Legendary Games actually has TWO birthdays! The first was April Fool's Day 2011, when we got organized for the very first time under the guidance of our dear friend Clark Peterson, but in that first year we only put out two PDFs and Life Happened, as it often does. Come the following July 1st in 2012, I gathered things back together and re-launched the company as the CEO and within two years it had become my full-time job! We are excited and delighted by all of the support we've received over the years and we are looking forward to even more amazing adventures with all of you!
That said, we don't want to keep the celebration to ourselves, and we are excited to offer a whole new series of magnificent Mega-Bundles just for you, leading off with today's 1001 Legendary Nights 5E Mega-Bundle, with 1001 pages (OK, it actually ended up at 1013, but 1001 sounds cooler) of incredible 5th Edition fun for you, including low-level, mid-level, high-level, and even EPIC-level adventures plus literally hundreds of monsters, magic items, spells, character options, classes, races, archetypes, feats, and so much more across multiple genres, and all at 80% off the original price, just $30 for this incredi-bundle! You can grab it today at the Legendary Games webstore and DrivethruRPG!
If you're new to LG, you also should DEFINITELY check out our previous massive MEGA-BUNDLES we've released over the past decade for 5th Edition, all at spectacular savings of around 80% off, with 20 for 20, 20 for 20 II, 20 for 20 III, 20 for 20 IV, and (stop me if you've already guessed) 20 for 20 V, each one featuring 20 PDFs for, surprise!, 20 dollars!
Celebrate with us all month long, and hopefully we'll see you at GenCon!
That said, we don't want to keep the celebration to ourselves, and we are excited to offer a whole new series of magnificent Mega-Bundles just for you, leading off with today's 1001 Legendary Nights 5E Mega-Bundle, with 1001 pages (OK, it actually ended up at 1013, but 1001 sounds cooler) of incredible 5th Edition fun for you, including low-level, mid-level, high-level, and even EPIC-level adventures plus literally hundreds of monsters, magic items, spells, character options, classes, races, archetypes, feats, and so much more across multiple genres, and all at 80% off the original price, just $30 for this incredi-bundle! You can grab it today at the Legendary Games webstore and DrivethruRPG!
If you're new to LG, you also should DEFINITELY check out our previous massive MEGA-BUNDLES we've released over the past decade for 5th Edition, all at spectacular savings of around 80% off, with 20 for 20, 20 for 20 II, 20 for 20 III, 20 for 20 IV, and (stop me if you've already guessed) 20 for 20 V, each one featuring 20 PDFs for, surprise!, 20 dollars!
Celebrate with us all month long, and hopefully we'll see you at GenCon!