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Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Day 2 (Interlude)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Ah, but there she is <I'm going to assume>, wooden slats creaking under her heavily armored form!

Not quite letting go of the parchment, Antares raises a hand to hopefully direct her towards their little group, his open countenance showing more than a modicum of pleased relief.

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Beatrix smiled and returned Antares' wave. "Greetings, lord elf. It is good to be seeing you and your companions are well, at very least. The massive maiden says, wooden floor creaking as she approached. "What news of good captain Gregof? Is doing better, am hoping."

The soft smile of Beatrix's face slowly turns into concerned frown.

"I know this may being too personally a question, but by chance, is the captain having any enemies?" The priestess asks Antares, trying to keep her voice down.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The massive maiden says, wooden floor creaking as she approached. "What news of good captain Gregof? Is doing better, am hoping."
Antares nods that he does: "Though it was a close fought contest, he rests now within Pelor's temple, under the care of both priests and militia. In truth Brother Carlog - the assistant to the head priestess? - thinks he may even awaken from healing slumber by afternoon on the morrow?" A sturdy man indeed is captain Gregof. And hardy... And yet, "Until then we are somewhat left to our own devices...?"

He's... a bit distressed about that fact, by his expression.

"I know this may being too personally a question, but by chance, is the captain having any enemies?" The priestess asks Antares, trying to keep her voice down.
"Ah, so the questioning did not yield all that could be hoped for?" he softly inquires back. (By the sudden sideways flicks of his emerald eyes, he's just now noticing that she came back alone -- leaving one greenish, toothy creature wholly unaccounted for...)
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"Ah, so the questioning did not yield all that could be hoped for?" he softly inquires back. (By the sudden sideways flicks of his emerald eyes, he's just now noticing that she came back alone -- leaving one greenish, toothy creature wholly unaccounted for...)

"Not quite." The fat priestess explains, her expression hard as stone. "But I did get some clues."

"Goblin said his kin had been kidnapped from their village up in mountain. Mysterious man, human most likely, then turn up one day and tell goblins that Gregof was behind it. Said he was mage and used goblins in horrible experiments. Give them poison to use against him. That is why goblins attacked and why I asked if the captain had any enemies. Who ever this mystery man was, he was willing to trick whole goblin tribe into attacking town to get rid of Captain Gregof."

Beatrix then pauses to think for a moment.

"Be telling me, Gregof never praticed magic before, did he?"


Stellan, silent for awhile, except for his automatic smiles at young women walking by, speaks up when he hears Beatrix's question.

"I spent some time around folks in our... militia." He always seems amused when he uses that word. Up until a few months ago they were just 'city guards'.

"And also Gregof." he adds. "I was looking to join them perhaps, before this group got started. Gregof was referred to respectfully, as a pragmatic leader who got things done. No hint of magic in anything anyone ever said. Plus, they always used to refer to him barely leaving his office in the barracks once it was set up. I suppose he could have snuck out and traveled all the way to the goblin's lair without anyone seeing, but it doesn't seem to fit the man I've heard about or seen in action."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Brother Carlog mentioned that he came to fair Askadar on the wings of personal tragedy but a decade hence, likely from deeper within the empire. Yet in truth I do not feel the Art is in him?" furnishes the young elf from his side. Indeed, the good captain did not seem to him overly studious, or unaccountably knowledgeable of such things during their previous talk... "Mixed confusions between kidnappers true and the slandered victim that was made to forcibly carry their cloak of guilt perhaps?" Such a graceless, underhanded ploy. And now such a potentially brilliant danger to them all!

Antares stops himself before unkind thoughts churn his attention too badly, forcibly turning his focus back to the piece of parchment still in his hands instead, showing it off to the priestess: "This was found on one of the goblin rousers. Perhaps it will shed some further light on the matter?"

OOC: OOC: Back to the parchment he found on one of the sleeping goblins, Gambler please. He'll examine the outside for any marks or seals and then open and read.

Does he know any of the approaching council-men/women by sight, by the way?


First Post
"Gregof is captain of guard, correct? Perhaps the motion was revenge. Perhaps mysterious stranger was former prisoner of town guard." Beatrix suggests. "Do you know if Gregof arrested anyone who could speak in goblin tongue?"

"Give it here. I will be taking a look at it." The fat priestess said, taking the note of the Elf and having a read over it. "Strange for a goblin to be having note. Did not know goblins even had written language."
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"His fellow guards would likely know of such things?" suggests the robed elf as to the first, gesturing towards one of those worthies. "Though it seems... It seems, in truth, fairly extreme for fair Askadar's usual trespass and squabbles?" he tentatively mentions after a pause, not wishing to contradict too strongly.

(Is it that there will likely be many that fit such a general criteria, he wonders. Or, more likely, that it would make such a sad ending, that a storm of poison, knifes, arrows and deceit should find its birth in naught but the heart of such petty resentment? Gregof's pain, goblin's untimely death, it seems to him, should in all worldly justice stem from much - much! - greater things...)

OOC: What does Antares know of a goblin written language, Gambler, if anything?


The scroll is simple parchment, though a touch beat up and even stained (given that the bearer was a goblin, it perhaps doesn't stand much contemplation on what the stains might have come from). A bit of perusal shows a few houses on one edge of the map, a squiggly line running from a large triangle at the top, with a black circle just above the squiggly line and a tiny stick figure next to it with a wide head and sharp teeth. The squiggly line more or less straight down that passes to the right of the houses. There's a hump just north of the town, and an X there. Next to the X is another, larger stick figure, who seems to have stars above his head.

There appears to be no real writing anywhere on it. Antares can easily tell that whatever was used to WRITE the squiggles was pretty high quality, almost what one might use to write in a spell book.

The three councilmembers arrive. Antares has seen them at various times, but never talked to them personally. Each has a symbolic wooden scale on their left breast, and the lead woman - greying hair, and a somewhat wrinkled face although one that appears as though it might smile as much as it frowns, speaks first. She's not smiling. "You four. What happened? Is Gregof alright?" The other two, middle aged men - one human, and one dwarf, hang back for a moment to let her question the small party. Antares digs deep and remembers the woman's name, Glasia. She's one of the ones who most tries to keep things as they were before Eliaesel's disappearance, partly in the hopes that the silver dragon will return, and partly because she feels that her policies were wise and can still work. In particular, she is known to speak out loudly against any hint of racism by the other humans in the town.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Antares can easily tell that whatever was used to WRITE the squiggles was pretty high quality, almost what one might use to write in a spell book.
"Which fits well with the green ones accusations," he reluctantly notes after communicating that fact to the others. "It... I hesitate to say, but does it not seem-"

Just then though the three council members officially arrive.

"You four. What happened? Is Gregof alright?"
To him she is an intimidating figure, clad in lifelong authority that more than compensates for her lack of height...

"Esteemed councilwoman Glasia, councilmen," he greets them almost automatically ... And then deeply regrets it as it puts him central in their combined, now focused attention! Indeed, discretely glancing back shows Stellan now sporting that characteristic 'you go ahead' half-smile of his -- and there isn't even a hope of rescue from Muzdin's quarters, so he doesn't even bother to look (and give him the satisfaction!). "Ah. Yes. We are the- the Behenian Company of adventurers and - That is, we three are the Company, lady-" And his face falls as he can't, for a moment, remember Beatrix's name, even looking straight at her, eyes wide... Something about a town?

Voidrunner's Codex

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