Hey all. Wow. I step out for 2 years and it's crickets. I mean Nov 2013!? What happned!?
Well, I know what happened to me. I took my midlife crisis on my own terms (not too sure that was such a good idea, but it's been a fun ride). I moved to Austin, TX (I still need to update my profile) and dropped out of the PbP scene because RL was kicking me hard. It still is in some ways. I started up a Hirst Arts business called
Tabletop Plus, and actaully created an HA version of Wayne's Basement! [sblock=Big Pic]
[/sblock]Of course its now named after the actual owner, Blagarm Barblacken. I've actually DM'd the game at several conventions here in Texas as a three encounter delve. It's actually received pretty well wherever it goes.
I just came back to see how things were going. Honestly I haven't had much time. I still don't, but my curiosity got the best of me and I posted Mikara's return to The Hanged Man to see if I could find the lurkers. You all came right out of the woodwork!
I can't judge. I don't have the time, but I'd be willing to play 4/5e if someone would be willing to DM. Continuing with Daunton is fine with me in either case. I'm actually on the Dungeonscape beta, so making Mik into a 5e character shouldn't be hard for me (though I think they're not doing the max HP calculation right at this point. They seem to be ignoring the Con bonus to starting HP).
It's sure nice to see you all still here, though.