L4W Discussion Thread V


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I actually don't have these subscribed, but I've been itching to play some 5E and since there wasn't already a living 5E, I went to the regular 'Talking the Talk' section and have started getting involved there in a game or two. After that, on a lark, I came over here and saw how dead it was, but others posted too and this has gotten the attention of those like yourself. I would enjoy playing in a living 5E as well, though I don't have time to be a judge or anything. Even DMing would be iffy.

Would we be talking about reviving Daunton/Bacarte, or a new world?

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Lord Sessadore

Personally I really enjoy the Shifting Isles setting, so my thought would be to reuse it. That would also save time compared to developing a new homebrew setting. Not sure about using Daunton/Bacarte again ... perhaps just advance the timeline, Daunton fell into abandonment and then was rebuilt? 5E seems to assume far less magic items in the world than 4E did, which would be a fairly big change from the current Shifting Isles.

Of course, I said I can't really spearhead, so if someone came along and wanted to write a new setting, I'd say go for it! :)


First Post
I quite like the bones of the setting and I like 4e. I run it in tabletop (the PC's hit Paragon a few weeks ago) and playing here helped me with that campaign. I've had a go at games on another site, but sadly they petered out. I'd like to play more 4e, if anyone can run it, as I can't get games as a player instead of DM anymore. I'm hoping jbear will start up his game again at some point.

I think the judges oversight for scenarios may have been important than the other aspects.

5e is OK and I'm content to play it in tabletop (albeit in a gently house-ruled form), but I'm not so giddy to play online. I can't actually see me buying the rules at this second.

Lord Sessadore

I'd be quite happy to get L4W running again as well. While 5e is the new shiny thing, there's nothing wrong with 4e. And like I said, I miss my characters a bit, haha.

I think it would be just fine to leave the setting for L4W as it was if people are going to pick it up again - either say this little episode in the tavern thread was a glimpse of the future that hasn't happened yet, or a dream or something. I think that would be better than advancing the timeline for the 4e setting, since then people can still come back and play their old characters.

All that's really needed to get it going is a DM and some players. My comment about critical mass just meant that for the living world to do its job well you need people around to jump in. In my mind that job is having people around to pick up the slack when players or DMs drop out so you can continue with the same character; shared setting is there to make that job make sense in-game. Doesn't mean someone can't just run a game, though. ;)

If there's enough interest in a 5e version we should split that discussion off to its own thread, possibly in Talking the Talk for more visibility. Another way to do a 5e version of the Shifting Isles might be to rewind the setting - it feels easier to go back to a time where magic is rarer than to go forward and somehow lose all the items that were apparently common before.

Voda Vosa

First Post
I find myself in a position where 4e is familiar and I really liked the finished product (after all the additions and stuff.). I would definitely be up for gaming, I do miss my characters, which managed to get to 12th level.

Son of Meepo

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I don't really have time to judge or to start up a new campaign, but I'd be willing to play. I really like 5e and would love to see a campaign for it. For 4e, I'd probably just retire all but 1 character (maybe starting a new one) and play it, though honestly I've gotten bored with heroic tier and that seems to be all that is available in this campaign.


Hey all. Wow. I step out for 2 years and it's crickets. I mean Nov 2013!? What happned!?

Well, I know what happened to me. I took my midlife crisis on my own terms (not too sure that was such a good idea, but it's been a fun ride). I moved to Austin, TX (I still need to update my profile) and dropped out of the PbP scene because RL was kicking me hard. It still is in some ways. I started up a Hirst Arts business called Tabletop Plus, and actaully created an HA version of Wayne's Basement! [sblock=Big Pic]


[/sblock]Of course its now named after the actual owner, Blagarm Barblacken. I've actually DM'd the game at several conventions here in Texas as a three encounter delve. It's actually received pretty well wherever it goes.

I just came back to see how things were going. Honestly I haven't had much time. I still don't, but my curiosity got the best of me and I posted Mikara's return to The Hanged Man to see if I could find the lurkers. You all came right out of the woodwork!

I can't judge. I don't have the time, but I'd be willing to play 4/5e if someone would be willing to DM. Continuing with Daunton is fine with me in either case. I'm actually on the Dungeonscape beta, so making Mik into a 5e character shouldn't be hard for me (though I think they're not doing the max HP calculation right at this point. They seem to be ignoring the Con bonus to starting HP).

It's sure nice to see you all still here, though.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I have paragon fighter and I know [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION] has paragon invoker? or is it shaman? One of those. I'll ping him. It seems there are plenty of people willing to play, just not enough DMs...right [MENTION=6747396]MadAzolin[/MENTION]?

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