D&D (2024) [Legendary Games] Sea Monsters Quick-Starter Ends This Friday!


Our latest Quick-Starter, Sea Monsters: Pirates, Plunder, & Peril ENDS FRIDAY, August 9th, with fulfillment starting this weekend! Get beautiful books, cards, PDFs, and VTT modules for DnD 5E, Black Flag Roleplaying/Tales of the Valiant, Pathfinder RPG, and Pathfinder Second Edition!

Get an incredible array of maritime monstrosities from coral golems and draugr crews, the devilfish and slaughtermaw lamprey, plus legendary foes like the scylla, charybdis, and Midgard Serpent! Plus get titanic tomes of all things nautical with the Pirate Campaign Compendium for 5E (448 pages) and Pathfinder RPG (a whopping 500 pages)--alas, no version yet for PF2 & BFR.
If you've got pirates, you want plunder, and this project has terrific treasure troves behind it with the Ultimate Treasury and Legendary Loot Cards for 5E and the Massive Magic Bundles for PF1 and PF2! Plus, tons of VTT support on Roll20, Foundry, Fantasy Grounds, and Shard!

This is a Quick-Starter project, which means PDFs are ready to go this weekend and books are either already printed or ready to go once we collect shipping information via Backerkit. We even have a few discount deals left with the Set Sail at Dawn and X Marks the Spot pledges! Whatever your favorite system, we hope you'll check out Sea Monsters: Pirates, Plunder, & Peril launching next week and running through the week after GenCon! It all ends Friday, August 9th so don't miss it!

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