Landscape Character Sheets: P.E.A.C.H.


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I love the look of this sheet. First bug I spotted:
In the AC calculations, adding a number to the enhancement or either of the misc. fields does not auto-calculate the correct AC number, i.e. entering a 1 under enhancement changes the AC of chainmail from 17 to 171!

Edit: same thing happens under skills when entering anything in the misc fields. When I enter my armor penalty of -1, it reads 3-1 instead of 2.

Yes I found this too. For whatever reason, if any box before is empty and then you have a value, it will not add correctly. Lets use the situations you pointed out as an example.

For AC, assuming a level 1 character, you have your 10+1/2 lvl with a 10, then ability with a 0, then armor with a 7 for scale, then a BLANK in shield and feat and you put in a 1 in enhancment it goes 171 right? If you put zeros in the shield and feat boxes, it works just fine. Same thing with skills. Put a zero in the trained box, and the other misc box if you are using the right most misc for armor penalty, and the value add correectly.

I have NO idea why its doing this, as blank spots are supposed to be auto assigned a zero when calculating, and am looking into it. The quick fix is to manually put a zero in any blank boxes you might have for skills and defenses. I am trying to figure out why its doing this, and Im open to suggestions :) Im new with this, and pretty much used other auto-calculating sheets I have and looked at how they did it to figure this out, so Im not sure my methods I used are exactly right. Thanks for bringing this up however, it was mere chance that i even found this bug out. So if you find any more keep em coming! Hopefully ill post an updated sheet soon.

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Thanks for the feedback so far everybody!

My wife is working on an update, as I'm going to GenCon it likely wont be available till after then.


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Thanks for the feedback so far everybody!

My wife is working on an update, as I'm going to GenCon it likely wont be available till after then.

Oh man, I dont know if I can wait that long! ;) I kid, I kid. Have fun a GenCon, Ive never been to one and would love to go, but I cant afford it right now.


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Oh man, I dont know if I can wait that long! ;) I kid, I kid. Have fun a GenCon, Ive never been to one and would love to go, but I cant afford it right now.

LOL ;) I won plane tickets at DDM qualfier which is the only way I can afford to go ;)


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Nice! Well have a good time. If your wife just happens to be able to put out an updated version before you head off, well that would be swell too :) If not Im sure Ill make it a few more days, right? ;) I also still have no idea why the sheet is doing what its doing for the fillable weirdness :)
Last edited:


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Version 1.1
Aug 25/08
- Fixed Religion Int/Wis issue, minor edits.
- Coming soon (as requested -Wonka) a powers sheet alterntitive for those who don't wish to use power cards.

Feedback and suggestions still welcome and encouraged!


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Yay Fox and Lunar! Looks great now! Ill hand these out at my new game on Friday to get some more comments/critiques and let you know what I hear :) Thanks again!


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LunarVixen Hijacking here...

It's been a couple of years now.. and I would love to hear how things are going.. Ever since we started using the Character Builder and just modifying the character sheet in it to suit how we wanted it.. we haven't used my character sheets as much I would like.. but now that they've stupidly made the character builder an online thing only, and taken away the customizable character sheet.. I'm looking at my character sheets again.. Also, I've noticed that my brain is not grasping the calculations as well or remembering things.. because the builder does it all for me.. and I'm missing a part of the game I liked.. leveling up with knowledge..

In essence, I think I need to go back to paper.. especially is Wizards won't take the head out of you know where.. and deliver what they promised years ago when the started to give previews for 3.0.


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Unfortunately, I am no longer playing 4E. I still, however, have this sheet! In fact, was just looking at it and was seeing if there was an update, I have other players who still use this sheet and were curious. I'm still in love with how nice it looks, if you guys ever decide to put out a Pathfinder sheet with this style, well that would be awesome :)

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