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Legacy of the Silver Dragon: Chapter 1 (Chickens, Demons, and a Missing Girl)

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Perhaps, but most of those details might have been lost depending on the time these were exposed by one side to the acid of the gelatinous cube, and on the other, rubbing against metal coins." the dwarf explains. "But I grant you that it might be worth to try."

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Gregof, looking slightly bemused again, shakes his head. "Nothing for Stellan's thirst.. He'll have to find something at the tavern later."

Stellan's answer to Antares is somewhat slow, and he's obviously being careful to try to remember everything he can. "I'm not sure, Antares. I just remember looking at it, and then my mind was focused on following the pattern - which I could see, even when I wasn't looking at it any more. Though I felt like I had to glance at the original once in awhile to compare my mental image an it. And even though I picked up the gem, and threatened attacking.. I was still working on the pattern in my mind. Like it kept me from paying attention to what I was doing."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Stellan's answer to Antares is somewhat slow, and he's obviously being careful to try to remember everything he can. "I'm not sure, Antares. I just remember looking at it, and then my mind was focused on following the pattern - which I could see, even when I wasn't looking at it any more. Though I felt like I had to glance at the original once in awhile to compare my mental image an it. And even though I picked up the gem, and threatened attacking.. I was still working on the pattern in my mind. Like it kept me from paying attention to what I was doing."
A subtle and seemingly experienced entity then -- this was obviously not its first attempt at controlling the minds of others... Still: "Not even emotions?" For example, "Did it wish us ill?"

Was the point that theft be discovered, allies fight and thereby be weakened, or did the gem itself have value for the entity and her ilk, value that needed hiding?

<Response Stellan?>

"And was it parts specific of the pattern your mind followed, perhaps, was drawn back to?" That might at least indicate which pattern they had need of neutralizing/be wary of in future. His hand reflexively strengthened its pressure, lest just the memory of it had power enough to draw Stellan away from them again...

"Perhaps, but most of those details might have been lost depending on the time these were exposed by one side to the acid of the gelatinous cube, and on the other, rubbing against metal coins." the dwarf explains. "But I grant you that it might be worth to try."
"You would be willing?" inquires the elf, patting Stellan's back as he stands and looks about. "I myself was thinking of consulting Teacher Dysare on this matter, and the other." An explicative gesture towards the packed bell, then a look of temporary distress, "And my sire as well... It would... probably be better, in truth?" he asks of the gathered three with the tone of one trying to convince himself -- and yet at the same time hoping not to be convinced.

He distractedly steps up to officer Gregof's desk and unrolls the tiny scroll with distracted fingers, obviously thinking of other matters.

OOC: Unless it's sealed in some way, of course, in which case he'll examine the seal firs, please.
[sblock=Antares' family situation]As intimated way back when at the begining of the game, Antares has been recently kicked out of the family tower: his war-wizard father seemed to feel he wasn't doing anything with his life except study fairly pointless/useless things with no connections to "real life". The kicking out was meant as a wake up call/motivator. :)[/sblock]


Stellan shakes his head again, "Antares, I've told you what I can. I wasn't exactly focusing on how it felt to be focusing on something other than what I wanted to be focusing on.." His tone is amused, moving back more towards his usual style of speaking. "It didn't feel like there was any intent pushing me one way or another, or at least with any intelligence behind it."

The rolled up piece of paper, while it looked a bit like a scroll on initial glance, is tied with a light gold colored string that comes unknotted easily. The writing is in the standard language of the Empire, though obviously not written by a hand used to writing. It's a simple declaration of love, with the initials "SL" beneath it.

Gregof fidgets a bit and then says, "Now that the... ummm.. emergency appears to be over, perhaps you could find somewhere else to discuss the events of your excursion? I have a report to write." He pauses, "I do appreciate you bringing all this to my attention. I have a feeling some of The Council might want the tunnels under the burned house explored a bit more thoroughly to see what dangers might yet be there. At least I hope they do. It seems as though you might be the best to do that. I'll see what I can do to get a bit of payment for that. Though there are always other youngsters around here who style themselves as adventurers who might be willing, if you're not. I suggest that if you're interested, you come back to see me in a day or so."

[sblock=Bosco]Did you specifically want to try to take more from the table than was initially in your loot? If so, please look over the thread from about page 50 onward and let me know precisely what you attempted to scoop up...[/sblock]

OOC: So, next week I'm out of town most of the week and probably will be unable to do much in the way of updates. I'm going to try to resurrect the OOC thread. I suggest the group chat ICly/OOCly about what the next steps will be. Let me know if you want to do anything personal over the next day or so ICly (finding more info about the coins, etc), and who's doing what.
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Alright mate, lets begone friends, I need a drink, and there's no place best suited to speak of business than the tavern. Move at once!" the dwarf says, making a gesture, and heading to the door, and then, to the tavern.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Stellan's tone is amused, moving back more towards his usual style of speaking. "It didn't feel like there was any intent pushing me one way or another, or at least with any intelligence behind it."
A pause for thought... "Why the gem though, Stellan?" Antares asks with concern evident in his voice. "Did you... find it attractive before? Desirable?"

A magnifier of tendencies inborn perhaps? Could it be only a portion of the runes remain active after his modification, say those that shut the White Things' mind away from itself? Stellan yet another walking dreamer in nightmares rules by the eternal dancings of the five-fold star?

<Response Stellan?>

The rolled up piece of paper, while it looked a bit like a scroll on initial glance, is tied with a light gold colored string that comes unknotted easily. The writing is in the standard language of the Empire, though obviously not written by a hand used to writing. It's a simple declaration of love, with the initials "SL" beneath it.

Hm... Puzzling. :)

"Alright mate, lets begone friends, I need a drink, and there's no place best suited to speak of business than the tavern. Move at once!" the dwarf says, making a gesture, and heading to the door, and then, to the tavern.
The elf looks between his already moving form and the guard captain, several times in quick succession, before reminding: "Your items are still on the table, master Stonehand!" then using the time thus gained to quickly address officer Gregof: "In truth there *are* likely other exits into the town. Ah. We were - perhaps - hoping the guard might be involved more directly in their sealing? The safety of the town and -um- things of that general nature?" Another side-look at Muzdin's quickly disappearing items <I'm assuming?>, before returning his attention more fully to Gregof, "I asked before, but, were there per chance other disappearances in that general area, do you know?"

<Response Gregof?>

Once answered, Antares quickly gathers up his own things (only slowing to carefully measured movements to re-seal the dread Bell of Discord into his scrollcase), before quickly trotting after his departing companions.

"I take it we will also be discussing the splitting of the loot at this meeting?" he asks, voice and expression light once his breath has settled and they are all walking apace.


Stellan smiles slightly, "Well, I thought it was quite striking when I first saw it. But you know me Antares. I'm not much for pretty things. I would rather have something functional." A pause, "Though it would look good in a hilt pommel of a sword, don't you think?" There seems no avarice or anything else in the young man's voice other than the good natured person you all have known the past few years. A sigh, "I am concerned that I so easily fell prey to whatever it was, when none of you did. Perhaps I am not cut out for adventuring after all."

Gregof answers Antares' questions without any exasperation, but with an efficiency that belies his interest in having the room to himself and the militia again. "That's worrying, I agree. However, I do not wish to take action before hearing from the council. And my personal opinion is that merely sealing off the entrances will just allow whatever may still be beneath to grow - and then if it breaks through again be too strong for us to handle." He shakes his head at Antares' second question, "No other disappearances that I'm aware of." his eyes already dropping to the parchment he unrolls to begin writing on.

You are surprised to some extent that it's beginning to darken outside. Time underground seemed both slower and faster, and so has perhaps caused your internal clocks to be a bit off. You've spent a fair bit of time after coming back out again, and the sun is setting. Soon people will be arriving from the forests and mines, and shortly after that, many shops will close up - having stayed open long enough for those coming back to perhaps spend a bit of coin before they collapse in their beds or a chair at the Half and Halfling. Which is where you head, and arrive shortly. But not before being accosted on the street by two women.

Erenie - Anna's friend who first told you about where she disappeared comes rushing up and throws her arms around the closest person to her. This happens to be Stellan, who with no trace of embarrassment accepts her enthusiastic greeting. "Thank you! Thank you for bringing her back!" She seems embarrassed herself after a moment and steps back, dropping her eyes. Stellan quirks a grin and says, "Mmm, perhaps the adventurer's life really is for me."

Behind her, more dignified, is Onarie, Anna's foster mother. She steps forward and says, "My thanks to you. Anna seems to be ok, though still tired. She will stay with the Priests of Pelor for another day or so. I wanted to give you this token of my appreciation. True to her word, she hands over a pouch (I assume to Bosco, who as party treasurer will likely step forward?) and says, "500 gold pieces were promised. Given what she went through and what she sounds like she was on her way to becoming, I've... added 100 more. I wish I could give more."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Stellan smiles slightly, "Well, I thought it was quite striking when I first saw it. But you know me Antares. I'm not much for pretty things. I would rather have something functional." A pause, "Though it would look good in a hilt pommel of a sword, don't you think?" There seems no avarice or anything else in the young man's voice other than the good natured person you all have known the past few years. A sigh, "I am concerned that I so easily fell prey to whatever it was, when none of you did. Perhaps I am not cut out for adventuring after all."
It is Antares' turn to smile in disbelief: "And you believe that I am?" That is, to him, obviously a fairly ridiculous notion. "None here are more suited, believe me in this." Which is more than he can say for himself... Although the knowledge, the mysteries, the frightened beatings of his heart as the creature of slime burned... "Just think of the adventure down below, and how differently you felt this day than in any of the days before, travelling in your sire's footsteps?" Who was a guard of caravans, granted, but if the stories he told Stellan's mother are to be believed... "It is just that we two were exposed to the dread influence of the runes much longer than any of the others, friend Stellan -- down there in the temple cave while I scribbled for one, and then here while that parchment foolishly lay open and visible to all while we three discussed unawares. Muzdin and Bo only came in at the last, if you recall? One should not - Shuld not be held responsible for thieves in the night, be they pilfering coins or thoughts!" A dram or two of his previous fear and panic returned, though this time in the form of an outrage he did not know he held until that last, unexpectedly forceful sentence... But, in truth, how dare that star do this to one of his friends, to *Stellan* in particular? To the point of having him doubt his true path?

<Response Stellan?>

Gregof shakes his head at Antares' second question, "No other disappearances that I'm aware of." his eyes already dropping to the parchment he unrolls to begin writing on.
Politeness (and honesty) oblige though, and so Antares lingers yet a few heartbeats longer, even with Muzdin leaving once more, squaring himself and presenting a respectful bow of the head: "Thank you officer Gregof. Having you here, to welcome us; to offer cool counsel," not to mention all the business with the runes, which could have turned very ugly indeed with even one slightly less reasonable head in the room -- very ugly... "I - that is - the Behenian Company truly appreciates all that you have done for us." Truly. A short pause, but speaking of things done and to be done, "Will you -ah- be seeing to arrangements for poor Former-Anna then?" It seems a fair assumption, seeing as he has not mentioned it and she yet lies across the very desk he is set to employ?

<Response Gregof?>

Erenie - Anna's friend who first told you about where she disappeared comes rushing up and throws her arms around the closest person to her. This happens to be Stellan, who with no trace of embarrassment accepts her enthusiastic greeting. "Thank you! Thank you for bringing her back!" She seems embarrassed herself after a moment and steps back, dropping her eyes. Stellan quirks a grin and says, "Mmm, perhaps the adventurer's life really is for me."
Prompting a small, relieved if somewhat jealous smile from Antares behind him. All that his well-meaning arguments could not accomplish, all those words, a simple hug from the right person trumps ten times over. It makes... so much sense when one thinks about it.

Behind her, more dignified, is Onarie, Anna's foster mother. She steps forward and says, "My thanks to you. Anna seems to be ok, though still tired. She will stay with the Priests of Pelor for another day or so. I wanted to give you this token of my appreciation. True to her word, she hands over a pouch (I assume to Bosco, who as party treasurer will likely step forward?) and says, "500 gold pieces were promised. Given what she went through and what she sounds like she was on her way to becoming, I've... added 100 more. I wish I could give more."
A shame Brother Myst is not here: words of this kind are more his specialty, words that comfort and inspire, thank and reward at the same time...

As that worthy is absent, and Muzdin can in no circumstance be allowed to answer if they which to keep her good feelings intact, Antares quickly gives it a try nonetheless, trying not to lie too much: "It was -ah- a thing that needed the doing, I believe, Goodwife of happy returns? And in so doing a threat to the town was discovered, that might otherwise have gone un-noticed until too late?" Certainly that is something to be grateful for? "If not for your own perseverance..." A blush comes to his cheeks: why is he so bad at this sort of thing? "We thank you for your generous gift. It will go to a good cause," he finishes somewhat lamely, trying hard not to put a question mark at the end of that last sentence. That would likely be ill received indeed.

(Ah! Should have let Bo handle it! Charming women - if usually of a somewhat younger age - was *his* avowed specialty, now that he takes the time to think about it!)

OOC: How much does that 600gp represent for a family of Onarie's apparent standing, Gambler? Will they be reduced to poverty because of it?
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Stellan nods quietly as Antares speaks to him, and perhaps that also helped his later comment about adventuring. Gregof glances at the body and sighs, "I didn't know them well enough to remember which deity or deities they served. I will ask around, and then ask the appropriate temple to handle the affairs." His eyes drop back to the papers he's pulling out.

Outside, Onarie smiles again with an obviously relieved sort of happiness - though still tinged by worry, after all, Anna is not yet back home with her. She nods once and moves off. Erenie flushes once, and then rushes back to hug each adventurer in turn - assuming they allow it, though she makes sure to end with Stellan. She skips off after Onarie, chattering happily.

OOC: It's a fair bit of money that Onarie paid, but as an older woman - and with the style of clothes she wears (good quality and unfrayed) she apparently has enough to spare. She had no apparent concern in handing over the money, though her words may indicate otherwise - or it could indicate that she gave exactly what she felt she could pay extra.

Your group makes its way to "The Half and Halfling". It is not yet full, but it will likely get there soon. The usual crowd appears to be there, but there is a table open that would fit the group and there are seats at the bar.

OOC: Let me know any plans. If anyone doesn't want to go to the tavern, and wants to do something else, let me know that. Stellan won't be dissauaded from going there however!

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Stellan nods quietly as Antares speaks to him, and perhaps that also helped his later comment about adventuring. Gregof glances at the body and sighs, "I didn't know them well enough to remember which deity or deities they served. I will ask around, and then ask the appropriate temple to handle the affairs." His eyes drop back to the papers he's pulling out.
"My apologies. I just -ah- wanted to make sure." A sustained look at her white-shrouded head, his delicate elven jaw uncomfortable with vague grief... "Please do inform us if relatives are found, people which might have known or been involved with the couple more directly?" That they might possibly learn from them of this gem, these coins and well business in addition to the burial... And, as well: "I- would like to attend the ceremony, if possible." Another look at her body... "I am sorry I could not save you... I did try..." Though that is of course cold comfort... to both of them.

Antares bows once more to officer Gregof and then departs...

"Ah... Perhaps a *joint* venture into the tunnels, guards and Company both?" he does suggest, stopping and pulling a closing door back open a bit, the thought having just occurred.

OOC: Last one, I promise! :devil:

Outside, Onarie smiles again with an obviously relieved sort of happiness - though still tinged by worry, after all, Anna is not yet back home with her. She nods once and moves off. Erenie flushes once, and then rushes back to hug each adventurer in turn - assuming they allow it, though she makes sure to end with Stellan. She skips off after Onarie, chattering happily.
"Ah, one moment please?" Antares quickly gathers up his own share from Bo <120 crowns, right?> and then trots after the departing goodwife, his long legs quickly catching up. "Ah... Well... Our deepest thanks. But, perhaps," he says, rather haltingly in a voice meant to carry solely to her own ears before discretely presenting the obtained purse. "There might be... other expenses? Offerings of thanks to the Shining One, perhaps also partly - ah, mostly, I meant mostly - on our behalf?"

<Response Onarie?>

Your group makes its way to "The Half and Halfling". It is not yet full, but it will likely get there soon. The usual crowd appears to be there, but there is a table open that would fit the group and there are seats at the bar.
"So what now?" lightly questions Antares, already heading for the table. "Do you believe this matter merits further attention?" Which obviously he once did, from his entreaties back in the temple-cave. But now, in the relative quiet of the 'real' world... "It *is* a thing that carries some risk to ourselves, both physical and, more troublingly, to our very minds it seems -- that at some point we stare too deep into this star's true nature, and perhaps never return quite as we were before..." He swallows, unsure and somewhat troubled, then looks to the others at the table with him: "Is this truly a thing within our reach?"

He really wants to know.

Voidrunner's Codex

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