D&D General [Kobold Press] Wastes of Chaos: Enter the 5E Borderlands LIVE!

Marc Radle

Wastes of Chaos: Enter the 5E Borderlands
Venture beyond the civilized lands, into the howling badlands where the Cult of the Black Goat does as it pleases and where ancient constructs lie just under a thin layer of dust. There you may find great riches, ancient magic, and a swift death.

Welcome to the wastelands for 5th Edition!

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Marc Radle

Great question!

This book is roughly half rules material including general magic items, vril items, ancient magic, chaos spells, chaos and cult monsters, and character options usable with any campaign setting (homebrew, published, or some combination thereof). It contains chaos- and wastelands-themed locations, NPCs, and organizations.

The lore and adventure portions are for any campaign world that includes adventures beyond the civilized lands, such as in an area of magically blasted wastelands, haunted deserts, and so forth.

The Midgard elements are limited to sidebars, though some NPCs or locations might be familiar from the Midgard setting. Kobold Press considers this book a generic supplement that happens to align neatly with Midgard campaigns. Knowledge of the Midgard world is in no way necessary to use the material in this book.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Thanks. I really like Empire of the Ghouls but was staggered by how closely this third take on the campaign was integrated into Midgard, which I don't use. I was able to figure out how to integrate it into my campaign, but it was a lot of work.
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Marc Radle

We've unlocked the first stretch goal! The Doombringer Fighter subclass is now a part of Wastes of Chaos!
The Doombringer is violence personified, reveling in bloodshed and the terror they cause in their enemies.


Marc Radle

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Voidrunner's Codex

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