• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

JollyDoc's Kingmaker-Updated 7/4/2011


Fantastico! Thanks JD!

OT Question: back in CoCT you did the Forsaken Arch as a side adventure. What did you think of it? I need an adventure for 7th level party for a weekend game and was thinking of that one. What do you reckon? Yes? No? You have a better alternative?

Thanks for your time matey :)

Forsaken Arch was a good one-shot for the group. It was just long enough not to detract from the main story path. Unfortunately, once we switched over to Pathfinder, none of the old 3.5 adventures were compatible any more, so I don't have any of them any longer to give you a decent referral for others. That being said, you should check Paizo's website, because they've released several of their convention adventures as pdf's.

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“Now there’s somethin’ ya don’t see every day,” Tungdill said.
The companions stood assembled on the balcony overlooking the inner courtyard. Below were assembled a dozen or so guards, hastily forming themselves into ranks. On the walls and battlements were at least a dozen more, while in the outer courtyard, six barbaric giants stood, each of them hefting boulders the size of beer kegs. On the main road from the town, even more troops could be seen double-timing it up the hill. It looked like dozens.
“I guess we shouldn’t keep them waiting,” Mox said, steel in her eyes. “Tungdill, you can handle things from here?”
“Ya don’t have ta ask, Queenie,” the druid laughed.
He turned in a complete circle, and suddenly there was a whirling vortex hovering above the balcony.
Mox nodded and turned on her heel, headed for the main stairwell. The others fell into line behind her, no hesitation in their steps.


Davrim reached the main doors first, and raising his sword above his shoulder, gave the Kardashian battle cry as he charged head-long into the phalanx gathered outside. He tore into the foremost of the guards, and cut the man down like a scythe through wheat. Before he could continue his assault, however, a coruscating curtain of electricity sprang up, catching the inquisitor in the middle of it.
“Up to your tricks again, Stroon?” Mox shouted as she waved her hand and dispelled the wall. “Is that all you’ve got? Show yourself!”

In response, the guards swarmed the front doors. Stevhan rushed to Davrim’s side, and the two fell into sync like a well-oiled machine. Their blades swept the space before them clear as foe after foe tried to break through their defenses. In less than a minute, four more of the guards lay dead at their feet, and the others backed up several feet, reconsidering their tactics.

From his vantage point above, Tungdill saw the hill giants beginning to move towards the inner bailey.
“Now just where would you boys be goin’?” the dwarf chuckled in a voice that sounded like rushing wind.
He focused his will, and a dark cloud gathered above the giants. With a clap of thunder, sleet began to fall in blinding sheets around the brutes. Within seconds the ground at their feet was covered in ice. As they shielded their heads and continued to move forward, three of them slipped and went down in a heap, blocking the inner gate from their kinsmen.

It was Velox who first caught sight of Stroon. The wizard stood atop the inner battlements beside a pair of archers. His hands were raised above him, conjuring some spell or another. The oracle’s eyes blazed white as he brought his own power to his hand. With a curse, he hurled a beam the intensity of the sun at the wizard. Stroon howled as the ray struck him, burning his skin and setting his robes ablaze, completely foiling his casting as well.
“Ah, there you are!” Mox laughed
She clenched her fist, and was rewarded by the sight of Stroon’s face going purple as he began to suffocate. He collapsed atop the battlement, gasping his last.

Tungdill saw the first of the reinforcements enter through the outer gate.
“More company comin’!!” he bellowed down to the others.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that one of the giants who’d not slipped in the ice was making its way towards the inner bailey.
“Can’t be havin’ that now, can we?” the druid growled.
He conjured a second storm, this one composed of fist-sized balls of hail which rained down on the giant’s head, as well as pummeling two of the guards perched atop the battlements.

Meanwhile, the other archers on the battlement opened fire on the front door of the keep, taking advantage of the space the vanguard had recently vacated. Stevhan, Davrim and Velox darted in three different directions, breaking for cover, while Mox quickly cast an illusion about her that made it seem as if multiple images danced in the air around her. The archers had no easy targets. As Stevhan moved, he cut down two more of the guards on the grounds, while Davrim fished a potion flask from his belt and quickly quaffed it. As he did so, he quickly doubled in size, causing the soldiers in front of him to scatter in panic. Velox, for his part, made his way directly towards the stairs that led to the battlements. He meant to deal with the archers up close and personal. One of the archers quickly dropped his bow as the oracle approached, but he had no chance to draw his sword before he was hacked down.

Mox rose into the air on a column of air until she could see the arriving reinforcements. She hurled a ball of flame into their midst, scattering a half-dozen or more like rag dolls. Below her in the courtyard, Davrim reached the inner gate just as the lead hill giant broke through. The brute wasn’t prepared to see someone his own size, and in his already battered state, he didn’t stand long before the enraged inquisitor. Before any more of the giants could breach the opening, Tungdill sealed it with a wall of white-hot flames. Behind Davrim, Stevhan faced off against the last three guards remaining in the courtyard. As a lucky arrow thunked into the ranger’s thigh, the soldiers rushed him in unison. He whirled and dodged, his sword moving as if it were an extension of his arm, darting and thrusting, and putting the guards down in rapid succession.

More troops were pouring through the main gate like cockroaches. Mox hurled a ball of corrosive acid into them, which, though several fell, mainly served to send a large number scrambling towards one of the wall towers for cover. From atop the inner battlement, Velox could see several of the giants who’d fallen in the sleet storm struggling to their feet. The oracle quickly wove a wall of fire about them, caging them in. While his attention was diverted, one of the guards atop the wall rushed towards him, trying to force him over the edge. Velox nimbly side-stepped the clumsy attempt, and drove his sword through the man’s back, sending him tumbling to the courtyard below. Meanwhile, the archers on the far side of the courtyard began firing down on Stevhan and Davrim. The two warriors were pinned down, and Stevhan took a direct hit which pierced his breastplate and drove painfully into his chest. He whirled and quickly picked the offending sniper off with a perfect shot through the eye. Suddenly, cries of terror erupted from the archers as a thousand-pound tiger abruptly appeared in their midst. From high overhead, Tungdill chortled to himself.
“That oughta give’em somethin’ to shoot at!” he laughed.
The tiger pounced on the nearest guard, driving him to the ground. As the others scattered, Tungdill sent a bolt of lightning sizzling down upon them. The distraction, however, was short-lived. Mercenaries though they were, the soldiers were well-trained and well-disciplined. The archers regrouped and opened fire on the tiger, one of them sending a shaft through one of its feet, pinning it in place. The other guards redoubled their fire. In short order, they brought the beast down. Their triumphant cheers were cut short by more screams as a ball of fire courtesy of Mox immolated the entire group.

Velox’s fire wall didn’t deter the giants for long. The stupid brutes were too dumb and feral to worry about their own scorched and frost-bitten hides. They wanted blood. They surged towards the gate of the inner wall, and only Davrim stood to stop them. As the first one rushed towards him, he cleaved its head nearly in two with his blade. He was outnumbered, but the giants could only come at him one at a time. Having no concept of strategy, they did exactly that. Again and again one would charge blindly in, only to meet a quick death at the skilled hands of the inquisitor. In under a minute, three more lay dead at his feet. As the last one charged, Tungdill let loose with a veritable storm of lightning bolts, roasting the big sod in its tracks. Davrim turned and glared at the elemental druid.
“Kill stealer,” he growled.

After that, the grounds of the keep became a slaughter house. Though the guards tried to form some kind of organized assault, they were simply overpowered. Magical fire, lightning and acid drove them apart every time they massed, killing more of them each time. When they came in smaller groups of threes and fours, Stevhan, Davrim and Velox were there to meet them, meting out death with frightening speed and ferocity. In all, the battle lasted less than ten minutes. When it was done, some sixty Pitax mercenaries lay dead, along with a half-dozen hill giants. As the last of the explosions died away, the companions heard a chorus of cheers rise up from the town itself. The news of freedom travelled fast.



A thorough search of the keep revealed no further survivors of Drelev’s regime, just several scared but grateful servants. A search of the library, however, did reveal several interesting facts. Foremost among these was that Stroon had marked a map of the Slough with the warlord Armag’s current campsite, an ancient Hallit tomb located several days north of Fort Drelev. Included in the margins of this map were notes about Armag himself, or rather, the original Armag. It seemed that in the earliest days of the Tiger Lord’s history, a man named Armag led his people out of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords and into southeast Numeria. They clashed repeatedly with other barbarian tribes, eventually pushing through the Rostland plains to come up against the Iobarian warlords and centaur tribes of Casmaron. These conflicts forged Armag into a timeless champion who earned the direct favor of Gorum, the Iron Lord and God of War. As it turned out, pride was Armag’s weakness. He boasted he would live forever, that death herself could never slay him. Pharasma heard his boasts and was offended. She sent several of her minions to aid Armag’s enemies to lay him low. This angered Gorum, who had come to enjoy Armag’s audacity and brutal nature, and as Armag fought against his enemies, Pharasma and Gorum engaged in a battle of wits over the ultimate fate of Armag’s soul. When Armag finally succumbed and died on the field of battle, laid low by a mighty red dragon, Gorum intervened and infused Armag’s soul into his sword, Ovinrbaane, preventing it from entering the Boneyard. He then sent visions to shamans of the Tiger Lords, inspiring them to construct a fitting tomb for the Iron Lord’s champion. In recent years, a prophecy had surfaced among the Tiger Lords, which foretold of the coming of Armag the Twice-Born. It said that this person would be a child formed from the spirit of the original Armag, and he would return the Tiger Lords to their former glory.

Mox stood before the gates of the keep as she addressed the people of Fort Drelev.
“And so I vow to you,” she pronounced as she finished her proclamation, “that we shall return and help you to rebuild your town, but first we will return your missing daughters to you. In doing so, we shall also deal with the Tiger Lords and their misbegotten leader, so that you will never have to worry about them invading your home and stealing your children again!”
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, men and women alike weeping openly. As Mox and her companions mounted their horses and rode out of town, they were escorted by a throng of potential new Kardashians.

As the group set out across the grasslands that bordered the Slough proper, Stevhan found signs of a large predator travelling parallel with their route, a large cat of some sort, or so he judged. Eventually the trail led into a narrow valley filled with thorny plants nestled between two sharp-sloped hills. Stevhan’s senses were on high alert. This was just the sort of terrain that hunting cats liked to hide in, so that they could take their prey unaware. He was just about to say as much to his colleagues, when Velox gave a cry of alarm.
“Watch out!” the oracle shouted.
Stevhan turned as his horse reared, and a tan blur larger than his mount leaped from a nearby tree. It was a smilodon, known more commonly by locals as a sabre-toothed tiger. It tore the ranger from the back of his horse and bore him to the ground with its jaws clamped around his neck, and its claws tearing through his mail. Stevhan scrabbled for his sword, but his vision rapidly grew dark. The cat shook him like a ragdoll before tossing him aside. He fell limp and didn’t rise.

Velox and Davrim quickly dismounted their horses and moved to flank the beast. It spit and hissed as it spun in circles, trying to swipe at both of them. Velox darted in when its back was to him, driving his sword deep into its side. When it whipped back towards him, Davrim moved in to attack, and the cat yowled in a pain-maddened frenzy. Davrim stepped back as it charged him, but as it leaped, an arrow streaked past the inquisitor’s ear, and straight into the smilodon’s left eye. It fell in a lifeless heap. Davrim turned to thank his savior, and was stunned to see Stevhan standing there, bloodied, but alive. The ranger tapped his breast plate.
“That little enchantment you suggested I get last time we were in Veritas was well worth the gold,” he panted. “Breath of Life indeed!”

With another day’s travel behind them, the companions could see the foothills in the distance, in which, according to Stroon’s map, Armag’s tomb lay. With any luck, they would reach them by the next morning. The shadows began to grow long as evening approached, but to Velox, they seemed to be lengthening too rapidly. He glanced towards the sky, and gasped as he saw three very distinct shadows closing quickly towards them. They resolved themselves into horrific, winged creatures that somehow combined the worst features of goat, lion and dragon. Chimerae.

Velox didn’t have time to warn his friends. Instead, he wove a wall of fire about them all that extended twenty feet into the air. The chimerae couldn’t halt their momentum, and they flew directly into the flames. As the monsters scrambled for altitude, Davrim unlimbered his bow and opened fire. The beasts wheeled about, and all three of them opened their draconic mouths and breathed gouts of acid down upon the companions. Stevhan dove from his horse to evade the caustic liquid, pulling a small bead from a necklace that he wore. He hurled it into the air, where it exploded into a fiery ball, engulfing all three of the chimera. One of them tumbled to the ground, a charred husk. Mox cast what was rapidly becoming her signature spell upon another, sucking the air from its lungs and sending it crashing. The last succumbed to another hail of arrows from Davrim’s bow.

The companions literally stumbled into the encampment of the Tiger Lords, and were just as surprised to see the barbarians as the savages were to see them. The barbarians’ camp was settled in a small box canyon, situated at the edge of a small forest at the base of a high, cliff wall. A dozen or so small yurts were spread out about the clearing, with a fenced-in area for horses on one side, and a large, wooden cage in the center. Within this prison held five young women, dirty and harried-looking, but otherwise seemingly healthy.
“Gentlemen!” Mox announced. “We’ve come to escort these ladies back to Fort Drelev, but before we go, we’ve business to discuss with your chief. Now if you’d kindly step aside…?”
Momentary silence greeted her proclamation…followed a moment later by the battle cry of a dozen Tiger Lord barbarians.

Davrim sent three arrows flying at the nearest of the warriors simultaneous with Velox’s charge towards the man. By the time the shafts struck, the oracle was in the barbarian’s face, his sword taking him through the gut at the same time the arrows took him in the chest. He was already dead and falling as Velox ran towards his next target. He ignored another of the barbarians closing towards his flank. His faith in his comrades was well-placed as a pair of shafts from Stevhan’s bow dropped the brute in his tracks. Velox passed another falling barbarian as Davrim opened up with his bow again, his focus on a bear of a man standing next to the women’s cage. The barbarian raised his axe, preparing to fend off the oracle’s blade, and so it was that he was taken completely unaware when a beam of light as bright as the sun lanced from Velox’s hand and struck him in the chest, burning his heart instantly to ash.

The Tiger Lords saw the threat clearly, and three of them broke off from the pack to surround Velox. The others all drew throwing axes from their belts and hurled them towards Mox and company. Fortunately, in their haste, they made their throws from too far away, and the axes fell short. That did nothing to help Velox’s situation. Instead, Davrim and Stevhan loosed their shafts yet again, and two of Velox’s foes went down. Half the Tiger Lords were dead, yet those remaining showed no sign of quailing. One of them broke for Davrim, forcing the inquisitor to drop his bow and scrabble for his sword. The barbarian’s axe chopped down towards his arm, but Davrim turned at the last moment and took the impact on his side instead. Stevhan moved to help his friend, but a thrown axe from another of the warrior’s grazed his forehead, momentarily dazing him. Instead, his wolf, now grown to the size of a small horse, leaped on Davrim’s foe and bore the man to the ground, its jaws locked around his jugular.

Mox stepped forward and her mandible seemed to unhinge as she opened her mouth to spew a gout of bilious acid at another charging Tiger Lord. The man continued to scream until his throat dissolved along with the rest of his head. Selena tossed a precisely aimed fireball at another pair, and while they twisted and turned, trying to extinguish themselves, Davrim ran one of them through with his blade. Under the distraction of the destructive magic, Velox closed with the remaining three warriors, including the one that was still smoldering. In a truly dazzling display of swordsmanship, the oracle rapidly disarmed the trio of their weapons. Before they could reach for the hand axes at their belts, Mox killed two of them with another blast of her caustic breath, while Davrim neatly decapitated the last.

“Your fathers all send their regards, ladies,” Mox said as Davrim released them from their prison. “Rest assured, we shall escort you back to them as soon as our business here is concluded. In the mean time, I trust you will be comfortable with the accommodations.”
She gestured towards the magnificent pavilion that Velox had conjured using a magic rod he had taken from Baron Drelev’s mistress.
The women bowed and curtsied to the Queen of Kardashia, ensuring that the legend of Mox and her companions would only continue to grow.


Fantastico! Nice bit of showmanship at the end too - the Queen is certainly confirming all the stories about her and her loyal band! :)

PS: One last Forgotten Arch query... did you pimp the Kenku at all?


Fantastico! Nice bit of showmanship at the end too - the Queen is certainly confirming all the stories about her and her loyal band! :)

PS: One last Forgotten Arch query... did you pimp the Kenku at all?

If I recall, I think that I just increased their number by 50%. I didn't actually adjust their stats.



The natural tunnel that burrowed into the side of the cliff soon gave way to a worked passage carved from pale stone heavy with iron ore. The oxidized brown stains gave the corridor the appearance of long dead flesh streaked in dried blood. After a dozen yards or more, it ended in a square chamber that contained three alabaster statues carved to depict well-proportioned Kellid men, each set in a different war-like pose. The room was not unoccupied when Velox and Davrim stepped in. Two women, clad from head to toe in black, stood clustered in one corner. Arrayed protectively before them was a pair of emaciated figures that looked like horned human skeletons smothered within a bone-tight hide of slimy leather.
“Do not allow these blasphemers to pass!” one of the women hissed.
“Say,” Davrim asked aside to Velox, “don’t the amulets those ladies are wearing look familiar?”
“Gyronna,” Selena snapped. “The same cultists who tried to form a cell in Veritas. These seem a bit more prepared. Those are babau demons they’ve summoned. They aren’t light weights.”

The demons carried wickedly barbed spears, and as Davrim, Stevhan and Velox fanned out, they began twirling and flipping the weapons with practiced skill, their tongues flicking from their leering mouths.
“Nice moves,” Stevhan growled, “but do you know how to use those pig-stickers?”
The ranger lunged towards one of the demons. The fiend thrust his spear at Stevhan’s gut, but the ranger easily batted it aside with a powerful parry from his sword. He quickly reversed the blade and drove it with both hands through the babau’s chest. He used the sword like a fulcrum, and twisted the demon so that its back was to Velox. The oracle didn’t waste the opportunity, and ran the fiend through from behind. In a flash of noxious, yellow smoke, the demon vanished.

The second demon darted towards Selena, its spear clenched in both hands. Before it could reach her, however, the witch forked her fingers towards it and a ray of green light struck the creature. It wobbled in its charge, and fell to its knees, weakened by the potent magic of the hex. Mox stepped to Selena’s side and loosed a barrage of arcane bolts into the fiend. It reeled back, and as it exposed its neck to Stevhan, the ranger neatly lopped off its head. It vanished just as quickly as its brother had.

The two sisters stood undefended. Davrim rushed towards them, Stevhan and his wolf companion a step behind. One of the priestesses cast her hands before her, and a wave of power emanated from her. Davrim and Stevhan felt it pass over them, momentarily clouding their minds. The wolf, however, was not so strong-willed. It immediately began growling and snarling in a maddened frenzy, chewing at its own leg as if trying to free it from a trap. Stevhan and Davrim didn’t hesitate. Each of them hit one of the sisters like a battering ram. The women raised their hands to cast their spells, but they never got the chance. It was over in seconds.

“Does anyone else find it an odd coincidence that priestesses of Gyronna are working with Armag, who in turn is working with Pitax, which instigated Fort Drelev’s attack on our country?” Mox asked.
“And that those same cultists tried to foment dissent within our capital city not long ago?” Velox added.
“I guess that’s one more thing Armag will have to answer for when we find him,” Davrim snarled. “So what are we waiting around for?”

Two pairs of iron doors exited the square chamber. The companions chose the set directly across from the entrance. Beyond them lay a long, wide corridor. Four boulders of varying size lay within it. At the far end, progressively larger steps rose toward another set of iron doors. Each step bore a round depression that corresponded in size to one of the boulders below.
“So what’s the point of this, do you think?” Davrim asked to no one in particular.
“Some sort of trap, I would guess.” Velox replied. “This is a tomb for a champion of Gorum after all. I expect he’d want to make sure any visitors would be worthy.”
“Why don’t we just walk on through an’ open th’doors?” Tungdill grumbled.
“You could try,” Velox answered, “but I’d wager they’re locked.”

The oracle was correct. Not only were the far portals sealed, but there was no visible locking mechanism. The lock was a magical one. The puzzle seemed simple enough: put the corresponding boulder into its indentation. The problem was the sheer size and weight of the stones. Even the smallest looked to be several hundred pounds. Velox solved this dilemma by casting a spell upon Stevhan that doubled the ranger’s size, and correspondingly, his strength. The two of them then began rolling the stones, larges to smallest, up the stairs and into their depressions. It was long and grueling work, but as the last one settled into place, the doors swung silently open.

Columns of fused iron weapons emerged from a sheet of iron on the floor of the chamber beyond the iron doors. A single iron wheel protruded from the floor in the middle of the room.
“Another test, I suppose,” Davrim grumbled. “Makes me glad I follow Iomedae.”
“That makes two of us, brother,” Velox smiled.
Cautiously, he, Davrim, Stevhan and Tungdill moved into the chamber, leaving Mox and Selena behind. Once again, another set of iron doors exited the room on the far side, and again, it was magically sealed.
“Well,” Stevhan shrugged, “I guess someone wants us to turn the wheel. So, do we turn the wheel?”
Velox nodded. Stevhan, still giant-sized, reached across the metal platform and began to spin the wheel. Several things happened at once. First, the open doors slammed shut, locking Selena and Mox on the other side. Next, thick sheets of ice formed instantaneously along every surface in the room…walls, ceiling and floor, covering both exits and immediately lowering the temperature to bone-chillingly frigid. Everyone in the chamber wore and/or carried metal on them, and as the air became colder and colder, the touch of that metal began to burn their flesh.
“Keep turning!” Velox shouted to Stevhan.
Though the iron wheel felt like it was grafted to his hands, Stevhan continued to spin it. Each revolution seemed to take an interminable amount of time, but after seven such turns, he was rewarded by the click of the lock from the doors on the far side of the room. Yet the ice still remained.
“Selena, Mox, can you hear me?” Velox shouted.
“Yes!” came Mox’s muffled reply. “What’s going on in there?”
“Just get in here as quickly as you can!” Velox cried.
A moment later, the witch and the sorceress appeared in a flash of light.
“It’s freezing in here!” Mox shrieked.
“No wonder yer th’queen!” Tungdill snarled.
The dwarf spat out the words to a spell, and a large sphere of fire appeared in the middle of the room. At Tungdill’s command, it rolled towards the far wall, and when it struck the ice, it quickly began melting a hole through it. In a matter of seconds, the doors were exposed, and they were open.
“Let’s go!” Velox commanded.
The companions bolted towards the doors, and as they passed through the freezing air where the ice wall had been, their flesh blistered as though it had been burned.

The corridor beyond the doors was filled with thick fog. The group moved through it single-file, Velox in the lead. After several yards, the hall gave onto a flight of stairs, but they were clogged with thick webbing from ceiling to floor. Tungdill, his flaming sphere still trailing behind him, sent the orb ahead, setting the webs ablaze and quickly clearing the stairwell. Velox led the way up, only to come up against a blank stone wall. The oracle closed his eyes and began moving his hands along the wall, searching for any hidden seems or triggers. To his surprise, his skin touched not stone, but metal. When he opened his eyes, it seemed as if his hands had passed completely through the wall.
“It’s an illusion,” he grinned. “Clever.”
However, even though he’d found the hidden doors, they were sealed.
“I’m getting sick of this!” Davrim snarled.
He walked up to the doors and placed one gauntleted hand against them.
“I bought this little beauty for just such an occasion,” the big half-orc grinned. “One touch and the metal in that door should rust completely through.”
The glove began to glow, but as soon as it did, a flash of black energy surged from the doors, engulfing Davrim. He screamed as he fell to the floor, blood flowing freely from his eyes, nostrils and finger tips.
“There’s some sort of ward in place,” Mox said. “I can sense it.”
“Th..thanks for w..warning m…me!” Davrim stammered.
“Lemme try,” Tungdill grumbled.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” Mox warned, but the druid wasn’t listening.
His form melted and shifted, until his body appeared to be made of living earth. He began to sink into the floor, but he gone no more than an inch or two before he too was blasted by the backlash of energy.
“I told you,” Mox shrugged.
“Perhaps I can assist,” Selena offered. “My hexes aren’t simply curses. They have positive benefits as well. Observe.”
The witch laid her hands on Tungdill’s shoulders for a moment, then released him.
“I don’t feel no different,” the druid said.
“You can’t feel luck,” Selena smiled. “Just go with it.”
Tungdill sighed and turned back to the doors. Once more, he began to sink into the floor, but this time, there was no backlash. Within seconds, he had submerged completely.

When Tungdill emerged from the floor on the far side of the doors, he found himself in a large, dome-shaped room. Four massive pillars held up the high, vaulted ceiling, and at the center of the chamber stood a towering suit of spiked armor, at least twice the size of a man. Two more sets of iron doors sat in the walls on the far side. Tungdill began moving further into the area, looking for any signs of danger. He realized it was right in front of him when the helmet atop the armor slowly swiveled towards him. A moment later, the entire suit began to move. Wisely, the druid sank back into the floor, miraculously with no magical backlash.

“We don’t have much choice,” Mox said after Tungdill had explained the situation. “The way back is sealed. We have to keep moving.”
“How do you propose we get past these doors?” Selena asked. “We can use transdimensional travel again, but there are sure to be more of these portals. I can only do that trick so many times.”
“The simplest solutions are always the best,” Mox shrugged.
She extended her hands, palms out, careful not to actually touch the doors. Concentrating, she felt for the lines of magic that enmeshed the portals, and calling upon her own power, began to unravel them. A few tense moments later, the portals swung silently open.
“Should’a tried that earlier!” Tungdill snapped.
“Like Selena said,” Mox replied, “I can only try that a limited number of times.”
“Um, guys…,” Davrim said, “I think we need to have this discussion later. There’s a ten-foot tall suit of armor headed our way, and it doesn’t look very friendly!”

For its bulk and size, the lumbering behemoth was surprisingly fast. Even as Stevhan moved to interpose himself between it and the women, it swung one massive arm and clubbed him, sending him tumbling into a nearby wall. Davrim charged into the breach, swinging his sword in a broad arc. He knew that striking the iron-hided construct would be like hitting a brick wall, and so he called on Iomedae as he struck, using her power to imbue his blade with the capability of piercing such defenses. Consequently, when he hit, his sword cut into the armor as if it were flesh. The thing whirled towards him, its arms a blur of motion. Before it could smash him to a pulp, however, a cascade of lightning engulfed it. When the barrage passed, the construct moved as if it were walking through molasses.
“I just figured out what th’bugger is!” Tungdill shouted. “It’s a golem! ‘Lectricity slows it down! Oh, but watch out fer its…,”
Before he could complete his sentence, the golem exhaled a cloud of noxious, green gas from its helm.
“…breath!” the druid finished.
As the vapor washed over Davrim, he felt his strength begin to leave him. His vision began to blur, but the last thing he saw was Stevhan and Davrim launch themselves at the golem, their swords smashing it to so much scrap metal.

A couple of potions later, Davrim was back on his feet, only slightly worse for wear. While he was being tended, Stevhan’s search of the chamber uncovered one more exit…a hidden one. Mox managed to dispel the warding spells on all three exits, but the obvious choice seemed to be the one they weren’t meant to find.

The corridor the door opened onto was once again filled with webs and mist. Sigils marked the walls, but judging by the dust on the floor, the hallway appeared to have lain unused for centuries. As Velox started down the passage, however, a strange cacophony of clicking and chittering began echoing from somewhere ahead in the darkness. After Selena burned away the webs in front of him with a convenient wand, the oracle gripped his sword more tightly, and pressed on.

The fog was so dense that Velox could barely see more than a few feet in front of him, and so it wasn’t until he was literally face to face with the derghodaemon that he even knew it was there. The creature was a looming, five-armed arachnoid monstrosity, the personification of death from being eaten alive. The sight of the fiend was a shock to Velox, but the oracle had faced worse. What caused his mind to snap, however, was the incessant grinding and clicking of its mandibles and chitinous plates. One moment, Iomedae’s grace had fallen over him, and in the next, all he knew was a gut animal instinct for self preservation. His sword clanged to the floor at his feet as he turned and fled back up the corridor in blind panic, shoving through his startled companions.

Davrim, who had been in the rank behind Velox, had no idea what was happening. A moment after Velox ran past him, the air filled with a thousand buzzing, stinging wasps, while the floor beneath him came alive with an equal number of scurrying spiders. The inquisitor rushed forward, trying to escape the bites and stings, and ran headlong into the daemon. Reflex took over, and he swung his sword with all his might. The blade glanced off the creature’s exoskeleton and lodged in the wall, firmly stuck. As he struggled in vain to free it, Stevhan darted past him and drove his own sword through one of the fiend’s claws.

At the back of the group, Tungdill couldn’t tell what was happening in the chaos around him. What he did know, however, was that he couldn’t see a damn thing inside the fog. He quickly called up a stiff wind that ripped the fog away in tatters, and suddenly the entire scene unfolded before him and the others. Selena saw the spiders swarming towards Davrim and Stevhan, and she quickly hurled the flaming sphere at them, destroying them all in a fiery swath. She immediately followed that with a fireball centered upon the daemon itself. When the flames cleared, however, there wasn’t a mark on the fiend. Selena’s heart beat quickened in fear.

The ravening daemon gestured with its claws, and a new wave of insects burst into existence, this one extending down the entire hallway and consisting of foot-long, blood-red centipedes. The creatures sank their mandibles into the flesh of the companions, and their bite carried a potent poison. Stevhan and Tungdill were immediately overcome with debilitating nausea. Selena felt weak, but she managed to call down another spell, a column of white fire that engulfed the daemon, but once again, the fiend emerged unscathed. Then Mox stepped forward…

The Queen of Kardashia mustered all of her focus, ignoring the biting, stinging swarms all around her, and wove her most potent magic. Though the derghodaemon was a being of the outer planes, it still needed air to breath, and Mox’s spell stole that from it. The fiend simply collapsed to the floor as its respiratory system shut down. A moment later, Tungdill recovered himself enough to increase the force of his conjured wind to a minor gale. The blast blew all of the insects to the far end of the passage. Once they were all massed together, Selena lobbed another fireball, instantly destroying them all.


How balanced is the gameplay? From reading the storyhour, the battles seem like the players are walking through many of the encounters quickly and easly.

I know JD takes a certain liberty when writing out the combat but it seems a little one sided.


Has the sadistic DM lost a little of his fire and has <gasp> mercy on his players??

Feeblemind sucks.

Depends what side your on.:)


Make no mistake, the PC's are heavy hitters, but the derghodaemon gave them pause. When Velox got feeblminded at the beginning of the battle, I think that gave everyone pause. It was very much touch and go until Mox got off her Suffocation spell. And while we're on the topic, Mox has a rod of persistent spell, which she's fond of using when casting Suffocation. Essentially, this makes the targe of the spell have to save twice, and Suffocation is basically an insta-kill spell. Still, we just started War of the River Kings last night, and I think it's going to prove to be VERY intersting.

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