25 Kuthona, 4717
The Nessian Knot quickly regrouped on the roof of the watchtower and began making their way down one of the spiral stairwells to the interior of the fort. They only made it down one floor before they encountered resistance. Waiting for them in the large guard room at the bottom of the stairs was Captain Arthis Fidelis, the watchtower commander. With him were a dozen warriors clad in the tabard of the holy order of Saint Macarius, and behind them were two large clay statues carved to resemble knights of the order. They were animate and lumbered single-mindedly towards the intruders.
Dakota started things off by rapid-firing a trio of arrows into the breastplate of the commander. The holy warriors responded by crying out, "For Iomedae!" They then charged into the fray. Seeing the real problem, Kelvin ignored the charging soldiers, trusting his more martial-oriented allies to keep them off of him, and turned his attention towards the clay golems. He calmed his mind and focused on the floor beneath the nearest construct. Spreading his arms apart slowly, he watched as a pit began to yawn open beneath the brute. As he spoke the last word of his spell, the chasm reached its full size and the golem toppled into it.
"Save me!" Tardaesha cried as the warriors closed.
She had used her circlet to disguise herself as a nun of the order of Saint Cythia Celste, her hands apparently bound behind her.
"Stand aside, Sister!" one of the warriors shouted.
He grabbed her and pulled her roughly behind him and his comrades. Tardaesha smiled as she drew her sword from beneath her habit and began to lay into the reckless idiots from the back as her friends met them head on. As the battle raged on, Dorian split the combatants in half with a prayer that erected a raging wall of fire down the middle of the room, immolating several of the soldiers as it sprang into existence. Meanwhile, Lemmy met the captain head-on, his arm morphing into a kinetic blade of steel. The commander tried to deflect the blows of the massive blade, but Lemmy nmanaged to get around his defenses and shove the metal spike through the man's chest.
Raiju and Grumblejack moved to intercept the second golem, flaking it to prevent it from getting any closer to their bosses. The construct's massive arms swung like battering rams, and when one of them slammed into Grumblejack's belly, it burned as if he'd been dipped in acid. Still, the ogre and the oni were a force to be reckoned with, and under their combined assault, the golem was soon reduced to broken shards of crockery.
The holy warriors fought valiantly, but ultimately in vain. The Nessian Knot took them out one-by-one with brutal efficiency. As the last one fell, Lemmy went to stand over the pit the first golem had fallen into. It stood at the bottom, some thirty-feet below, clawing at the walls in a futile attempt to climb them. Lemmy focused and began hammering the creature with his kinetic blasts, slowly and deliberately, grinding it to dust in a matter of moments.
With the main defense of the watchtower defeated, the companions were able to make their way down to the ground floor with little trouble. Once there, they raised the gates and allowed their forces to begin flowing into the Vale. Kelvin ordered the vampire spawn to hunt down the remaining defenders of the tower, and a short time later he began to hear the screaming.
The horde of bugbears, duergar and vampire spawn marched into the Vale of Valtaerna under cover of darkness, but the battle at the watchtower had not gone entirely unnoticed by the defenders of Sanctum. The invading horde had advanced no more than a few hundred yards into the valley when they found their way blocked by a line of finely dressed and battle-ready Knights of the Alerion mounted on barded destriers. Their commander rode out to the fore of the knights and lowered his lance.
"Forth men of Iomedae!" he cried. "And fear no darkness!"
The knights roared their defiance, readied their lances and charged forward in a great V formation. The bugbears at the front of the horde hesitated and seemed ready to break before the wall of horse and steel.
Izevel the medusa stepped directly in front of the charging line of horsemen, and those gathered behind her gaped in awe. Her veil remained in place as she drew her bow taught and loosed a single black shaft. It struck the commander's mount directly beneath its breast bone, and the horse stumbled and fell. The captain leaped from the saddle at the last moment and landed nimbly on his feet...just as a volley of arrows from Timeon and Dakota made a pin cushion of him. The vanguard of the knights hesitated, and that's when a pair of explosive spells, one of ice and one of fire, detonated among them. Dorian and Kelvin nodded in satisfaction as they surveyed the aftermath. All of the dozen knights in the van lay dead, as did their mounts. Behind them, the line of soldiers broke in panic, and as they fled, the bugbear horde chased them down, snarling and howling at the prospect of bloodshed and slaughter.
As the companions reorganized their forces and continued their advance, a volley of arrows fell from the sky all around them, injuring Kelvin slightly as well as the Nessian war hound upon whose back he rode. From a rise in the distance a cluster of archers had seized the high ground. A flag went up with the signet of the archery command, and from there they began to coordinate arrow fire in great volleys. For a moment, the horde appeared on the verge of breaking apart beneath the withering assault, but Kelvin and Dorian once more ended the threat by sending a pair of fireballs to the hilltop, immolating everyone there.
Line by line, the bugbears crashed through the ranks of Talirean infantry. Mostly, the hearty yeomanry and the common soldiery were unprepared for the brutal ferocity of the shaggy northern monsters. Again and again the bugbears ripped into their enemies and taught them a lesson in butchery. Suddenly, however, the slaughter ceased. At the center of the Talirean lines the bugbears met their match. Sturdy dwarven soldiers hewed down the beasts with hammer and axe. They bellowed in old dwarven.
"Axes of the dwarves! The dwarves are upon you!"
Their numbers were few but their worth upon the battlefield was great. Pinning them all together was the great dwarven thane at their center.
Before the Ninth could even utter an order, the duergar warriors, led by Zargun Arzen, charged headlong at the dwarves. Timeon and Dakota reacted quickly, targeting the thane in the vanguard with their bows while Raiju and Lemmy blasted the line of nobles with twin vortices of arctic cold and razor-sharp stone.
"Race traitor!" the thane roared as he rushed at Lemmy, axe upraised.
"Ain't got nuthin' to do with race," Lemmy laughed. "It's all about who makes it worth my while! Fer example, take a gander at my latest gift!"
He stepped aside as the huge Nessian war hound stalked into view. The thane and three nobles behind him hesitated for a moment. It was a moment too long. The hound opened its jaws and spewed flame upon them, leaving nothing but the charred remains of the nobles.
A bearded female dwarf stepped out of the vanguard, a silver hammer in her hand.
"By Torag, Father Mountain Himself, I smite thee!" she cried.
A brilliant blast of pure white light exploded among the Knot and Timeon clawed at his eyes as he was struck blind.
"And by the power of the Lord of Lies, I smite thee back!" Dorian cried.
A bolt of black energy struck the priestess and she screamed and grabbed at her own eyes. As she reeled, Raiju dealt her a crushing blow with his greatsword. She staggered back...straight into Katarina's waiting blades.
Tardaesha stood at Lemmy's side and the two of them battled the great dwarven thane toe-to-toe, until at last the anti-paladin smote the king through the heart, cleaving his breast plate in two with the force of her blow. Their companions finished mopping up the remaining nobles, and then paused to take stock of the rest of the battlefield. The rank-and-file dwarven soldiers and the duergar had engaged in some of the most brutal slaughter seen in the battle thus far, and in the aftermath less than half of the dark dwarves still stood, but the center of the dwarven line had been broken.
Behind the dwarven center, vicious combatants confidently moved through the ranks of the invaders slaughtering anyone unfortunate enough to get in their way. They were led by one man, a bald-headed warrior who, with his bare hands, broke necks and sent his foes scattering. As the companions of the Nessian Knot looked on, he shattered the spine of a bugbear sub-chieftain. With every moment that passed, the monks took a deadly toll upon the horde.
This time it was the minions' turn. Lemmy and Dakota sent the Nessian war hounds forward, while Dorian commanded Artephius to loose his bombs. Knick-Knack and Dr. Know supported the others with their spells, while Izevel plied her bow to lethal effect, and Raiju leveled the field with cones of blistering cold. The monks were devastating in a stand-up, one-on-one fight, but against the combined might of the Nessian Knot, they were cut down like wheat beneath the scythe.
Inexorably, the horde continued their march across the first of the two bridges that forded the River Aiden. Sanctum had precious little in the way of siege engines, and those they possessed were scarcely in position before they were overrun and ripped to shreds by the attackers. Still, they did manage to get off a volley or two, and one of those bombardments struck directly in the midst of the Knot, sending the companions scrambling in all directions to avoid being crushed.
Soon the invaders approached the second and larger of the bridges, only to find the way barred by two glowing creatures, each as large and an ogre, encased in armor and wielding great tower shields. Golden wings sprouted from their backs.
"Shield archons," Dakota breathed. "I guess those rumors of angelic protectors were true."
"Angels, schmangels," Lemmy growled. "Bet they still bleed!"
He pointed his hand and stones flew in a violent blast towards the archons. One of them threw up his shield, but the force of the barrage battered it aside and punched a hole through the front of his armor.
"I like this dwarf!" Raiju laughed.
The oni charged forward, a great katana gripped in both hands. As he drew near the archons, Artephius hurled bombs before him, which exploded into bursts of acid and ice at the feet of the angels. Then Raiju was among them, swinging his blade in huge arcs, slicing through the mail of the celestials like hot butter. One of the warhounds came behind him and breathed hellfire on the archons, while Dakota sent a continuous volley of arrows into the mix. Finally, with one final fireball hurled by Kelvin, the angels fell, and the way forward was open.
The Vale of Valtaerna had been the home of celestials for many years, and during that time that population had served alongside and even rarely fallen in love with mortals. Therefore it was no surprise that there were more aasimar in Sanctum than probably all of the rest of Talingarde put together. From that cohort was drawn some of the most elite knights of Iomedae's orders, and they ranked among the Vale's finest defenders.
From up in the sky came a deafening screech. As the horde looked up, they beheld a half-dozen of those knights in full armor swooping down on griffons with coats the color of brightest dawn. They were headed straight for the vanguard of the Nessian Knot as the invaders began crossing the greater Saintsbridge.
Izevel took a knee as the air cavalry closed and placed a red-feathered shaft through the foreleg of the lead griffon. As the beast roared and reared, Dakota put three more arrows into its rider.
"I've always wanted to try this," Dorian chortled, rubbing his hands together.
He spoke a prayer and casts his hands upwards towards their assailants. Abruptly, four of the griffons broke rank and began circling randomly in confusion. One of them turned its head and sank its beak into its rider's thigh. In turn, the knight slammed the base of his lance into his mount's head. Two of the other befuddled griffons jabbered and babbled nonsensically as they drifted, while the last gnawed savagely at its own leg.
The remaining mounted knights charged down towards the companions, their steel-tipped lances held before them. The lead knight speared Raiju through the chest, his lance wreathed in holy fire. As the oni reeled backwards, the knight's griffon leaped upon him like a cat, sinking its hooked beak into his shoulder as it raked at his belly with its claws. Raiju went down in a whirlwind of feathers and blood. The melee upon the bridge became chaotic and increasingly lethal in record time. The knights and their mounts soared overhead, darting in for hit-an-run sorties. The Knot responded with swords, bows and magic, not to mention the not-inconsiderable contributions of the Nessian warhounds. The aasimar were fearless, and they never thought of giving ground nor relinquishing the bridge, even when their numbers began to dwindle as more of them fell. Soon it was over. The knights and their regal mounts all lay dead on the ground, or floated in the blood-tinged waters of the river. The way to Sanctum lay open and undefended
25 Kuthona, 4717
The Nessian Knot quickly regrouped on the roof of the watchtower and began making their way down one of the spiral stairwells to the interior of the fort. They only made it down one floor before they encountered resistance. Waiting for them in the large guard room at the bottom of the stairs was Captain Arthis Fidelis, the watchtower commander. With him were a dozen warriors clad in the tabard of the holy order of Saint Macarius, and behind them were two large clay statues carved to resemble knights of the order. They were animate and lumbered single-mindedly towards the intruders.
Dakota started things off by rapid-firing a trio of arrows into the breastplate of the commander. The holy warriors responded by crying out, "For Iomedae!" They then charged into the fray. Seeing the real problem, Kelvin ignored the charging soldiers, trusting his more martial-oriented allies to keep them off of him, and turned his attention towards the clay golems. He calmed his mind and focused on the floor beneath the nearest construct. Spreading his arms apart slowly, he watched as a pit began to yawn open beneath the brute. As he spoke the last word of his spell, the chasm reached its full size and the golem toppled into it.
"Save me!" Tardaesha cried as the warriors closed.
She had used her circlet to disguise herself as a nun of the order of Saint Cythia Celste, her hands apparently bound behind her.
"Stand aside, Sister!" one of the warriors shouted.
He grabbed her and pulled her roughly behind him and his comrades. Tardaesha smiled as she drew her sword from beneath her habit and began to lay into the reckless idiots from the back as her friends met them head on. As the battle raged on, Dorian split the combatants in half with a prayer that erected a raging wall of fire down the middle of the room, immolating several of the soldiers as it sprang into existence. Meanwhile, Lemmy met the captain head-on, his arm morphing into a kinetic blade of steel. The commander tried to deflect the blows of the massive blade, but Lemmy nmanaged to get around his defenses and shove the metal spike through the man's chest.
Raiju and Grumblejack moved to intercept the second golem, flaking it to prevent it from getting any closer to their bosses. The construct's massive arms swung like battering rams, and when one of them slammed into Grumblejack's belly, it burned as if he'd been dipped in acid. Still, the ogre and the oni were a force to be reckoned with, and under their combined assault, the golem was soon reduced to broken shards of crockery.
The holy warriors fought valiantly, but ultimately in vain. The Nessian Knot took them out one-by-one with brutal efficiency. As the last one fell, Lemmy went to stand over the pit the first golem had fallen into. It stood at the bottom, some thirty-feet below, clawing at the walls in a futile attempt to climb them. Lemmy focused and began hammering the creature with his kinetic blasts, slowly and deliberately, grinding it to dust in a matter of moments.
With the main defense of the watchtower defeated, the companions were able to make their way down to the ground floor with little trouble. Once there, they raised the gates and allowed their forces to begin flowing into the Vale. Kelvin ordered the vampire spawn to hunt down the remaining defenders of the tower, and a short time later he began to hear the screaming.
The horde of bugbears, duergar and vampire spawn marched into the Vale of Valtaerna under cover of darkness, but the battle at the watchtower had not gone entirely unnoticed by the defenders of Sanctum. The invading horde had advanced no more than a few hundred yards into the valley when they found their way blocked by a line of finely dressed and battle-ready Knights of the Alerion mounted on barded destriers. Their commander rode out to the fore of the knights and lowered his lance.
"Forth men of Iomedae!" he cried. "And fear no darkness!"
The knights roared their defiance, readied their lances and charged forward in a great V formation. The bugbears at the front of the horde hesitated and seemed ready to break before the wall of horse and steel.
Izevel the medusa stepped directly in front of the charging line of horsemen, and those gathered behind her gaped in awe. Her veil remained in place as she drew her bow taught and loosed a single black shaft. It struck the commander's mount directly beneath its breast bone, and the horse stumbled and fell. The captain leaped from the saddle at the last moment and landed nimbly on his feet...just as a volley of arrows from Timeon and Dakota made a pin cushion of him. The vanguard of the knights hesitated, and that's when a pair of explosive spells, one of ice and one of fire, detonated among them. Dorian and Kelvin nodded in satisfaction as they surveyed the aftermath. All of the dozen knights in the van lay dead, as did their mounts. Behind them, the line of soldiers broke in panic, and as they fled, the bugbear horde chased them down, snarling and howling at the prospect of bloodshed and slaughter.
As the companions reorganized their forces and continued their advance, a volley of arrows fell from the sky all around them, injuring Kelvin slightly as well as the Nessian war hound upon whose back he rode. From a rise in the distance a cluster of archers had seized the high ground. A flag went up with the signet of the archery command, and from there they began to coordinate arrow fire in great volleys. For a moment, the horde appeared on the verge of breaking apart beneath the withering assault, but Kelvin and Dorian once more ended the threat by sending a pair of fireballs to the hilltop, immolating everyone there.
Line by line, the bugbears crashed through the ranks of Talirean infantry. Mostly, the hearty yeomanry and the common soldiery were unprepared for the brutal ferocity of the shaggy northern monsters. Again and again the bugbears ripped into their enemies and taught them a lesson in butchery. Suddenly, however, the slaughter ceased. At the center of the Talirean lines the bugbears met their match. Sturdy dwarven soldiers hewed down the beasts with hammer and axe. They bellowed in old dwarven.
"Axes of the dwarves! The dwarves are upon you!"
Their numbers were few but their worth upon the battlefield was great. Pinning them all together was the great dwarven thane at their center.
Before the Ninth could even utter an order, the duergar warriors, led by Zargun Arzen, charged headlong at the dwarves. Timeon and Dakota reacted quickly, targeting the thane in the vanguard with their bows while Raiju and Lemmy blasted the line of nobles with twin vortices of arctic cold and razor-sharp stone.
"Race traitor!" the thane roared as he rushed at Lemmy, axe upraised.
"Ain't got nuthin' to do with race," Lemmy laughed. "It's all about who makes it worth my while! Fer example, take a gander at my latest gift!"
He stepped aside as the huge Nessian war hound stalked into view. The thane and three nobles behind him hesitated for a moment. It was a moment too long. The hound opened its jaws and spewed flame upon them, leaving nothing but the charred remains of the nobles.
A bearded female dwarf stepped out of the vanguard, a silver hammer in her hand.
"By Torag, Father Mountain Himself, I smite thee!" she cried.
A brilliant blast of pure white light exploded among the Knot and Timeon clawed at his eyes as he was struck blind.
"And by the power of the Lord of Lies, I smite thee back!" Dorian cried.
A bolt of black energy struck the priestess and she screamed and grabbed at her own eyes. As she reeled, Raiju dealt her a crushing blow with his greatsword. She staggered back...straight into Katarina's waiting blades.
Tardaesha stood at Lemmy's side and the two of them battled the great dwarven thane toe-to-toe, until at last the anti-paladin smote the king through the heart, cleaving his breast plate in two with the force of her blow. Their companions finished mopping up the remaining nobles, and then paused to take stock of the rest of the battlefield. The rank-and-file dwarven soldiers and the duergar had engaged in some of the most brutal slaughter seen in the battle thus far, and in the aftermath less than half of the dark dwarves still stood, but the center of the dwarven line had been broken.
Behind the dwarven center, vicious combatants confidently moved through the ranks of the invaders slaughtering anyone unfortunate enough to get in their way. They were led by one man, a bald-headed warrior who, with his bare hands, broke necks and sent his foes scattering. As the companions of the Nessian Knot looked on, he shattered the spine of a bugbear sub-chieftain. With every moment that passed, the monks took a deadly toll upon the horde.
This time it was the minions' turn. Lemmy and Dakota sent the Nessian war hounds forward, while Dorian commanded Artephius to loose his bombs. Knick-Knack and Dr. Know supported the others with their spells, while Izevel plied her bow to lethal effect, and Raiju leveled the field with cones of blistering cold. The monks were devastating in a stand-up, one-on-one fight, but against the combined might of the Nessian Knot, they were cut down like wheat beneath the scythe.
Inexorably, the horde continued their march across the first of the two bridges that forded the River Aiden. Sanctum had precious little in the way of siege engines, and those they possessed were scarcely in position before they were overrun and ripped to shreds by the attackers. Still, they did manage to get off a volley or two, and one of those bombardments struck directly in the midst of the Knot, sending the companions scrambling in all directions to avoid being crushed.
Soon the invaders approached the second and larger of the bridges, only to find the way barred by two glowing creatures, each as large and an ogre, encased in armor and wielding great tower shields. Golden wings sprouted from their backs.
"Shield archons," Dakota breathed. "I guess those rumors of angelic protectors were true."
"Angels, schmangels," Lemmy growled. "Bet they still bleed!"
He pointed his hand and stones flew in a violent blast towards the archons. One of them threw up his shield, but the force of the barrage battered it aside and punched a hole through the front of his armor.
"I like this dwarf!" Raiju laughed.
The oni charged forward, a great katana gripped in both hands. As he drew near the archons, Artephius hurled bombs before him, which exploded into bursts of acid and ice at the feet of the angels. Then Raiju was among them, swinging his blade in huge arcs, slicing through the mail of the celestials like hot butter. One of the warhounds came behind him and breathed hellfire on the archons, while Dakota sent a continuous volley of arrows into the mix. Finally, with one final fireball hurled by Kelvin, the angels fell, and the way forward was open.
The Vale of Valtaerna had been the home of celestials for many years, and during that time that population had served alongside and even rarely fallen in love with mortals. Therefore it was no surprise that there were more aasimar in Sanctum than probably all of the rest of Talingarde put together. From that cohort was drawn some of the most elite knights of Iomedae's orders, and they ranked among the Vale's finest defenders.
From up in the sky came a deafening screech. As the horde looked up, they beheld a half-dozen of those knights in full armor swooping down on griffons with coats the color of brightest dawn. They were headed straight for the vanguard of the Nessian Knot as the invaders began crossing the greater Saintsbridge.
Izevel took a knee as the air cavalry closed and placed a red-feathered shaft through the foreleg of the lead griffon. As the beast roared and reared, Dakota put three more arrows into its rider.
"I've always wanted to try this," Dorian chortled, rubbing his hands together.
He spoke a prayer and casts his hands upwards towards their assailants. Abruptly, four of the griffons broke rank and began circling randomly in confusion. One of them turned its head and sank its beak into its rider's thigh. In turn, the knight slammed the base of his lance into his mount's head. Two of the other befuddled griffons jabbered and babbled nonsensically as they drifted, while the last gnawed savagely at its own leg.
The remaining mounted knights charged down towards the companions, their steel-tipped lances held before them. The lead knight speared Raiju through the chest, his lance wreathed in holy fire. As the oni reeled backwards, the knight's griffon leaped upon him like a cat, sinking its hooked beak into his shoulder as it raked at his belly with its claws. Raiju went down in a whirlwind of feathers and blood. The melee upon the bridge became chaotic and increasingly lethal in record time. The knights and their mounts soared overhead, darting in for hit-an-run sorties. The Knot responded with swords, bows and magic, not to mention the not-inconsiderable contributions of the Nessian warhounds. The aasimar were fearless, and they never thought of giving ground nor relinquishing the bridge, even when their numbers began to dwindle as more of them fell. Soon it was over. The knights and their regal mounts all lay dead on the ground, or floated in the blood-tinged waters of the river. The way to Sanctum lay open and undefended