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Poor Anastasia. I guess that's what happens when you get sucked into the cartoon that is D&D/PF.
Golarion moves forward in synch with the real world. So just like it's been 12 years since the release of Burnt Offerings here on Earth-1218, on Golarion it has been 12 years since the goblin raid on Sandpoint. Other adventure paths were released later, so the timeline hasn't moved as much forward on the events in those. It's been 8 years since Ameiko Kaijitsu set out across the Crown of the World to reclaim the throne of Minkai, it's been 6 years since Baba Yaga's rebellious daughter tried to usurp her, and it's been 2 years since a hobgoblin army tried to conquer Nirmathas and Molthune.How many years has the timeline been advanced?