Release [Legendary Games] New Arcforge Expansion for SF and PF, and 700+ page Legendary Planet is almost here!


But hey, running an amazing Kickstarter is no reason to stop releasing even more amazing products!!! Want proof? Check out the latest incredible installment in the Arcforge Campaign Setting by Matt Daley with the 44-page Starlight Inheritors! Detailing the star-spanning species of Aurim cast away from the world of Vandara and left to drift across the cosmic firmament, this spectacular supplement for both Starfinder and Pathfinder rules has tons of new options for ancestry and racial traits for dromite, trox, maenads, shirren, cephalumes, and more, plus chaos-tainted sentient starships infused with the essence of the apocalyptic qlippoth hordes, and new and enhanced monsters from the awakened demilich to the letztermensch! Check them all out today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and Amazon!

Last but certainly not least, we are almost done sending out our 700+ page Legendary Planet Adventure Path for DnD 5E and Pathfinder RPG out to our backers, and once they've got theirs all sent out, we'll be unleashing nearly 1500 pages of cosmic adventure from 1st to 20th level for two systems, including hundreds of pages of new monsters, magic items, technology, sci-fi adventure rules, character options, and so much more for YOU. COMING NEXT WEEK!

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