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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems


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Lewit looks at the second spider for a few seconds. He stretches his limbs for a moment and returns his combat stance(Dodge vs 2nd Spider). His Crossbow is not with him, leaving him forced to go in directly. Feeling like the situation is under control, he marches forward and intends to melee the creature.

(Rapier: +0, 1d6+0, 18-20/x2 crit)

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Pilgrim Kobold Paladin of Bahamut

Pilgrim uses his small size and quickness to his advantage by teasing the monster allowing the bigger and more powerful warriors better strikes.

ooc: I'm attacking to assist. I'll also try to move to flank for someone.

Maelicent fires off an arrow. The black fletching of the projectile shriek the short distance across the common room into the kitchen. The arrow's sharp tip sinks into the wolf spider in the creature's neck. Blood fonts as the wolf spider suffers 3 points of damage. Deftly flipping a hand axe of his own over end and handing the weapon to Pilgrim, Maelicent feels contented by a degree to once again be working as a tribe, albeit with strangers. Thanking the goblin for the offered hand axe, Pilgrim wields the hand axe and steadies himself to go against the spider.

Need finds Pilgrim sooner than he'd like, perhaps. The second spider moves to spring over the trio guarding the door. Wanting to protect the innocents in the festhall, Pilgrim strikes at the spider twice, once as the beast attempts to spring past him, then a second time as an out-and-out attack. Both of Pilgrim's two-handed swipes with the hand axe hit true, dealing first 2 then 4 points of damage. Pilgrim's attacks with the hand axe deter the spider from making the full breadth of its leap and the beast comes crashing down on top of Maelicent. The goblin finds himself underneath the stinking fiend and is crushed by the creature's mass. Maelicent suffers 1 point of damage. The spider unleashes a furious bevy of biting attacks at Pilgrim. Snapping, snarling, and dripping red foam from its maw, the spider shifts the brunt of its attention from Rancid to Pilgrim. The spider lunges at Pilgrim but misses. Hissing, the fiend holds the small knight in its black orbital eyes and says something completely evil but nonetheless incoherent to Pilgrim's ears.

[sblock=Voadam]The spider hisses, "We've time for a ssssssssnack, yesssssssssss, we have. Trickssssssy, it issssssssss, isssss it?"[/sblock]

Maelicent's bow is not broken, he can see it. Maelicent is beneath the spider at the moment. Should he wish to extract himself, it will be one move to get out. Picking up the bow will cost a second movement. Both may be accomplished next round.

Reaching into his belt pouch and sprinkling a bit of coloured sand, Gamad steps backward 5 feet and casts color spray. A vivid cone of clashing colors springs forth from Gamad's twisted hand, causing first Cheal, then both the thugs to drop unconscious to the floor of the festhall.

His flail still in hand, Frane backs away from the thrashing wolf spider on top of Maelicent and frantically begins calling to the remaining custom in the festhall to depart. Lowel and Frane, with the help of the elf woman, begin herding customers from the courtyard to the relative safety of the street oustide.

From the floor near the door, Rancid bites Traven on the hand. Traven, who cries out in pain at being bitten, looks up and realizes that the wand is missing. During the scuffle with Rancid over the wand, Traven's wig falls off and a pair of false teeth drop with a clatter to the floor. Swaths of what must have been makeup that Traven had been wearing rub off on Rancid's shirt sleeves and the wooden planked floor, revealing what looks to be inhuman purple and blue splotched skin beneath. The skinny bouncer suddenly leaves off tussling with Rancid and forcibly extracts himself from the wrestling match. From the floor, Traven starts to cast a spell. Gamad, to his horror, recognizes arcane handiwork at play and watches intently as Traven prepares to cast what can only be cause fear. As the bouncer casts, he finishes, then touches Rancid on the forehead. Rancid's eyes go wide with unnatural fear and the human fop crawls as fast as he can for the festhall's front door, away from Traven. A small smirk creeps to the corner of Traven's mouth as he makes eye contact with Gamad.

H. Lewit draws his rapier and marches into the fray, intending to join Maelicent, Voadam, and Pilgrim against the wolf spider. Lewit, who has until this point bided his time watching the spider for weakness, sticks his thin blade directly into the spider's chest area, piercing the fiend's black heart. With a sickening twist and a loud pop that resonates throughout the festhall, Lewit skewers the wolf spider with a critical hit, dealing 8 points of damage and killing the beast. Maelicent suddenly finds himself trapped underneath a mountain of fur and exoskeleton. Worse, the stench of offal fills the goblin's nostrils.

The remaining custom in the Cockatrice, what few there were by the point, scream and make a mad dash for the nearest exit. The yellow dog quickly scampers out of the way but does not leave the festhall, chosing instead to scurry behind Frane's bar. The only individuals left are Traven, and Cheal and his unconscious thugs.

End of initiative. Post at will, please. Attacking Traven or Cheal is still an option but will be resolved according to posting order at this point.


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Voadam glances to the kitchen ready to draw his wand to save the man's life but it looks far too late for his magics. The blood has already stopped flowing from the man's torn out throat.

Glancing up Voadam sees the dwarf has the prize the demons were after and Traven's disguise revealed and the look he gives the dwarf after casting the spell to cause Rancid to flee.

"We're not done yet." he says to those who fought the demons with him.

Voadam's gaze hardens and he runs quickly to loom over Traven ready to knock the being flat should he cast or try to get up.

"Stay down there. I am the Green Wizard of Althora. I hunt demons. You know of the demon's prize. Speak."


Maelicent, the Gudwulf

As if having the freakish dead wolf-spider crash down on top of him wasn't bad enough, the stunned goblin finds himself dangerously close to the business end of his own axe-blade as he is beset upon by the dangerously helpful lizard-kin. Maelicent, begins to doubt the wisdom of his having armed the enthusiastic kobold.
Pilgrim said:
"Stay put goblin. I'll free you."
Maelicent scrambles to free himself from beneath the creature's carcass as the kobold's vigorous assault causes more blood and ichor to pour down onto the trapped goblin. "Whoa! Careful! If it's all the same ta ya, I think I'll just get up, alright?" Climbing to his feet, the filthy goblin warrior, reaches down and picks up his bow where he'd dropped it.

Maelicent spies his bow beneath the spider's rear two legs, near the creature's spinnerette. Cursing his bad luck, the Gudwulf flattens himself and uses the spider's own ichor to lubricate a passageway to freedom. Pilgrim, busily chopping and hacking away at the front end of the spider, fails to notice at first that the goblin has freed himself and is standing, albeit covered in slime and entrails, closer to the kitchen doorway, bow in hand.

From his spot on the floor, Traven looks up at Voadam, stunned. In the same tongue used by the wolf spiders, Traven recovers to hiss at Voadam. "The Queen's doggies may be dispatched, but you'll not live out the day, Xiphid willing. That's right, you are known." Right before Gamad's, Brakkus's, and Voadam's eyes, Traven molts his human skin and reveals his true aspect. A third spider stands before them now, though very unlike the two wolf fiends that have already been bested. Chitinous plates cover the creature's back and belly. Unlike the wolf spiders, this new spider is sleek and hairless and its exoskeleton is mottled blue and purple in hue. Arresting to look at, the spider has a wolf head just like the other two, and eight spider legs, but two robust humanoid arms thick like those of a fairy tale ogre's sprout from the base of the fiend's neck.

Traven's molting draws at attack of opportunity, should he wish it, from Voadam.
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I thank thy.
Gamad says to Brakkus and Voadam
But I think we have something else to worry about now.
Reaching to the wand and tucking it in beneath his shirt instead of the belt so no one will see it, the dwarf back away Double move to where the dog is.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Pilgrim: Kobold Paladin of Bahamut

Thinking he had a moment to breath, Pilgrim almost misses the transformation of the demon. He leaps over the corpse of the second spider and rushes to the new threat.
ooc: Once again he will attack to aid other people's attacks.


First Post
Brakkus pauses a moment to catch his breath. At Voadam's words, he starts toward the downed Traven, only to have him shift form before his very eyes. Brakkus continues forward keeping Traven between himself and Voadam and swings his flail at the new enemy.

OOC: Move so flanking with Voadam and attack with one point of combat expertise.
AC 13, attack +5 (assuming flanking), damage 1d8+4
HP: 6/12

Voidrunner's Codex

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