Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Lets do this properly. Consecrate will pass eventually." Maur gives his shield to the nearest companion, takes the warhammer on two hands and bashes the corner of the altar with resounding crash.
"You may want to post guards and close the door. Rest, heal, I may be a while. "

Ooc: Maur breaks up the altar. Depending on what is normal ritual for cleansing, he uses spells, holy water or other resources as needed
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World of Kulan DM
”Easy,” Caerth mutters when the ghast is destroyed by the final blow from Maur. The half-orc lowers his spear and looks around the room.

”I hope the smell fades soon.”

The smell clings to the ghast and much of the room. Both Meridith and Wieland are uneasy in the magical darkness that still blankets the room. "Oh, that smell is a-awful." Wieland says, nearly gagging on the words.

"That is a terrible fate for anyone," Timmins looks at the ghast but not touch it.

Phar wrinkles his keen elven nose. "Perhaps we'll have to burn it," he says making a gagging sound as he speaks. He pulls a scarf and wraps it over his nose and mouth, but it seems to help little. He moves into the shrine moving as wide as possible as he passes the fallen undead. He proceeds to see if there is anything of interest here.

search, add two for secret doors or compartments.: 1D20+7 = [13]+7 = 20
As Phar moves around the room, Aureus sense his purpose and moves to help him find anything hidden. She trips over a loose flagstone and near lands on her old friend as he checks the south eastern corner.

"Sorry," she says. "I've not been much help today." She gets up brushing herself off.

Phar goes through the entire room and finds nothing hidden or anything of use. The walls do have old carvings of crow-like demons on it but they are very faded and barely visible in the magical darkness, even with the aid of the light being generated by Cruel Justice.

OOC: Aureus - Search (Aid Another): 1D20+10 = [1]+10 = 11 :rolleyes:

"Lets do this properly. Consecrate will pass eventually." Maur gives his shield to the nearest companion, takes the warhammer on two hands and bashes the corner of the altar with resounding crash.
"You may want to post guards and close the door. Rest, heal, I may be a while. "

Ooc: Maur breaks up the altar. Depending on what is normal ritual for cleansing, he uses spells, holy water or other resources as needed
"A good solution," the magical sword intones. "I approve of your methods, sir dwarf."

Brutus moves up next to Maur and says. "I wish to help." The young half-ogre considers using his axe to hit the altar but then decides its not a good idea.

"I have a couple of the cultists' maces," Aureus says. She digs through her pack and pulls out one of the heavy maces and hands it to Brutus. "And here is another one. I left the others back by the stairs hidden in a niche I found."

"I will help as well," Timmins offers. He takes the mace and steps up next to Brutus. Soon, the two warriors are hitting the altar in time with Maur's warhammer strikes. The noise resounds through the chamber, out into the old slave quarters, and beyond.

"I don't know if we should rest in here," Wieland muses. "But we should close the door, so nothing that comes to inspect the noise surprises us."

"We should drag that thing out of here, first," Meridith suggests.

"I'm not touching it," her cousin replies.

Quinn sighs, hands Cruel Justice to Wieland, and tells him to hold it near the altar. Then he heads out the door and back to the stairwell to claim two cloaks off the dead cultists. He comes back and carefully wraps the ghast in it cloaks and drags the undead corpse out into the next room.

"Phar is right, we should burn it. But I wouldn't want to do that around here. The smoke and smell would be sickening. Perhaps we could just dump it over the bridge and into the chasm." He looks to Caerth after reclaiming CJ from Wieland. "What do you think, my friend?"

It takes some time, but the three warriors bashing the altar soon turn it into rubble. Surprisingly, the magical darkness does not fade with its destruction. There may be some other unusual force in play.

OOC: Each PC gets 100 XP for defeating the ghast and there is total story award of 400 XP for destroying the altar and cleansing the shrine of evil. Good-aligned PCs get an extra 100 XP each.

Aureus gets 50 XP for the ghast. The other NPCs don't get anything for this encounter.

If you want to figure out what is causing the magical darkness, a PC can roll a Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) check.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Phar is right, we should burn it. But I wouldn't want to do that around here. The smoke and smell would be sickening. Perhaps we could just dump it over the bridge and into the chasm." He looks to Caerth after reclaiming CJ from Wieland. "What do you think, my friend?"

The big half-orc shrugs.

"Burn it, dump it," Caerth says matter-of-factly. "Destroy the unnatural thing."

The druid observes the others as they destroy the altar, and at first he thinks it an odd thing to dedicate so much energy to a mere symbol. But then he sees the parallels to his own beliefs, the power of nature, and Caerth thinks he understands why they are treating it as much more than a symbol.

He takes a few tiny seeds from his pocket, spreads them around the broken altar, then calls upon his druidic magic to let the plants grow, taking root in the cracks between the stones, and soon where once stood an unholy altar there is a mess of thin vines.

OOC: Casting Plant Growth.


World of Kulan DM
Maur remembers and old religious text that refers to rocks infused with shadow. These naturally occurring stones are considered to be sacred to those who worship shadows and darkness, but aren't inherently evil in of themselves. The dwarf paladin can't remember what the stone is called but it naturally radiates darkness. Priests of Dumathoin do consider the stones to be valuable, as there is often veins of metals located nearby, especially silver.

The big half-orc shrugs.

"Burn it, dump it," Caerth says matter-of-factly. "Destroy the unnatural thing."
Quinn nods. "Yes, I guess it doesn't matter how we go about it." He grabs one end of the wrapped up undead and Timmins takes up the other end. They carry it out of the old slave quarters and back to the stone bridge. They decide against lighting it on fire and simply dump the rotting undead corpse over the edge and down into the darkness of the chasm.

JustinCase said:
The druid observes the others as they destroy the altar, and at first he thinks it an odd thing to dedicate so much energy to a mere symbol. But then he sees the parallels to his own beliefs, the power of nature, and Caerth thinks he understands why they are treating it as much more than a symbol.

He takes a few tiny seeds from his pocket, spreads them around the broken altar, then calls upon his druidic magic to let the plants grow, taking root in the cracks between the stones, and soon where once stood an unholy altar there is a mess of thin vines.

OOC: Casting Plant Growth.
The spell quickly overtakes the remains of the altar, although the effect of the spell goes beyond what Caerth has observed in the past. He's not sure if it is the unnatural darkness or Maur's cleaning rituals, but the vines and moss that spring forth bioluminescence in the darkness. The vines creep throughout the room and up the walls onto the ceiling creating intricate spirals. The moss growth reaches beyond the room's interior and covers most of the floor of the old slave pens, but that moss doesn't glow. Small white mushrooms pop up on the floor of the slave quarters. While the darkness in the old shrine remains, it is less ominous than before -- more akin to gentle shadows in the glow of the plants and the torchlight.

"Well, that's interesting," Quinn says with a smile once he sees the half-orc druid's handiwork.

"I could rest here, now," Weiland says with a chuckle.

"It's beautiful," Meridith says in wonderment. "I didn't know you could do this with your magic?" She says to Caerth.

"The walls are glowing underneath the plants," Aureus notes. "It's almost like the walls have come alive."

While the others set about destroying the altar, Phar considers what he knows of magical darkness...

Knowledge Arcana: 1D20+18 = [16]+18 = 34
Phar knows that the stone that the old shrine has dug out of is the cause for the magical darkness. It is a rare stone called Cenahite that occurs naturally but has a magical effect regarding shadow magic and darkness. Many religions that worship the shadows would consider such a place sacred. Elven priests of Alathrien consider the stone a great catalyst for creating magical runes while priests of Darahl believe that the stone enhances earth and nature magic. The Order of the Sacred Mountain consider Cenahite to be sacred to Tarsellis, the Elven God of Mountains, Rivers, and the Wilderness. The stone often glows blue-green under the light of Kulan's first moon, Novan, so it considered a blessing by many moon deities, especially the North Goddess known as Ramara.

Unfortunately, followers of evil gods often work to corrupt places where the stone forms. Clerics and necromancers of the Sword Gods work to find places with Cenahite and twist them for dark rituals, especially Druaga, the Sword God of Fiend Summoning. Thus, it's not surprising the Crow God cultists created a shrine out of it. If there is more in the complex, it could give the cultists a deadly edge, if they have done more than simply cut into it.

Phar knows that if he takes some cutting of the plant with him and keeps it alive, it could counteract the magical darkness elsewhere in the temple complex. A cutting would need to be properly cared for with broken up dirt mixed with crumbled Cenahite for its roots and a bit of fresh water each day.

Note that the altar wasn't made of Cenahite, as the stone is VERY HARD (but not as hard as Adamantine), so Maur's hammer would not have danaged it hardly at all. It can be used to shape powerful magical hammers and other bludgeoning weapons that have natural shadow magic effects by a skilled weaponsmith (with at least 10 ranks). Such weapons can damage any type of lycanthrope without having to be enchanted but have to be masterwork in quality. (such items are not automatically considered masterwork.)

This hard stone adds to the quality of a weapon. Weapons fashioned from cenahite have a natural ability to damage lycanthropes without having to be enchanted, automatically bypassing damage reduction. As well, all light within 10 feet of a cenahite weapon is considered to be of shadowy illumination. It takes a skilled stonemason to cut through cenahite without damaging its properties and a skilled weaponsmith to construct cenahite weapons (at least 10 ranks in each skill). While Cenahite is rare, expensive and hard to work with, weapons made from it aren't automatically considered masterwork. The price for masterwork quality must be added on in addition to the costs listed below. Weapons without metal or stone parts cannot be made from cenahite. While a light mace could be made of cenahite, a quarterstaff could not.

Only bludgeoning weapons normally made of metal or stone can be fashioned from cenahite. Weapons normally made of steel that are made of cenahite have one-fourth more hit points than normal. Cenehite has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.

Type of Cenahite ItemItem Cost Modifier
Ammunition+40 gp
Bludgeoning Weapon+2,025 gp


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
After some thinking, dwarven paladin comments on the shadows.
"The shadows here aren't magical...or at least they aren't caused by cultists magic. Instead they built the shrine here because there is a natural stone that radiates shadow. Or was it that it drinks light? Anyhow, Dumathoin considers it important enough that the priests hold the stone in high esteem."
Seeing the effect on the plants
"See, that is exactly what I'm talking about. The shadow effect isn't evil or negative energy."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerths usually stoic face now clearly expresses surprise when the plants take on a glowing quality.

"Never did that before," he mutters, in awe. Then the half-orc druid nods to the dwarf's comments. "That could explain why the plants grow so much bigger than I expected. What are these stones called?"

He picks one of the newly created mushrooms and places it in his bag. A rare smile appears on Caerths face as he is suddenly reminded of the primal feelings that nature provoked in him, all those years ago when he first started out on the path of the druid, and like the room, a bit of darkness in his soul is dispelled.

Voidrunner's Codex

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