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Legacy of the Silver Dragon (Swords and Wizardry Core, 4th Ed)

Voda Vosa

First Post
I wouldn't mind getting to level 2 that's for sure, but I'm alright with the current pace of the game. Certainly hoped to get really close to level up after this story arc.
You say we can trade the GP for XP?

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What I'm saying is that you get XP = GP when you 'get back to base'. This is the basic way XP was done in old school D&D. Additionally you get XP for defeating (not necessarily killing) creatures per the monster listings, and RP (25% of your current level). All of this has been in my calculations so far (admittedly without the 100 XP bonus for the original players in the game for roleplaying while we got set up).

So... how much is your new house worth? Since that matters for XP. :)

Looking in a couple of other sourcebooks, a similar house with a fair bit of stone is 1200 GP. Given that the wood in the area is uniquely suitable for construction but still not as permanent and easier to work with than stone, I'll say that the ORIGINAL value of the home was 1000 GP. It has however been badly damaged due to the fire, and so right now is worth 600 GP. That gives everyone 150 more base XP (because we're still including Stellan as a party member) to be split up among multiclassing and increased by prime attribute bonuses.

As the house is renovated, its value will go up and you will get more XP...

Voda Vosa

First Post
I can't seem to find my character sheet... again

I would buy the items in the list, only that we need two tents (perhaps even 3, if Beatrix is as big as pictured in my mind) and rations for a week and a half. Don't know if we already have some of those items, in which case we don't need to buy them.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
[MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION]: Your original sheet can be found HERE.

Antares' is in the rogue's gallery thread HERE and Beatrix's is HERE (though Muzdin probably isn't aware what's in her pack right now, granted).

Hope that helps a bit.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Thanks! I saved a copy on my PC for future reference (Which I should have already done before).
Ok, seems we all have means to produce fire, and enough food, but since Muzdim doesn't want to get short on food, he will buy the dry rations just to be sure. We don't have tents so that goes to the buy list as well. So the final buy list would be as follows:

2x2 person tent: 20 gp
2xTorch: 2 cp
Oil (1 pint): 1 sp
Iron Pot: 8 sp
8xRations, dried (per day): 8 gp

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