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Legend of the Monkey Mage - The End (Final Update, 26 Jun 06)

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Duncan T
day number seventeen of Secondmonth

We now go to temple of gone god. Chai-Son tell us about temple where salamanders used to go when we once in Southwatch. That where we go now. Chai-Son want any artifacts dedicated to Green. We keep all else.

We go to village of Hollyhollow and find more out there. Lumumba now have big baboon. It carry things for him and it fight if it attacked. It not clever like Lysan though.

Aquotl not feeling good so we leave him in Whistlesprings. He look really bad. Maybe he need to sleep in well!


We get to Hollyhollow without problem. Creatures know us now. They keep away from Kwaku's wrath! Villagers welcome salamanders and happy to see them. It small place with one street. Kwaku give coins to children. They not rich like Kwaku. They have nothing.

Inn called Eternal Torch and it have seats for salamanders. We drink and celebrate and Sudurak tell tales of Company of the Valiant Blade. They hear tales of us. We famous! Spider not like being famous so Kwaku not talk about him. Deng and Lumumba and Sudurak do acrobat tricks which villagers like. They easy to please. We talk to Hilarion Halfgate. He guide who once been to temple before.

Lukkar talk to villagers and guide about temple. Salamanders once come here lots but they stop after Last Banishing when Jas left with all followers. No on go there now. Guide take people there but they never come back. We come back though. We strong! Hilarion guide us there for small amount. Temple built in honour of Khun-Sa. He salamander hero but Lukkar not know anything about him. He not that great hero then.

Day number eighteen of Secondmonth

When we ready to go we get bill from Inn. They charge us lots for salamander stuff. We not have enough in party funds so we all put money in. Deng not happy and he think they charge us too much. Kwaku not care. Kwaku have lots of coins!

Hilarion Halfgate guide us through Marsh of the Green King. Kwaku not see Green King but he not look too hard. Lukkar scout ahead and he see short flaming man-thing. It tell us it expecting us and it called Berang. It say when salamanders come this way they give him gems. Berang work with big cat-things with tentacles and they want tribute. Deng and Sharanna say they hear other creatures out in mist. We tell Berang we not pay tribute and we start fight.

Near-Brother use magic on warriors to make them faster. Deng and Sharanna go and slay Berang and then three cat-things come out of mist. Lumumba and Sudurak say they displacer beasts. They use tricks to make people think they not where they are. Two attack Lumumba and Kwaku use magic to heal him and keep him alive. Deng and Sharanna and Lukkar and Sudurak kill other beast then all fight last two. They try to run but Lumumba kill them both. He fast and strong and mighty warrior. He Near-Brother to Kwaku and Monkey watch over him! Deng take stuff from Berang and we go on. Hilarion stay quiet. Kwaku think he think we strong.

We get to Temple of Khun-Sa. It at bottom of valley and it made of red stone. It very big dome and it have stakes in ground around it. We want to go in there next day so we rest.

Deng see flying red creature with lots of legs go over Temple. Others not know what it is.

Day number nineteen of Secondmonth

Hilarion stay in cave. He wait for day and if we not back he go. Kwaku not think he stay alive in marsh on own. He old and he not crafty like Crocodile. Lumumba use magic and he wrap dead kobold round him. It now armour and it protect him. Kwaku not want that armour!

We look round edge of Temple. It boring. Stakes have torches at top of them. We look at big red stone doors in. Deng say they not trapped but Lumumba say they have magic on them. They go boom! There writing in fire tongue which salamanders translate for Lumumba and Kwaku and Lukkar. Near-Brother say that gates warded. Salamanders safe. Creatures with symbols of Jas safe. Creatures with burning torches safe. We all fine as we get burning torches.

It all good but Lukkar want to bring dog in. Stupid dog! When Lukkar ride through doors flame come down from sky and dog fall over. Lukkar fast so he not get hurt. Kwaku happy to heal dog but they want to leave it outside. Kwaku not care! Lumumba leave baboon out with horse. Near-Brother clever.

We explore rooms. There lots of flying red-creatures with legs that watch us. There lots of barracks and training rooms and sleeping rooms and shrines and there not much to loot. It all boring. Creature with legs try to attack us and it stop Sharanna moving with gaze. Kwaku free her with Moon's Freedom and Lumumba and Sudurak kill it. Sharanna and Lukkar find hidden door with lots of fire flasks. We also find chest but in just have some coins and symbols of Jas.

Big flying red-creature with lots of legs try to trap us and kill us. It stop Lysander moving but Sharanna curse it and Kwaku blind it with Blindness of Bat. It not survive long after that. Flying red-creatures not bother us after big one die.


We find way to inner rooms. It chamber with melted walls and burnt hangings. There big pits in ground and we hear crackling of fire down one of them. Sharanna go and look and she come back fast. She followed by big pile of fire which flow over ground. It say in fire-tongue to leave but we attack it. Deng and Lumumba and Sharanna surround it but Lukkar stay guarding other corridor. Sudurak try to wrestle it but he not so clever and he not do good.

Kwaku use Hand of Zombie and healing to keep him good. Sharanna use big flail to hurt it most and Lukkar come in at end of battle to claim glory. Sudurak start to melt from inside and he burn all over like he not burn before. Fire start to come out of his mouth but he lucky as he manage to kill it before it turn him inside-out with fire. Deng and Sharanna look for loot but it not have any. That not big surprise!

We get to inner sanctum. It big room with small arena and big bronze sun ringed by fire on floor. There big fire hounds and they look at us but they not attack us. Big flying horned fiery giant appear above bronze sun. It carry falchion and wear metal breastplate and stand four times size of Kwaku. Kwaku not annoy him!

He called Charn and he guard place. It once have gate to Plane of Fire but gate not work now. It not work after Jas go with Last Banishing. Charn want way for gate to work again but we not know way. He say we first creatures he see in many years. We strong! He gather loot from temple and he give them to creature who open gate so he go back home. He say this temple once train salamander warriors. But they all leave in Last Banishing with Jas so they not here anymore.

He also tell us about Khun-Sa. He once salamander champion who slay mighty undead. He banished from Red Mountain and he like Jas. They put him away in magic place so he not age. He ready to come back when he needed. There other salamanders in magic place too and we decide to look at them. Charn not seem to care if we look at them.

We go to magic chambers and there one empty chamber and one with salamander smith in. She called Lwaanfah and Deng release her. She once from Kethor Wastes like Deng and she once lose family. She put in chamber so she come back and start again. She not know anyone now but Deng seem to like her. Kwaku think Deng like her alot. We talk about Khun-Sa and Deng decide to release him too.

That good as he leader so he make choices.

Khun-Sa mighty warrior of Jas. He loud and Kwaku keep away from him. He want to know about everything and we tell him about Last Banishing and Sohal and humans and Red Mountain and undead we kill. Deng offer to put him back in magic chamber but he want to stay out. Khun-Sa say he see world and look around. He find undead to put to rest. Kwaku and others not tell him about Lumumba's corpse armour. We not want Near-Brother dead.

Khun-Sa go and speak to Charn. He think gate can be opened again. It need priest of Immortal. Kwaku priest! It need priest of Fire Immortal. Kwaku not priest of Fire Immortal. Unless Kwaku light dog on fire. Sharanna and Sudurak know priest of fire. They agree to lead priest here and Charn give up loot of Temple if gate of fire opened. Then all happy!

Khun-Sa and Lwaanfah come with us out of marsh. They come to Southwatch. Khun-Sa want to speak to people. He want to train warriors at Temple. He ask Deng and Sharanna and Sudurak to train warriors and they seem happy. When we go outside temple we find dog dead. Kwaku act sad but he do secret dance when we on way back. Stupid dog! It so stupid it die! Kwaku keep dance short though. He not want to annoy Dog.


We get to Hollyhollow and they impressed by Khun-Sa. He act like big warrior and they all quiet round him. Kwaku not happy. He go to Swamp of the Green King and he not see Green King. Maybe Green King scared by Pack. Hydra and Crocodile like marshes too.

Day number twenty of Secondmonth

We travel with Lwaanfah and Khun-Sa to Southwatch. Kwaku like Khun-Sa! he pay for Eternal Torch Inn!


Kwaku not like Khun-Sa. He talk about undead and he talk about destroying them and that all he talk about. And talk about. Kwaku not talk to him about Zombie and Bat. He not understand Pack.

Day number twenty-one of Secondmonth

We travel fast. Kwaku stay away from Khun-Sa. He talk about killing undead more. And more.

Day number twenty-two of Secondmonth

We get to Southwatch and Kwaku leave Khun-Sa. Deng introduce him to Southwatch family. We leave Lwaanfah with Tak-Sai. She salamander smith Deng know and we speak to her when we want to talk to other salamanders. Kwaku like Lwaanfah. She not talk about undead all day. We split loot and get gold and go shopping.

Day number twenty-three of Secondmonth

Sharanna and Sudurak talk to Khakanang. He mighty spellcaster and priest who serve Chatchom. He Immortal of Fire. He owe Sharanna favour and he agree to come to temple and open gate. He leave with us towards temple that day.

Day number two of Thirdmonth

We enter Marsh of Green King again and not see Green King. Khakanang call on Chatchom and open gate again. Temple now answer to Chatchom and fire creatures go home. Kwaku wave goodbye to Charn. He powerful and he make good friend. Khakanang stay here with other salamander warriors for a while. They want to look around. We get loot from Charn before he go. There flaming sword and fan of fire and gems. There also cloak with gems and dragon scales on. Sudurak say it belong to Order of Fiery Justice and he also belong to order. He say he get good price. Kwaku watch him more. He strange and have lots of secrets. It all good loot.

Day number three of Thirdmonth

We say goodbye to Temple of Khun-Sa and leave Marsh of the Green King. There still no Green King. Maybe Kwaku see him other time. We go round Hollyhollow and head to Southwatch.

Day number six of Thirdmonth

We get to Southwatch. We sell loot and get lots of gold. We save gems. Peregrina sell gems for us and we get more for them. We all go and look at markets in Southwatch. They all happy to see us again.

Day number seven of Thirdmonth

Lukkar have new mount and it not dog. It a baboon like Lumumba have. It cheap as there story about monkeys and apes and baboons. They say HighKeep lord going mad and they want to ban all monkeys. Kwaku think that wrong!

Kwaku and Deng and Sharanna leave Southwatch and go to Whistlesprings. Sudurak and Lumumba and Lukkar stay in Southwatch. They having magical tattoos tattooed to make them more powerful!

Day number ten of Thirdmonth

We get to Whistlesprings and sell gems with Peregrina. She happy to see us. We see Aquotl too. He better now. We ready to go to Forest of Apes and take Challenge of the Monkey Mage!

End of Session Ten
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Duncan T
Day number eleven of Thirdmonth

We leave Whistlesprings with Peregrina. She wear veil all time and travel in black coach. She have human driver. He always look sad. His name Gentius but Kwaku not talk to him much. Peregrina let us ride on coach. It have better view than ground.

Day number fourteen of Thirdmonth

Party re-unite in Southwatch. Lukkar have tattoo of archery which improve his aim. Sudurak have tattoo around eye and his eye now burn like fire. Not sure what he do with old eye. Maybe he eat it or give to beggar. Lumumba spend time making scrolls. He also do deal with Immortal called Dainor. Kwaku not sure what sort of deal he do.

Deng talk to salamander smith Tak-Sin. He want her to make two powerful enchanted scimiters. They to be made of cold iron to hurt night fey and also to look pretty. Kwaku talk to moneylender in Southwatch. Kwaku lend him lots of gold while Kwaku save up for big tattoo. Not tell others as Kwaku not trust all with money.

Day number fifteen of Thirdmonth

We leave Southwatch with Peregrina and coach and baboons. Company of the Valiant Blade now have lots of pets. We have one horse, two baboons, one monkey, one lizard, one weasel, one toad and one eagle. And no dogs. That very important.

Day number sixteen of Thirdmonth

We get to Harrowcross and troll want toll to cross bridge. Peregrina give him sparkly gem which she say not very valuable but troll not know that. Troll must be very rich. Maybe there family of trolls under bridge! Kwaku not want to find out.

Night fey follow us in Forest of Apes. They always find us. Deng wear golden helmet and they dance with him at night again. Kwaku dance too. He dance like Horse and Elk.

Day number eighteen of Thirdmonth

We reach Tower of Tryfenna. Lots of monkeys and apes and baboons still there. Cycuri acolyte of Monkey Mage still there too. Tabor talk to us. He also talk to Peregrina and Lumumba. They both want to serve Monkey God. Kwaku not sure about Monkey God yet. He happy with Monkey and rest of Pack. There no sign of Lavrin, so Lukkar not try to kill her yet.

Day number nineteen of Thirdmonth

Tabor talk to Company of Valiant Blade. Others not yet turn up for Trial of the Monkey Mage. They not expected for several days. He going to teach Peregrina about the Monkey God and he want to know if we do favour for him. He want us to find out fate of goblin shaman who go missing near Iron Hills. She called Golyuk and she do dealings with Tabor. Tabor talk to her with magic and she still alive but she captive of ant-creatures. Goblins serve night fey in Iron Hills. It still in Forest of the Apes and they mine and look for metals. That boring way to live. Unless you like Badger.

Deng agree to find shaman in return for favour from Tabor. We not specify favour. It good deal as Tabor powerful priest of Monkey God with lots of allies in forest. We leave ruined Tower of Tryfenna and follow Lukkar. He seem to know where he going. Kwaku lead horse. It not like Kwaku much but Kwaku forgive it. Horse powerful member of Pack.

Day number twenty of Thirdmonth

We have boring day in forest. We not get lost or meet anyone except night fey.

Day number twenty-one of Thirdmonth

There disturbance in night. Big iron ape chase night fey and slay some of them. Kwaku not sad. Kwaku like apes more than night fey.


We reach Iron Hills and meet help goblin Relgoy. He fighting great big ants and kill some already. He fall over but Deng and Lumumba and Sudurak and Deng and Lukkar kill them quick. Kwaku use healing of Lord Moon and Relgoy talk to us. He looking for gold in rivers and hills. He had enough of this place as there lots of big ants around. He tell us of hill giant-ant creature which wash up from river couple of miles away. We leave him and go to look at river.


There shack by river. We hear voices and Lukkar go have a look. There three cloaked goblins inside which not like Lukkar. They not friendly and think we bandits or looking for gold. We not bandits. We Company of Valiant Blade. They not seem to know that. They attack Lukkar when we not go straight away. Lumumba rush into shack and Lukkar smash down wall of shack with big sword. Deng and Sudurak and Sharanna join fight and it over quick. We keep one goblin alive and others tie it to tree wrong way up.

Goblins strange. They bit like ants. They have hard red skin and stalks on head. Sudurak try to threaten goblin but it just rant about queen and offer us place in hive. It also offer to go away and come back with others from hive. We get bored and Sudurak kill it. Kwaku not want to become ant-creature. There not ant in Pack. Or wasp or bee or beetle or scorpion or earwig. There Spider though. But he different.

Lukkar want to go upstream so we follow and camp by river.

Day number twenty-two of Thirdmonth

We go upstream more and meet goblins looking for gold. Deng talk to them and they not see Golyuk or ant-goblins. They say ant territory way we came. They tell us about tower at end of trail. We gone wrong way. We stare at Lukkar. We go back down river.

Day number twenty-three of Thirdmonth

We travel much of day and get to tower. It tall stone thing with no entrances. Near-Brother climb up to top but there no entrance there too. We search round and find many ant tracks. lots of big ants. We find big hole in ground and Lukkar go in to have a look. He come back and he find ants. We leave baboons to guard horse and go into tunnels. They cramped and only Lukkar happy in them.

We find many rooms of big ants and others fight them. Sharanna and Lukkar kill lots of ants. Deng and Sudurak and Lumumba kill some ants. Kwaku not kill ants. We kill young ants and worker ants and warrior ants. We find queen and she not happy. Lumumba kill her and it not matter she not happy. They not have much loot though.

Late Afternoon

We find storeroom! It have nuts and figs and cider and other stuff. Others not want figs so Kwaku keep them. Rest of day not go so well. We fight big ant creature which once giant with two heads. It harder fight than ants but it guard place with door.

We fight more ant-men which other call formian. We kill them easy in big room and Sudurak go mad. He run after stairs and we have hard fight. There ant-goblins in there and he fight them. There very big ant with massive claws which reach over head. It knock down Sudurak and it fight Lumumba and Sharanna and Deng. Kwaku stay back like Spider and watch and heal. Lukkar stay back and shoot. Deng retreat when he hit lots. Big ant spray burning liquid over all of others. Sudurak then go boom in big ball of fire.

Others not happy and Sudurak not with us. We kill big ant and go away fast. We find items of Sudurak from around room and spider statue with lots of gems. Today not good. We lose Sudurak. We go and Lukkar find good cave and we hide in ground like Badger

End of Session Eleven
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Duncan T
Day number twenty-four of Thirdmonth

We found ally in morning! He make Kwaku laugh! A goblin chase Lukkar as we about to go back to ant caves. He dressed in black and not carry weapons but he try to threaten Lumumba and Sharanna. They not impressed. He looking for goblin alchemist in hills but he not find him yet. He ask if he help us find shaman and maybe he find alchemist. Deng feel sorry for him and let him come along. He ride dog like Lukkar did. Now Lukkar know better. He ride apes instead!

He goblin called Andruga. He quiet and stealthy. He even more stealthy than Lukkar.


We find Golyuk and goblin alchemist! We go to ant caves and ant-goblin talk to us. Queen of ant-creatures want to do deal but we have to think lots. In end Deng give his word and we not attack them if they give us two goblins we looking for. They give us goblins and we go. Golyuk and Gevka not in good shape. They not treated good there. There other goblins in there but we not want to go back in.

We stay in cave for bit then head back with goblins to Tabor. We have things to do for Monkey Mage contest. We have mansion to win! Andruga and Levka come with us. They go same way at moment.

Day number twenty-five of Thirdmonth

It last day of Spring! We leave Iron Hills and get back to Forest of Apes. We go round goblins waiting at a ford. They well armed and waiting for something. They have markings of Cepheus. Golyuk say he one of Night Court and Lord of the Hunt. They not see us and we not want to meet them.

Day number one of Fourthmonth

We followed by baboon which turn into eagle. Others say it spellcaster but Kwaku think Pack watch him. They fit into one body and that Monkey and Hawk watching Kwaku. All of us get back to Tower of Tryfenna. There lots of goblins and humans and monkeys there. They all gather for Contest of Monkey God. Tabor happy with us and he owe us favour. He powerful cycuri follower of Monkey God.

Peregrina talk to us. She know more about Monkey Mage and Monkey God and others in contest. There humans from Monkey Beastclan lead by Jowca, son of Jowca. We help him get Rod of Baryc long time ago. There other humans from Monkey Beastclan. They lead by shaman of Monkey but she not know much about them. There couple of pech but they just friends of Tabor and there not many of them.

Kwaku think biggest rivals are Ironclaw Monkey goblin tribe. There lots of them and they all ride baboons. They lead by big goblin who change into wolf and use magic. Peregrina try to talk about tactics in battle but we not very interested. Kwaku only pay attention when she say she take off veil on signal and we to look away. Kwaku not want to become stone like statue!

Deng go and sell herbs and cider and other things from ant men. Goblins buy lots of things from us and we happy.

Day number two of Fourthmonth

We all gather by ruined tower and Tabor make speech. Kwaku playing with Lysan so he not hear it all. Tabor send pech with Amulet of Wethinoc out into wilderness. Whoever come back with amulet to Tabor first get to keep it and become Acolyte of the Monkey Mage. That simple!

Lumumba made second to Peregrina, he become acolyte if something bad happen to her and we get amulet back. Kwaku think Near-Brother as Acolyte of Monkey Mage good thing. It not likely though. We have several days, then pech declared winner and he become Acolyte of Monkey Mage. Tabor have second pech if something happen to first. Kwaku not think first one have a good time. He chased by us and Monkey beastclansmen and goblins of Ironclaw Monkey tribe.

Lumumba try to get Tabor to help us as he owe us favour. He not very helpful though. Maybe his favour not so good! We take no more than ten people but that not problem as there only few of us. We ask Andruga to help us and he come along after talk to Peregrina. Jowca, son of Jowca want to ally with us and work with Monkey people. But they slow us down in forest as they not all fast. He not too happy but we have job to do.

We reach stone circle where pech start contest. Andruga scout around. He quieter than Lukkar. He like Spider and Rat! But he not track and we not find much trail. Ironclaw Monkey Tribe somewhere ahead of us. They ride through trees on baboons and they hard to track. Deng talk to Kenku and we give gift as favour. It tell us pech go to Grove of Barkmaw. It place of ancient forest dragon. Kwaku not like sound of that. Kwaku hope kenku not trick us and we get eaten by redcaps.

Day number three of Fourthmonth

We travel and get lost in forest. We travel round and round but we lucky. Lukkar find a spriggan and chase after it when it not talk. He find Grove of Barkmaw. There massive skeleton of dragon. It dead now and spriggans live in skull. There several spriggans and they not happy to see us. We talk to spriggans and bargain with spriggans and threaten spriggans. But they not listen. We not good with words like Lysander or Magga or Garrett.

They tell us to leave but we start fight. They grow to big spriggans and others come out of dragon skull. Baboons and horses flee from fight. They wise and they guided by Horse and Monkey! Lukkar ride his baboon up near skull and shoot arrows at them. Deng and Sharanna and Andruga fight them up close. Lumumba use magic to make himself strong. He spend lots of time using magic and fight go on. Kwaku call Hand of Zombie and heal Sharanna with helpo of Moon Lord. Peregrina stay back and shoot arrows.

Fight hard and they strike us with long chains and throw fire at us. Pech come out we searching for and he not happy. He in lots of armour and he attack us. Andruga and Sharanna and Deng take down large spriggans but Andruga fall as well. He not mighty warrior like Deng and Sharanna or siv. Lukkar fall off baboon as it hit by too much fire and he shoot at spriggans. He only goblin. Peregrina shout to us and she take off veil. We all look away and close eyes. Spriggans do as well, but pech not wise like us. He look at her face and he become stone. It look strange.

Other spriggans flee and three jump into fey realm. Remains of Barkmaw a gate to their world! Near-Brother join fight at end and take one down. He use too much magic! We loot bodies and Kwaku use magic to heal baboon and Andruga.

Day number three of Fourthmonth

There fey spirit guarding Grove of Barkmaw! Lukkar see glowing in dragon eyes and investigate. Siv appear in robes and sit cross legged. He guard bone here for night fey. He called Japera and he tell us spriggans and pech probably talk to iron troll nearby. Troll called Inder and he live under tree with forge. That stupid idea as that mean tree burn down. But Kwaku stay quiet like Spider. We give Japera belt from spriggan as gift. He tell us where Inder live.
We take stone pech with us. Horse not look happy carrying it but all others too lazy.


We not speak to Inder at Inder's Tree. Spriggan say he busy and he got Amulet of Wethinoc and he not give it away. We go away to think. We not go far and Lukkar find good place to camp.


We hear lots of horns as it get dark. Peregrina sound scared and she say Cepheus and the Hunt nearby. He a Lord of the Night Court and he in charge of Hunt. They lots of night fey who hunt things down for fun. They feed off terror and the chase. Kwaku hope we not get hunted.


We disturbed very early. Moon Lord still out for several hours and Kwaku just starting sleep. Andruga go to spy on Inder's Tree but he come back quick. He find fey on trail who not like us. There one who want Helmet of Tajulian. But Deng wear that and he not want to give it up. Lukkar find good place to fight and we hide in trees. Kwaku like Owl and he hide good. Peregrina go away and hide with horses and baboons. Fey keep away from her as she turn people to stone. They wise.

End of Session Twelve
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Duncan T
...Fey lead by two sidhe. They on big black talking steeds with horn on front of head. There taurim and hounds and redcaps. It not look good. Kwaku recognize one of sidhe. He called Seweryn and he challenge us for helmet long ago but we ignore him. Him harder to ignore now. Other sidhe talk in Night Tongue and we not understand. Andruga and Deng understand him but they not say anything. Deng tell us later that he called Favonius and he try to challenge us again. Him get annoyed as we not say anything. Night fey get bored and they start to attack us.

Lumumba use his magic to make him strong and Sharanna and Lukkar shoot at night fey. Favonius stay back and he not go into fight. Others see more fey in trees to side of us but they stay hidden. We fell one redcap and night fey run away again. It very strange. Lukkar look at body of redcap and it disappear. He hear someone and he find body. It invisible and there blood on it.

We wait for night fey to come back but we not see them. They make lots of noise and they use hiding magic to stop us seeing them. They all appear again and attack Deng. There three taurim and two hounds and black steed and a redcap and Seweryn. There two more fey and they come out of hiding. They skulks. But they not all strong enough! Lukkar fight Seweryn and taurim. Deng roll and run around. He hard to hit and they not keep near him easy. Lumumba very large like Wurm and he fly like Griffon and he lash out lots with chain at night fey. Sharanna battle taurim and hounds and skulks and redcap. Andruga hide in tree and use bow then he jump down and use sword. Kwaku hide some and try to stay away from fight.

We take down redcap and hound and skulk and two taurim. Others flee and Seweryn give up. He leave behind sidhe sword but we not give it back. Favonius do deal and we not kill fey on ground. He tell other fey we keep Helm of Tajulian. That sound fair. But Kwaku not trust sidhe. We see him again somewhen.

Day number four of Fourthmonth

Kwaku talk to Moon Lord and Pack in morning and he heal Sharanna and Lukkar and Andruga. We rest and look at loot from night fey. There strange wire mesh thing. It have blood stains and oak handle. Lukkar say it a siv but not a siv like Kwaku. It used to drain liquid off things. Kwaku confused and not want it.


We rest for morning and get disturbed by humans. They Monkey Beastclan and they looking for Amulet like us. They lead by man called Vernus Halfsign. He wear symbol with soul with lots of broken shackles around it. Lukkar say it symbol of Bringers of Ultimate Peace. They warriors who hunt down undead. Lumumba not say anything about bodies he wrap round himself before battle. That not important for them to know. Zombie understand. He clever.

They know where Amulet is. Troll give it away to other Monkey Beastclansmen. They lead by Jowca, son of Jowca and they trade with Inder. Vernus want to ally with us and hunt down Amulet. He say Jowca have undead with him and they not like undead. We combine forces and get Amulet of Wethinoc then worry about who get Amulet in end. We talk and we think it good idea. We want to talk to Inder first though.

Monkey men slower than us and we get to Inder's Tree first. We talk to spriggan and it say it go and find Inder for us. But it never come back and Monkey beastclan find us again. They use baboon to track Jowca and we walk for long long time. Kwaku have to use magic to keep others going. They lazy and not strong like Boar and Yak and Kwaku!

Day number five of Fourthmonth

Others get up early like Raven and ready to go when Kwaku finish talking to Pack and Moon Lord. We find camp of Jowca in couple of hours. His group split. There undead creature on four legs go one way and others go another. Deng and Lukkar think undead creature have rider and maybe have Amulet.

We talk to Vernus and Monkey men. We go after undead steed and they go after group. It have undead too so they happy. Andruga get his dog to smell and chase after undead. But dog dumb and we get lost when we try to go fast. It not look good until Crocodile kind to us. He make it rain and it easy to track then. Deng and Sharanna and Andruga follow trail and we move very quick like Horse and Griffon.

We catch up with undead and it with Jowca. Undead made of lots and lots of bones. It not good. It mass of bones in shape of four arm ape. We talk to Jowca but he not want to give up Amulet.

He use magic and bring cold white rain storm down on us. Kwaku not see anything and fall over. He hear others start fight. Lumumba remember to use magic before fight so he not useless like Toad in fight. Kwaku hear shout and Lumumba fight Jowca. Kwaku hear others fight bone thing but it not sound good. He hear scream and shout from Sharanna and he hear crackle of fire. It not good. Kwaku see fire when he come out of white rain storm. It once Sharanna. Now she gone. It not good. She good friend of Kwaku.

Others get round Jowca and beat him up. They keep away from bone thing but Jowca call down more white storm and he hide in it. Bone thing come after Kwaku. Bones come off it and they walk too. Even them size of Kwaku! Kwaku use Hand of Zombie and he destroy small bone thing. But bone thing smash Kwaku up and he have to use magic on self. It not good. Lumumba fly like Griffon and fight bone thing. Lukkar shoot it and Kwaku almost not make it. But we too strong and bone thing fall to Near-Brother. He mighty warrior like Tiger. When he remember to use magic.

Deng and Andruga try to find Jowca but he become unseen monkey and climb off through trees. We lose him and it not good. Kwaku say goodbye to Sharanna. Maybe Moon Lord look after her.


We run after Jowca but we too late. He get back to Tower of Tryfenna first with Amulet. He not lucky though and Crocodile and Hydra and Spider laugh at him. Inder give him fake amulet and Tabor not so happy. Jowca no acolyte of Monkey God!

We talk to Tabor quick and want to go back to Inder's Tree. We still have five days to get Amulet for Peregrina. Tabor offer us warrior to replace Sharanna. She cycuri like Tabor and she big like Mammoth and mighty warrior. She called Irenke.
We talk to Peregrina and she happy to have extra warrior. Kwaku laugh at Jowca again and we leave. Maybe it not so funny if we got back with Amulet. But we not so it good. Aquotl also well again. He not feel so lazy so we drag him along and go back toward tree of troll. We leave Andruga as he feel bad instead.


We meet Vernus and lots of Monkey Beastclansmen. They not find amulet but they destroy undead and defeat other Monkey men. They not kill them as they all related. They subdue them and hold them until Amulet back with Tabor. They lose some warriors too. We camp night with them and they grim. They not happy they chase after fake amulet too. Inder clever troll like Raven. We not think he stupid.

Day number six of Fourthmonth

Vernus and Monkey beastclansmen go back to Tower of Tryfenna and we go toward Tree of Inder. We have boring day and we make good time

End of Session Thirteen

Addendum: At this point, before the Enworld crash, the story hour reached 1000 views after 4 months :)
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Duncan T
As written by Kwaku:

day number seven of Fourthmonth

We find garden with baboons in! They wounded and one hide from us. Deng try to talk to them but they not answer. They clever. Garden have bushes in shapes of monkeys and fey. There no one here and we get bored quick and leave. We have amulet to get.


We get to Inder's Tree and there no one else there. Deng talk to spriggan which he talk to before. It tricky but Deng give it gift and he go down below tree on own. He go on own. He brave like Falcon. Or he dumb like Boar. We wait for him and Kwaku train Lysan. He escape up big tree and Kwaku not follow. Lysan like Irenke, she make strange noises with animals and they listen.

Deng come back and he have talk with Inder. Troll think about deal for day. Kwaku think it just clever and do nothing for day. Kwaku not say anything though. Others not think Kwaku clever. We camp on edge of trees by Inder's Tree. Spriggans watch us but they not come too near. Deng say he say spriggans and skulks and kenku and maybe other things below Inder's Tree. It not sound safe.


Baby purple monkey approach just after dark. We look at it but it just curious. Then mummy and daddy big purple monkey want to know where it is. They gambols and we fight them before.

They howl and Kwaku and Deng and Lukkar flee. When Kwaku come back one gambol dead and one run off with child. Irenke and Aquotl fall on ground but Kwaku use magic to heal them. Lumumba only warrior standing and he mighty! He say Irenke do most in fight but Kwaku think he just being nice. Near-Brother stongest warrior in Company of Valiant Blade!

Day number eight of Fourthmonth

We see familiar face in morning. Vernus Halfsign and Monkey beastclansmen come to Tree of Inder. They try to speak to Spriggans but they not speak Night Tongue. They not have translator and they not trust us to speak them. They dumb. Maybe Crocodile trick them in forest and they lose guide. They go back towards Tower of Tryfenna where Tabor is. If they not get Amulet they not let other Monkey men get it.


Deng talk to spriggan but he not let in to speak to Inder. Spriggan say no deal. There goblin watching us. Others think Ironclaw Monkey Tribe nearby. We go short way and cast spells. We do this hard way. We go and take Amulet from Inder. Kwaku hope Lord Moon in good mood.


Kwaku sad. It not good day. Great warrior fall. We get amulet but it cost too much. Maybe Kwaku write more later.
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Duncan T
Day number eleven of Fourthmonth

Kwaku calm now. He finish off journal and tell last of tale.

We have fight three days ago at Tree of Inder. We see tree burning and hag birds flying round. Ironclaw Monkey Tribe find night fey allies and they lure out Inder. That clever. Two goblins on baboons and harpy try to slow us down. Aquotl and horses enchanted by night fey voice.

Goblins have bad time when Lukkar shoot at them and Near-Brother fly up to them. They not get away from Near-Brother but flying hag keep far away when Lukkar shoot her. Aquotl move after hag and slow us down. Kwaku have to use Curse of Lion on him so Lion roar in his ear and he not hear anything more. Horses go after flying hag and they have all our loot from ages on them. That not good but we have to go get amulet. Lukkar ride baboon after that.

We find fight at Inder's Tree. It still burning and taurim fight spriggans. Inder lie in front of tree and he have lots of arrows in him. There big four armed ape and gambol and giant crococile around him. Kwaku call on Pack and Crocodile answer him. Big crocodile go as we attack them. We also see goblins on baboons and big wolf-goblin thing with big hammer. That their leader. Kwaku now know it a powerful barghest. There also goblin shaman and she call on nature lots.

They try to slow us down by getting plants to grab us but Kwaku call down Moon's Void and plants stop moving. Lumumba and Deng move fast and fight four-armed ape and gambol and barghest. Aquotl caught by more plants and he not move much. He call down snowstorms and kill baboons and goblin and injure shaman. Then he shot and he not move much. Irenke get to clearing but shaman summon two big big wolves which she have to fight. Kwaku call on Wolf but he not listen. They not go like crocodile. Lukkar move up on baboon and fire arrows at other goblin and shaman. Kwaku and Peregrina go round plants but they slowed by them.

Near-Brother have hard fight. He kill gambol and injure barghest but then Deng go off to fight
shaman. She summon things like Griffon but not Griffon and they attack Lumumba. He strong but he not strong as barghest. It use big hammer and smash him out of sky. He then smash him again and it not good. Even Near-Brother not that tough. Kwaku stop now.


It look bad then, but then Peregrina turn goblins and baboons to stone. Irenke show she mighty fighter. She kill two big wolves after Lukkar shoot them. Then she kill girillon and fight barghest. She manage to hold it off while Kwaku heal Irenke and Aquotl with Hand of Zombie. Kwaku also use Wrath of Griffon on barghest which he not like. Deng occupy shaman and she not use more magic on us. Then Moon Lord answer us and Irenke strike barghest mighty blow. It stagger back then fall over to snow storm. Shaman and other goblins run then and Lukkar shoot after them with arrows.

Peregrina get amulet and Inder stand up. He not attack us as we look strong. He let us go and Peregrina try to do deal with iron troll. She want barghest as servant and she leave it with Inder. But barghest have accident as it get carried away. Kwaku use Hand of Zombie and Wrath of Dog. Barghest not live though that and Near-Brother have vengeance. Dog approve of that.

We take hammer of Barghest and other loot then we go. We find horse and it lost all gems and pretty things. But harpy leave coins as she dumb and she not like them.

Then we make journey back to Tower of Tryfenna. At end we meet Vernus and Monkey men. But they see we have Amulet of Wethinoc and they not stupid. They do deal with Peregrina and we get to Tabor. Amulet not fake like one Jowca have. It good and we win Trial of Monkey God. It cost too much though. We lose Near-Brother and we lose Sharanna and we lose Sudurak. Kwaku have enough of death.


We rest and train now. We have mansion of Peregrina. We get ready to travel soon. Peregrina Acolyte of Monkey Mage now and she wear Amulet of Wethinoc. It have spirit inside it of other Acolyte of Monkey Mage it she have lots of magic now. She not happy about barghest but Kwaku pretend not to know anything. Tabor happy and some of Monkey Beastclansmen stay around. Jowca not happy with us but he weak now.

Day number twenty-four of Fourthmonth

We in Southwatch now. Deng go off to village somewhere to find powerful warrior. He want to learn dance of death and become dervish warrrior. Aquotl find teacher here and learn about Moon. We all go to mansion first.

Day number eight of Sixthmonth

So Kwaku not write in journal for long time. He not like it much now.

We have mansion and it big. Deng mighty warrior now and Kwaku learn more magic. Andruga and Irenke decide to join Company of the Valiant Blade and we not have problem with that. But Kwaku have enough. He stay in mansion and look after it. He make statue of Near-Brother and he have other plans.

Kwaku want to gather animal of all of Pack and make council with them. He already start with Lysan who represent Monkey and he buy a dog to represent Dog! Kwaku also rest here as he rich and he not need more adventure.


So Kwaku not write in journal anymore. Kwaku learn lots on travels but he lose lots of firiends. But maybe he give it to other. But Deng burn it and Aquotl get it wet and Irenke eat it and Lukkar get it eaten by mount and Andruga sell it. Maybe Kwaku keep it instead.

Kwaku say goodbye to Journal. He hope Owl read it and have laugh. Maybe Owl tell rest of Pack exploits of Kwaku and Company of the Valiant Blade.

End of Session Fourteen
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Duncan T
The party are now

Andruga, goblin male from Bukon, Rogue 4 / Tong Ninja 3
Aquotl, naiad male from the Bitter Ocean, Sorcerer 6 / Moon Savant 1
Deng of the Sudjai, salamander male from the Kethor Wastes, Scout 4 / Elk Totem Warrior 2 / Dervish 1
Irenke, cycuri female from Kynahar, Wolf Totem Warrior 4 / Cycuri Paragon 3
Lukkar, goblin male from the Deeps, Scout 6 / Falcon Totem Warrior 1

with one NPC, due to stay at their mansion:

Kwaku, siv male from the Deepswamp, Cleric of the Pack and Lord Moon 7


Duncan T
Fireday, 7th of Seventhmonth, 1533 ER

I cannot read all of what is contained in this journal, so I can only formulate an understanding going by the entry of the person who started writing here. The goblin who wrote the first entries wrote with clarity beyond what one would expect from that race. Unfortunately I cannot read the words written by the other to contribute to this work. I assume those words are written by the one who gave me this journal, and are of equal quality. I intend to learn the Draconic tongue in the months to come so that I can ably continue on the responsibility bestowed upon me.

For now I will write of what I know of the Company of the Valiant Blade, from this journal and the couple of days I have spent in their company. This journal was given to me by the one known as Kwaku, and I currently reside in the Mansion of the Valiant Blade, on the outskirts of the town of Whistlesprings, in the City-state of Highkeep.

I am Shegall Harrowborn, warrior of the Green dedicated to protecting the River Harrow. My life's work is to make sure the night fey and the Forest of the Apes do not cross the River Harrow and threaten the lives of the many villages which rely on it. I am a competent warrior, skilled on horseback, with lance, bow and sword. I can call upon the power of the Green to heal myself or others, to aid me in battle or provide me with a shield adorned with the flowers of life. I am a student of the histories, am knowledgeable about the fey and a strong swimmer.

My squire and adopted daughter is Borsca Rivers. I have looked after her for the last seven years, since I found her as an orphan at Harrowcross, and she now approaches her nineteenth year. She is a competent tracker and has a way with animals. A skilled hunter and archer, she has provided the food for us on the road for several years. One day soon I expect her to leave me to make her own way in life, but until then she is my most valued companion.

Currently I serve Sakorat of Bukon. He is a naiad raised among the treacherous humans of Bukon. Yet Sakorat appears to have risen above the harsh nation he was brought up in, rarely speaking of his homeland. He is a powerful priest of the Lord of the Green Claw, an Immortal worshipped by the siv, although I admit my ignorance of this Power. He also serves Tunli, the warrior prime of the zurl, warriors from another plane who occasionally visit our world to test themselves.
He is known through the southern city-states for his actions which saved a caravan traveling to Southwatch from the depredations of the night fey. There was a member of the SouthWatch family with them and Sakorat's fame has spread because of this. A merchant guild known as the Redroad Trading Coster also had interests on the caravan and they now appear to be on good terms with my superior. I have heard bad things of the Redroad Trading Coster, but I prefer to judge people on their actions, so for now I shall be on my guard.
Sakorat is a skilled speaker, speaking with great authority and confidence on a number of matters. His fame and eloquence have garnered a number of followers, including several servants and a small group of musicians who sing his fame. One of these followers was even willing to bear a Mark of Will, losing much of himself but granting some of his willpower to Sakorat through the link to the priest's own tatyoo of Will.
I have yet to see Sakorat in battle, but he carries a longspear and can use his magics to aid others in battle, bolstering their hopes and aspirations. I hope to have a long and glorious career in the service of this worthy leader.

The leader of the Company of the Valiant Blade is Deng. A salamander who was one of the founding members of the group, he is said to fight as a skirmisher. He recently had a twin set of scimiters crafted by a master smith of Southwatch, and journeyed to a village in Highkeep to learn a way of battle from another. The others have yet to see what he has learnt.
Deng is said to be a warrior who keeps his word, often speaking with the night fey on the behalf of the others. I can only assume he is the most level-headed among the group, for he has kept his life and is trusted to make decisions in dangerous situations. He is one I will watch with interest.

The deputy leader of the Company of the Valiant Blade is Lukkar. A goblin like those who raised Sakorat, he has said little to me and watches the actions of others closely. An archer who rides dogs or baboons in battle, he is another of the founding members of the group and a veteran warrior. In melee he has a nasty greatsword as a backup, and is strong for a goblin. He lives with a goblin woman he saved from the Forest of the Apes. Kwaku tells me he has a bet with the servants on how long it will take before baby goblins run around the mansion. I declined the offer of joining the bet. It is not a thing I wish to think of.
Lukkar also has contacts with the Redroad Trading Coster and some of the others tell me he has an unhealthy obsession with Lavrin Greymantle, once an acolyte of the Immortal known as the Monkey God. He has said nothing of this to me.

Kwaku is the third founding member of the group who is still alive and a joint owner of the mansion. He is a siv from the Deepswamp who constantly refers to a "Near Brother" who used to be the greatest warrior of the Company of the Valiant Blade. He serves Lord Moon and the Pack as a priest but has had enough of travel and death.
For now he stays at their mansion and is putting together some sort of council. He claims that this council will represent the Pack. All I have seen so far is a dog and a monkey. Evidently there is more to this siv than first meets the eye, as he has survived a year of adventuring and appears to have the respect of the others.

The only other user of magic among the Company of the Valiant Blade is Aquotl. A naiad like Sakorat, he is obsessed with the fey and comes from a large sea far to the east, where he claims he used to ride massive fish. I have seen little of this one, and Kwaku tells me he is lazy, struck down with strange illnesses much of the time.
Yet it cannot be denied that he is a skilled spellcaster, using the magic of winter on his foes, breathing chilling frost from his mouth and taking the form of the forest fey. He has been with the group for a long time, for all of the period they worked for Peregrina, the night fey who used to own their mansion.

Andruga is another goblin, and the main scout of the party. He has said little of his upbringing and is often brooding. His current home is in the cellar and the servants refuse to go down there when he is around. In battle he fights with spear or bow, taking opponents unawares or teaming up with another to bring them down. A tricky and cunning member of the Company of the Valiant Blade, and another to keep a close watch on. He met with Deng, Kwaku and Lukkar in the Iron Hills, and brought a goblin alchemist back the Southwatch. None of the others appear to know who he was working for, or if his employment ended. His motives are a mystery. Only time will say what he is up to. For the moment I will set Borsca to find more about him. She is the better gossip among the two of us.

The mightiest warrior of the group is Irenke. A cycuri who stands just under 10 feet, she is stronger than a hill giant, wears a massive suit of plate and uses a sword taller than myself. Irenke is not a foe I would wish to meet on the field of combat. Little escapes her scrutiny, and like all of her race, she has a third eye in her forehead, a blessing from one of the Immortals.
She aided the group in the Trial of the Monkey God, and is the most recent addition of the group, excepting Sakorat and myself. Responsible for bringing down the barghest who bore the Amulet of Wethinoc and slew Kwaku's "Near Brother" Lumumba, she has nothing to prove to the others. For now she makes her home in the great hall of the mansion, and appears to be content with being associated with a distinguished company such as this one.
I have, however, heard of many mutations and different characters among the cycuri, including those who eat the flesh of other intelligent races. Another one I shall keep half an eye on.

The Company of the Valiant Blade have welcomed myself and Sakorat to their ranks. My superior's gifted tongue and healing magics have secured our position. The naiad's servants now appear all over the mansion, helping the cook, gardener and carpenter the others have employed.
For now we make ourselves comfortable, and await the adventures of this distinguished group.

Shegall Harrowborn, Protector of the Green

Voidrunner's Codex

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