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L4W Discussion Thread V

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Hey all, I had a question in regards to retirement and character approvals:

I'm not particularly happy with the vampire class, but managed to get Vyrna to level 2 in Someone's adventure called The Stolen Staff. However, Vyrna is not yet approved for level 2 (she is still waiting for approval in the approval requests portion of the Wiki).

Will I need to wait until she is approved to retire her at level 2 and create a different level 2 character in her place?

I would think that was a waste of time for our character checkers, who could be spending that time on characters who will be advancing, but I wanted to check just to be sure.
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I seem to recall that the answer is usually no; you don't need to wait for approval for level 2 if you plan to retire that character. Once a character is retired, pretty much the only mechanically important thing about them is their final XP total, which can be verified by following the links in your XP tracking section.

Oh, one more quick question, because it does not seem to be covered in the charter:

Does the new character start with the same XP as the previous character, or just the same level, with JUST enough XP to be that level (ie, level 2 would be 1000 xp)? Just curious cause Vyrna currently has 2055 XP, and it would suck to lose out on 1055 xp...


I think you lose the excess XP, by the letter of the charter. Pretty sure that's the way I've done it in the past when I've retired characters.

Although, I think we'd probably be receptive to a proposal to change that. L4W has gotten more permissive towards rebuilds over the years, and your case points out a corner case with the current rules: you'd actually have more XP if you used option B to create your new character at level 1, banking half of your old character's XP, and immediately applying it to your new character. That's clearly broken, IMO.


Aww, I thought Vyrna did well in that adventure. Her at-will forced movement saved Eva on two different fights. And on that note, I don't think the necromancer build is very powerful. It seems like all I can do is take a few iconic necromancer-y powers and then fill up the rest of my spellbook with... well, good abilities.

I'm just hoping to get to level 5 so I can stuff the severed head Karlowitch's PC carries around on a skeleton and reanimate it. /cackle

Hah. Yeah, I like the character that is Vyrna, but I'm not so crazy about the vampire class. I've had the chance to look through it thoroughly, and am sad to report that EVERY vampire is a rubber stamp of every other vampire... with very, very little variation throughout the class (and I'm talking about only 1 or two powers [and only utilities at that] that give you a choice). The only thing, it seems, that is different between one vampire and another (besides the few utilities mentioned above) is what race and feats you choose... and that is just sad. There are so many many different types of vampires and descriptions of what vampires are and what they can do, that I feel they could have done a MUCH better job of allowing us to define (by power choice...and maybe build choice like many of the other classes) what kind of vampire we wanted to play.... but nope... rubber stamp <VAMP> in red ink... *sigh*


First Post
That fact has been pointed out a long long time ago (since the day it was released) The only things that can differ between two vampires are themes, feats, stats, items, race, paragon path and epic destiny.

I'm just praying, deep down somewhere, that they'll release more powers for vampires. Someday...I'll keep waiting. Even if it means I have to wait for 5e's Vampire...I'll wait T^T

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