D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)


World of Kulan DM
Wow. I started to read through this thread to realise that it is so "frickin" huge! It's nigh impossible for a mere mortal like me. Do you have some kind of "table of contents" where I could cherry pick the articles I'm most interested in? (right now it's the races and places, I would like to understand which race lives at which continent. And whats the difference between them.)
I don't really have a comprehensive index of my Kulan material online. I do have a WordPress page, however.

Also, I wanted to do something like this for the last few years (of course with my own campaign world), but I never thought my version would be more than 50 or so "articles" yours is over thousand, with dozens of awesome maps.
Kudos! Huge and great work.
Thanks. I haven't worked on the world a lot lately. Too much personal stuff going on. I really want to get back to it soon.

Edit: never mind. I've found your piazza forum, which has a very neat introduction to your game world. :)
Make sure you also check out my World of Kulan social group forum here on EN World. It has a thread that links to all of my EN World threads (monsters, maps, etc.) that aren't in that forum.

World of Kulan social group forum

And feel free to ask questions in the FAQ thread. :)


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World of Kulan DM
Another new thread at The Piazza...

Races of Harqual

This is revision of what I posted on this year ages ago. I'm using the format out of FORGOTTEN RELAMS Races of Faerûn as my guide for the writeups on the thread.

It will be done in a completely linear fashion but not everything in an entry will have to be bulletproofed as finished before I will go on to other entries.

This new Races of Harqual will take into account that I've moved the timeline for the world ahead 7 years. This change affects mainly Harqual since I haven't written true timelines for the world's other continents.

At most, it will affect The Fallenlands since my 2e gaming group traveled there and back during the Companions campaign (and maybe the Isle of Dread since they went there too).


World of Kulan DM
I want to try magic of making up I'm thinking about committing some fundsin this magic of making up guide but I'm not sure if it really is any superior. Have any of you ever tried or heard anything positive or negative about this magic of producing up factor at all? I would really like to hear any feedback to help me spend my dollars wisely and save some time if it's no beneficial.
I smell spam...



World of Kulan DM
I'm glad that the hackers have been dealt with and that EN World is all shiny and new. This is a quick bump in honor of the site rising from the ashes.


World of Kulan DM
Okay, so the homebrewed forum is back, and there seems to be a new format for how homebrewed threads will work. What does this mean for my Lands of Harqual thread, as well as my World of Kulan campaign/social group (and forum)? I'm not sure yet. The new Kulan wiki (see link in previous post) has been my priority right now, although I won't have as much time for it once my night class starts this coming Tuesday.

Still, I don't want the work to lapse, so you should all expect some updates from me from time to time. And make sure you check out the following thread on the World of Kulan forum: Which of my continents do you want more information about?

It has inspired some new development for Kulan.

Hmm, perhaps I should create a new thread in this forum that gathers all the EN World links into one place. It will be a bit of a project, but I like projects. Heh.

And if anyone has questions about the Lands of Harqual or the rest of Kulan then you should look through my Q&A thread.


First Post
I really need to catch up on some stuff........haven't been keeping up with any EN World threads in at least a year. :(

Soooo..........much.............to reeeeaaaaad.............. :O


World of Kulan DM
I really need to catch up on some stuff........haven't been keeping up with any EN World threads in at least a year. :(

Soooo..........much.............to reeeeaaaaad.............. :O
I know what you mean. I rarely have time to read tons of threads here. I'm usually busy working on Kulan or one of my other worlds or wasting too much time on Facebook. And while I haven't had a chance to add much to this thread in some time, I'll likely have more to share here on EN World at some point (probably through the World of Kulan campaign wiki.)

Right now, I'm fleshing out some important aspects for Janardûn (on The Piazza). I needed a break from Harqual; it was beginning to weigh me down.

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