Lizard folk in disguise
The Unwoven Strands of Fate - 4/29/2020
The past is full of many things: successes, regrets and most important of all mistakes. Now successes are pleasant enough, and regrets aren’t at all fun to dwell on. But for a Sensate, mistakes are the greatest thing. You learn so much more about the reality of things, if you make mistakes.
But sometimes, you aren’t sure what category in the past something falls into. But in case of doubt; it’s a mistake. The problem is figuring out what you are learning from it.
The past is full of many things: successes, regrets and most important of all mistakes. Now successes are pleasant enough, and regrets aren’t at all fun to dwell on. But for a Sensate, mistakes are the greatest thing. You learn so much more about the reality of things, if you make mistakes.
But sometimes, you aren’t sure what category in the past something falls into. But in case of doubt; it’s a mistake. The problem is figuring out what you are learning from it.
I floated in an open sea of distant lights, unable to move anywhere. But in truth, there was nowhere to go in this place. Nothing resembled a floor or a surface anywhere that I could see. And I wasn’t falling; it was like I was in the pond in Pathhorn’s glade floating. But nor was I moving, or was I able to as I ‘sat’ there, with the echo of the voice I heard, reverberating inside my head
I turned in vain to find the elusive source. Considering the circumstances; I should have been scared or at least concerned. But the truth was I think I would have been more alarmed if there was only silence. But in the end, I couldn’t locate the source, so I did the only rational thing that came to mind.
“Where in sodding Baator am I and who are you?” I yelled. I knew I could have spoken in my head, but somehow it was more satisfying to vent my frustration aloud.
“You are in a magical construct for the purpose of allowing element Myrai’s limited perceptions to have…context,” the voice intoned in a very matter of fact tone. It didn’t judge, it didn’t seem to care, it just was.
“Context? Construct? Limited? That’s about a clear of an answer that I would expect out of a modron!”
“A modron’s capacity for understanding would be more limited than yours if it was under the rank of hexton,” it continued. “However, the lack of context would be greater, as this place has even less meaning for them. It is for your perception only.”
“That makes me feel so much better. So how about who you are?”
“I am the construct you are meant to perceive.”
By the powers, this was worse than talking to Beepu after he has had a bowl of fruit dipped in honey. He had that once as a dessert in Waterdeep, and I swore he was weaving together two sentences at the same time and made almost no sense with either. I remembered that he passed out with exhaustion later that evening to my relief.
“You know, that really doesn’t answer my question.”
“It did answer query; element Myrai is still adjusting to the context. Until then, meaning will be without a common frame of reference.”
I rolled my eyes; no this was worse. This was like talking to a guvner in the City Courts of Sigil. I had visited there once, and it took all day to stand in multiple lines, just to give a message. I got a thrashing back at the Gatehouse for coming back after dark because it took so long. But the only reason it took so long, was I had to fill out forms to drop off the message. In triplicate.
“So, you what, summoned me here like an imp on a string for what? Annoying conversation?”
“On…what? The conversation being annoying?”
“No. Element Myrai was not summoned. Element Myrai was compelled by the binding.”
“Compelled? What are you--?”
“Simplified, when element Myrai finally used the correct catalyst to decode the binding, this triggered a mandatory compulsion to create—”
“—a nexus between that existence and this construct that is the—”
“—hold it—”
“—mental manifestation of the agreed binding.”
“What? Alright stop. Let’s start with this ‘binding’ thing you keep mentioning. What are you talking--?”
“Appropriate. Binding is the source of the construct.”
“Alright…that’s a start. What is—?”
“Simplifying context. Answer: The Binding is the connection of element Myrai to source of manipulatable energy commonly referred to as ‘the Weave’”
I nodded silently thinking. “I almost understood—”
“That was sarcasm!” I retorted angrily. Pausing I collected myself and continued. “Alright, you mentioned the Weave, which as a sorcerer—"
I would have glared at the voice if I could have. “Fine. As a sorceress—”
That took me aback. “Wait…what did you—?”
“Sorcery: defined as bloodline with prime material beings known as ‘Dragons’ which have natural connection to Weave enabling manipulation. Element Myrai has no such bloodline connection.”
“I’m…I’m not a sorcer—” I was confused. My mind was trying to grasp with what I was being told. “And I know I am not a Wizard—”
“But this…this binding allows me to use mag--.”
“By the powers, stop interrupting! Alright…so how did I get binded…boun--?”
“Simple explanation with two differing answers depending on context. First context is informational; there are multiple methods for creation of a binding. Method used in this specific case was integration of Weave to planar material within element Myrai.”
I blinked. “I thought you said I didn’t have any draconic—”
“Correct. Origin of connection to weave due to immortal connection to planar matrix transferred from immortal.”
“Great…another gift from absent—” I said almost to myself.
“Father not technically required. Many methods of infusion of planar matrix are possible. Digression not relevant.”
“So…fine. I was bound, and now I am here for what, witty banter?”
“Construct is used to manipulate loci that element Myrai refers to as ‘Strands’ an imprecise labeling of planar flux.”
“But I could cast magic before—”
“Manipulation of loci not synonymous with flux interaction with weave. The later element Myrai is already familiar with, the former provides other expressions unique to element Myrai. Interaction with loci has been accidental due to lack of knowledge. This was anticipated and was why compulsion was placed on first binding; To force manifestation of the construct to transfer knowledge.
“A compulsion…wouldn’t a readable text be a bit quick—”
“Discussion preferred method for transfer of contextual knowledge. Reading without context may cause confusion. Removal of ambiguity required construct.
“Oh, like this is really better,” I said, more agitated than before. The voice, its tone, its lack of passion was grating on my state of mind.
Oblivious, the construct continued, “Second context answer relevant. Binding created because of request made by element Myrai.”
I twisted my head in confusion hanging there. I shook it as I spoke. “What? No…I…would…I…should remember doing tha--”
“Binding request was made and completed ten years ago. Nature of binding is a slow maturation before manipulation of Weave possible. Time for full maturation was between four and five years. Binding type rarely used due to maturation time and frequent lack of enough volume of planar matrix to create needed loci.”
“Back up! Ten years ago? I was a chil—”
“Not relevant.”
“Listen you adle-coved—”
“—mibix spouting—”
“Also Inaccurate.”
“—proxy for mephit flam!”
“Fascinating. Insult recorded. Element Myrai made proposal:
‘Please, I’ll do anything…I want to be stronger.’
It wasn’t the voice of the construct. It was the frightened voice of a young girl I heard, sobbing. No…it was my voice! I hung there in shock as I remembered that day; the day when Elisna was killed. Back in the shrine of Kelemvor I had stumbled into by accident.
“Binding was created at that time, as element Myrai demonstrated commitment and resolve. This was in addition to other duties already allocated.”
“What…are you talking about?” I said. The blood in my body ran cold.
“Element Myrai’s singular purpose not achieved. Additional maturation required. Additional infusion of loci required.”
From the sea of lights, I spotted a motion in the distance, how far I wasn’t sure. I then saw a Strand, black as pitch undulating towards me. I watched confused for a moment, when it suddenly struck at me. I flinched, instinctually trying to twist away and defend myself. There was a sharp flash of pain when it connected to my body, and then quickly braided itself with the strands already connected. Then I felt it.
I felt raw power flow into myself. The closest way I could describe it was the euphoria I felt when I healed myself. Or killed someone else. It was the feeling of glorious exaltation as I felt the energy wash through me. The pain I originally felt was forgotten. And then just as suddenly; both the pain and the glory were gone, leaving me dazed, panting for air.
“Assimilation of loci complete. Configuration of loci allocated to protection, based on metal state of element Myrai.”
I shook my head to clear the fog, “For a knowledge transfer, this isn’t helping.”
“Element Myrai can be more precise when element matures for another loci. Recommendation is to assimilate knowledge labelled Apocrypha--"
“That’s what I was doing, before you pulled me here!”
“—for more detailed understanding and evaluation of current duties once additional catalysts are discovered.”
“Wait! That! The duties: the ones ‘already allocated’? What duties?”
I heard nothing, as the voice didn’t respond. I looked around again in puzzlement.
“Hey! Construct…thing! What duties?” I asked again, with a little more urgency in my voice.
Again, I hung in the emptiness in silence.
“Of all the…fine. I’m not doing it whatever it--”
“—Not authorized,”
I paused a moment trying to understand the implications before I spoke again. “Authorized? You asked someone…who?”
“Not authori—”
“What duties did they dump on me?”
“Not authori—”
“Why did they bind me?”
“Not authori—”
“—You sorry excuse for a monodrone! I demand an answer…to…something,” I said breathing heavily. I felt frustrated, afraid, and on the verge of panic. I wanted desperately to be in control of this conversation. I was about to dig into the drawer of insults when the voice intoned again.
My jaw snapped shut and I looked around, like I would see something suddenly. It wasn’t an eternity before it spoke again, but it certainly felt like it.
“Message authorized,” the voice again echoed. I swallowed and listened, all my attention focused, not wanting to miss what would be said next.
“Element Myrai cannot be informed on the purpose of duties, as it would compromise nature of purpose. Duties are defined currently as ‘passive with active engagement’ with proto-petitioners as far as element Myrai’s judgement is concerned--”
‘Passive with active engagement?’ ‘Proto-petitioners?’ what in sodding Baator does that mean?
“—including executions as required.”
I think I stopped breathing at this point.
“Otherwise best guidance provided is similar in nature as former member of ‘Society of Sensation,’ with different parameters of focus.”
What do executions have to do with experiencing the multiverse?
“One final communication…”
“Great another modron headache.” I muttered.
“Quotation; ‘I am proud.’”
“Wait…wha—” I started.
“End of construct,” and the stars started to spin and blend into a soft white light, and I felt the sensation of falling. Then, suddenly I felt pain as my back slammed into the floor, knocking the wind out of me. The white light in my eyes had faded to orange. I glanced around and I was back in the hall, the orange light coming from the torch in the wall sconce, where I had cast it prior.
I picked myself off the floor and looked around. Beepu and the Prophesized One still slept, despite me colliding with the floor.
Goss? You there?
—Hm? Yes. Enjoying the night air, and nothing exciting going on.
Never mind that. Did you hear the conversation?
—What conversation?
The one with the construct?
—Have you been drinking again?
What…NO! By Kelemvor am I THAT bad?
Not the point. You didn’t hear my thoughts about a construct?
—No…I felt surprise at you reading something, followed by a surprise at your back pain.
Thanks…I think.
I moved to the table and looked at the Apocrypha with some trepidation. There, was a list of rituals:
- Knowledge of the First
- Vision of the Baatorians
- Infliction of pain
- Chrysalis of defense
- Secrets of Celestia
- Shroud of Vermin
- …
I kept pulling tabs, and I found a different heading that I could read:
‘Binding and agreed duties’
But the text there was unreadable as well. I then remembered something the construct said about ‘additional catalysts discovered.’ I knew that in the parlance of arcana that a catalyst was an effect that influenced other effects. My light was one; there must be others.
“Finally reading that...what did you call it, Apocrypha?” I heard the gnome say. Turning I saw that he was still leaning back on his chair with the child asleep on his chest.
“I finally can read it,” I said softly. “My ability to create light was the key.”
Beepu thought a moment. “I have heard of elves using techniques like that to protect important texts. But it is far from common. Here help me,” and he gestured at the sleeping child. I leaned over and gently picked him up and moved him to the basket, without waking him. Meanwhile Beepu squinted at the silvery metal pages of my text.
He had seen it before, and like me was completely clueless on how to read it. But I could see that as he pulled tabs and looked at the texts that he could see the letters I could see.
“I do not know this script, but I can see the layering of words here.”
“It’s an older form of script used by the upper planes, the language is celestial,” I said.
“I do not know anything of that language, nor anyone that speaks it. Other than you of course,” Beepu said still looking over the metal. “But what does it say?”
“I just discovered it moments ago, so I am still going through it. Some very specialized rituals, and something else. Have you heard of something called ‘Binding Magic?’”
Beepu arched an eyebrow and looked at me silently. “Well that would explain things.”
“Explain what?”
“Well you always were a strange sorcerer; but I ignored it; after all power is power. But Binding magic…that would explain things. Although the term is a bit archaic. Usually only texts going back to around 600 DR even mention it.”
“Archaic? What is it called now?” I asked, concerned with the somber, almost disapproving tone Beepu was talking in now.
“The method used is now called Pact Magic. The term has been used since the Toril Thirteen cast a rite, allowing Asmodeus to claim and mark all the tieflings here as his own sometime in the late 1390’s. All of the Toril Thirteen were bound to Asmodeus via pact magic as that was the source of the rite.”
I stood there confused. “Claiming all tieflings? That’s a bunch of barkle. I knew Tanar’lings; they certainly had nothing to do with Asmodeus.”
Beepu shrugged, “Well, trickery is certainly part of his plan. But that said, the mages at the time where dealing with the aftermath of the spellplague, which only settled down in the 1480’s. But the understanding of magic changed quite a bit. So, in addition to wizardry and sorcery we now had pact magic users as well. My understanding was that a being with enough power could enable a person to use magic. The most common source of that were fiends that had made bargains with people, hence the term Pact Magic. Although most common folk did not call them that.”
“Right,” I nodded. I had no idea what he was talking about as far as Toril’s past was concerned. I knew that Toril was called ‘Godswalk’ because of an event here. But the other historical events significance eluded me. “So, what did the common folk call them?” I said nervously, afraid I already knew the answer.
“Oh, simple. They call them Warlocks.”
I turned away from Beepu, to hide the fear in my face as I whispered to myself.
“What have I done?”