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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems


Voadam draws his dagger "Let us be about it then. I no longer believe it has swallowed our prize, but we cannot leave such a possibility behind us, even to track down one who is possibly escaping with our prize. Maelicent if you start at that head end I will work from back here. Do any of the rest of you have experience dealing with carcasses after a hunt? If not then follow Maelicent or my instructions, Brakkus with me, Chev with Maelicent, Gamad keep watch with your dwarf sight." Voadam sets to work on splitting the beast open.

ooc 4 ranks of survival, +3 modifier. Knowledge nature +7

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The giant-kin seemingly having finally agreed on a course of action, Maelicent wastes no further time in getting the lumbering behemoths to work together to drag the green dragon's carcass out of the doorway and into the entry hall beyond. Once there, the goblin directs the trio to roll the reptile over onto its back. With hunting knives in hand, the industrious goblin then proceeds to clamber up onto the beast's belly to cut a series of deep incisions that will allow his allies to pull back the dragon's hide most easily.

Seeing as how they are larger and stronger, the Gudwulf warrior gives the difficult task of breaking through the dragon's sternum and rib cage to Brakkus and Voadam so that they may investigate the beast's gullet and throat. Meanwhile, Maelicent himself cuts into the creature's abdominal cavity and begins pulling out long coils of intestines and handing them off to Gamad, instructing him to stretch them out on the floor and slit them open lengthwise to investigate their contents. Once all the giant-kin have been set to their tasks the goblin, comfortably nestled deep within the creature's guts, occupies himself with cutting into the beast's stomach.(Survival +8)


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Brakkus does his awkward best to help with the process. "Fhew! This thing smelled bad enough on the outside. This is much, much worse. I think we're all going to need a nice bath before picking up any ladies at the Cockatrice after we get back out of here."

With Gamad keeping watch and walking the length of the hall to check both the mushroom cavern and the hexagonal chamber while guarding against the approach of enemies, Brakkus, Chev, Voadam, and Maelicent set to the task of splitting open and searching the crocodile's expansive inner cavity and organ meat. The work is slow-going, bad-smelling, and arduous. Three hours after starting their task, the work is complete; the crocodile's carapace is an empty husk, the gullet, stomach, intestine, and rectum thoroughly dismantled, squeezed, and searched.

Brakkus, in his search of the crocodile's esophagus and gullet, finds an oddity. From inside the crododile's throat, Brakkus extracts the right hand of a human. Largely undigested as the hand is, the ring finger still sports its prize. A wide gold band rests upon the ring finger. The gold is of good quality and the ring has an inscription written in block script that Brakkus recognizes as Latin.
[sblock=Latin]"For sooth, food, nor drink, nor sleep shall you take and yet you shall know the wonders of the world."[/sblock]
For his part, Chev works alongside Maelicent squeezing lengths of intestine of their contents. Aside from the expected bits of ground bone and now-disgorged flesh that smells rife of digestive juices, Chev holds up no small miracle. A brass tube meant, by the look of it, to hold scrolls or maps. The tube's outer brasswork seems to have saved it from the worst of the crocodile's digestive work. The thing is still sealed, even.

Voadam, having drawn the end section of the beast, dissects the crocodile's posterior innards. Inside the rectum, along with a great deal of unsavory detritus, Voadam finds further evidence of the crocodile's last meal. Human teeth, by the look of them, of a male perhaps 40 or 50 years of age litter the crocodile's rectum. Along with the teeth, Voadam extracts a circular prism a full 6 inches in diameter. Shards of wood and bone that survived the worst of the ravages inflicted by the crocodile's digestive tract also ruminate in the beast's last length of lower bowel.

Maelicent splits open the creature's stomach and finds a half-digested section of a torso, severely pitted limbs, a second relatively intact hand still attached to its heavily tattooed forearm, red cloth robes that are already nearly disintegrated, and a gold linked chain necklace.

[sblock=Die Rolls]Brakkus, Search 18 (die roll = 16)
Brakkus, Survival 13 (die roll = 13)
Chev, Search 20 (die roll = 19)
Chev, Survival 11 (die roll = 11)
Maelicent, Search 7 (die roll = 7)
Maelicent, Survival 19 (die roll = 11)
Voadam, Search 17 (die roll = 10)
Voadam, Survival 5 (die roll = 1)

Gamad, Listen 10 (die roll = 10)
Gamad, Spot 21 (die roll = 19)[/sblock]


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Brakkus reads the inscription, translating as he goes, "'For sooth, food, nor drink, nor sleep shall you take and yet you shall know the wonders of the world.' Huh? I wonder if it is magic. I heard a tale of a ring that let you survive without food or water. I wonder if this is like that one?"

"Hmm. No rod, though. I guess its on down the corridor."


Voadam washes his hands and arms up to the elbows as well as the recovered prism in the water on the floor.

"Tattoos on the red robed man who bore ring, necklace, and prism. A good find after all for another possible piece of the puzzle even though no Rod." Voadam inspects the tattoos closer trying to make out details that might give another clue. "Are any of you familiar with such?"

ooc possibly relevant knowledges:
Knowledge Arcana +5 (2+3)
Knowledge Local +4 (1+3)
Knowledge Nobility +4 (1+3)
Knowledge Planar +5 (2+3)
Knowledge Religion +5 (2+3)


The Gudwulf warrior, seemingly undisturbed by the grisly labor he's recently completed, merely uses the edge of one of his hunting knives to scrape the bulk of the blood and gore from his clothing and armor. Bathing to get clean does not seem to cross the goblin's mind. He does however stoop to shake the necklace around in the puddling water underfoot.

Turning to the human warrior, Maelicent offers another possibility for the wand's location. "If ya thought tha wand at'd be in tha dragon's guts an ya mean ta check every place fer yer precious stick, than we'd have ta go back an gut tha giant bird-bear thin too. It coulda ate it juss like this here dragon coulda."

Misunderstanding the green wizard's question, Maelicent offers the obvious answer to the seemingly clueless human "It's a giant-kin's arm."

OOC: Has the water been flowing freely for the past three hours?
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Mista Collins

First Post
It is quite odd rummaging though the crocodile's innards, knowing that some of this food it was digesting is his own.

"It seems this croc had no qualms about eating anything in it's way." Chev says as he stands and wipes the tube off on his cloak. "I found this, maybe there is a map or some scrolls inside."

Once the thing is clean, Chev opens it up to see if their any any more clues inside.

Maelicent looks up from rinsing clean the heavy chain of golden links he recovered from the crocodile's stomach and notices that, indeed, the water is still flowing from under the eastern doors. Two inches of water now cover the entire hexagonal chamber, the hallway in which the crocodile has been gutted, and look also to have spilled out into the mushroom cavern beyond.

Voadam, Chev, Brakkus, and Gamad lean in for a good look at the tattooed remnant of the human arm.
[sblock=Voadam]Those are clearly religious tattoos and are not the tattoos sometimes born by slaves. The tattoos are done in colored ink, for starters, and include both script in a language unrecognized by Voadam, and a series of heiroglyphs. These likely are the tattoos of a nobleman of Arrund, the rival nation to good-aligned Errund. Arrund, simply by its proximity to Errund and the reputation of its noble houses as bearers of traditional tattoowork, makes the likely choice of this dead man's nationality, though other potential candidates might also include one or two of the barbarous nations across the southern sea at the edge of The Continent.

Likely the man was a priest and possibly also familiar with the arcane arts. These sorts of tattoos aren't purely decorative, they're inked with the intent to amplify spellcasting or even sometimes to hold spells themselves. What is left of the arm is pitted by stomach acid but it doesn't seem as if there are missing spots in the series of tattoos, indicating that probably these inked drawings are meant to make the bearer's spellcasting more powerful. The torso and legs, however, seem to be devoid of tattoos, which would indicate that this was a lesser priest. Voadam knows that tattoos are expensive and tattoo artisans are rare. Only the more elite noble houses of Arrund can normally afford such luxury: Houses Kiril, Kroum, Assen, Boril, and Lilov.[/sblock]
[sblock=Gamad]The tattoos have some obvious religious significance but are also clearly arcane in nature. Gamad distinctly recalls seeing an ink sketch of Grand Dame Ilyana Ivanovich of House Kroum of Arrund in which the House matron bore the exact same marking at the wrist as this arm--a wreath around the wrist of seven-pointed stars with a rose at the center. More than likely, this is the lesser son of the Kroum family.[/sblock]
[sblock=Brakkus]The tattooing is the noble marking more than likely done by a slave artist from a good-quality Arrundian family. Arrundians are nearly never to be trusted. House Artest currently holds the Arrudian throne but, being themselves natives of Bourdesmyd, they hold it uneasily and only by marriage. Last time he was home, Brakkus heard tell of a plot by House Assen--probably at the bidding of either House Lilov or Kroum--to politically undermine the credibility of Francis of Bourdesmyd enough to have the King declared unfit for office of state and put Francis's 6-year-old nephew Viktor on the throne.[/sblock]
Chev eyes the tattoed arm but the thing and its "artwork" are totally unfamiliar to him. Turning his attention to the brass scrollcase, Chev opens the case and to discovers a series of three intact parchments. A quick glance tells the battlepriest that the original bearer of the scroll case was surely a priest like himself, though of slightly different ilk. The scrolls seem to contain two spells each, four of which are most assuredly divine while the other two are not.

[sblock=Die Rolls]Voadam, Knowledge (arcana) 11.
Voadam, Knowledge (arcana) 23
Voadam, Knowledge (nobility) 22
Voadam, Knowledge (religion) 21
Brakkus, Knowledge (nobility) 21
Chev, Knowledge (religion) 8 :uhoh:
Gamad, Knowledge (arcana) 27[/sblock]

Mista Collins

First Post
"Looks like I found some magical scrolls. Two of them I can probably use, the third looking arcane. I have not prepared the proper prayer to determine their effects," Chev says as he puts the parchment back inthe tube and tosses it to Gamad. "You might have a better try at it."

Voidrunner's Codex

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