Just in time for PF2sday, Faerie Herbalism introduces a whole new type of treasure from the secret masters of the woodland wilds for your Pathfinder Second Edition campaign! You'll find herbal items for every level, found as treasure or grown on your own, from simple vital herbs and belladonna to wolfsbane and nepenthe! Grow merman’s beard to plumb the ocean depths or unleash death untold with the massacre mandrake! Span planar boundaries with dimensional mushrooms or reach to the skies with the titanic stalk of the cloud bean! This spectacular supplement is ideal for wilderness campaigns like the Kingmaker Anniversary Edition Adventure Path! You can grab this beautiful new book in PDF and print at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

Faerie Herbalism is part of our fantastic Faerie Campaigns compendium for Pathfinder Second Edition, which is in layout and hopefully available by late April. This awesome encyclopedia of all things fey, from adventures and archetypes to feats and faerie bargains, plus spells, magic items, and so much more! Its companion volume is already here, the fabulous Faerie Bestiary (PF2), with over 200 incredible creatures from the Fey Realms both seelie and unseelie alike, from fauns and hamadryads to brownies and bandersnatches. Beyond true faeries you'll find mosslords, dream dragons, forestmaster unicorns, daemons of woe, spirits of love, animate arias, horrid hags, and so much more from Level from -1 to 25, plus appendices on fey-touched beasts and dreamscapes!
The print version is in production now and will be available this summer, but you can preorder it today, and you can get the PDF right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG! Plus, you can get it on VTT for Roll20 right now and coming soon to Foundry! If you want a sneak peek, you can even bet our 23-page FREE Preview PDF for Faerie Bestiary PF2 at DrivethruRPG!
The companion volume Faerie Campaigns is in production right now and should be ready in March, packed to the nixie's gills with adventures, spells, magic items, feats, class options, and tons of fey lore and rules for fey rumors, ripples, ruptures, romance, and bargains of every kind!
If you are looking for even more incredible bestiary books that draw upon the myths and legends of the real world and throughout the history of RPGs, we invite you to check out the fantastic flair of these monster accessories in the companion volumes Asian Monsters, (also available on Foundry), Mythos Monsters (also available on Foundry and Roll20), and Latin American Monsters (also available on Roll20)!

Faerie Herbalism is part of our fantastic Faerie Campaigns compendium for Pathfinder Second Edition, which is in layout and hopefully available by late April. This awesome encyclopedia of all things fey, from adventures and archetypes to feats and faerie bargains, plus spells, magic items, and so much more! Its companion volume is already here, the fabulous Faerie Bestiary (PF2), with over 200 incredible creatures from the Fey Realms both seelie and unseelie alike, from fauns and hamadryads to brownies and bandersnatches. Beyond true faeries you'll find mosslords, dream dragons, forestmaster unicorns, daemons of woe, spirits of love, animate arias, horrid hags, and so much more from Level from -1 to 25, plus appendices on fey-touched beasts and dreamscapes!
The print version is in production now and will be available this summer, but you can preorder it today, and you can get the PDF right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG! Plus, you can get it on VTT for Roll20 right now and coming soon to Foundry! If you want a sneak peek, you can even bet our 23-page FREE Preview PDF for Faerie Bestiary PF2 at DrivethruRPG!

The companion volume Faerie Campaigns is in production right now and should be ready in March, packed to the nixie's gills with adventures, spells, magic items, feats, class options, and tons of fey lore and rules for fey rumors, ripples, ruptures, romance, and bargains of every kind!
If you are looking for even more incredible bestiary books that draw upon the myths and legends of the real world and throughout the history of RPGs, we invite you to check out the fantastic flair of these monster accessories in the companion volumes Asian Monsters, (also available on Foundry), Mythos Monsters (also available on Foundry and Roll20), and Latin American Monsters (also available on Roll20)!