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Judges Needed


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The Forces of Darkness Encroach Upon the Transitive Isles!
Children Hide Under Tables, Damsels Cry Out For Help, Dwarves Sober Up!
Heroes Rise to the Challenge Yet They Are Lost Without a Light to Show Them the Way!

They Call Out For Guidance, For Wisdom… For You!
Do You Have What It Takes to Master the Shifting Seas?


L4W has grown a lot since launch and with the help of all of you we’ve created a fun environment for playing D&D online. We’re happy to have submissions for new characters and adventurers steadily pouring in, but as the community grows we need to step up with managing it all. This task is primarily that of the judges, but unfortunately there are at present only 3 of us: Covaithe, Garyh, and me.

We’re hoping there are a few members out there who would consider joining us to help keep the living world manageable. Being judge is not just effort for no reward; it gives you a very active hand in shaping and defining the experience we all enjoy, in particular by being able to vote on what changes and additions are proposed for the setting.

As outlined more clearly in the L4W Charter being a judge entails:

Reviewing Character and Adventure Submissions
Judges and volunteers helpers review new characters and those that level up, to check that everything is in order - simple as that.
Judges review adventures to check they are suitable for their intended players and don’t conflict with the principles of the setting. We ensure low-level characters don’t end up fighting ancient red dragons and that armies from Ea doesn’t take over Daunton. In that way, we are basically Defenders of the World (TM).

Overlooking Games
Usually this is no burden at all, the judge just helps resolve issues that the DM and players may need help with. If a DM is unable to finish the game, however, the judge is called on to step in so the players are not left out, either to finish the game as intended or bring it to a premature conclusion more smoothly.

Voting on Proposals
New D&D material is steadily published and we want to allow members to enjoy these in a responsible manner. That means voting on what should be approved for play and shouldn’t, to ensure fair games for all. Usually proposals are to include new character options from supplementary books and issues of Dragon magazine, but it can also be proposals to change the rules outlined in the L4W Charter or other aspects of our game environment.

Helping to Manage the EN Wiki for the L4W Setting
Details of the Transitive Isles (the L4W campaign setting) are contained on the EN Wiki and all members are free to add and edit to it according to the general premise and principles of the setting. It is custom to discuss changes on the forum before carrying them out, unless they are very minor.
Admittedly, the wiki can use quite an extensive overhaul, but the intent is that all members (not just judges) steadily add or clarify details as they introduce new or revisit old pieces of lore in their character backgrounds or adventure locations.

We understand that some may be hesitant due to implication of a little responsibility, but being judge is also a lot of fun since you become more central in shaping your D&D experience. Many of us love to craft game worlds and being judge is a great position for such a creative outlet. Also, we really need the help so L4W can continue to provide fun games.

Best regards,
Judge D


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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Let me just saying I'm giving it some serious thought, though I'm not sure if I'll have the time, since I just started a game here.

Dawn Raven

First Post
Is it possible to have minor judges? I do not know if I'm good enough with rules to do most of that, but I'd like to help re-organize the wiki. If I can be brash and not hurt anyone's feelings, its awful. The organization makes it very difficult to locate things and many sections do not have a "Back" link to go back to where you were.


First Post
Is it possible to have minor judges? I do not know if I'm good enough with rules to do most of that, but I'd like to help re-organize the wiki. If I can be brash and not hurt anyone's feelings, its awful. The organization makes it very difficult to locate things and many sections do not have a "Back" link to go back to where you were.
Any help would be very appreciated, especially an organization of the Wiki to make things more clear and easier to use :). If there's anything major you think people might want to object to, just bring it up in the discussion thread (or start a new topic if its a big issue.)

We're just in pretty serious need of some help, thanks for considering, guys!


If you want to help out with the wiki, great! Do it! No judgeship of any kind needed. At least half of the reason we have a wiki at all is so that judges aren't stuck with the job of keeping that information up to date. (The other half is probably revision history on character sheets.)

If you do a lot of work on the wiki, it might be worth starting a thread just to mention what you did. Maybe your work will inspire other people to help out, too.


First Post
Hi guys! I'd be glad to help and be a full judge to lift some weight from your shoulders, but unfortunately this isn't really the best moment... I'll try to do the jump as soon as possible, as soon as I get some more time, ok?
As always, thank you very much for the great job!

P.s.:I guess nobody heard from halford, right?


Haven't heard from Halford, no. His "Last visited" time updates every once in a while, but as far as I can tell he hasn't posted since early January.

Dawn Raven

First Post
Awesome! I'll most likely start looking at it in more depth today and make a thread to list the changes I propose. Its mainly organization of well...everything. I think the main page could use some tweaking along with adding return links and a better comprehension to it all. Lots of what we have decided is either hard to find or buried in links to old threads. I'd like to translate this. Anything in old threads that was linked to will be brought into the wiki so the links aren't necessary. I for one found it extraordinarily frustrating to be linked to conversation threads.


Here's something I've been planning to do on the wiki when I find time, which I haven't even come close to finding time for: I'd like to put every character, approved or not, into a category, such as L4W:Characters. Then I'd like to expand the L4W category to include all pages that have anything at all to do with L4W.

Not quite as good as a proper organization with a TOC and upward links, but it would be a start.

Voidrunner's Codex

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