Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land


The Heroes.jpg

24 Calistril, 4710

It has been a decade since the mysterious disappearance of House Rogarvia and its scions. With the iron rule of Issia and Rostland's conqueror/unifier gone, the fragile peace of the proud land of Brevoy has rapidly deteriorated and the land finds itself on the precipice of civil war. Furtive alliances and duplicitous plots have allowed Issia's House Surtova to rise to the top and become Brevoy's ipso facto rulers. The Swordlords of “Free City of Restov,” located in southeastern Brevoy along the Shrike River, bordering the River Kingdoms and its areas often referred to as the Stolen Lands, have politely refused King-Regent Noleski Surtova's repeated attempts to recruit them as enforcers for his reign. Surtova has since had his Dragonscale loyalists disguise themselves as hopeful Aldori apprentices to steal their techniques. This has only further caused rumblings of unrest and potential civil war.

Despite these problems, King Surtova has been convinced by Restov's Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius that it is necessary to protect Brevoy against the turmoil in the River Kingdoms along Brevoy's southern border. A call has gone out seeking adventurers to settle within the Stolen Lands. While technically within the River Kingdoms no one has proven able to maintain control of the region. This northern region of the River Kingdoms consists of outlands that not even the most brazen of bandits are willing to proclaim lordship over. For generations the land has been unsettled, with barbarians, centaurs, all nature of deadly beasts, and nefarious things that go bump in the night staving off would-be conquerors and plunderers of its potential and rich resources.

Our story starts with the party having answered this call to adventure. You find yourselves outside the audience chamber of the Lord Mayor of Restov, having been led here by a gentlemanly steward. In separate corners of the room, three other groups are standing and conversing amongst themselves. The steward quietly opens one of the double doors, pokes his head through and whispers something before closing the door and patiently waiting with the two posted guards.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Never Idle

Shillaadrini, usually called Adrin for simplicity, clasps his hands behind him in the small of his back and nods to the departing steward. He is practically expressionless as he begins to amble about the room like some patient, yet rarely idle, dignitary. He nods to others in the room in the same expressionless manner. In this seeming nonchalance, he his analyzing everything that he can within the confined area, the egress points, guards, architecture, and other people.

OOC: Perception: 1d20+7 = 23.
Sense Motive: 1d20+5 = 12.
Lore: 1d20+5 = 23.
Know: 1d20+5 = 12.
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First Post
When Kuvarious sees the other groups, he gets eager to see what races the others are and see if he is the only tiefling in these halls. Bouncing around in the same spot trying to get a good view of the scene.

I look to our group, and whisper, "What are the odds that some of them will try to kill us outright?" with a half chuckle, half serious tone.

OOC: Knowledge (Nobility): 17
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Emudre glances around the room, taking in the furnishings and wall hangings.

OOC: Knowledge Nobility: 1d20+6 = 17
Knowledge History: 1d20+6 = 14

A tall, rather stately woman with dark hair and golden brown eyes, she's dressed in carefully fitted clerical robes and a dark blue cloak with intricately embroidered star designs. The slight creases around the corner of her eyes suggest she is in her mid-30s. She's holding an object, perhaps a map case, under one arm.

Her attention focuses to the other groups. Curiously, she studies them.

OOC: Perception: 1d20+6 = 10
Sense Motive: 1d20+7 = 16

She smiles to Kuvarious. "Regardless, I believe luck will be on our side. "

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
One of the people in your group is a young man, apparently of Aasimar descent, judging by the silvery tint of his richly tanned skin. He is very tall, about 6'5" or 6'6" (you can't be certain without measuring) and his Icy Blue eyes are calm, active, and observant. He has Raven Black hair, which is tied behind him in a single, tight braid. He's in his early to mid 20's, best you can tell. He is wearing finely tailored leather clothing, a mixture of browns and greens. He carries a composite bow, and a single quiver of arrows, and he's also wearing a backpack, which looks to be filled with gear, judging from the full expansion, and tight look of the latches. He is lean and muscular, but not overly so. He would probably be quite handsome, if his skin tone were not so strange-looking. He wears a relaxed expression, and stands among you, silent, watching each of you, and taking note of his surroundings, as if patiently waiting for something.

[sblock=Die Rolls]
Perception Check: 28
Sense Motive Check: 15


Ricky Passmore

First Post
Alexa shows up carrying everything she owns and already ready to go. Her long black hair hanging over her backpack and horse waiting outside. While most people in attendance are well dressed and noble, she walks in wearing travelers clothes and a chain shirt. Getting side tracked she starts talking with all the noble houses only to show up with the others fashionably late.
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As the party enters the waiting room, a majority of eyes turn to meet them, conversations temporarily dying down as the newcomers are studied, assessed, and summarily dismissed by the others gathered. Shillaadrani, Emudre, and Sarvek meet the eyes of those across the room and garner no tells on what their motivations might be at this time, nor how trustworthy they might be. However, it is obvious to everyone that there appears to be some bad blood between a couple of members of some of the groups, which the ones glaring daggers at each other do little to actually hide.

The largest of the groups is hushed and quickly brought back to order by a cleared throat from an individual with a scar that goes from his forehead, through his right eye, and ends halfway down his cheek. The eye is undamaged, but the scar is deep and old. This group consists of fifteen members.

A group of six stand stoically in silent order in their own corner. They wear matching cloaks and similarly styled armor. Each is well armed, no two of them carry the same primary weapon, but they each have a plethora of optional weapons near at hand.

The third group consists of five people armed with Aldori duelling swords and five others armed with various weaponry.

[sblock=~Hidden Note, Shillaadrani & Sarvek~]
Despite their conversations being hushed, Sarvek and Shillaadrani overhear a couple people from the large group mutter “bastards,” “half breeds,” and similar insults under their breath. One particularly self-important looking fellow from another group sighs, “when will they be done in there? I have better things to do than stand around here like some workhorse waiting for its master in the field.”[/sblock]

[sblock=~Hidden Note, Shillaadrani~]
Shillaadrani immediately notices that Sissen Set, the commander of a band of adventurers known as the Iron Wraiths stands in one of the corners with his party. You know them to be well outfitted and relatively experienced. Also of note is a low-ranking, but eager to impress, Swordlord named Maegar Varn standing in another corner with the third group.[/sblock]

[sblock=~Hidden Note, Kuvarious & Emudre~]
Kuvarious & Emudre each quickly spot that the rather large group in one corner seems to be led by Baron Hannis Drelev! (The man with the scar)[/sblock]

[sblock=~Hidden Note, Emudre~]
You identify the ornamental armor and weaponry as belonging to the first Aldori Swordlord, the famed swordsman, Baron Sirian Aldori.[/sblock]

[sblock=~Hidden Note, Sarvek~]
Sarvek detects what might be a secret door behind an ornamental suit of armor and weaponry on display.[/sblock]

Each of the groups enter one group at a time and spend various amounts of time within the audience chamber. After roughly an hour, it is finally your group's turn to enter. You walk in to a decadent room, the Lord Mayor sitting at the front and looking quite tired, perhaps even strained from the previous meetings.

“I apologize for you all having to wait. Some people are overly fond of questioning every choice and bickering among themselves and about things that need not concern them.” Waving it away, he takes a deep breath and nods. His steward walks forward and hands each of you a piece of rolled parchment. The steward then returns to Sellemius's side and unrolls another parchment. Clearing his throat, Sellemius takes the profferred document and reads, “Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.”

Handing the charter back to the steward, Sellemius takes a drink of water before continuing. “I am not sure if you all are aware or not, but the River Kingdoms consist of a variety of petty nations and city-states. With no small amount of diplomacy, I have managed to convince Regent Surtova that taming the northernmost reaches of the River Kingdoms, often referred to as the Stolen Lands, is necessary to maintain our nation's security. As the charter states, you are to explore and travel the area known as the Greenbelt. The area of exploration is given. If you find any threats – especially bandits – you have the full authority of Restov behind you. We would also appreciate it if you map the area. I have had an autonomous cartographer specially crafted to assist in the task. Are there any questions?”

The steward pulls out a map case and hands it to Emudre. “All you have to do is put a map or parchment in the case and it will modify the map as you explore. I have provided you an old map of the portion of the Greenbelt you all are allowed to explore as per the charter.”
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Emudre nods. "Lord Mayor, I will do my best to see to it that we are not too much trouble to you." Emudre is genuinely sympathetic to the Lord Mayor's plight, and her body language reflects this, although she maintains an air of politeness that would be expected when dealing with nobility.

OOC: She'd like to develop a positive working relationship with him, so I'm going to roll a diplomacy check 1d20+10 = 20 - 1 (he's a noble, your Bastard trait) = 19.

"I do have a question though. Will the other groups be charged with exploring the same land surrounding Oleg's Trading Post? Will we expect to see much of them?"

Emudre can barely contain her excitement upon being handed the autonomous cartographer map case. "I have heard of such things, but never handled one myself! This will greatly aid our task. I, too, have an old map of the Stolen Lands, and I will check the two maps for differences when time permits. Thank you!"
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Lord Mayor said:
"...I apologize for you all having to wait. Some people are overly fond of questioning every choice and bickering among themselves and about things that need not concern them."

Sarvek says, "At the end of the way, is freedom. Until then, patience; for patience is the greatest prayer there is."

Sarvek bows before the Lord Mayor, before adding, "I am Sarvek, and I am pleased to be of service to you. You might want to talk to your stone masons; the doorway behind the ornamental suit of armor is not hidden very well."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
[sblock=~Hidden Note, Shillaadrani & Sarvek~]
Despite their conversations being hushed, Sarvek and Shillaadrani overhear a couple people from the large group mutter “bastards,” “half breeds,” and similar insults under their breath. One particularly self-important looking fellow from another group sighs, “when will they be done in there? I have better things to do than stand around here like some workhorse waiting for its master in the field.”[/sblock]
Adrin expects such contention in situation of such a conglomeration of peoples, especially one such as this. He chooses to ignore them.

[sblock=~Hidden Note, Shillaadrani~]
Shillaadrani immediately notices that Sissen Set, the commander of a band of adventurers known as the Iron Wraiths stands in one of the corners with his party. You know them to be well outfitted and relatively experienced. Also of note is a low-ranking, but eager to impress, Swordlord named Maegar Varn standing in another corner with the third group.[/sblock]
Adrin makes a mental note of this particular group and its people of note so that at a more appropriate time and a better location he can convey such to the rest of the party.
Handing the charter back to the steward, Sellemius takes a drink of water before continuing. “I am not sure if you all are aware or not... Are there any questions?”
While the steward speaks, Adrin reads through the charter, twice. He reaches down and unconsciously fiddles with the butt end of the wooden scabbard of his sword. THe are two positions in which he is commonly found to carry the weapon. The most common is at his left side in a low hanging sling designed to carry the the scabbard so that the sword is perfectly ready for quick use. In situation where it is desirable to demonstrate restraint, he carries the weapon upon his back, as it is now. His pack, bedroll, and other gear remain outside with his horse. He is always unwilling to leave the weapon that he inherited from his father. After completing his read of the charter for the second time, he rolls it into a tight scroll and deposits it into one of many special made pockets of his well-made explorer's outfit. The clothing is, of course, more practical than aesthetic but it is obvious that care is taken to keep the garment and its belongings orderly and clean.
Emudre nods. "Lord Mayor... I do have a question though. Will the other groups be charged with exploring the same land surrounding Oleg's Trading Post? Will we expect to see much of them?"
Once Edmure finishes her questions, Adrin adds,
"I too have a couple of question, though they will seem callas though necessary with regard to the practicalness of the business at hand. Is there an offering of pay or is this a command of expected duty? Secondly, can we considered due in the advent of personal gear retrieved from said bandits?"

OOC: GM, please feel free to make appropriate rolls, as I will not always be able to reply where I can post such, and being less familiar with the system, am often unsure as to what is needed.
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