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Legacy of the Silver Dragon: Chapter 1 (Chickens, Demons, and a Missing Girl)

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Upon seeing Antares shout, Bosco, expecting the worst, prepares to hightail it for the surface when the inevitable flood of subterranean subhumans pours out of the surrounding tunnels.

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Stellan grins, shrugs his shoulders and says:

"Well, I wouldn't say it's the smartest thing to do in a tunnel of dubious workmanship and with creatures running around, but I have a sword and spear that could use some more blood on them."

OOC: I'm going to try to wait until I get a response from one of the others...

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Let's see how dubious workmanship that tunnel has." The dwarf, who had remained silent until then, closes in to inspect the tunnel. "Anyway the elf strident voice probably scared them away."


After Antares yells Anna's name, nothing is heard, not even echoes, as the shout is rapidly muffled by the earthy walls. Stellan chuckles lightly as he hears Muzdin's comment: "I'm no digger, so of course I might just be spooked by that minor cave in back the way we came."

Indeed, the walls appear pretty well constructed, as such things go - and unlikely to collapse from mere yelling. Stellan opens his mouth to say something else, and then there's a faint sound appearing to come from the passage to the northwest in the cavern the party is currently in. A flash of pale skin appears, and a humanoid appears around the bend to come into view. It's female, evident in spite of the whitish flesh, naked except for what appears to be a reasonably nice belt around her waist. Obviously similar in look to the creatures run into before - especially since she too is walking along the walls and has long claw like protrusions from her fingers. But this creature is bigger, the size of a normal human female. It is hairless, and has the same shallow indentations where eyes might have once been, and a slight impression of a nose. The teeth aren't needlelike, as in the smaller creatures, when they are bared in the torch light, they look human. And bared they are, as the creature hisses, stopping on seeing the party in the cavern.
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Now that's disgusting. Although more human... Intriguing, what secrets does this tunnels hold, oh Lord of Mysteries?" the dwarf mutters his prayer, although moves not, waiting for the elf to exchange words with the creature. He'll pat Antares as if saying "You asked for it, now do it!"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
the dwarf mutters his prayer, although moves not, waiting for the elf to exchange words with the creature.
But the young mage is for now shocked beyond words, stricken deep by the arrow of an idle hypothesis suddenly taking all too immediate form (He looks down at his whitish hand with new horror, barely relieved that the Bleaching has not, in his case, so far spread <I assume?>); names, innocently tripping from *his* lips, somehow summoning forth twisted variations of their true self, like purifying rituals somehow gone nightmarishly wrong...

He'll pat Antares as if saying "You asked for it, now do it!"
"Anna?" croaks Antares, staring into that absence of eyes.

<Assuming some sort of non-attack reaction:
*His* green eyes don't quite know where to settle on her pale form - she is *naked*! - but succeed admirably at showing their whites -- wide, scared, horrified, slowly, maybe, if he has the time... pitying? "We- We have come to take you back - back home - back to the land of sun and stars and... and warm beds, and tasty, crackling cookies with warming tea..." He nervously, jerkily kneels down to one knee, to appear less threatening, to entice her closer like one would a scared animal -- though he can't quite summon the courage to approach any closer himself, not quite yet.

"Food? A blanket? *Anything at all*?" this last as an urgent, begging whisper back towards his waiting companions. If she runs now...


The creature doesn't react to the name "Anna", other than another hiss as the elf starts to talk. It moves forward along the wall and does seem a bit more awkward in its motions that the other, smaller creatures that attacked and ran away moments before. The head swings to look at the pool of shimmering water, and then looks back at the party members in the room. Something swings at the end of her belt now that she comes into the light. A small pouch connected by a leather strap. The belt itself is obviously only held on by her hips. Her body tenses, as if preparing for a sudden movement.

Myst almost laughs as Antares makes an attempt at communication, not necessarily because it is a bad idea, but because the sight of the elf talking to the creature is just peculiar in itself. When it becomes obvious that she isn't going to speak and reveal that she is indeed Anna and she does indeed want to go home, the cleric readies his mace. He hopes to avoid bloodshed but based on the stance of the creature, he isn't hopeful about that prospect.

Voda Vosa

First Post
The dwarf reacts swiftly to the prepearing stance of the creature, rising his shield, axe in hand. If he has to chop this thing down to size, he will do it, was she Anna or not.

Voidrunner's Codex

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