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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 2 - Illusions)

Land Outcast

Alexander turns around to catch Silas' quartestaff in midair and moves to face the... creature... caustic pond... whatever it is... when it comes near enough, the half orc will try to beat it down... if such thing is possible.

"Prepare to retreat! I'm not sure if we can harm this!"

OOC: Does the "thing" leave a trail of dissolved stone? grass? Quarterstaff +5/+5 (1d6+5)

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Deuce Traveler

OOC: Why yes, it does!

Everyone stands back as Alexander attacks the creature. His strikes true, but his staff dissolves as soon as he makes contact, although the force of the blow seems to have angered it. The creature strikes at Alexander with a tendril, but the half-orc nimbly dances aside.
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"Let us not bother with this distraction" the nimble elf suggests "Surely we can out pace it?"

OOC: can we? Have we seen it move quickly? Other than the tendril strikes?

Land Outcast

Damn it!... Lucky it didn't get my flesh

Holding the churned piece of wood Alexander starts a cautious retreat trying to evade whatever the liquid/creature lashes at him.

OOC: Whitdraw, double move... depending if the rest of the company starts retreating or not, yet he will remain at the first line of defense


"I don't like leaving it able to make its way into some unsuspecting village but I fear that we have little that we can do against it. Does anyone know what that thing is?" Silas will retreat alongside Alexander grasping the lit torch as if it were a weapon. When the group is far enough away that Silas thinks the thing won't be able to catch them he'll quench the torch's fire.

Deuce Traveler

The ooze tries to catch up to you as you slowly move away. "Run!" Shout Phly Loughphray. You decide its a good idea.

Your party, including the gnomes and Dorinthians, begins to run through the marsh, moving quickly at a sprint until everyone is exhausted. It seems you have lost the creature behind you. Thankfully no one gets stuck in the mud. It takes two more miserable, rainy days for you to reach Loughphray Burrows, the underground settlement of the gnomes. The people there seem happy to see you, although they sometimes throw a wary glance in Rix's direction.

The gnomes have dug a series of living areas inside the hills, although barracks and towers are manned outside the settlements. Some of the towers seem quickly patched up, as if damaged before. Alexander has trouble fitting into the tunnels, but otherwise manages himself well. After a day of rest, Silas is given a new quarterstaff that a gnome craftsman helps create from the abjurer's specifications.

The party receives a briefing from Harindan Loughphray, the clan leader of the hills. "Thank you for coming, adventurers. I've been told about your talents from Phly. Recently we've suffered badly from several attacks from goblins and kobolds. The kobold attacks have been the toughest, and we've suffered some horrible damage to our defenses. I doubt we can take another one or two assaults. I am hoping that we can go on the offensive using you as our shock troops. The two threats are coming from the Hound Totem clan of goblins southeast of here, and the kobold tribes to the southwest. The goblins have a population of a few hundred people, but we recently discovered the headquarters of their shaman who is uniting them. He has done so by finding a valuable totem staff, which is an important symbol of clan leadership and an item from the Hound Totem clan's mythology. Kill the shaman, or steal his totem staff, and the goblins will fall into chaos. Or we hope, anyway. We will pay 100gp to each of you if you present us with either the shaman's head or his totem staff. Also, the goblins have been getting new equipment lately. Find out who their supplier is and bring back proof, and we'll throw in an extra 50gp each."

"The kobolds are a greater mystery to us. We have always fought with the Lizard Scale, Hill Delver, and Two Horned tribes. Now a fourth tribe has appeared and quickly dominated the other three. This group is called the Dragon Eye tribe, and has somehow dominated its neighbors to the point that they are willing to conduct suicidal attacks against us. We know we have wiped out a huge number of Lizard Scale, Hill Delver, and Two Horned kobolds, but they keep coming and we are nearly exhausted. Kobolds are not insane, so we do not understand why they would be willing to kill themselves in futile mass assaults in order to destroy us. Find out what is going and try to break the control of the Dragon Eye tribe. We do not know their base of operations, but we know they are somewhere to the southwest. The kobolds still number close to a thousand, while we are down to a population of six hundred. Stop these kobold attacks and be rewarded with 200gp each."

"So gentlemen. Where will you go first?"

Deuce Traveler

Rix knows that the kobolds met in the abandoned town were refugees from the Lizard Scale tribe, although they fled the area due to an attack of goblins. They did not mention other kobolds, and you did not ask for more information before you left. The Lizard Scale tribe was the stronger of the tribes in this area, followed by the Hill Delver tribe and the Two Horned tribe. You've never heard of this Dragon Eye tribe, so they were probably from somewhere further west and beyond the hills.


[sblock=DM]Sorry for not posting, was away for the weekend. Rix will have restocked his ration supply, crossbow bolts, and taken an extra 10 bolts.[/sblock]

Upon arrival at the gnomish settlement Rix scowls, although he appraises the fortifications with a deprecating eye. Gnomes always lacked something when it came to their defenses. When given wary and unapproving looks, he gives an air of utter disdain and reproach for the gnomes, as if they were below him, passing them by as if they were nonexistant.

After the day of rest, during the briefing by Harindan Loughphray he listens at the tales of the goblin tribes creating problems for the gnomes. Better than for the kobolds. Although the information that the various kobold tribes are being forced under the heel of this Dragon Eye tribe causes him to listen more closely. It was rare for his kin to hurl themselves without avail at gnomes, they preferred ambush and hit-and-run tactics, to destroy the moral of the gnomes. Although, this endless assault method had a sort of demoralizing effect nonetheless.

"Have you been expanding your paltry little hill into the lands of the goblins or my kin? That would certainly invite enmity from both, particularly goblins, they are brutish territorial creatures without a sense of proper community."

Deuce Traveler

The gnome leader answers, "There are always skirmishes between the kobolds, goblins, and us. Occasionally it breaks out into a larger conflict, but this is different somehow. The kobolds and goblins became united at about the same time and avoided attacks against each other, concentrating solely on us. It is very unusual for kobolds and goblins to avoid combat against one another, but perhaps they've reached an agreement of sorts."

Voidrunner's Codex

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