L4W Discussion Thread IV


First Post
You can transfer enchantments to another item that can take them. So it you want to keep the base item, you could move the enchant, sell the second item and buy the enchant you want.

So you'd spend the full cost of the enchant you want + transfer fee - 20% of the enchant you sold.

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First Post
Okay. Let me see if I understand...

1) Transfer enchantment from Brooch of Shielding (cost 25 gp).
2) Now the Brooch is a +1 item.
3) Re-enchant Brooch with "Badge of the Berserker" (cost 160 gp).


Okay. Let me see if I understand...

1) Transfer enchantment from Brooch of Shielding (cost 25 gp).
2) Now the Brooch is a +1 item.
3) Re-enchant Brooch with "Badge of the Berserker" (cost 160 gp).

Er, I don't think that's how it works.

Transfer enchantment is for when you find a +1 flaming longsword, but you really wanted a mace. You buy a normal mace, pay your 25g, and you end up with a +1 flaming mace and a non-magical longsword. It can't transform a Brooch of Shielding into a level 1 amulet of protection.

If you for some reason wanted to keep the same physical brooch, but turn it from a badge of shielding into a badge of the Berserker, you could perform Remove Enchantment on it, get 20% of its value as residuum, and use that to offset part of the cost of putting the Berserker enchantment on it. But that would be more expensive than simply selling the BoS to an NPC and buying a BotB.

In related news, we never actually got around a proposal in the thread about players selling things, but I seem to recall at least a few judges, including myself, who would have voted to allow players to sell to other players.


First Post
Disenchant costs the same 25gp as Transfer enchant did so you aren't saving anything there.

To Kenhood, the +1 is part of the enchantment. A Brooch of Shielding isn't enchanted with +1 and shielding, it's enchanted with +1 shielding. You can add to or increase enchantments but you can't reduce them.

As covaithe said if all you are figuring out is how much it costs swapping out a Brooch of Shielding for a Badge of the Berserker you're better off selling the brooch and putting the money towards the badge. If you want the base item for some reason (like it's a family heirloom) that costs you an extra 25 gp.

Walking Dad

First Post
What are the official rules for resurrections? My current 2nd level character could die next round. Has he to be resurrected by the other party members, is it automatic? What happens (I don't think it will happen, just curious) in the case of a TPK?


No official rules for handling PC resurrections. It's only happened on two occasions (that I know of; I'm not following all the current adventures). In Closed Eye, the players didn't want to be resurrected. In Dextyr and the Strikers, they were automatically raised as a plot device. In other words, it hasn't come up yet.

I think in general, it should be up to the DM to handle it in a way appropriate to the adventure. If it makes sense for the other PCs to grab the body and arrange to have it raised, I'd probably handle it that way by preference, most of the time. If it's not appropriate, e.g. TPK, or the other PCs have to run, I'd try to arrange for NPCs to recover the body after the danger has passed, take it to someplace appropriate (e.g. Temple of Lauto, if you're in Daunton. Local witch-doctor, if you're out in the wilds), have them Speak With Dead to find out if the PCs want to be raised and are willing to pay the cost, and do it.

I can imagine situations where it just wouldn't be possible to recover the body, e.g. if you're fighting on the edge of a volcano and get pushed in. If that happens, well, too bad, I guess.

Walking Dad

First Post
As related question: It is possible to let a 4th or higher level character stay dead and start a new one as the rules for retirement. Why not earlier? It has no advantage over retirement, so I don't think there would be many cases of players killing their characters on purpose.


I should clarify that, in my opinion, DMs should make a reasonable effort to allow PCs who die to be raised, if they want to. Sometimes that may not be possible, that should be a rare and exceptional situation.


As related question: It is possible to let a 4th or higher level character stay dead and start a new one as the rules for retirement. Why not earlier? It has no advantage over retirement, so I don't think there would be many cases of players killing their characters on purpose.

Uh, it is possible to do earlier, and it's been done. Both Kathalia and Hacker Brass were created as 3rd level characters, replacing Tander and Palindrome, who died at level 3. Are the rules unclear on that?

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