Knights of the Old Republic: The Last of the Sith(Master Kanas' Group)

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Bud'd stuffed the appropriated blaster into her belt and allowed the Sentarri Jedi to talk to the Sith, thinking that Skyka's familiarity with the native people would be the best way to start getting answers.

Lady Shatterstone

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Finally having a clear shot Tate takes aim only to have an invisible hand close around her throat. She managed to keep her blaster in her grip as she struggled for air. The vice grip on her airway lossened and she took a few coughing breaths before she could answer Durindal. "Oh, just dandy." She replied more then a little irrated by this whole encounters. Tate takes aim again while the man has his back to her and she fires. She didn't give a second thought to shooting their attacker in the back.


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Aalun closes down his lightsaber and glares at the Sith, knowing that his strange, by their standards, face can often unnerve people. The gand says nothing.

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