Wednesday is PF1sday again with our latest class expansion for Pathfinder RPG: Legendary Psychics! You'll find amazing new origins for psychic power and disciplines for focusing those talents, from extrasensory abilities to new spells, feats, and more! There aer 20 origins and disciplines in total, from the Dual Mind and Id Dancer to the Alienist, Transcendent Mind, and Psychic Assassin, plus 40 fantastic feats and spells from Seventh Sense and Undercast Echo to psychokinetic scattering and wall of riddles! You can unlock the powers of the mind in a whole new way with this 38-page book in PDF and print at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

It's been a marvelous May for PF1 classes, because if you missed it, we hope you go back and check out our new release from the beginning of the month, Legendary Classes: Blood Disciples! The dragon disciple is a classic PF1 prestige class, and the marvelous Margherita Tramontano has taken that core concept and spun adventuring gold with a 15 fantastic prestige classes themed on an awesome array of mystical bloodlines like Arcane, Aberrant, Fey, Psychic, Verdant, and Celestial! Plus, you have complete mythic rules for each prestige class and new feats and spells to complement them as well! You can unleash these amazing bloodlines in your campaign today with this massive 62-page book in PDF and print at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

Last but not least, we are in the final phase of our A TALE OF TWO SEAS Kickstarter, bringing you oceans of incredible creatures and amazing adventures from coast to coast for Pathfinder 1E plus Pathfinder 2E and D&D 5E! This amazing project brings you two terrific options for nautical and aquatic adventure for your favorite system, focusing on the Mediterranean and the Caribbean! You'll find over 250 terrific creatures rooted in the myths and legends of the Caribbean and Central and South America, Southern Europe, and North Africa, plus killer campaign options like Boricubos: The Lost Isles for the Caribbean and the Mother of Monsters Adventure Path evoking the glories of ancient Greece! You can also find incredible bundles of our Legendary Bestiaries line with over a thousand monsters and more, plus bonus books for aquatic adventuring and nautical campaigns, magic items, deluxe hardcovers, and a bevy of options for VTT support with Roll20, Foundry, Fantasy Grounds, and Shard! For Pathfinder players and 5E fans alike, there's just ONE WEEK LEFT to seek adventure on the sunny shores of the subtropics and all the seven seas! Join A Tale of Two Seas today on Kickstarter!

It's been a marvelous May for PF1 classes, because if you missed it, we hope you go back and check out our new release from the beginning of the month, Legendary Classes: Blood Disciples! The dragon disciple is a classic PF1 prestige class, and the marvelous Margherita Tramontano has taken that core concept and spun adventuring gold with a 15 fantastic prestige classes themed on an awesome array of mystical bloodlines like Arcane, Aberrant, Fey, Psychic, Verdant, and Celestial! Plus, you have complete mythic rules for each prestige class and new feats and spells to complement them as well! You can unleash these amazing bloodlines in your campaign today with this massive 62-page book in PDF and print at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

Last but not least, we are in the final phase of our A TALE OF TWO SEAS Kickstarter, bringing you oceans of incredible creatures and amazing adventures from coast to coast for Pathfinder 1E plus Pathfinder 2E and D&D 5E! This amazing project brings you two terrific options for nautical and aquatic adventure for your favorite system, focusing on the Mediterranean and the Caribbean! You'll find over 250 terrific creatures rooted in the myths and legends of the Caribbean and Central and South America, Southern Europe, and North Africa, plus killer campaign options like Boricubos: The Lost Isles for the Caribbean and the Mother of Monsters Adventure Path evoking the glories of ancient Greece! You can also find incredible bundles of our Legendary Bestiaries line with over a thousand monsters and more, plus bonus books for aquatic adventuring and nautical campaigns, magic items, deluxe hardcovers, and a bevy of options for VTT support with Roll20, Foundry, Fantasy Grounds, and Shard! For Pathfinder players and 5E fans alike, there's just ONE WEEK LEFT to seek adventure on the sunny shores of the subtropics and all the seven seas! Join A Tale of Two Seas today on Kickstarter!