Pathfinder 2E [Legendary Games] The MYTHOS MONSTERS Kickstarter is live for Pathfinder 1E and 2E!


The Mythos Monsters bestiary project is LIVE ON KICKSTARTER for Pathfinder 1E and 2E, with a 5E version also available as well as VTT support!

Within this tome of terrors, you'll find over 80 cosmic horrors, mythos minions, eldritch entities, and Great Old Ones, including mythic monsters and psionic creatures for PF1 and an awesome array of variants for PF2, including dream flumphs, neothelid psions, elder shoggoths, and intellect devourer pack leaders! You'll also find terrific templates to turn ordinary monsters into pseudonatural abominations from beyond the stars and find bonus spells and feats too! Awesome add-ons are also available, including adventures, campaign expansions, and the DnD 5E edition of Mythos Monsters!

This is a QUICKSTARTER project, lasting just 15 days, but we don't just mean a quick campaign. Quick means your PDFs will be available immediately after the campaign ends and all print books and add-ons, including our fantastic Fates of Madness horror card game, will be shipping out as soon as our 20 Kickstarters of experience can get them headed your way! If you love eldritch horror and tentacular goodness, you need to get this beautiful full-color bestiary for your Pathfinder game, whichever version you like best!

We launch today but it all ends June 23rd, so spread the word and pledge today! THE STARS ARE RIGHT!


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The EN World kitten
I wanted to ask, for the PF1E version, how much of this book is new content? The preview on the KS page shows part of the Xenoid template, as well as the Mythic Yithian, but both of those are originally from Mythic Monsters #21: Mythos Too.


I wanted to ask, for the PF1E version, how much of this book is new content? The preview on the KS page shows part of the Xenoid template, as well as the Mythic Yithian, but both of those are originally from Mythic Monsters #21: Mythos Too.
The 80 or so monsters in this book include the 26 monsters and that template from Mythic Monsters 5: Mythos and Mythic Monsters 21: Mythos Too, plus a lot of monsters from Legendary Planet, Aegis of Empires, Alien Bestiary, Gothic Campaign Compendium, Mythic Monster Manual, and some of the other Mythos Monsters books (like the mythic worm that walks and I believe the mythic seugathi and mythic neothelid are from Mythos Monsters: Worms) and variety of other LG books over the years, plus a number of more obscure creatures drawn from other sources, including some official Paizo monsters. The collection of monsters there mirrors the collection in the PF2 version of the book so that both books would have approximately the same creatures, even though a portion of them already existed in PF1.

The PF1 is more of a collection of existing monsters from all over the place, all fully illustrated and collected in one place. The PF2 version has far more monsters that are brand new to this book (not surprising, given we've published about 10x as many PF1 products as PF2 products!).

Voidrunner's Codex

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