The Faerie Bestiary is now available for Pathfinder RPG, bringing you monsters from every flavor of fairy tale and that dance along the borders of dream and reality with unspeakable grace and wild abandon. You’ll find over 130 incredible creatures from the Fey Realms both seelie and unseelie alike, from brownies and gremlins to fey courtiers and lampad queens, tiny snapdragon leshys and titanic mountain trolls. You’ll find dragons of utter bliss alongside lovely lillends and hideous hags, plus killer creatures from Pathfinder Second Edition redesigned for use with the original edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! You’ll find monsters from CR 1/3 to 22 and nearly every creature type, plus appendices on mythic rules and dreamscapes! The Faerie Bestiary is the perfect addition to any wilderness campaign or anywhere the fey have left their touch on the world. Check out this incredible 248-page bestiary for Pathfinder RPG at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, or DrivethruRPG!

The Faerie Bestiary (PF2) with over 200 incredible creatures from the Fey Realms both seelie and unseelie alike, from fauns and hamadryads to brownies and bandersnatches. Beyond true faeries you'll find mosslords, dream dragons, forestmaster unicorns, daemons of woe, spirits of love, animate arias, horrid hags, and so much more from Level from -1 to 25, plus appendices on fey-touched beasts and dreamscapes!
The print version is in production now and will be available this summer, but you can preorder it today, and you can get the PDF right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG! Plus, you can get it on VTT for Roll20 right now and coming soon to Foundry! If you want a sneak peek, you can even bet our 23-page FREE Preview PDF for Faerie Bestiary PF2 at DrivethruRPG!
With 304 pages of creatures from flavor of fairy tale and that dance along the borders of dream and reality with unspeakable grace and wild abandon, the Faerie Bestiary (5E) features nearly 240 incredible creatures from the Fey Realms both seelie and unseelie alike, not just true faeries but fey-themed dragons, fiends, celestial, undead, and so much more, from Challenge 0 to 30! We've just received our print samples and they are BEAUTIFUL, and our shipment of the print version will be available this summer, but you can preorder it today, and you can get the PDF right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG! Plus, you can get it on VTT for Roll20 right now, and the module is also complete and waiting on approvals at Foundry and on its way soon at Shard too!
Two of the very finest people--not just in the RPG business, but of anyone you're ever likely to meet--is Owen K.C. Stephens and his wife Lj. Owen has been a longtime friend and ally of Legendary Games, working on projects for us, and Lj has done layout on dozens of our projects too. The two of them are facing some major medical bills right now, including multiple surgeries and Owen's recent cancer diagnosis. To help cover his growing cancer bills, Legendary Games and nearly 20 other publishers have donated products to two bundles, each with more than $700 worth of products for $35, a titanic 95% savings! Here are the links for Bundle #1 and Bundle #2!
Each bundle has a range of product types, such adventures, campaign settings, character options, core rulebooks, equipment books, GM tools, monster books, NPCs, paper figures, starships, and even official Paizo game fiction. They are made for a variety of game systems, including A.C.E., Eclipse Phase, ICONS, Mutants & Masterminds, Pathfinder 1st ed, Pathfinder 2nd ed, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Shotguns & Sorcery, Spectaculars, and Starfinder! But hurry! These bundles will only be available through May 15th, so if you want to support an incredible couple that help make the gaming community better, or even if you just want to save HUGE on a ton of terrific gaming material, we invite you to check out these bundles soon!

This beautiful bestiary is also available for Pathfinder Second Edition and DnD 5E!
The Faerie Bestiary (PF2) with over 200 incredible creatures from the Fey Realms both seelie and unseelie alike, from fauns and hamadryads to brownies and bandersnatches. Beyond true faeries you'll find mosslords, dream dragons, forestmaster unicorns, daemons of woe, spirits of love, animate arias, horrid hags, and so much more from Level from -1 to 25, plus appendices on fey-touched beasts and dreamscapes!
The print version is in production now and will be available this summer, but you can preorder it today, and you can get the PDF right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG! Plus, you can get it on VTT for Roll20 right now and coming soon to Foundry! If you want a sneak peek, you can even bet our 23-page FREE Preview PDF for Faerie Bestiary PF2 at DrivethruRPG!
The Faerie Bestiary (5E) is even bigger still!
With 304 pages of creatures from flavor of fairy tale and that dance along the borders of dream and reality with unspeakable grace and wild abandon, the Faerie Bestiary (5E) features nearly 240 incredible creatures from the Fey Realms both seelie and unseelie alike, not just true faeries but fey-themed dragons, fiends, celestial, undead, and so much more, from Challenge 0 to 30! We've just received our print samples and they are BEAUTIFUL, and our shipment of the print version will be available this summer, but you can preorder it today, and you can get the PDF right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG! Plus, you can get it on VTT for Roll20 right now, and the module is also complete and waiting on approvals at Foundry and on its way soon at Shard too!
Incredi-Bundles for Owen KC Stephens!
Two of the very finest people--not just in the RPG business, but of anyone you're ever likely to meet--is Owen K.C. Stephens and his wife Lj. Owen has been a longtime friend and ally of Legendary Games, working on projects for us, and Lj has done layout on dozens of our projects too. The two of them are facing some major medical bills right now, including multiple surgeries and Owen's recent cancer diagnosis. To help cover his growing cancer bills, Legendary Games and nearly 20 other publishers have donated products to two bundles, each with more than $700 worth of products for $35, a titanic 95% savings! Here are the links for Bundle #1 and Bundle #2!
Each bundle has a range of product types, such adventures, campaign settings, character options, core rulebooks, equipment books, GM tools, monster books, NPCs, paper figures, starships, and even official Paizo game fiction. They are made for a variety of game systems, including A.C.E., Eclipse Phase, ICONS, Mutants & Masterminds, Pathfinder 1st ed, Pathfinder 2nd ed, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Shotguns & Sorcery, Spectaculars, and Starfinder! But hurry! These bundles will only be available through May 15th, so if you want to support an incredible couple that help make the gaming community better, or even if you just want to save HUGE on a ton of terrific gaming material, we invite you to check out these bundles soon!