Legends of Tomorrow Trailer


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Looks absolutely superb! I can't wait for this!


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Dog Moon

So apparently the Atom DID manage to survive the explosion that tore through the top building the Palmer industries.

And they brought Sara back from the dead somehow.

And Snart goes from betraying the Flash to working with the Flash?

They are definitely going to have some explaining to do!

But I do think this looks interesting. So this means that both the Flash and the Arrow are going to be in two different series going on simultaneously? Or are they just sorta backups that introduce the other characters and then just pop in on occasion like they've been crossing over on occasion this past season?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So this means that both the Flash and the Arrow are going to be in two different series going on simultaneously? Or are they just sorta backups that introduce the other characters and then just pop in on occasion like they've been crossing over on occasion this past season?

The latter. They're there to set it up.


First Post
So now Rory's a Time lord...I mean time "master"

Yeah I know there's a DC character Rip Hunter but still

Neat idea, less impressed with Captain Cold and Heatwave being involved. We're losing them as villains because the actor was too good, which is a shame. Like with Spike in Bufffy.
I hope it's just because there's not enough metahumans that aren't eeeevil and they'll slowly add more and phase out the villains.

While Robbie Raymond isn't involved, I hope he's a regular guest start.


A suffusion of yellow
While Robbie Raymond isn't involved, I hope he's a regular guest start.

I noticed that with Stein only half of Firestorm there are actually no metahumans on this team, its all tech and reincarnation, although Hawkgirl may be a reincarnated meta-princess.

as to Snart, I do hope he doesnt get over exposed as an anti-hero, he's too good a foil for the Flash but I can see how he could be motivated to join these Legends...

Voidrunner's Codex

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