Kulan: Knightfall's Shackled City Legacy PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)


Dorin stares deeply into Kane's eyes trying hard to see past the guise. He reaches out to touch the shovel, but quickly retracts, thinking it best not to. "A drink sounds ideal. I have news I've been anxious to share. Please, lead the way."

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
After walking a few minutes, the pair find the bar, and seat themselves at a table on the patio. Kane pays 2 silver to cover drinks for the both of them.

"I'll skip the pleasantries, and get straight to the point.The reason I sought you out is because there are disturbances happening in the city, and I am part of a select group that is being commissioned to put an end to these occurrences. The Order is too busy taking care of higher priority tasks. I was given permission to recruit help, at my discretion. I know you to be a reliable sort, and of good character. What say you? Are you interested in earning some coin, while simultaneously keeping the city safe? And by the way, what news have you? I am curious to hear. I suspect it might line up with what I have asked of you."


Bravec is taken aback by Vilmar's obvious anger and this senseless attack. "Of course. Whatever I can do. Show me what they've done. Perhaps the markings will hold a clue I can interpret. Let's see this storage shed. When did this happen? Overnight?" He gestures for the other man to lead the way. His causal good humor gives way to serious inquiry.


Dorin is caught off guard by Kane's directness. The drinks hadn't even been served and the man drops a bomb like that. However, Dorin could respect a man like that. It's just that his news seemed less important in comparison. Although it could be useful in some way he cannot discern with only his single price of the picture.
Dorin's thoughts continue for sometime before he realizes it's been almost a minute of silence at the table and that the drinks had already arrived.
He forces a cough to play off the awkwardness before speaking, "What kind of disturbances are we talking. My expertise is monsters and the sort, but I could use a bit of adventure."

OOC: let me know if this gets annoying and I will do a tldr section at the end. I will be playing up Dorin's unreactive flaw as long winded inner monologue that takes up in world time.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kane says, "My master only said that the troubles were minor, but I myself have been hearing about strange happenings around the city, mostly vandalism and property damage. I have been told that the Druid known as Bravec will know more. He is popular here among the locals, and shouldn't be too hard to find. I met him once last year; he always has this little cart with him. Anyway, it is my guess that these 'minor troubles' are the beginning of something bigger, something that should be squashed now, nipped in the bud, before it can grow any further. Will you help me?"

Just then, the ale arrives. The waitress serves each of them, and Kane is quick to quench his thirst; he is in love with the bitter barley flavor, and has been known to drink people under the table who are many times his size.
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World of Kulan DM
Dorin is caught off guard by Kane's directness. The drinks hadn't even been served and the man drops a bomb like that. However, Dorin could respect a man like that. It's just that his news seemed less important in comparison. Although it could be useful in some way he cannot discern with only his single price of the picture.
Dorin's thoughts continue for sometime before he realizes it's been almost a minute of silence at the table and that the drinks had already arrived.
He forces a cough to play off the awkwardness before speaking, "What kind of disturbances are we talking. My expertise is monsters and the sort, but I could use a bit of adventure."

Kane says, "My master only said that the troubles were minor, but I myself have been hearing about strange happenings around the city, mostly vandalism and property damage. I have been told that the Druid known as Bravec will know more. He is popular here among the locals, and shouldn't be too hard to find. I met him once last year; he always has this little cart with him. Anyway, it is my guess that these 'minor troubles' are the beginning of something bigger, something that should be squashed now, nipped in the bud, before it can grow any further. Will you help me?"

Just then, the ale arrives. The waitress serves each of them, and Kane is quick to quench his thirst; he is in love with the bitter barley flavor, and has been known to drink people under the table who are many times his size.
The waitress asks the two adventurers if they want any food to go with their drinks. The young halfling woman waits for a response before heading off back to the bar.

OOC: let me know if this gets annoying and I will do a tldr section at the end. I will be playing up Dorin's unreactive flaw as long winded inner monologue that takes up in world time.
OOC: No worries. :)

Bravec is taken aback by Vilmar's obvious anger and this senseless attack. "Of course. Whatever I can do. Show me what they've done. Perhaps the markings will hold a clue I can interpret. Let's see this storage shed. When did this happen? Overnight?" He gestures for the other man to lead the way. His causal good humor gives way to serious inquiry.
Vilmar leads Bravec outside and to the back of shop near the long dock that extends out onto Crater Lake. A few of the locals that Bravec knows greet him warmly, as they cast lines off the dock.

Vilmar shows Bravec the storage shed and it is a complete mess and it stinks worse than any fish could. Bravec notes the scrawlings on the walls and can tell it isn't just random graffiti. It is some sort of crude language written in what smells like, to Bravec, the ichor of some sort of underearth beetle. There are also faint traces of leftover small muddy footprints around the shed's broken doors that seem to head north from the dock before they disappear completely onto the cobblestones of Ash Avenue.

OOC: Have you decided what your other language is going to be.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kane turns to the waitress and says, "Drinks will suffice, we must depart momentarily."

After saying that, Kane tips the Halfling woman another silver.


OOC: Have you decided what your other language is going to be.

OOC: It looks like dwarven is going to make sense given that he grew up here. I won't metagame and try to guess what might be scrawled on the wall for my selection though the temptation is strong. :lol:

Bravec involuntarily covers his nose at the smell, but he makes himself get close to examine the writing. "That goo on the walls certainly looks like a language of some sort. I might have to show it to some others to figure out what it could be or what it says." He rubs his beard in thought and then turns his attention to the tracks.

[roll0] Not sure what is most appropriate here to identify the tracks. No knowledge nature for an urban druid, so +1 untrained at best, Survival is +2, knowledge local is +3 if this is some common inhabitant of the city maybe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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