L4W Discussion Thread V

Don Incognito

First Post
I was about to get started on a new character (Aurel is a good name for an eladrin, right?), then I remembered that I have a DM credit.

From two years ago.


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Don Incognito

First Post
Maybe it's just that I'm retarded, or maybe it's that the character creation guide is out of date (the wiki is in a different format than it was last time I was here), but I'm having a degree of difficulty figuring out how to create a new character.

I've decided that my old fighter, Lorik, is leading a more fulfilling life making designer handbags for little old ladies, but I'm trying to follow the Character Creation Guide and it's just...kind of...not working. It says to click on things that aren't there and such.

Little help, anyone?

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Make a 4e character as normal except:

*25 attribute points
*Additional L4W backgrounds are available
*No themes or non-L4W/General backgrounds can be used
*No dragonmark feats.
*Use L4W gods for divine characters

Anything else is just edge cases that only come up in a mix of random builds.


First Post
I think Don I left before the wiki page was reformatted. He's trying to pull
up an old wiki page, which wont work. Someone is going to have to help him with this. I had the same problem when trying to transfer my characters.

Don Incognito

First Post
I understand how to make an L4W character, I'm just having a little trouble manipulating the wiki.

The sticky says that "on the left side there's a list of things to click on, look for 'Create a new article'", but I'm looking at the link, and I'm just not seeing anything like that there on the left side..

Don Incognito

First Post
Okay, thanks for the patience. I'm working on the sheet now, and am cannibalizing my first ever character, Dirge, for something new.

I mean, Dwarf Warlock / Ranger? What was I thinking? That's just too unwieldy and bizarre to be workable.

Instead I'm going Revenant (Dwarf) Hybrid Battlemind / Assassin. Because, you know, simplicity.

Don Incognito

First Post
Dirge is ready for approval. Once he gets the go-ahead, that's +1 zombie dwarven psycic ninja in the Isles. Now we just need to find a way to make him a cyborg pirate for maximum hilarity.

Also, now comes the long and arduous process of waiting for a game. Ho hum.

Voidrunner's Codex

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