question stops eating and looks over to the rowdy table of dwarves and a human man and child. Balderk puts his head down and covers it with a large meaty hand. He quietly mutters to himself.

“I was hoping to see our new friends from last night but I guess not.” Says Play.

“Aye- and have a second shot at that cleric I’d say.” Giggles Adrik happily.

“Wellllll…….”, Play smiles.

“I was warned about you Play.” Begins the dwarven leader. “This may go into my report.” Warns the dwarf.

“Must you document everything?!?”

“No” he says with obvious irritation. The other dwarves quiet down sensing anything said or done may be taken wrong at this point.

“Document. Document. Document. From now on I’m going to call you DOC.” Says Play knowing it will provoke a reaction.

His face becomes red and he gets up, stops to glare at the ex- Dark lantern, and goes to leave. The other dwarves plead for him to come back. Play looks away acting annoyed but secretly happy to strike a nerve. Doc it is.

He takes this moment to look around at some the people on the car tonight. Generally they are people he has seen on the Rail in past day. One person however is new and bugs him. She looks familiar to him but cannot place it. She travels with an older man that is well dressed but obviously trying to hide it. His clothes are that of a commoner but all are brand new and made with better materials than most. Curious, he excuses himself as the dwarves bicker and plead among each other.

“Hello. Have we met?” he asks the couple.

“No but we know you. Your father worked for the king did he not? I am Sara Dovass and this is my uncle Fermond.” She is lying thinks Play as he tries to read her eyes and body language.

“Play, John Play. And yes, my father did work for the king as his personal bodyguard years ago.”

The uncle says nothing but continues to watch Play carefully.

“I am going north with the loud group dwarves. Yourselves?” and Play pulls out a chair without asking first. Who is she he thinks.

“North also.” She says coolly.

“I really feel I know you from somewhere. Morgrave University?”



“No.” said too quickly to avoid suspicion. Who in Wroat is she connected with?

“Your friends are leaving. Perhaps you should go with them.” Offers the uncle.

“That’s the beauty of these cars- just how far can they go?” He says trying to look into the uncle’s eyes. He is not familiar but there is something about him that is alarming Play.

“What is the king’s guard’s son doing with the dwarves of Kundarak?” she asks.

“Traveling of course. Sara. That is your name right.” Play says testing her.

“We should be going” offers the older man. “We have much to discuss still.”

Play watches them leave and gives a wave when they turn to look at him at the doorway. From behind he spots her red ribbon in her hair and a memory is brought forward. Xandrar. Red Owl rebels. She was with them that night. The Owls believe Breland should be led by the people as picked by the citizens of Breland. No more kings and queens. Crazy but he sees some advantages to the idea. He knows he should contact the authorities but decides against it. His father would greatly disapprove. Smirking at the thought, he gets up to see the dwarves again.


Vult 1 996, MID DAY

John Play wanders to the food car once more, more than once thinking he is spending more time here than his expensive private room. The food tender, Freeyar, gives him a wave. Freeyar is a Passage native from Aundair. He says he is a war orphan but Play senses hidden agendas and nobility. Maybe he is on the run from an overly controlling father?

Several of the tables are in use. One of the tables is occupied by the brooding merchant and his Warforged guardian. Against his better judgment, Play goes there first. “Hello good sir. It would seem you could use some good cheer. Mind if I sit here with you?”

The merchant looks up and waves briefly to the chairs across from him. He says and offers nothing else. He is as unemotional and moving as his guardian.

“Nice looking Warforged.”


“The food is better than one would think. The cook trained with a Ghallandan halfling. The spiced potatoes are really good. They cook it in boiling hot oil. Makes the outside crispy.”


“I’m going to the Mournlands”

The man’s head rises to look at Play in stunned disbelief. “The Chaos God is coming. He has power bases within Xen’drik and Sharn. He walks in Sharn. He is building up his power and soon will spread out his Chaos Storms and engulf the world in his chaos!”

Play immediately regrets sitting here but feels responsible for getting the man in this state. The Warforged places his metallic hand on the shoulder of the man and he calms down. The man begins to cry and sob. He continues to whimper about the Chaos God as he gets up and leaves. Play frowns at the retreating man and his construct until he looks over and sees another group of adventurers. He goes to join them and sits down next to a female elven rogue type whom puts her hand on his lap within ten minutes of being there. Within 15 minutes he has forgotten the man.

Elvinor is from Breland. She and her friends are going to Passage and eventually the Eldeen Forest. Play talks about his recent adventures there including the Rage Drakes and the Gold Dragon. Her friends include a Cyre Soldier named Jerkins, another Cyre native named Herald. He is a cleric of Arawai (farming). There is also a mage type with a dragonmark that largely hidden by the sleeve of her robe. The mark has a red tint to it…Aberrant? Her name is Jenna. She gives Play a sly and flirtatious smile whenever he says something funny. Play is in his element and happy for it.

A few hours later the dwarves loudly arrive. Adrik gently thumps Play on the shoulder as he passes by “g’day” and flashes his steel tooth.

They sit at a vacant table nearby. Balderk is looking at his small ledger of expenses doing the math. The others talk among themselves. Play notices they are watching him. Let them he thinks as he replies to a question about Karrnathi food vs. Aundair food.

Later in the night Play leaves them but is followed by both Elvinor and Jenna.


Vult 2 996, LATE MORNING

Play awakens to discover the women went through some of his stuff. He was smart enough to lock up his main possessions with the Orien employees but they still took his petty cash. Annoyed but not surprised he rolls out of his bed and tries to guess where he is. Looks like they are near the border. He knows by time he gets dressed the two women will be off the rail and hidden within the crowds at Market Place.

After replacing some of his lost money from his locked up pack, he returns to his normal routine. However, this time he is greeted by Aundairan officials. They are asking for identification papers. It appears they are looking for someone or something. Oh and great- he knows one of them.

“How long has it been commander Dogunsard?” He says putting as charming of a smile on as he can.

“I hope YOUR papers say Play or you are in for a long day.” Snarls the scared human in his uniform of blue and gold. “What brings you to Aundair?” He comes up to inspect Play’s papers himself.

“He is with us and on official House business.” Interrupts the cross dwarven leader.

“Papers sir.” He frowns as he looks at both sets. “My apologies Lord d’Kundarak. You travel with…. Uneasy company.”

“He is uncouth, immature, a scoundrel at best,” Says the dwarf enjoying and savoring the moment to embarrass Play publically, “But the chosen agent by my superiors. I must use what I am given.” The official smiles and grunts in humor at that. He hands back the papers and nods to the dwarf and gives Play a dirty look before moving on.

“How many more of your past encounters will we deal with Mr. Play?” says the dwarf with little humor.

“How many check points will we be entering?” Play answers with some humor (and truth).


Vult 7 996, LATE MORNING

“I heard the bridge was reopening soon.”

“Yes. Next month I believe.” Replies the dwarf as he looks outside of the railcar. The waters of Scion Sound are visible from his side.

“You look nervous.” Says the dwarf out of curiosity. He has noted that John Play is looking outside, across the water, with great intensity.

“I have made a few friends in Karrnath.”

“This is good.”

Looking to the dwarf abruptly- “and I have made even more enemies in Karrnath.”

The dwarf nods his head barely. “Then I suggest you go your cabin and stay put.”

Play hates it when the dwarf is correct. He nods and gives a salute before leaving.

The rail slows down as it nears the final station before the closed bridge leading to Karrnath. A section of the bridge was destroyed during the war to prevent enemy factions from crossing it. It has taken House Orien years and a lot of money and favors to repair the bridge quickly.

After a short stay at the station, the rail moves on, even though the repairs are not complete. The bridge is a modern art and masterpiece of technology. Twenty-five miles long, it has multiple levels. A rail level, a pedestrian level and two levels for carts and horses. There are station houses located in several spots on the bridge. There are, or soon will be again, hotels and places to eat owned by House Ghallanda. There are several docking areas at water level owned by House Orien and one air ship landing (so far) being built by House Lyrandar. House Cannith has much invested in the bridge as many of the magics involved for speedier and safer construction was their doing. House Kundarak also has some say as they are in charge of wards which they have set up to protect the bridge. House Denieth is using an area of the bridge as a way station for their work at Thronehold.

Many suggest no nation owns the bridge, only the Dragon Houses. This is more true than fiction.

From the water, several work boats and fishing boats are anchored in view of the bridge and its construction. One fishing boat, flying Karrnathi colors, stops and watches the rail as it goes over the bridge unexpectedly. The captain, Captain Grugar Direscan, pulls out a spyscope and watches. He is looking for colors or indication of the ownership and purpose of the ship. “Chakins- get me a messenger- I have to report this.”

Several other similar ships and their crew do the same. Welcome to the cold war of Khorvaire.

The ship nears the land and begins to slow down once more. The Karrnathi guards are surprised as the ship arrives. Even as it arrives so do several members of House Orien to redirect the attention of their active ship.

Even before the ship power downs, they are waved on and they leave the station. Play sighs in relief. Of all the spots he feared his past would catch up with him it was here- in Rekkenmark, Karrnath. As the ship clears the check point a Bone Knight rides up wanting answers.


Vult 7 996, LATE MORNING

“What ship was that?” asks the Bone Knight.

“Captain- A passenger ship.”

The Knight watches the ship as it gains speed and leaves the Orien station. After several heart beats of time, the captain leans to the side and spits. “I know that aura. It’s from the war…..” She turns and leaves just as quickly as she arrived.

The Knight arrives at the House Sivis station. “I have the need of a message being sent- …” The gnome looks up startled and fumbles with his glasses as he places them onto his nose.

Shortly the knight steps out of the Sivis Speaking Stone Station, she sends for messengers for within the city limits. The young officer runs off. She stares then glares in the direction of the leaving ship.

“Play.” She remembers him finally.

“You cunning lucky bastard.” She remembers more.

“Your skull belongs in Fort Bones.” She remembers him vividly.


Vult 7 996, MID DAY

KORTH’s Electric Rail Station-

John Play looks through a curtain of a window in his car. He sees many of Karnnathi’s infamous skeletal warriors but no leader. Then he sees them. Two Bone Knights. He recognizes one as Captain Vadbreak. She is an ambitious soldier he ran into during the last month of the war. The other… he had hoped not to ever see again. General Greesha Fracture. Crap. She will detain him no matter what- House guest or not. With her it’s personal.

“By the look on your face- you know them.” Suggests Balderk with his usual tone of stating fact. “We should be wary also. Perhaps I should speak….”

“No,” interrupts the ex-Dark lantern, “these two would not only ignore you but become more determined than ever. Allow me to deal with this.”

“What are you suggesting to do?”

“Something I’m not used to doing…. Hiding and not starting anything.” He says with an attempted smirk of confidence.

A few moments later, a tall armored skeleton walks into the main room of the Kundarak car. “Car’s master.” It says with a dry and hoarse supernatural voice. Balderk steps forward.

“High Warden Disney d’Kundarak is in charge of this car AND the entire craft. He is not here but I have been left in charge. I am Balderk d’Kundarak. Why have you stopped us?” He tries to intimidate the undead but it does little.

The creature hands him a letter which he takes without taking his eyes off of the empty eye sockets of the soldier. He unravels the scroll and he finally looks down to read it. “A Breland enemy of Karrnath here? On our car? Doubtful.” He hands the letter, rerolled, back to the undead. “Leave my craft and be quick about it.”

“I don’t think so Kundarak. I can sense him. He was here.” All of the dwarves turn to look onto the one Bone Knight. She is dressed in black and green plate armor. Bones of her past victims are magically fused into the armor making it stronger and more fierce looking. Bones of a large creature protrude from her helmet. She tries to stare down the dwarf. Neither will back down.

“Where is the other one?” asks Adrik, his steel tooth catching a gleam of light. “There were two of you driving the carrion.

“Beware of your tone. My Warlord waits outside. She is waiting for either our return or his attempted escape.”

Clinging to the outside of the craft, using his supernatural abilities, training and a lot of magical assistance, Play listens. Warlord he repeats in his mind. So tempting but no. Two of the skeletal warriors walk within four feet of him. He holds his breath and remains motionless until they have passed. His only concern is the two Bone Knights. Vadbreak is a problem but Fracture is a bitch…. A royal bitch.

Something gets his attention. More a sense of evil than seeing anything. He drops to the ground without a sound. He moves to the next car and sees her. Greesha ir’Fracture. She stands before an Orien attendant. He is held by two skeletons against his will. He cannot hear the words but know she is casting a spell onto the man. A spell to somehow control him. He notes the servant’s face carefully then climbs back onto the craft. It begins to move forward once more within a few minutes.

“I had no idea this man would present so many difficulties to obtain.” Grumbles Balderk. He turns abruptly then storms back to his room. “Let me know when the boy decides to show himself again.”

He goes into his room, closes the door and assures himself it is locked and sits down at his desk. He opens his ledger and writes names, place and time of this intrusion. He will be damned to be blamed for any tardiness caused by Play’s past.

“She has enchanted one of the servants Doc.” Comes a voice from nowhere.

Taken unaware but not surprised, Balderk continues to write. “I expected as much. Those “Knights” and the Claw in general have little honor in how they conduct their business.”

Play continues to remain invisible; his voice seems to move around so as to hide his exact location. “ir’Fracture, the knight that remained outside, will not back down.”

“What would you have me or my house do?”

“What you guys do best- drink hard alcohol and trade war stories. In your case count how many tiles are on the water room wall I suppose. I just wanted you to know.”

The door opens, the locks having been opened unknown to the dwarf, Play materializes within the doorway with a big smile. “We’re moving.”

He closes the door and the smile immediately disappears. “Fracture… this just got really, really bad.”


Vult 8 996

The electric rail slows down just outside of the city of Vulyar. They will be here over night before leaving. Additional supplies and party members are to join them here. Play hopes there will be no one else.

At least no Bone Knights or Emerald Claw or Turbulent members anyhow.

Even though he is certain that the dwarves would say to stay on board and hidden he leaves the craft. It’s dangerous but one can’t live in fear and truly feel alive.

As he walks towards the rail station exit, he notes there are several large and loud dwarves standing about two carts full of crates and barrels. He smiles at his simple accomplishment and moves on. He easily avoids the undead guards and their human commanders. Nearly out of the area he walks down the station stairway onto the streets of Vulyar.

“Sir, are you John play?”

He stops and looks over… then down. A Smiling gnome looks up at him looking very whimsical and happy. He repeats his question again.


“Not why but who? Are you he?” A twinkle remains in his eyes but his smile has lost some of its luster.

“Yes.” He decides to answer. “Can we walk while talking?”

“If we must Mr. Play.”

“What brings you to Vulyar… where I am supposed to be in Breland?”

“Kim Elderich… well his personal affairs actually.”

“Elderich. Figures.” Answers play.

“He has given me the mission of finding you and giving you something if you agree to certain terms.”

“What is the ol’ dwarf up to these days?”

“Please sir- let us finish this before you attract more attention. This involves his estate and his granddaughter- Dura.”

Play looks at him and silently laughs to himself. Elderich would have made a great spy master he thinks to himself. Too bad he is a tad crazy in the head.

The gnome continues on- “He has begun a personal mission on a grand scale. To accomplish this, he has had to set up certain events… some of which may hurt his granddaughter he fears. He has levied his fortune with House Kundarak.”

Play rolls his head and eyes. “That is crazy! Even for him!”

“He is eccentric at best I agree but that is not why I am here- He wants to be sure his granddaughter is well taken care of. He has hidden a great deal of money that the dwarves do not know about. This,” He holds up a metal and crystal key, “is the key to the vault where this money is hidden.” The gnome pulls out a scroll case, “….and this is the directions to it. He would like you to deliver this to her in the future. Sometime in the second half of 999.”

“That’s three years away.”

“Kim would be willing to pay you for your time, service, trust and most important of all- silence.”

“Do you accept?”
Thirty minutes later, after a quick trip to the Kundarak banks and the ditching of a Karrnathi spy, Play quickly returns to the rail station.

“There you are! What part of stay on the craft and well hidden did you not understand?!?” bellows Belderk once inside.

Play quietly lets out a long sigh then puts on a big smile and turns to see the group. The entire group. Seven dwarves and two humans. Balderk stands with crossed arms in frustration. Directly behind him are the three dwarves that have traveled with him most of the way- Adrik, Vondal and Veit. Behind them are three new dwarves. A dwarf with bright eyes and a large lower lip smiles in a foolish manner suggesting dull wits. He gives a short wave and hoists a very large mug (small barrel) of ale to his mouth. Balderk introduces him as Karson. Near him is a large and very heavily armored dwarf with a battle axe as big as the gnome Play just saw. With a dirty look he gives a grunt with his body as much as his voice. Sitting a lightly shadowed section of the car is the final dwarf. He looks up and nods as well. He would wave but he is patting a rather large dog. Thick muscles ripple under the white fur as it pants and makes a soundless bark at Play. These as introduced as Drumark and Snow White. The heavily armored brute of a dwarf is Morrikane. The two humans are twins dressed in the outfit of house Orien. The two young women are named Goin’ and Gong’. “Welcome Brelander.” They say in unison.

They move themselves and their gear to a new car. The two humans will take turns running the engine ship. Play will be scout and guide. Snow White and her seven dwarves are the muscle behind it all. Disney the one that has set them on their course- into the Mournlands.


Vult 11 996

The Gray Mists of Cyre. The death shroud of a nation. “What a waste.” Sighs John Play as the electric rail stops within 300 feet of the mists that cover the magical tracks.

“Yes….but we’ll get the treasure back Play.” Says Balderk who is also staring into the mists, even as the mists stare back.

“I meant the country- not the gold.” Play mockingly sneers.

“Well… yes yes. All that …aw- art. Yes. They had art.” Balderk stumbles trying to cover up his moment of greed.

Looking to lighten the moment Play looks to his new favorite dwarf to pick on. “Karson, what did you like the most about Cyre before it was well… destroyed?”

The battle scared dwarf smiles under his bushy and somewhat wild hair he calls a beard. “Da Food. I liked da food.”

“What about the poetry or even dance?”

“Pretty words with sneaky words. Dance? Men wearing tight pants and underwear? No. I likes da food.”

So dwarven but cute in a dopey way Play thinks. He wonders how many times this dwarf has broken down doors with his head while his helmet is being worn by a by-stander. He has yet to get a word or even a smile out of Morrikane. Adrik, the steel toothed dwarf whom always has a big smile, steps up beside Play.

“We go in shortly. I am so looking forward to the challenges that are inside.”

“Undead, spookiness and warforged. What is there to not like?” says Play.

Balderk turns and says that everyone needs to get ready. He then goes to talk to Veit about the key required to open the treasury car.

The Kundarak mission has two engine cars, a cargo box car, a special storage room car and a car for individual rooms. It’s built for speed and secure storage.

The ship begins to hum louder and shudder. Gong’ d’Orien is the first operator. She gives out a Wha-Hoo that is not heard by anyone else. Whether it is in excitement or to cover her fear is not known by anyone as such. The car moves closer to the mist that seems to with draw from craft. But once the last car enters it is quick to swallow it up leaving no sign of it ever existing before.

Gong’ keeps it steady and going forward. She cannot see anything ahead of her. She has been reassured that the rail is complete and intact between here and the Metrol city but she is still uncertain. She is relying on the rail being intact and her connection with the elemental ring that empowers it to direct her. The mists swirl and ebb before her. It is distracting her…. Almost hypnotizing her. Telling her to… speed up. She wills herself not to (but does).

Knowing what is up or at least what can be expected, Vondal d’Kundarak casts a spell to suppress the fear and unease of the others. Veit, the team’s artificer, feels somewhat ill watching the mist through the closed and secured window. Karson twitches at the shadows. He expects something within them to strike at him. Maybe the very shadow itself will consume his soul. Snow White grunts and Drumark, the tracker of the group looks down at her. “Uneasy girl?” Shortly the other dwarves all roll their eyes and Play won’t hold it back.

“That-Is-Totally-Disgusting-And-Foul,” Play tries to cover his mouth and nose, “Balderk- can you purify the air?”

Karson has a tear in his eye.

Gong’ reasserts her will and slows down the ship. A spirit seems to fly up to the window and howls into it. Gong’ hears nothing due to a spell caste onto her before entering the mist. The ghosts are everywhere however…..

Then they burst out of the mists onto a bridge that crosses the Cyre River. Below, in the river, several shrouded figures sit huddled on a small row boat.

“We’re there” whispers the pilot to herself in some relief. “We are in Metrol… I think.” She was here in 990 when training how to pilot the craft. The city is different. She immediately slows down the craft further. Building are moved and distorted. Some are even stacked (many keeping structurally sound) on top of each other. The Palaces of Vermishard are now spread out irregularly within the city.

The seven dwarves all stare out the windows of the one car in awe and wonder. “is this what you expected?” asks Play to Balderk.

Without making eye contact, Balderk answers him. “This and more.” He pulls out his ledger and begins to write notes again. He is trying to document everything. Thus his given nick name by Play- Doc.

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