Over 500 backers and counting for the Mechanical Monsters 5E bestiary Quick-Starter!
Mechanical Monsters is a softcover 5E bestiary featuring over 140 incredible creatures born from mad scientists and magitech, clockworks and cybernetics, and great grinding gears and engines of destruction! Sci-fi elements have been a part of the RPG landscape from its earliest days, infusing fantasy with elements of future tech from far realms beyond the stars, ancient empires with lost technology, or curious artificers and alchemists working together to blend science and sorcery. Mechanical Monsters delivers an incredible collection of these creatures for your campaign! Plus, we've got bonus add-ons for you like:

Within these pages, you'll find over 140 awesome adversaries and gear-driven goliaths, from low-level mecha-minions like walking eye robots, rust-risen undead, and ferrofluid oozes to titanic annihilator robots, magnetoclusters, heavy metal elementals, and clockwork leviathans! You'll find creatures from across the spectrum of technological advancement, from primitive ironrot lichen to sorcerous soulbound shells, gear-punk steamwerks golems and sinister cranial dissectibots, to advanced android assassins and nanite storms. Mechanical creatures also are not limited to the mortal realms of the Material Plane, as you'll find technocurious fey like the asteray and epokasite fixer, fiends like the composite alorbidaemon and endbringer devil, and living spirit-machines like the tsukumogami and more than half a dozen inevitables.
5E Friday also means the latest installment of our marvelous monthly magazine devoted to 5th Edition is here for you with The Dragon's Hoard #26, available now with magical items like daystar plate and the bracelet of the spectral pug, spells like feast of ashes and winds of vengeance, class options like the sanctified crusader background and feats of corruption like Absorb Violent Energies, and monsters like the hideous abrikandilu, the cruel witchfire, and eerie sleeping willow! Grab this 30-page 5E book in print or PDF today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

A new issue of The Dragon's Hoard releases every month, and our Patrons get their copies for free on the 1st of each month, but they go live for everyone by mid-month. Check out some of our recent issues like:
Last but not least, if you want magic items aplenty for your 5E campaign, grab a copy of Legendary Loot Cards #5! ! This awesome 80-card deck is packed with treasures of every kind, from the amulet of mighty fangs to the zombie skin shield, from common items like the potion of regeneration and rod of forcefangs to legendary treasures like the chakram of windfire and invincible cuirass. You'll find magical implements like the staff of armory and triad bracelet alongside weapons like the avenging axe and dagger of negation, as well as all-purpose tools like the goblin mask, energy shroud ring, magi's duster, and elixir of arcane concordance! Plus, don't miss out on Legendary Loot Cards: Deck #1, Deck #2, Deck #3, and Deck #4 as well! You can grab these card decks at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG!

Mechanical Monsters is a softcover 5E bestiary featuring over 140 incredible creatures born from mad scientists and magitech, clockworks and cybernetics, and great grinding gears and engines of destruction! Sci-fi elements have been a part of the RPG landscape from its earliest days, infusing fantasy with elements of future tech from far realms beyond the stars, ancient empires with lost technology, or curious artificers and alchemists working together to blend science and sorcery. Mechanical Monsters delivers an incredible collection of these creatures for your campaign! Plus, we've got bonus add-ons for you like:
- Get the full bestiary module for the Roll20 VTT or get the monster token pack with icons suitable for any VTT!
- Bonus books like the Alien Bestiary and Alien Codex for those who want to really lean into sci-fi themes in their game!
- Additional options for Pathfinder RPG and Starfinder RPG for those who play multiple systems!

Within these pages, you'll find over 140 awesome adversaries and gear-driven goliaths, from low-level mecha-minions like walking eye robots, rust-risen undead, and ferrofluid oozes to titanic annihilator robots, magnetoclusters, heavy metal elementals, and clockwork leviathans! You'll find creatures from across the spectrum of technological advancement, from primitive ironrot lichen to sorcerous soulbound shells, gear-punk steamwerks golems and sinister cranial dissectibots, to advanced android assassins and nanite storms. Mechanical creatures also are not limited to the mortal realms of the Material Plane, as you'll find technocurious fey like the asteray and epokasite fixer, fiends like the composite alorbidaemon and endbringer devil, and living spirit-machines like the tsukumogami and more than half a dozen inevitables.

5E Friday also means the latest installment of our marvelous monthly magazine devoted to 5th Edition is here for you with The Dragon's Hoard #26, available now with magical items like daystar plate and the bracelet of the spectral pug, spells like feast of ashes and winds of vengeance, class options like the sanctified crusader background and feats of corruption like Absorb Violent Energies, and monsters like the hideous abrikandilu, the cruel witchfire, and eerie sleeping willow! Grab this 30-page 5E book in print or PDF today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

A new issue of The Dragon's Hoard releases every month, and our Patrons get their copies for free on the 1st of each month, but they go live for everyone by mid-month. Check out some of our recent issues like:
- The Dragon's Hoard #6 features magnificent magic items like the beyonder's veil and redflame trollblade
- The Dragon's Hoard #7 with class options like the Voyager and Cultist of the Dead God
- The Dragon's Hoard #8 with spells like aqueous extraction and consuming fire
- The Dragon's Hoard #9 with treasures like the blade-eating battleaxe and monsters like the cannon golem
- The Dragon's Hoard #10 with treasures like the crown of iron sorcery and crypt warden's plate
- The Dragon's Hoard #11 with class options like the soldier of fortune and way of peace
- The Dragon's Hoard #12 with spells like horrific doubles and bloodbath and monsters like the living crematory & bloodthirsty manikin!
- The Dragon's Hoard #13, with class options like the bombardier and nanotech infuser, and monsters like the heavy metal elemental!
- The Dragon's Hoard #14, with magical items like the crown of radiance, cyclops monocle, and rod of the monkey king!
- The Dragon's Hoard #15, with spells like seize the heart and scarf of slashing steel and monsters like the gloomwing and tenebrous worm!
- The Dragon's Hoard #16, with magical items like the orb of remote casting and rod of forcefangs & spells like ghost wolf and eldritch fever!
- The Dragon's Hoard #17, with class options like the oozemancer and college of spies and monsters like the frosty chiseler and bliss dragon!
- The Dragon's Hoard #18, with magical items like the lighthouse buckler and amulet of mighty fangs & spells like fire snake and wall of sound!
- The Dragon's Hoard #19, with monsters like the sinister attic whisperer, the glorious bralani, and the doomed llorona!
- The Dragon's Hoard #20, with magical items like the staff of hoarding, boneless leather, armor of insults, & beaker of plentiful potions!
- The Dragon's Hoard #21, with class options like the boarder, android, and military society!
- The Dragon's Hoard #22, monsters like the faithful church grim, the treacherous raktavarna rakshasa, and the eternal time dragon!
- The Dragon's Hoard #23, with spells for every letter of the alphabet from amplify elixir to zenith trajectory, including eagle eye, king's castle, festering wounds, and phantasmal revenge!
- The Dragon's Hoard #24, with monsters like the charming gourd leshy, the awful animate dream, and apocalyptic dread mothman!
- The Dragon's Hoard #25, with class options like the sanctified crusader background and feats of corruption like Absorb Violent Energies!
Last but not least, if you want magic items aplenty for your 5E campaign, grab a copy of Legendary Loot Cards #5! ! This awesome 80-card deck is packed with treasures of every kind, from the amulet of mighty fangs to the zombie skin shield, from common items like the potion of regeneration and rod of forcefangs to legendary treasures like the chakram of windfire and invincible cuirass. You'll find magical implements like the staff of armory and triad bracelet alongside weapons like the avenging axe and dagger of negation, as well as all-purpose tools like the goblin mask, energy shroud ring, magi's duster, and elixir of arcane concordance! Plus, don't miss out on Legendary Loot Cards: Deck #1, Deck #2, Deck #3, and Deck #4 as well! You can grab these card decks at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG!